Not the Right Shade

By CrymoreFics

44.6K 826 123

Twilight fanfiction. Alec Volturi x oc. Sybil, despite her hazy past, knows the basic rights and wrongs of th... More

The return
Past reveled, yet still in the dark
Different circumstances
Little Black Hoodie and the Big Bad Vampire
Storm. Part 1; Heads on Shoulders
Storm: Part 2; Head will roll
Private Talks
Nightmare Fuel
A Bundle of Feelings
Memories, Where'd You Go?
Hello Readers!
Hello naughty Sophia, its trial time

On Your Sleeve

997 15 1
By CrymoreFics

Sophia paced the length of her favorite field in thought. If that dumbass frat boy was captured, he could call her out. The best plan of action was to go to Italy and persuade them to disregard anything Nicholas-Bradley said or accuse. If luck was her side, Aro would be gone, and she could bring up that she fought alongside Caius in the wars. That's sure to bring her brownie points.

But for certain, they cannot discover she killed her own newborn to cover her past tryst, or that she tried to create an army.

God, this would be easier if Cyril didn't leave.


Sybil opened the door to

Surprise, surprise,


Sarcasm aside, he looked worried. If that was an emotion that Alec even felt, because it's not like he purposely tries to be emotionless or anything. Okay, now sarcasm aside.

"My appointment went fine; I ate a wolf pack but after a year or so, they think I'm gonna make it; and no, I still don't really remember the lady who turned me." Sybil spluttered, trying to get all her words out before Alec could get a word in edge wise.

The elder vampire held an expression of immense confusion before shaking his head. "What? That's- that's not what I'm here for. I mean, I'm happy the appointment went well and that your fine, but this is because, well-" he broke off in a frustrated sigh. "Can we talk in private?" He asked, gesturing to the inside of Sybil's room.

The automatic response was, "Where's Jane?"

Alec swallowed hard. "She wanted me to say she's doing an errand for Master Aro-"

"She's torturing that frat asshat isn't she."

"Yes, yes she is."

Sybil laughed and stepped aside to let Alec in.

"What so important that we have to talk in a sound proofed room?"

Alec swallowed hard again before responding. "I have decided to, well, disclose information- that concerns you and I, you see- and I-" he stopped his rambling and saw Sybil's amused expression. "You're enjoying this far too much." He sighed.

"It's not often you trip over your words." She chuckled, sitting in the bed.

Instead of joining her in the bed, Alec kneeled in front the strange girl. "This is a very serious conversation, Sybil." He said sternly, trying to show exactly how serious he was.

"I'm sure, that's why you're stuttering." She giggled. Alec grasped Sybil's hand in his, gently cupping them. Sybil became somber and anxious. "Okay I'm paying attention." She said quietly.

Alec wetted his lips with his tongue before speaking. "When you first came here, you were so... ignorant of our species. And I didn't even let myself consider becoming-." He stopped and sighed, frustrated with himself. "We have mates, you know this?" Sybil nodded. "Master Aro and Caius have theirs; and Chelsea has Afton-"

"Wait, someone is mated to Caius? Willingly?" Sybil asked.

Alec rolled his eyes. "Yes, but that is not the point right now." He explained quickly. "Sybil." he sighed, using the back of his left hand to caress the strange girl's face, her lilac eyes widened and stared into Alec's own crimson pair. "Sybil, mates are the most important thing in a vampire's life. Once they are turned some spend centuries searching for theirs. I admit, I never gave much thought to my own, and I never searched for mine." He gently gripped Sybil's face with both hands and gave a small smile. "But it seemed that it didn't matter because she came to me."

Sybil's breathe hitch. "You mean- you and me? And, like," she spluttered, and Alec had to contain his laughter. "Like, you want me? I mean!" She ducked her head, probably to hide a blush that wasn't there. "You- I know everything was predestined and everything but," she placed one hand over Alec's, which was still on her face. Her thoughts swam. "Would you choose me? If you had a choice? Because I know I'm not exactly-"

Alec silenced her with a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'd choose you every single chance I would have." Alec reflected on his own words. Sybil had been abandoned before. She had chosen years of solitude over companionship. Sybil had never had anyone very close to her. Mates are meant to be together constantly; to never leave each other, Sybil had never had a relationship like that. "There is no one I'd want to be my mate beside you." He said earnestly, angling her face upwards.

Alec's head descended, softly pressing his mouth to Sybil's.

