Goalie // Sidney Crosby

By alittlebitbias

164K 2.1K 254

Emerson Rousseau was going to be the second woman to play in the NHL since the 90's. After her four required... More

The Beginning


5.5K 75 5
By alittlebitbias

Emerson closed the door of her new car that she got only a few weeks ago. She was exhausted since she could hardly sleep knowing about today. Receiving a text from Flower last night that Sidney Crosby wanted to meet up at the practice rink earlier made her whole night be spent with her tossing and turning. Within just a few minutes she was going to be meeting the best hockey player in the world. And more importantly, her captain... A guy she had always fawned over for years due to his legendary hockey skills.

There was far too much for her to be worried about. She was terrified of the judgment that could come from him, especially since he's known for being a more private person. At least Emerson had the rest of the teams approval; now all she needed it from was the three players who were at the world cup. Sidney probably being the one person she would be seeking it most from now that she already had Fleury's.

Emerson's feet seemed to scuff the slightly damp pavement as she dragged herself to the entrance of the practice arena. She had a coffee Pete brewed up for her in one hand, her phone in another, and a small duffel with clothes and random necessities on her right shoulder. If her whole body felt heavy now, she could hardly imagine what it would be like later.

The sky was still fairly dark, gray clouds slowly moving across, barely allowing any fresh morning sun through. The air was starting to grow colder with each passing day, filled with musk and a thin breeze. Fall really was right around the corner.

As she approached the entrance the athletes would take, she noticed a tall, built figure standing outside the door. The man was looking down at what appeared to be his phone. The sight made Emerson stop in her tracks, immediately she noticed this to be Sidney. Her heart beat felt like it was quickening, her voice already feeling trapped.

This right now was definitely a make or break moment for her. First impressions were important; and as she stood in sweats, a jacket, nikes and her long messy-wavy hair down; Emerson didn't think she was about to wow anyone.

It was Sidney's cough that tore her attention away from her thoughts as now she somehow only stood a few feet in front of him.

"Emerson, nice to see you." Sid gave her a bright smile, easily gliding over to her.

"Y-you too.."

"Let me take this for you." It was one thing to hear this man's voice through a screen, but another to hear it's kind dulcet tones, and the signature laugh that would go along with it.

Already Sidney seemed so kind, but still gave off those vibes. The ones where they know they're good, talented, important. He easily towered over her hardly taller than 5'4" frame. He was more thick, muscular so to say in person.

"O-oh you don't need to." Emerson couldn't argue though as Sidney took the duffel bag from her shoulder onto his own.

"It's my pleasure, nice to finally meet you." How in the morning could he look so put together? Emerson felt like she was hardly able to stand while he looked like he was ready to take on the day. His hair kept perfectly, freshly shaved.. this man really did keep to higher standards.

"You too!" Emerson had to quicken her pace to keep up with Sid as they entered the empty halls of the arena as soon as they were inside. His strides were much bigger and more confident as to where they were going, "Um, what would you like me to call you-"

"Sidney or Sid is fine. What about yourself?"

"Ems is what most people call me."

"Most people as in teammates?"

"I have an old nickname from college but I'm planning on dropping that.."

Sid cocked an eyebrow and a side smirk at her as he took a right down another hallway, "and what would that be?"

Emerson felt like she was already beginning to ramble on things that were just too personal to share to someone she just met, "Oh uh, Sleeps.. it was from a one time incident it's-"

"Take a deep breath, I swear I'm not that scary." It was like the center could read her mind. Too many thoughts were going in and out and she could hardly process them all. She felt her whole body beginning to heat up, and it was all because of one man she was just meeting in person for the first time. He must have this type of effect on everyone...

"I wasn't-"

Sidney only laughed in amusement making her go quiet. He watched the young goalie start to turn red, and it was obvious to him she was on the quieter side. It was hard for him not to wonder how similar the two were, or at least from when he was a rookie.

"We're here." he opened the door to the main lockeroom they used in their time here.

"Huh I didn't realize this was the other way to get here." Emerson of course recognzied the room. Most of her stuff was already at her locker.

"I'm always the one player who takes the unconventional ways, sorry." he strode over placing her bag with the rest of her stuff.

