It All Started With A Channel...

By LifeeOfChaoss

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This is my first time ever writing a xreader so bare with me. I more than welcome constructive criticism. (As... More

~Chapter 1~ LA Here We Come!!
~Chapter 2~ Where Did They Go?
~Chapter 3~ We Need To Talk.
~Chapter 4~ Positive.
~Chapter 5~ Cat and Mouse
~Chapter 6~ Please!
~Chapter 7~ Felix.
~Chapter 8~ A Little Fun
~Chapter 9~ POLO
~Chapter 11~ I. Win.
~Chapter 12~ You're Stuck With Me.
~Chapter 13~ Sound Sleep.
~Chapter 14~ Send.
~Chapter 15~ Robin.
Not An Update!
~Chapter 16~ I Will Be There.
~Chapter 17~ Good Night.
~Chapter 18~ Decisions. Decisions.
~Chapter 19~ Mi Casa
~Chapter 20~ Take Flight.
~Chapter 21~ Beautiful Wife.
~Chapter 22~ Darkness
~Chapter 23~ We Got This.
~Chapter 24~ Relaxed.
~Chapter 25~ Here Goes Nothing.
~Chapter 26~ He Knows.
~Chapter 27~ Mad Man.
~Chapter 28~ PAX
~Chapter 29~ KMK
~Chapter 30~ I Can't Wait!
~Chapter 31~ My Phone.
No, I Definitely Won (Mark Ending)
Our New Home (Jack's Ending)
I Choose Neither. (Extra Ending)

~Chapter 10~ #Deep

474 13 7
By LifeeOfChaoss

~Felix's POV~

I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time, I bent over with my hands on my knees panting. Two games of baseball, a game of dodge ball, and the biggest game of hide and seek I have ever played in my life really wears you out. Y/N came running up to me handing me a bottle of water.

"I thought you worked out like every day?"

"I do."

"Well not well enough apparently," She laughed

"How are you not dying right now?"

"Because I'm just good like that, now come on we have one more game to play!"

"Ughhhhh." I was so tired already, one more game is going to kill me. She ran off over to the group of people, I sighed and ran over to them.

"Ok! So sense these three can't keep up, and we don't want to completely kill your favorite YouTubers, I figured we could do one last game! I brought a white bored and markers, I figured we could play a game of pictionary! But with you guys drawing and the four of us guessing! Who ever wins gets to pick their prize! They can pick anything from The other three buying them ice cream, to throwing water balloons at the others! Now I have vlogged all day today so that will be going up on my channel, But the winner video will go up on winners channel, in other words, It Will also Be On My Channel!" Y/N laughed a bit and the continued, "After that, We will have to head home, But Before We Leave, I Want To Get Each And Every One Of You Guy's Signature! You Guys Are The Reason We Are Standing Here Today! You guys Are The Reason I Get To Do What I Love As A Career! So I Brought This Sheet That We Will Hang On The Fence, With A Box Of Colorful Markers! Please Make Sure Everyone Signs It Before We Finish Up Pictionary!"

We were having a blast, but I was losing bad. Y/N and Jack Kept fighting for first place, currently Y/N was in the lead. Y/N had 12 points, Jack at 11, Mark at 6, And I only had 4. I am Not good at this game. The round ended with Jack guessing it, Taking it to a tie between him and Y/N.

"Last round!" Mark Yelled. "We will leave it to you and Jack for this round sense Felix already lost, and I'm stuck at 3rd. So this one is to determine the winner!"

I went and picked someone with their hand up to come down to draw, he started to draw two people. Jack and Y/N tossing guesses left and right until Jack yell


The guy pointed at Jack and laughed, being joined by everyone around including myself. I looked over at Y/N and she just stood there with a confused look.

"What are septic pliers?"

"It the ship name fans gave for Mark and Jack," I laughed and yelled "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!"

Y/N gave me a funny look, shrugged her shoulders and yelled, "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!"

Jack suddenly started yelling jumping around, "THIS MEANS I WIN!"

"Don't Be A Sore Winner Jack." Y/N stated.

"You Sound Like A Sore Loser Y/N." He laughed.

"Ok so Mr. I'm A Sore Winner, What Do You Win?" She asked him with her hands on her hips.

