Retrouvaille [2] Scott McCall

By TeenWolfHuman

93.5K 1.9K 298

Retrouvaille (n.) the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery. Luna is... More

Chapter 1: Surprises in Mexico
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: 117
Chapter 4: Muted
Chapter 6: I.E.D.
Chapter 7: Orphaned
Chapter 8: Weaponized
Chapter 9: Time of Death
Chapter Ten: Perishable
Chapter 11: Monstrous
Chapter 12: A Promise to the Dead
Chapter 13: Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 14: Creatures of the Night
Chapter 15: Parasomnia
Chapter 16: Dreamcatchers
Chapter 17: Condition Terminal
Chapter 18: A Novel Approach
Chapter 19: Required Reading
Chapter 20: Strange Frequencies
Chapter 21: Ouroboros
Chapter 22: Lies of Omission
Chapter 23: Status Asthmatics
Chapter 24: The Last Chimera

Chapter 5: The Benefactor

5.9K 115 39
By TeenWolfHuman


Scott had been waiting on pins and needles outside his house as Stiles pulled up in his jeep.  

"What did you tell him?" he quickly asked him. Scott was beyond scared right now.  

"Not much. You hardly told me anything. I told my dad everything I could" Stiles said. "But you didn't tell him about Liam?" Scott pressed. "You barely told me about Liam. What did you do with him anyway?" "He's upstairs." "Doing what?' Scott looked back at him nervously, trying to find the best words to answer that. "Lying down," he finally told him.

Scott took him to the bathroom and opened it to show Liam in the tub. He was bound completely in scotch tape and his mouth was taped shut. At the sight of them, he stared back at them frightened and hysterical. Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes as he went and closed the curtain despite Liam's muffled whimpers. The two of them went over to sit on Scott's bed and just stared ahead, lost in thought.

Scott was scared. He had just bitten a kid. Someone that was younger than he had been when he had been bitten. Now, this kid was likely going to be a werewolf and his life was never going to be the same, and it was all his fault. Not to mention that Araya had given him that warning in Mexico just over a week ago. He didn't know what he was going to do.

Stiles didn't know what he was feeling right now. This wasn't exactly unfamiliar territory. He and Scott had been here before, with Isaac, Erica and Boyd when Derek had bitten them. But the fact that it was Scott who had bitten someone changed things. A lot.

"So, you bit him," Stiles muttered after a bit. "Yeah," Scott breathed out. "And you kidnapped him." "Yeah." "And you brought him here," Stiles said almost scolding. "I panicked," Scott said defensively. Stiles nodded. "This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body in the desert, is it?" 

There was then a loud whimper from the bathroom to show that Liam had just heard that. Stiles rubbed at his face. "As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." "I know," Scott huffed out. "Which is why I called you. So, what do we do?"

The next thing Liam knew, Scott and Stiles grabbed him from the tub and placed him in a chair in the middle of Scott's bedroom.

"Okay, Liam," Stiles started as he pointed his finger at him to draw his full attention. "We are going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly it stays off, got it?" Liam narrowed his eyes at him but nodded just the same. "Okay." Stiles then reached for it and quickly yanked it off causing Liam to give a small start. 

"Okay, uh so Liam, I'm sure you have seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?" 

Liam shook his head. "Not really." "Good, that's good." Scott narrowed his eyes as he gave Stiles a look. "I don't understand either." And he knew what Stiles was trying to say. Stiles rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should tell him."

Liam started looking frantically between the two of them. "Tell me what? What did you do to me?!" he said settling his eyes on Scott.

Scott braced himself. "Liam, what happened to you. What I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you," he stressed out. "It's...going to change you."

Stiles nodded. "Well, unless it kills you." That made both Scott and Liam give him a look. Stiles shook his head. "Shouldn't have said that." 

That only made both Liam's nerves and fear rise. "What?" Liam gasped out in both fear and confusion. He then bowed his head and his breathing quickened. Scott and Stiles tensed as they heard sniffles starting to escape from him.

"Wait, is he crying?" Stiles asked.

Scott felt his insides shrivel as Liam started to let some whimpers out. It made him look even younger than ever. "Look, Liam, you're going to be alright," he said quickly and nervously.

