It All Began With A Letter

By innocentuniverse

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Letters. Who knew they could hold your future? Your love? Your job? A fortune? Good news? Bad news? Change mo... More

It All Began With A Letter
Chapter 1: Meeting Asher
Chapter 2: Ice Cream
Chapter 3: Hidden Talent
Chapter 4: Matching Names and Faces With Jerks
Chapter 5: Flirting In Class
Chapter 6: Party Time
Chapter 7: Healing Burns
Chapter 8: Italian Restuarant
Chapter 9: Clubbing Hard
Chapter 10: Re-meeting Sam
Chapter 11: Shopping Time
Chapter 12: Free Period
Chapter 13: Wish You Were Here
Chapter 14: Everyone Has Problems
Chapter 15: Dealing With Danny
Chapter 16: Depressing News
Chapter 17: Memories
Chapter 18: Songs to Play
Chapter 19: A Day I Want To Forget
Chapter 20: The Dinner
Chapter 21: We're More Alike Than You Think
Chapter 22: The New Student
Chapter 23: Malibu
Chapter 24: Counting Stars
Chapter 25: Candy
Chapter 26: Takes Being A Rebel To Know One
Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home...
Chapter 29:Graduation

Chapter 27: Young Forever

342 7 0
By innocentuniverse

"So what's the plan?" I asked Jordan.

"There is no plan!" she yelled with a smile on her face. "That's the whole idea! We just do whatever the hell we want! This is how you become a professional bad ass. And no, you don't become one by taking a balloon on free balloon day or screaming at the top of your lungs," Jordan finished sternly.

I laughed. "I've already done that. Way passed that stage," I told her, waving my hand in the air.

We walked further down the street. It was beginning to get late and the sun was slowly lowering into the sky, bringing all off it's bright colors with it.

We passed by people walking their dogs and people waiting for the bus and occasionally, people still at their little stands trying to sell whatever they had to offer.

I passed by someone that was selling a really cute pair of shoes and I wanted to get it but Jordan gripped my wrist, forcing me to continue forward.

"You left your phone at home right?" she asked me.

I nodded. "What kind of rebel would I be if I brought my phone and it rang while we were trying to sneak into some place?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. "Exactly why I was asking."

"Hey! You give me a lot less credit than I deserve," I told her, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yeah, well, maybe you can gain that and more at the end of the night. Now, today we will do what I call a Mission 10. I do it whenever I just want to do something instead of being bored, and watching TV on my couch with fifty cats," she told me as we crossed a street.

"You have fifty cats?!" I asked her.

"NO! Why would- Ugh! I guess you're also one of those brunettes that act like a blond."

"I'm not a brunette! My hair's black!" I told her.

"Whatever. Anyways, a Mission 10 is when we go out and do ten rebellious things. So really, it should be called 10 Missions but I personally think Mission 10 sounds cooler. It makes it sound so much more... more..." Jordan said, trying to find the right word.

"Secretive? Formal? Business-y?" I suggested.

"Yeah, whatever you said."

"Okay, so what's mission number one?" I asked her, eager to get started.

Jordan took her gaze off me and looked around the dark, deserted streets. She bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows together, trying to decide what we should do.

Then, her head shot up and she smiled before taking a piece of paper out of her back pocket. It was really small. Or at least that's what I thought before she unfolded it to create a big, detailed map of Malibu. Yep, every street, alley, restaurant, beach, bus station, etc., was on there.

"How the heck did you get that?!" I asked her. I'm pretty sure that since I came to Malibu a lot when I was little, I had never seen a map like that and no one I passed by on the street had one.

She looked up from the map and smirked at me. "I'm good with maps and computers," Jordan answered simply.

Then, reaching into her other pocket, she produced another small square, handing it to me.

She gave a small smile saying, "I figured you wouldn't have one. Then again, no one but me has- or had- one of these so consider yourself lucky!" Then, changing to a more serious tone, she told me, "Don't show this to anyone or give it to anyone! And don't lose it either!"

I smirked at her. "I'm not that dumb," I said, opening it up to produce the same map as her.

"Anyways, where to first?" I asked her.

She glanced around the street before turning her attention back towards the map, then back towards the deserted street again.

Jordan smirked as she came up with an idea. "Follow me," she said.

I followed her and four minutes later, without help from the map (it seemed that Jordan memorized the map inside and out), we were in a dark alley.