"It's A Surprise! I'm Not Telling Anyone Until We Go To Make The Video!" He laughed again.

"Ok Fine. Well Did Everyone Sign the Sheet?" She looked over at the once white sheet that was now covered in rainbow words all over it.

They all yelled yes and so we took it down, folded it up, and said out good byes, heading out of the park and back to the car.

"That was a blast! What do you guys want to do next? Y/N yelled excitedly while climbing into the front passenger seat of the car.

"Y/N, I love you, I honestly do." I looked at her and she smiled back to me, "But Fuck You. I'm Tired."

"Well that was just rude." She crossed her arms and pretended to pout.

"Hey You're the one that woke us all up and then made us come out side and do physical activity. We are Dying here." I said leaning back in my seat.

"Doesn't look like your dead yet." She smiled.

So Jack, Mark and I did the only reasonable thing to do at that moment. We all slumped back in our seats and played dead, Which made Y/N laughed.

"Well in that case, I'm going to go get some Ice cream by myself" She smiled and started getting back out of the car. Jack jumped up and started climbing out as well screaming like a 5 year old. "I WANT ICE CREAM!"

I looked up to Mark in the front seat, "I guess we are going to get Ice cream." He nodded in response. We climbed back out of the car watching and Y/N and Jack raced to the ice cream stand, way to tired to run, Mark and I just stayed behind and talked.

"Felix, I really like her" Mark blurted out.

"I know dude, so does Jack."

"How can you handle even being around her?" He gave me a questioning look.

"What do you mean? She is my best friend, She means the world to me, I hate not being around her. Not knowing what could be happening with her at anytime."

"Isn't she looking for a new place to move?" He asked

"Yeah, why? What does that have to do with anything?" I looked at him.

"Why don't you move to LA? Jack was already planning to in a few months, But then we will all three be here, so maybe that will get Y/N to." He smiled.

"Ya know, that's not a bad idea. I wouldn't mind a change of scenery, and I like LA. Sure I'll move to LA, and I'll talk to Y/N about moving here to." I was excited. I could finally be near her more often. I wouldn't have to worry about her so much because most of the time she would be hanging with one of us.

"She drives me mad Felix." I went to say something but he continued. "Not in a bad way or anything. But It's like when shes near me I'm going crazy trying to be the best I can for her. But then when she isn't around, I'm going crazy just wanting her to come back."

"I get what you mean Mark, I really do. But, honestly there isn't anything you can do about it right now. If you try to make a move on her to fast, she will pull away from you, and that will ruin any chances you might have had. You have to let Y/N do her thing, she has to figure things out for herself first."

Y/N ran over to us with an ice cream cone in each hand, she handed on to me and one to Mark.

"Where is yours?" I asked her.

"Jack is holding while I brought yours over to you. I want to go into a few shops while we are down here. Are you guys coming?"

"Nah, You and Jack can go ahead, I think we are going to hang out here and wait. I am way to tired to go shopping right now. Especially with it being you doing the shopping." I laughed.

"Ok fine then. Have fun sitting here being boring." She said and she turned and ran back over to Jack.

"I never did ask you Felix. How did you and Y/N meet and get so close?" Mark said eating his ice cream.