But Liam kept crying. "You're not going to die." Scott assured Liam. Stiles shrugged. "Probably not." "Stop it." Scott hissed at Stiles. "Okay, possibly not." "Would you just help me untie him?" 

Stiles huffed before bending down to help Scott untie Liam. They finally got Liam untied and stood up. "Are you okay?" Scott asked Liam who had turned away from the two. "We're sorry about that. We're really sorry." Stiles said.

Liam gripped the edges of the chair before grabbing it and whacked Scott who was caught off guard. Scott fell down against his dresser.

"Liam, what the hell is your-" Liam didn't let Stiles finish as he punched him in the face. Stiles grunted and fell down to the floor.

Liam quickly bolted from the room into the hallway but he suddenly stopped. He looked down at his leg to realize that he was running almost normally. His hurt leg didn't feel broken anymore and felt like it was fighting off a slight cramp. But he turned around when he saw that Scott and Stiles were tumbling out into the hallway. Scott was breathing a little hard and Stiles was holding his head slightly but both were looking at him with annoyed glint in their eyes.

"Get him!" Stiles roared out.

The two of them charged for Liam and he screamed as they practically tackled him. The force of it sent the three of them tumbling down and begin to fall down the stairs. They fell and tumbled all the way down the stairs until they ended up back on the ground floor. 

The three of them were all in a heap on the floor and were groaning from the pain of falling one full flight of stairs. Liam was on top of them and he quickly recovered and moved to try and get away. His movements stirred the others and they moved to try and keep him from escaping. Limbs began to flail around and Stiles ended up grabbing a leg trying to kick its way out of his grip.

"Leg! I got him! I got him! I got him, I got him!"

But he noticed that it stopped moving and he looked to see that it was Scott's leg. He was glaring at him as Stiles' own foot was pressed up against his cheek. Scott pushed his foot off and Stiles quickly let his go and they looked around and saw that Scott's front door was wide open. Liam was gone.

"Your plan sucked too," Scott muttered out.

The sound of a cough made the two look at the door again to see Luna standing there with her hands on her hips. Scott noticed that Luna had a twig stuck in her hair.

"I'm assuming both of your plans didn't work since Liam is long gone by now." "What happened to you?" Stiles noticed a faint scratch on her cheek, fading away since her body was healing it now. "What do you mean?"

Stiles pointed to his own cheek while Scott pointed at her hair. "You got a little." Luna ran her hands through her hair and huffed when she pulled the twig out.

"Just as I was walking up to your house, Liam ran out and I tried to stop him but he pushed me into a bush." Stiles turned to look at Scott. "We should have kept him tied up."

Scott let out a defeated puff of air before he let himself lie flat on the floor.


The next day, Scott and Stiles met back up with Luna, Lydia, Malia and Kira by the school buses during lunch. After telling them that it was verified that Liam had been turned, some silence came over them as they all took that in.

Malia broke the ice. "I am not sharing my basement." Lydia gave Malia a look. "Actually, its my basement. And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time." "Alright, she's still learning," Stiles said in her defense.

"We're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them." said Scott. "But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" asked Kira. "I say if it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles suggested. "I'm in." Malia said raising her hand eagerly.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him," Luna told them. "Then let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia suggested. Stiles narrowed her eyes. "So, you're going to ask out a freshman?"

"No, I'm done with teenage boys. But," she said, lightening up her tone to be playful and mischievous. "If we're playing a trick on someone, we'll have to use the trickster." she said looking over at Kira.

At that, all of them looked over at her and her eyes widened. "Who, me? No way. Not me," she said frantically shaking her head. "Yes, you," Lydia pressed. "You know what they call a female fox? A vixen." "Me?" she asked doubtfully.

"You can do it Kira. Be a vixen," Lydia told her with a smile.

They all smiled at her too.


Liam was walking out of class with his friend Mason when he suddenly stopped.

Mason stopped too. "Liam?"

But Liam didn't answer him. His eyes were on the staircase ahead of them, or rather on who was walking down them. A pretty junior girl was slowly stepping down in heeled boots and the light from the nearby window seemed to be hitting her in a way that made her almost glow. 

As she was coming down, she seemed to be looking right at him. As his eyes caught hers, he felt something stir within him. His heart was definitely beating a few ticks faster. She was focused on him, so focused that she slipped and fell at the last step.

