
By hobisbody

201K 14.1K 8.3K

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โ†’ 001
โ†’ 002
17 [tw]
25 [tw]


4.1K 397 196
By hobisbody


"happy birthday!" they all cheered.

jimin jumped and fell back. "guys," he cried out. yoongi smiled and walked up to the boy an held a hand out for him. jimin took the soft hand into his and stood up. he looked at the five people in front of him.

there standing was hoseok, seokjin, namjoon, yoongi, and his mother.

"mommy! you took the day out?" he says, running up to her and embracing her tightly.

"of course i did," she smiled and tighten her grip around jimin. "i wouldn't miss your eighteenth, not even for the world."

"where's dad?" he asked, voice muffled in her chest.

"he-he's at work. he won't be back for awhile, i'm afraid." her expression softened and the moral fell.

"anyways," hoseok clapped. "we got the birthday boy a crown!" he went into his string bag and pulled out a cardboard burger king crown.

"i told you not to bring that!" namjoon's eyes widened. seokjin rolled his.

"thanks, hobi." jimin pulled away from his mother and put the object into his head. "it's perfect."

"good," hoseok said, scratching the back of his head. "because i'm broke from spending my money on burger king and forgot to buy you a gift."

seokjin smacked the back of his head and jimin laughed. "it's the thought that counts, right?"

he laughed more until his mother pulled him to the side. "that yoongi guy? he's your boyfriend, right?"

jimin blushed. "not yet, but hopefully soon." he glanced over at the black haired boy. he smiled warmly.

"he's a good boy," she said. "ask for permission and everything. although," she paused. "he asked for those three friends but how come taehyung and jungkook didn't show up?"

"oh, they're just really busy," he lied horribly.

"i'm gonna have to invite him and his mother over for dinner this week to catch up," she noted and turned around.

"no!" he gasped, earning the attention from not only his mother but the other four.


"uh, nothing," he winced. "invite them."

yoongi frowned. he thought jungkook and taehyung were over with their obnoxious schemes.

"oh!" yoongi gasped. he went to the kitchen and grabbed a blue sparkly box that was wrapped by himself. it looked as half-assed like his outfit—which was just the basic forest green hoodie and jeans.

"i knew yoongi was gay but i didn't he was that gay," namjoon chuckled. hoseok laughed along and cupped namjoons cheek, kissing it.

"it was the only wrapping paper my mother had left. and it's better than a oily burger king crown." yoongi scolded namjoon and hoseok while seokjin finally let out a laugh.

"anyways," yoongi said, walking up to jimin. his mother smiled warmly, placing her hands onto jimin's shoulders.

"is this for me?" jimin awed.

"no, it's for the cat," he deadpanned.

"but we don't—"

"he's messing with you!" seokjin yelled in a funny voice.

"open it." yoongi gave the sparkling gift to jimin who gladly accepted it. he sat down on the single chair and unwrapped it carefully, not wanting to rip the paper (he thought it was the prettiest thing he's ever seen besides yoongi).

jimin gasped when he pulled out a camera recorder and a small choker-necklace type of object.

"i get the camera, but did you just get my son the 'black belt for dick sucking?'" his mother said.

jimin coughed. "mom! what the heck?!"

"oh, mrs. park-"

"miss," she corrected.

"miss park," he corrected himself. "you see that 'j'? the j is a camera. i have an upcoming project for my class where i do a small documentary about this generations high school life. and what's better than giving your fellow high school interest a camera?"

yoongi smiled proudly and crossed his arms. jimin's mother nodded. "you're just perfect," she sighed.

"what happens when the project is over?" jimin raised a brow.

"i'll take the camera out. i'll also shut it off at night so it's less weird that i'm recording you," he chuckled. he leaned down to jimin's ear. "but promise me you will point it on you when you take a shower?"

jimin snorted and hit yoongi's chest and stood up.

"i think this is my cue to go get the cake." his mother walked away, heels clanking on the hardwood floor.

"happy birthday, jimin," yoongi whispered into his ear again as he nuzzled the younger into his chest.

"you wanna know something?" jimin's voice was once again muffled against yoongi's soft sweatshirt. his scent hit jimin's nose wonderfully.

"what is it?"

❝you know, sometimes words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. sometimes it needs a little effort. and you, min yoongi, have given me that effort.❞

the falling action.
anyways, i have a feeling that in the next 24 hours ill reach 10k
thank you all for reading my book
your feedback gives me literal inspiration to continue writing this shitty ff

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