Sybil closed her eyes and stood up, her body slotting against Alec's, their lips never separating. She gasped quietly at the feeling of Alec; quiet, strong, solid; against her. His stone hands fell from her face and to her waist, gripping them tenderly and pulling her closer closer closer to him. Sybil brought her hands, shaking, to the lapels of his jacket, to the bring him closer to her, but because she thought she was going to fall down from being overwhelmed by the kiss. Sybil couldn't remember ever being kissed before, not in her human life at least, she couldn't remember the last time she let someone this close to her.

Alec sighed at Sybil grabbing his jacket, wrapping his arms around her waist, letting a trembling Sybil hang off him desperately. He felt powerful and weak at the same time, a storm raging and quieting within him simultaneously. 'What a strange sensation.' He thought idly, deepening the kiss.

Sybil squeaked at the feeling of Alec's tongue swiping at her bottom lip. He immediately moved back, ending the kiss; but both kept their eyes closed. Alec pressed a soft kiss to Sybil's ear, and she could feel the victorious smirk he wore.

"You've never been kissed before, have you?" He whispered lowly.

Sybil's head dropped on to his shoulder. "Shut it."

A dark chuckle resonated in Alec's chest. "There's no need to feel embarrassed, my beloved." He said, one hand fiddling with her own. "We have an eternity to practice after all." He added, nuzzling her neck.

Sybil gasped and Alec smirked again.


In Demetri's private quarters, Cyril glowered at the wall he was facing. Demetri noticed and questioned his companion. "What did that wall ever do to you?"

"I have a feeling something bad just happened." The ginger answered, and flopped down on the carefully made bed.

Demetri sighed in annoyance but said nothing. "Jane is extracting information on our newest prisoner. We should be able to-"

"She remembers me." Cyril interrupted.

Demetri didn't have to ask what he meant. The guard sighed and leaned against the wall. "Did she remember on her own?"

"A nightmare stirred up some memories, but she pieced it together herself." Cyril sighed, dragging a hand through his hair.

Demetri tutted and walked over the ginger, and quietly started fixing his hair. A tense silence settled between them. The tracker swallowed thickly and spoke. "... Will you take her with you when you leave?"

Cyril's neck snapped upward and stared at the Voltuti member with wide orange eyes. "Who says I'm leaving."

Once again, Demetri was mentally comparing Cyril to his old gods, struggling not to drop to his knees and pray.

"I can't stay anywhere permanently until Sophia is dealt with." Cyril added wearily, looking at the ceiling.

Demetri, being a great lover of the arts, had his room set up in a way of a museum. His quarters were small, intimate, and each solitary inch screamed Demetri. There were pillars by each door way, made of soft marble, the based engraved and decorated with golden leaves. The walls were painted the same cream color of the pillars, the ceiling painted with a recreation of the Sistine Chapel's. Even Demetri's bed was practically upon a podium.

"Maybe we should ask the masters to put the word out for her. Have our outposts keep a look out for her." Demetri tried quietly, shuffling his way between Cyril's legs. A pale hand pushed the mass of fiery hair away from an expecting face. "That way you can watch over Sybil." Demetri bit the inside of his cheek. "Stay here. With me."

Cyril smiled lopsidedly. "You did say you'd try your hand at compulsion if I ever tried to leave." He joked. "Although I admit I thought there'd be more chains and cuffs." The Grecian sighed and made to move away from the ginger. Cyril chuckled and stood up when he had the room too. "Hey- hey! I'm kidding! Demetri don't go!" He chuckled, pulling the smaller man to himself. He nearly instantly regretted it.

Demetri had a very distinct and alluring scent to him. He smelled like dry summer air, when the sun is so hot it evaporates the sweat that leaks down your face. He smelled like an open market, like spices and soft silk and wild herbs. Cyril couldn't get enough. Demetri smelled like a town he passed through ages ago, when they Welsh man was still human. Now Cyril can't recall the specific location, but it was a small town where no one spoke any language he knew. There were pretty girl in skirts who flirted with him and pretty boys in suits he flirted with. Demetri smelled like good memories; something Cyril severely lacked. The scent brought the ginger to attention, all his senses crisper and clear.

Demetri's mind was swimming in Cyril's scent. He smelled like the finest brews and campfire, a scent that pulled Demetri from all inhibition and put him in a happy daze.

"With or without your permission, I will go to the masters and send word out to our outposts." the greecian said queitly, afraid to kill the atmosphere. 