Liam then snapped out of it and ran over to her. "You okay?" he asked her.

Kira then immediately got up, all embarrassed and quickly walked away from Liam.

Nearby, Scott, Stiles and Luna were cursing silently that Kira didn't stick to the plan.

"Now what?" Stiles asked.

"Hold this," Luna said as she took off her backpack and threw it over to Stiles who frantically caught it. She then took her hair out of her ponytail and shook her long brown hair over her shoulders before strutting over to Liam who was now looking at her just like he did with Kira.

"Hi, Liam." 

"Y-you know my n-name?" Liam stuttered out.

Luna laughed and nodded . "Of course. I was at practice yesterday and I have to say you were outstanding." Liam blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "T-thank you..."

"Luna. My name is Luna."

"Liam Dunbar," Liam shook his head. "But you already knew that. Nice going, Liam," he muttered under his breath.

Luna smiled. "So, a friend of mine is throwing a party tonight. Only the upperclassmen are attending but I thought this would be a good opportunity to meet your lacrosse team and to also make some new friends. Seeing as you are new here. Would you want to go with me tonight?"

Liam was stunned at the question but he found himself quickly nodding. 

Scott and Stiles were watching all this unfold, down the hall with bemused expressions.

"A bit unorthodox, but hey, whatever works," Stiles shrugged. Scott kept listening and nodded. "She got him. He's going with her tonight." 


Luna pulled her car up to Liam's place to pick him up. As Luna drove, she had the radio on with at a pretty low standard volume so she could try to speak to Liam.

"We're almost at Lydia Martin's lake house," Luna paused and then corrected herself. "Well, actually it used to be her grandmother's lake house." 

But Liam was hardly paying much attention to what Luna was saying. He was shrinking and cringing as he felt that the music was blasting out at a near deafening volume. He went to try and muffle the sound in his left ear. "Can you turn the music down?"

Luna gave a look at the radio and saw that it was already pretty down and thought that he must be having the effects of the full moon already. So she turned the radio off to make Liam more comfortable. She couldn't have him shift in the car.

Liam's phone then buzzed. He went and saw that Mason had sent him a text, asking where he was. He then started to type his response. "Who's you say was coming to this party? The upperclassmen right?"

"That's right and the lacrosse team as well," she said with a wide smile.

Liam nodded. He let his eyes wander off and he found himself looking at his face in the car window next to him. His face was illuminated by the light of the full moon and he found himself feeling warmer, breathing harder, and getting angry.

Luna noticed that Liam was acting up again and moved to drive them to the lake house a little faster.


Scott got off his motorcycle just as the jeep pulled up in front of the lake house. Stiles got out of the car and stood in front of Scott.

"I just talked to Luna," Scott informed Stiles. "She's on her way. She said it's all going fine."

"I have something to tell you," Stiles said as Scott looked at him and saw the seriousness in his eyes. "What is it?" "I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school." "This is going to be bad, isn't it?"

"He kind of got into it with one of his teachers. And the kid's got some serious anger issues." "How serious?" Stiles then took out his phone and showed him a picture of a car. It was a wreck. "Well, that's his teacher's car. After he took a crowbar to it."

The windows were smashed and the car had dents everywhere. 'This Is Your Fault' was scratched into the car.

Scott sighed. "Okay, let's tell Kira, Lydia and Malia. They're inside already."


Liam got out of the car and gave the lake house a look. It seemed like a pretty big and fancy looking place. Perfect for a party, except for the fact that there didn't seem to be any other cars or people around expect for two other cars and a motorcycle. The house was dark and quiet.

"Where is everyone?" he asked. "It seems like we are early for the party. Don't worry, everyone else will be coming later. We better hurry inside." She then moved to hook Liam's shoulder and moved for the front door. "I'm ready to party!" Liam chuckled at her enthusiasm. 

They then stepped inside but Liam froze about two steps in. Up ahead were Scott and Stiles along with Lydia, Kira and Malia.

They were all staring at him, side by side. He then looked back and saw Luna move to shut the door behind them and stand in front of it, cutting him off. "I'm really sorry about this." Luna apologized. He then moved to glare at the group ahead. "What the hell is this?"