"Well, It was a while ago that we met. A bunch of people kept asking us to colab on a video. I already watched her channel and I loved it. So I decided what the hell, and sent her a message asking her if she wanted to colab. I figured we could just play a game online or something. It didn't take long for her to respond, saying she would love to, but with as many people that wanted us to colab she didn't want it to just be over cameras playing some silly game that she would rather do it right and surprise everybody. Next thing I know I'm standing at the airport waiting to pick her up. We had planned on recording all week and then we would post the first video on the same day at the same time. But when she showed up there was something about her. I couldn't focus on recording. We ending up just hanging out all week, not getting any work done. She some how manage to get a few videos through out the week done that I didn't even realize she made. Towards the end of the week, she decided she wanted to stay longer, so she did. I didn't want her to have to pay for a hotel for who knows how long, so I invited to just stay with me. Throughout the next week we actually made a bunch of videos together, and at night we would either hang out and watch movies or I would take her out site seeing. Then one night when we were planning to go out I went to get her from her room and she looked like she was crying. So I told her to get dressed we were going somewhere, and we walked all over town and just talked. Come to find out, her parents found her phone number and called to see if she was done with her foolish games and wanted to know if she was ready to grow up and get back to school. That when she told me about everything with her past. That night was the last time she heard or talked to her parents until the charity event. I felt so bad for her. She might have grown up in a big house with anything money could buy, but she never got the one thing she always wanted. She just wanted to know someone cared about her. She was so strong though, kept a smile on her face the whole time, even when she cried. That night we just clicked. Like the last to pieces of a puzzle. She became my best friend that night. I never wanted her to have to go through anything like that every again. It hurt watching her do everything she could just to keep smiling. After that I never wanted her to have to force another smile again. Of course I have failed at that one. But never once has she failed to make me smile when I was in a bad mood. I love her for that. Which is what you caught part of yesterday. We had never talked about anything like that before. We were both confused. And when she kissed me, the world felt right. Because I do love her. But I will never be able to make her as happy as she makes me. I know I would end up hurting her and I love her to much to be ok with doing that. So thankfully when she kissed me she realized she did not have those kind of feelings for me. I would rather live a thousand life times just being her best friend, watching her grow more every day, watching her fall for someone else, watching her be happy with someone else, Than even chance hurting her like I know I would."

"That's deep dude. I never realized how much she meant to you. Honestly if she did decide she liked Jack, or she didn't like either of us. I think I would be ok. I just want her to be happy Felix. Would It suck to watch? A little, But If she's happy, I think it would be worth it. As long as I got to stay friends with her. But Until she does decide whether she wants to be with me or not, I wont stop showing her how much I do love and care for her. Even after, But if she does decide she doesn't have feelings for me, I will still show her, I'll just be respectful of her choices and not try to push it farther."

"This conversation got real deep real quick. I mean like Mariana Trench deep dude." I smiled over to Mark, trying to lighten the mood a little. All of the sudden he got a huge smile on his face staring past me up the road. I turned and looked and Y/N was running down the street with a smile on her face, Bag on each arm, with Jack trying to keep up behind her, with his arms full of bags.

"What the hell did you buy Y/N?? The whole dam store??" I laughed and she looked over at Jack and then back to me.

"No, I bought all of the stores!" She smiled "Here I got you guys something." She handed Mark and I each a bag. "No opening them Until we get home!"

"So does that mean we get to go home now?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I figured we could stop at the grocery store and I could run in and grab a few things, and I'll make dinner tonight! Jack even offered to help, but I don't know how I feel about that after the last time he decided to help cook." She looked between Mark and Jack and laughed, which made me laugh more.

"That sounds good, come on Y/N lets go home." I said walking with her arm around mine as we walked to the car.

~Time skip to after the grocery store and going home~

~Jack's POV~

Y/N decided on making stuffed pork chops tonight, I have never had them before. I mean pork chops yeah but never stuffed. Everything smelled so good. She made homemade stuffing using bread she ripped apart and seasonings, while i peeled and diced potatoes to boil. She salted and peppered the water and we let them boil, She cut pockets in the pork chops and stuffed the, and then rolled them in seasoned flour. She fried them on each side for a minute and then tossed them into the oven, While they baked, we mashed the potatoes.

"You forgot to buy gravy." I looked over at Y/N expecting her to flip out about it.

"No I didn't." She smiled as she kept working on the potatoes. "I purposely didn't buy any."

"Yeah, sure, play it off. Just admit you forgot."

"Watch." She said pulling the stuffed pork chops out. She plated them and then took a pan out of the cabinet. She took a little butter and melted it and mixed in flour with it, Then mixing the broth made from the pork chops. As it cooked it started to get thicker like gravy.

"Where did you learn that?" I said completely amazed.

"It's just a simple cooking trick" She smiled over at me. I love cooking with her. I could do this every day for the rest of my life. I smiled at her and helped her carry the food out to the already set table. We looked it over and I walked over to her.

"This looks and smells absolutely wonderful Y/N"

"Thanks, I told you it wouldn't take to long to make. Thanks for helping though, it would have taken a lot longer if you hadn't" She hugged me.

I looked down at her and smiled, not letting her go. "I would cook with you every night for the rest of forever if I could Y/N." She blushed and I pulled her closer, kissing her forehead lightly.

"We should probably tell the other two that dinner is ready before it gets cold." I smiled and she nodded. 

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