Cyril scowled, but nodded. though he had full intention to ask if he could personally execute  Sophia.

"Fiiiiiinnneeee........" The ginger drawled, going back to lying on the bed.

Demetri smiled fondly at the man before leaving.

---Two Days Later---

Santiago scowled as his legs became entangled with the long weeds in the field. Things were simpler before Sybil and Cyril came, he thought. Granted, the twins stopped violently attacking the guards at random, but the small girl unnerved the Mexican guard. It took decades for him to get used to Afton and his invisibility, and now there's another one! Mated to a head guard as well; it was Afton and Chelsea's story all over again! 

Regardless, Santiago just had to relay his message to the Cornflower Coven and then he can go back to Italy.... and away from all these damn weeds!

Across the field, a boy sat in the shade on an old wooden fence. He lazily blew away dandelion puffs from the stem, his dark eyes following the white seeds as they swirls around the air. A shift of sunlight broke from the trees and landed on his neck. An explosion of rays and colors appeared, as if his skin was a prism. Santiago sighed as he realized he found one of the members he was looking for. 

"You there!" he called across the field. "By order of the Volturi, I need to speak to you!"

The boy looked up. his blonde hair shimmering in the sunlight, and looked around him uncomfortably. With a grimace, the boy flited his way to the guard.

"Is it safe to say you are of the Cornflower Coven." Santiago drawled, bored.

The boy looked at him in question and nodded. "Yes, I am Leopold of the Coven. How can we assist the Volturi Guard?" He asked.

If Santiago wasn't so used to the trilling sound of younger-turned vampires, he would have compared Leopold's voice to an angels.

"There is a strong chance that a wanted vampire will be in Europe. She goes by the name Sophia, and might be looking for a man named Cyril. Should you encounter her, alert the guard or personally take her to us. Do you understand?"

Leopold nodded slowly. "What she'd do?"

Santiago bristled at the question. "That is not for you to know." he hissed thinly before departing.

Leopold scratched his head in thought. It wasn't very often that the Guards go outside their outposts to keep a look out. Whoever this Sophia is, she royally screwed up.

Deciding that his day out was now spoiled, the blonde went back to the small cottage where he and his other two coven mates were residing.

The closer he got to his home, a new scent appeared. It was feminine, like dying flowers and creek water. With a sudden fear, Leopold threw his door open, and was greeted by three women in the living room, instead of the usual two.

"Ah, Leo, there you are." Paris said nonchalantly, throwing a her think white-blonde braid behind her. "We were about to go and look for you. We have a guest." His other coven mate, Kirsten nodded enthusiastically, her short, curly brown hair bobbing along with her head.

The immortal teen eyed the unfamiliar woman. She looked about twenty, with wide red eyes and long dark hair. Something about her face seemed off, her jaw was uneven and her nose a tad crooked. Sometime turning doesn't fix all your human flaws. She also had an air of arrogant confidence about her, like she knew something the other occupants of the room didn't.

"Leo, this is Sophia, a nomad." Leopold froze at Kirsten's words. "Don't be rude, say hello!" She chirped happily, completely unaware of the fear settling in her ward's stomach. 

Sophia looked Leopold up and down, then smirked. He supposed it was either meant to be seductive or fear-instilling. It was the later.

Leopold smiled tensely and swallowed the suddenly-stale venom in his mouth. A single thought ran through his mind as he awkwardly shook hands with the intruding nomad.

'I haven't even found my mate and I"m gonna die by the hands of a wanted vampiric criminal. Shit."

"How... lovely to meet you." He said, the English tripping over his tongue. He always forgot English when he was nervous. "Kirsten is always... happy to house a nomad when in need."

Sophia's smirk turned into a harmless smile when she turned to face his pseudo-mothers. "Well it's awful sweet of them to let me rest here. My own coven mate and I had a spat and he ran off to Europe to calm down." she chuckled.

Paris eyed her pseudo-son in suspicion. Leo panicked, and mouthed a silent word to her as he stood out of Sophia's line of sight, an indication something was wrong. 


Paris raised a confused eyebrow as the nomad continued to chat happily with Kirsten.

"Oh? Does he do that often?"

"Yes, Cyril is so dramatic sometimes." 

Paris's eyes widen in shock.


(So, here we are. I know I'm a glutton for slow burn but I think I made y'all suffer enough, so so enjoy shippers. I know its a little shorter than normal but meh. Comments give me life!)

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