"Think of it like an intervention," Stiles started up. "You have a problem Liam." "And we're the only ones that can help you," Scott said stepping forward.

But Liam went and folded his arms as he kept his glare on Scott. He looked as unconvinced and unwilling to listen to them as ever. "Help with what?!" he spat out. Lydia turned over to look at Scott. "Uh, maybe you're just being too subtle. Why not just straight up tell him what's going on?"

Scott moved to catch Stiles' eye, then Malia's and finally Kira's. They were all looking him right in the eye, as if leaving the final decision up to him. Scott just sighed and decided to come on out with it. He then "'re a werewolf."

Liam lost his glare as he blinked at him in confusion. "What?" The next couple of minutes, they all started to explain about the supernatural and what each of them were. Liam was silent during the whole thing until they finished. 

"Okay, let me see if I got this straight. Werewolf," he said pointing at Scott before moving to Malia. "Werecoyote." He then pointed at Lydia. "Banshee." He then pointed at Kira. "Fox?" "Kitsune," she shrugged. "But fox works," she finished with a small smile.

Liam then looked over at Kira. "Deucalion's daughter?" "Hm, werewolf works." "But who's Deucalion?" "Oh, he's my father who a little while back tried to kill Scott and his pack with the help of me and my pack but we're all cool now."

"You tried to kill your boyfriend?" Liam asked as Luna and Scott both looked at each other. "Well, she wasn't my girlfriend yet." "Well, he wasn't my boyfriend yet." Scott and Luna both said in unison.

Liam shook his head then looked over at Stiles. "What are you again?"

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." "So, what are you now?""Better?" Stiles said, a little unsure himself.

Liam then noticed the restraints on the table. "Are those for me?" he asked, trying to contain his anger. "No, they're for me," Malia said to him before she flashed her blue eyes at him.

Liam took a step back as his eyes widened. But he saw that no one else was reacting to the fact that Malia's eyes were now glowing. "How did you do that?"

"You'll learn," Scott told him calmly. "But first you need to get through the full moon." Liam's glare returned. "The moon is already out." Scott could hear how fast Liam's heart was beating. "And you're starting to fell something, aren't you?"

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care!" he spat at Malia. His tone started to rise every passing second. "I'm walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna-"

Liam's breathing became frantic, before he went and grabbed his ears before falling to his knees. Scott moved to bend over to him. "What's wrong Liam?" "You don't hear that?" Liam asked squeezing his ears even harder.

"Did you tell someone about this?" Lydia asked him. "My friend Mason," he told her. He then looked up at Luna. "You said it was a party." "Who did Mason invite?" Stiles asked. Luna went over to the window to see a bunch of teenagers getting out of their cars. "Everyone."

Liam then gasped as he saw that his hands were now sporting claws. "Ahh," he screamed out as he started to run them down the floorboards. The stretching made Lydia jump. "The floors! Get him off the floors!"

Liam then let out a roar of his own, his new golden eyes making their first appearance to them. "We need to get him to the boathouse. Now!" Scott yelled as he and Luna moved toward him. He and Luna moved to drag Liam away.


Scott was holding Liam down and against a support beam at the boat house while Luna was quickly trying to wrap the chains around him. They had managed to wrap it around his torso three times when Liam started fighting back. Scott was having trouble holding him down. Luna flinched back when Lam started barking at them and was starting to push against Scott.

"I got him, get his hands," Scott told her as he put more of his weight into restraining him.

But Luna never got the chance as Liam pounced and freed himself from the beam. He had Scott on his back and looked ready to start tearing him apart. Scott was struggling as he didn't want to hurt Liam and his hesitation made way for Liam to raise his claws up to rip at Scott's face.

Luna saw it and grabbed the nearest thing she could find, an oar, and swung it hard at Liam's head. Her blow forced him off and he landed on his back and lay there, motionless.

"Oh god, I didn't kill him, did I?" she asked frantically.

Scott went over to Liam and saw that he was still breathing, just unconscious. "No. He's out cold," he assured her. Luna let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god," she muttered.


Liam was tightly bound to the support of the boat house and Luna was calmly watching him as he sat there, sleeping his way through the full moon. Scott was sitting nearby, watching with a somber look on his face.