"Is this the part when some drunk guy comes out and tries to rape us?" I joked.

She smirked at my humor. "Maybe," she said as she continued to walk forward.

I glanced ahead, and even though it was dark, I could tell it was a dead end.

"Jordan, where are we-" I started but she placed a hand off my mouth, silencing me.

"You really are an amateur!" she scolded me. "When people are on a mission to be rebels, they don't say each other's name!"

My mouth formed into a perfect o. "Sorry," I told her when she unclasped her hand from my mouth.

Jordan shook her head and walked towards one side of the dark alley before turning back towards me.

"You coming?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

It was then that I realized I hadn't even moved yet. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts as I walked over to where she was standing.

It was then that I noticed a small part of something sticking out of the alley. I squinted, trying to get a better look.

I found a hinge and my brain started functioning. A door! It's a door in an alley.

Jordan slipped a key into a slot beside the door that I hadn't even noticed. The lights on the slot didn't turn green, red, make a noise, or anything. Jordan pulled the key out and then opened the door with the same smirk she'd been wearing for the past ten minutes.

We stepped through the door and my mind immediately began to take in my surroundings. We were in some unknown club. Or at least it was unknown to most people.

I smiled at the thought of a secret club. And I was in it.

Jordan and I walked over to the bar and Jordan told the bartender, "The usual." He immediately began fixing up our orders.

"So," I started as the bartender was mixing the drinks, "I take it you come here often."

She shrugged but had a smile on her face. The bartender then came back and handed us our drinks and we both took a sip.

"I guess you could say that," Jordan said, before downing the rest of her drink. I stared at her as sh finished it, getting every last drop before smacking her glass on the counter.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. A light went off in my head as I mimicked her, downing my drink, getting every last drop, and finally smacking my glass down on the counter.

I looked back to her for approval and she grinned.

"What next?" I asked her over the loud music.

"What's next?!" she asked me like she couldn't believe I was asking that. "We haven't even started," she yelled.

I opened my mouth to answer but before I could, Jordan took her empty glass and smashed it against the counter. I followed along too, watching as the clear, glossy figure turned from one piece to a billion little specks all over the floor.

Jordan grinned as she hopped up on one of the bar stools mounted to the floor. She then jumped on the counter as some random guy in the crowd handed her a mic before disappearing into the sea of people. The DJ started blasting a song and I didn't recognize it until Jordan started signing. I have to say, for a rebel, she had an amazing voice.

We'll be young forever

We'll be young forever

We can be like prisoners, yeah

And we can be alone

We can make a mess like no one knows

And risk it on our own

Jordan looked at me, signaling for me to join in but I didn't have a mic so I couldn't. Or at least that's what I thought before some drunk person shoved a mic in my face, almost smacking my head with it and giving me a concussion.

Spendin' the money that we don't have

Cause we don't care, no-oh

Livin' like kings with broken strings

And our face down to the floor

Livin' with our headphones up

We've got sound and that's enough

Nobody can touch us

And we run and we run and we run

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

We'll be young forever 'til forever stops

We're singing

Hey hey we'll be young forever

Tonight will last forever 'til our bodies drop

We can run through the night

Write our name up in the sky

got the music on our side

Ain't no body gonna catch us singin'

Hey hey we'll be young forever

On the world forever and we'll never stop

Look at us look at us we'll take the whole world by surprise

Million dollar mindset in place, you can see it in our eyes

Everything here is ours to take so come and take your side

Livin' like kings with broken strings

And the beats so synthesized

We can turn the speakers up

Cause we've got sound and that's enough

Nobody can touch us

And we run and we run and we run

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

We'll be young forever 'til forever stops

We're singing

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

Tonight will last forever 'til our bodies drop

We can run through the night

Write our name up in the sky

Got the music on our side

Ain't nobody gonna catch us singin'

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

On the run forever and we'll never stop

We're gonna rule the world, tonight

The beat of the drums keeps us alive

Tonight will last forever 'til our bodies drop…

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

we'll be young forever 'til forever stops

We're singin'

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

Tonight will last forever 'til our bodies drop

We can run through the night

Write our name up in the sky

We can run, run, run away

Ain't nobody gonna catch us singing

Hey, hey, we'll be young forever

On the run forever and we'll never stop

Run, run, run away

We can run, run, run away

We finished singing and the crowd went wild as we jump off the counter, onto the floor. Jordan and I made a dash for the exit when we heard sirens in the distance. Cop sirens.

