Playing The Straight Game [bo...

By ritest

3.7M 165K 231K

[Teen Fiction, LGBT+ Romance] 6 weeks. After a prank war goes too far, that's how long star quarterback and l... More

T h a n k Y o u


106K 5.5K 7.5K
By ritest

Sorry I've been kind of inactive last couple of days I've just had a lot going on! Extra juicy chap to make up for it, be ready ;);)


Farren said goodbye for what must have been the fifth time to the girl that was currently stuck to his hip.

What was her name again? Oh shit.

"I really do have to go." He said apologetically, pulling away reluctantly as she started kissing down his neck in a last minute attempt to make him stay.

"Bye Farren," she purred seductively. "We'll have to finish this sometime."

"Definitely," Farren said with a charming smile over his shoulder, knowing full well that would probably never happen. He placed his beer down on a nearby coffee table and made his way towards the front door where Jesse was waiting with Luke and Kaden in tow. Jesse was the designated driver for the night, and was taking them all home.

They all piled into Jesse's car, Luke drunkenly calling some jumbled variation of shotgun.

Farren sat in to the backseat, Kaden walking around to the other side of the car and sitting into the seat next to him.

Farren wasn't completely wasted, but he wasn't entirely sober.

He looked around the car feeling surprisingly elated, probably as a result of the alcohol.

Kaden, however was the complete opposite. He sat still, facing straight ahead of him with a mixture of emotions on his hard set face.

He seemed to be balancing between anger and realisation. What was up with him?

"Kaden?" He asked, trying to catch his attention.

But it was to no avail, as Kaden ignored him, choosing to stay staring at the back of Jesse's car, shooting daggers.

Not wanting to focus on Kaden's bad mood in fear of it dampening his own, Farren turned his attention back to Jesse and Luke.

"Luke?" He asked.

"Yes Farren?"

"Is Kaden always this moody?"

"I'm afraid so." Luke nodded sympathetically.

"I can hear you pricks." Kaden interjected sullenly.

"Ah, he speaks." Farren said, feigning enlightenment.

Kaden just rolled his eyes, turning to face towards the window and closing his eyes.

Jeez, what was wrong with him tonight?

A few minutes later they had arrived at Farren's house. Kaden stayed silent apart from muttering a low word of thanks to Jesse.

"We still on for tomorrow?" Farren asked Jesse, remembering they had made plans.

"Yeah sure, I'll give you a text tomorrow morning?" Jesse replied.

"Yeah perfect. See you then." He replied with a smile, slamming the car door and following Kaden up to the front door.

He looked at Kaden, holding his fingers up to his lips as a reminder to stay quiet.

They made their way silently into the kitchen, careful not to wake his family who were all asleep upstairs.

When they were both in the kitchen, Farren closed the door so they could finally stop being so quiet.

"What anything to drink?" He asked Kaden casually.

Kaden barely spared him a glance, shrugging before replying. "No."

"Okay.." Farren trailed off. This wasn't half awkward.

Kaden sat at the counter for a minute, tapping his nails off the top. "I'm going." He finally said, as Farren poured himself a glass of water from the jug in the fridge.

"Kaden is something wrong?" He asked, finally sick of holding his tongue.

Kaden halted in his tracks, turning to face him with a grimace. "What do you care?"

Farren didn't know what was Kaden's problem, but suddenly feelings over anger came over him. "What do I care? What the fuck does that mean Kaden?"

Kaden too was starting to become angry, stepping towards Farren with a glare. "It means you should fucking mind your own business."

"Mind my own business? Kaden, you've been so fucking hostile with me all week and that's all you have to say." He shot back, his voice raising.

"Farren. Drop it." Kaden grumbled in a scarily low threatening voice, taking a step towards him.

"No Kaden. I'm not dropping it this time. I haven't bothered you about it all week, but you've been so on and off with me and I don't fucking know why." He retorted with hostility, not backing down as he took a step towards Kaden.

"Why does it bother you so much?" Kaden asked, seeming just annoyed more than anything at this stage.

Farren thought about the question for a moment, before sighing in defeat. "I don't know Kaden. I don't fucking know. It just does."

Kaden took another step towards him. "Why?" He asked, his voice dangerously low and calm, which only succeeded in angering Farren once again.

"It's just fucking confusing Kaden." He said, almost shouting at this stage.

"Oh Jesus Farren. I'm so sorry that my fucking mood confuses you so much." Kaden snapped sarcastically. "I'll try to be less annoying."

"That's not what I'm saying Kaden, stop putting words in my mouth. I know there must be something going on for you at the moment but you're not telling me anything." Farren shouted back in frustration, taking another step towards Kaden.

"You don't know anything." Kaden seethed angrily in reply as he too moved closer to Farren.

At this stage there was just mere inches between the two of them. But Farren was so caught up in the argument that he barely had time to register their close proximity.