"He looks so young." Luna said. "He is. He's only fifteen." "What are we going to do with him?" "We're going to help him." he told her. "What if he doesn't want our help?" 

Scott paused at that. When this all started for him, Derek had found and told him that he wanted to help him but tried his hardest to pull away from him. But eventually, Scott realized that he needed his help. Liam will too. "He will," he said as he kept his gaze on Liam's calm and sleeping face.

He then looked over at the house and smiled.

"What?" Luna asked him.

"I can hear the music from the house."

Luna focused her hearing and could faintly hear the music as well. Though she had a look of annoyance on her face. She groaned and Scott simply smiled at her. "I'm guessing you don't like electronic?"

Luna sighed. "I wished they play more slow songs at parties. At my old school we used to at least have a few." "Why do you like the slow ones?" She started to twiddle her fingers. "I was always better at slow dancing," she admitted bashfully.

Scott's smiled widened and he held his hand to her. "Come here."

They got up and he went over towards the water with her. The full moon was in sight nearby and it was reflecting off of the water. It had a mystifying effect that Scott thought was perfect for what he had in mind. He reached for his phone and chose a nice slow song to play. He then left it to the side and went over to Luna.

She smiled but looked over at Liam. "What about him?"

Scott looked over and saw that Liam didn't seem like he would wake up any time soon. "He can dance with me next time," he shrugged. 

Luna let a small laugh loose before she wrapped her arms around him and they started to sway to the music. "How are you so good at staying in control on a full moon?" To her Scott seemed like everything was normal. As if it were just another night and not one of a full moon. She had heard rumors that Scott wasn't always the best at staying control.

"A lot of it's about making sure that my pulse doesn't get too fast and my heart rate doesn't go up." "So, you've mastered it?" she asked a little mischievously.

He grinned. "Still takes a lot of concentration." "So, if something distracts you-" Luna then went and gave his cheek a small kiss. Scott's smile deepened. "I'm indistractable," he said a little smugly.

Then they went for another longer kiss and Luna moved to send some kisses to his neck and even gave his ear a small nibble. She then looked at him. "See, nothing."

Luna's eyebrows rose up. "Then why are your eyes glowing?" Scott blinked as he felt that his eyes were indeed glowing red and shook it away. "Cheater," he said playfully.

"I also just heard you growl." Scott's face tensed up. "That wasn't me." They then looked over and saw that Liam was awake, standing up and was growling at them. His eyes were glowing brighter and he was struggling against the chains.

"Are those chains going to hold him?" Luna asked him quickly. Scott nodded. "I think. Yeah, definitely. He can't be that strong." Liam was only turned one day ago. He was sure that it wasn't enough time to break out of chains even on a full moon.

But the next moment, Liam snapped the chains off and he came charging for them. Scott pushed Luna out of the way and Liam left out of the window and ran off into the night.


Luna went into the house to find that the party was still going strong. She tried to navigate her way through the sea of partying teenagers, asking for Lydia. When she didn't find any sign of her on the first floor, she decided to head on upstairs. She saw some light peeking out from one of the doors and opened it and quickly found her with Kira.

"Lydia?" she said. "Something's happened." But Lydia didn't react to her. She just kept staring at the wall with a blank expression on her face. She noticed that the record player by her was on but the needle wasn't set in to play anything but Lydia looked like she was still listening. She had a feeling about what was happening. "Lydia, what do you hear?"

Lydia finally blinked. "The key," she mumbled. "The key to break the code."

Lydia then went to her laptop and opened it up to the sequence that she had saved on her computer. Kira watched as she punched the code in, up until it requested that it give a keyword. Lydia then typed in: Allison. Once it was typed in, she hit enter and they watched as a list began to appear with a number next to each name.

LUNA 250

"What is this?" Kira asked as she gazed at all of them.

Lydia kept her unblinking eyes on the names. "It's a list of Supernaturals in Beacon Hills. It's a Deadpool. And we're all on it."

[Published and Edited 8/21/17]

AUTHOR'S NOTE: DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY because this book reached 1K this afternoon and I'm so happy right now. I love reading your comments on this book and getting messages about how much you all adore Scott and Luna together <3 The next chapter will be up this week!

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