"You're fine. And thank you Sidney."

"Let's stick with Sid.. that sounds way too serious coming from you." another hearty laugh that made her stomach drop.

Emerson looked down, scuffing a foot against the dark gray carpet, "Sorry."

The Captain clearly felt a lot more comfortable with the situation and the room as he helped himself to a seat, staring at the girl. His eyes innocently wandered up her form taking her in. If he was going to be spending up to nine months (if they made it to the finals) with this girl, he wanted to get to know her.

She had long brown, yet blondish hair that went well down to her middle back. It was messy looking like she hardly tried to run a brush through it. Her face was pale, the dark bags under her eyes made her look more exhausted than she may have actually been. And to his surprise, Emerson was a lot smaller than he had been expecting for a girl who played hockey. Even in a woman's league she'd be on the smallish end. Yet for a man who was 29 years old, he found this girl to be cute.

"We're all very glad that you're here."

"I am too."

"You know you can take a seat right? You don't have to stand."

"Oh sorry."

Sidney chuckled seeing Emerson's inner turmoil evident in her eyes. She looked flustered for whatever reason.

Cautiously Emerson took a seat besides the older man, not wanting to seem too out of place. Her stomach was full of knots because she felt the need to make sure every move she made was calculated. Sidney would definitely be watching her closely..

"I hope that you can be completely comfortable on the team. But there's gonna be a lot of changes with you here, so if any guy isn't accommodating at first, I'm sorry. I've already talked with some people to see where they're at, so I'd like to know how you're feeling." It didn't take him any time at all to get right down to things.

"I'm perfectly fine. I mean, I've never had issues on any team I've been on. And I'm sure it wouldn't start here."

"I don't want it to, trust me. So if something comes up let me know. I probably mean that more specifically with media or what not..." His arms then crossed, a slight frown apparent, "or if you feel more comfortable with Flower, but let one of us know if you're feeling off with things. We want all new teammates to feel like they're welcomed, and I'm not sure if things'll be easier or harder for you."

".... this is a whole new level of play and coverage and yah.. I understand.."

"Hey, I don't want our first conversation to be super serious, or seeming like I'm talking down to you.." Sid saw the discomfort in her body. Emerson was clearly thinking, he wasn't trying to bother her, "I'm excited you're here. You're a top notch goalie, and under Fleury I'm sure you'll strive."

"Thank you Sid. And, congratulations on winning the World Cup! I watched the tournament, you all looked great."

"I appreciate that."

In the last remaining minutes before other teammates starting to trickle into the lockeroom, Sidney and Emerson engaged in easy small talk. Emerson felt comfortable talking with him, at least in this way. There were soft laughs and smiles- which helped make Emerson slowly see Sidney in a different light than earlier. He want from being serious, right to the point, to easy going like this. The overwhelming smell of his fresh cologne had been making her mind go weak. She just felt weak at the sight of him.


The whole practice Sidney kept his eyes carefully glued to the new goalie. Emerson was working with Fleury while they were all doing drills. Sometimes their practices would be pointless for goalies, but with games rapidly approaching they'd have to be spending extra time at the rink for special training.

"You think new girl cute?"

Sidney immediately looked up at his taller friend. Geno skated over to the Captain when he saw where his eyes were focused to, "Huh?"

"You should not stare Cap. Might freak her out."

"I wasn't..."

"Sure you weren't."

"Have you talked to her yet?" Sidney changed the conversation.

"Earlier, yes. Very very nice."

"I know she is. Flower thinks she's the best, and our other rookie Guentzel seems close enough with her."

"She'll become one of guys, don't worry." on that note the Russian skated over to Kunitz after Coach Sullivan started barking some orders.

Sidney felt more concerned with how Emerson was doing though. He had seen highlights of some of her best saves, yet never in person. Hopefully soon they'd be getting to practice shots on her so he could gage her more. During a game Sid needed to know if it was coming down to the last minutes that Emerson could pull through.

It didn't take long for the two Penguins goalies to skate over to all the linies. They were all geared up and looked ready to go. That was when Sid noticed how much he had missed. There was no awkwardness with Emerson around, a few guys even through some jokes her way- which she responded smartly to.

This girl was something else.

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