I was about to exit the way we came when Jordan grabbed my arm, taking me behind the counter where the bartender worked. The bartender, whom I just noticed had a name badge on saying 'Jay', ushered for us to go through this little panel in the wall.

Unsure of whether I should or not but not wanting to get caught by cops, I pushed my body through the hole and landed on a soft padding. Jordan came out a second later, falling next to me.

I looked around and noticed we were in what looked like an old apartment.

Before I could ask Jordan any questions, she hoisted herself up, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me over to a flight of stairs. We walked up it in silence and soon, we came to the roof.

I walked out to the edge and smiled at how beautiful it was.

I heard a crinkling noise behind me and turned to see Jordan taking her map out of her pocket.

I walked over to her and saw the line she was tracing her finger along. It ran from this building, all the way to another building that was around the block.

"Okay, I'll go first," Jordan said as she took the map and folded it back up into the tiny little square and stuffed it in her pocket.

She walked to the edge of the roof and I quickly freaked out.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" I asked her.

She laughed. "How else are we supposed to get to the buildings?" she asked.

My mind thought back to when she had the map out. The route to the building around the block wasn't on a street. It just ran over the tops of the buildings, which I realized, was what we were going to do.

I sighed and took a deep breath before turning around. I saw Jordan perched on the building next to us, impatiently waiting for me.

Gathering all my courage, I stepped to the edge of the building before bending my knees and hopping onto the next one. At first, I was scared, but now adrenaline covered whatever fear there was.

Jordan smiled at me as we continued our way over the tops of the buildings. It was just getting started.


By the time I made it back to the hotel, it was about three in the morning and I would probably be on 'wanted' posters all over town, or at least my description.

We had gone into a store and literally trashed the whole place while the worker sat on chair behind the counter, his head on the counter, sleeping peacefully. After, we made sure to go back and take all the security tapes with us so they couldn't find us.

Then, we trashed a wedding. I kind of felt bad for ruining someone's happy moment but when I tasted the cake, I was glad I had. They had enough cake to feed the world. Okay, maybe not, but still.

Next, we had gone on someone's property and jumped in their pool.

After that, we did a numerous amount of reckless, free, careless stuff. I'm pretty sure ours was a Mission 20.

I stepped onto the elevator and clicked floor number five. The door slowly closed as I leaned back against the railing in the elevator. I thanked God that there was no elevator music in this place.

I watched the little numbers above the elevator door change, indicating which floor we were on.

One, Two.

My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten since way before. Plus, I really needed some candy!


I made a mental note to call Brittany tomorrow. She might be up partying today- or maybe not- but I was so tired that all I wanted to do was eat candy and sleep.

Four. Click.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out into the empty hallway. I turned right, heading towards our room.

I felt around in my pockets for my card key but it wasn't there. I really didn't want to wake anyone up but before I could even knock, the door flung open and I was pulled inside.

"What the-" I started.

"Where the hell were you? We were all worried sick!" Asher told me.

I took his hand off my mouth and took a few steps back, giving some space between us.

"No one said you had to wait for me," I told him as I walked into my room, in search of candy.

I finally found the bag on the shelf in the closet. How it got there, I'm not sure. I bet you a probably put it there and just forgot.

I took out a piece of blue raspberry licorice and took a bite of it, sitting down on my bed as Asher droned on and on with his speech.

Finally getting annoyed- and tired- I interrupted him. "Are you done yet? I'm tired."

Asher's face softened and he nodded. He turned and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked him. "You're not sleeping on the bed?"

He shrugged. "I just need some time to think things out," he told me.

I slowly nodded as I watched him disappear through the door.

I quickly brushed my teeth, changed into a t-shirt and shorts, and then hopped in bed, ready to sleep. But this time, the sleep wasn't as good as it had been when Asher held me.


Author's Note:

First off, be glad I even uploaded this. I felt bad for you because I hadn't uploaded sooner but here it is. Sorry if it's bad . I don't really like it myself. Then again, I wrote this half asleep.

I'm so tired so I'm not going to talk, but I will let you know I already have 2 story ideas that will be put into action soon.

Anyways, goodnigght!

Oh & vote, comment, fan, and all that good stuff! :]


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