"Yeah, your right. Because you don't tell me anything." Farren said, his voice slightly quieter now.

"Farren just drop it."

"No." Farren replied adamantly. Kaden wasn't getting away easily this time. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I fucking care about you. Happy?" Farren growled in reply.

"Just give it a rest Farren."

"Not until you tell me. I thought we were friends. And friends trust each other."

"Shut up Farren."

"No. I'm not gonna drop this until yo-"

"Farren, I said shut up." Kaden interjected, his voice a menacing growl.

"Make me." Said Farren, daring Kaden to give up, to just tell him what was happening.

Kaden looked at him for a moment, straight in the eye. "What?"

"You heard me." Farren stated firmly, refusing to give up. "Make me."

"Fine. You asked for it." Growled Kaden, his eyes darkening over.

And before Farren could register what was happening, Kaden grabbed him by the back of the neck and crashed their lips together.


Oh shit.

That was the first thought that ran through Kaden's head as he froze in place, his hand around the back of Farren's neck.

Oh shit.

That was the only thought running through his head as he started moving his lips, desperately wishing Farren would kiss him back and not just stand there.

Oh shit.

That was the final thought that ran through his head when his wish came through, and Farren started responding to the kiss.

They moved their lips together as Kaden pulled Farren even closer, if that was at all possible. His left hand was still on Farren's neck, and his right found it's way to his hair.

Farren's own hand shot around Kaden's waist, until their bodies were impossibly close.

Kaden ran his hand through Farren's hair, tugging on it.

And then he moaned. And just like that, the moment was ruined.

Oh shit.

The two shot back away from each other as if they had been electrocuted. Which would explain the way Kaden's heart was beating so fast he couldn't concentrate on anything else around him.

Oh shit.

They stared at each other with wide eyes from across the kitchen.

Kaden could feels his mouth going dry as he stared at Farren, his mouth agape.

His heart was pounding so loud he was sure Farren could hear it, even from across the room. He could hear blood rushing in his ears, and his face was starting to heat up.

He struggled for something- anything to say. What could he say though? At this stage, he didn't know anymore.

"Kaden.." Farren began, looking like a dear caught in headlights.

"I can't do this." Kaden blurted out, before Farren had time to continue. "I'm going." He said, grabbing his jacket and phone from the kitchen counter and rushing outside before Farren had time to protest.

Once he was out in the cold air he started running, and kept running until he reached his own house. As he ran he refused to think of what had just happened, allowing himself to focus his attention on nothing but the pounding of his feet on the pavement and getting to his house as quickly as possible.

He unlocked the front door and ran upstairs to his bedroom. He collapsed on the bed without hesitation, not even bothering to take off his shoes.

He squeezed his eyes shut in a physical attempt to block out all the images of what happened from his mind.

He stayed like that, collapsed on his bed with his eyes shut until sleep took over which thankfully, was soon. All these feelings and thoughts had tired him out, so sleep came surprisingly easy to him that night.


You know how people in books sometimes wake up after a regretful night, but forget it happened until it comes flooding back to them?

Well that wasn't the case with Kaden.

As soon as he woke up, it was the first thing on his mind.

Why? Why did he have to go and fuck everything up like that.

He was going around kissing Farren after just two weeks. Two goddamn weeks. How were they going to get through the next four?

Farren didn't freak out last night, but after having the night to think about it he must hate him.

Oh god, how was he going to face him again?

He blamed his heart for allowing him to fall so easily.

He sat up from his current position, looking around the room. He brought his hand up to his hair, trying to flatten it down.

The feeling of his hair through his hands brought back memories of last night, and he almost screamed in frustration as he felt a wave of anger and self hatred wash over him.

How could he be so fucking stupid? He stood up, looking around the room in frustration. He ripped the clock from the wall and threw it with full force at the door, finding the sound of it shattering surprisingly therapeutic.

He kept going, throwing things and turning furniture over until the room was in an absolute heap.

He didn't know when he started crying, but soon enough he noticed hot tears of anger streaming down his face.

He felt the last bit of anger drain his body with the last picture frame he threw at the door. He looked around the room expecting to feel regret, but all he felt was satisfaction.

He decided to leave, starting to feel claustrophobic in the mess that was his room.

He left the house, making sure to lock the front door behind him.

Not knowing what to do with himself now, he faltered indecisively at the top of his driveway.

He knew he would have to face Farren eventually. They lived together for gods sakes, he couldn't avoid him forever.

If only he could control his stupid emotions.

Of all the people he could have kissed, he had to go and kiss Farren Milton.

How could he last through the next six weeks, knowing that they had been put in an awkward situation solely because he couldn't stop himself.

Though he knew it was wrong of him to admit it, selfishly he did enjoy the kiss. The feel of Farren's body so close to him. The feel of Farren's lips on his own.

That was pure bliss.

If only Farren would ever- could ever feel the same way. Sure, he hadn't exactly pushed Kaden off him, but he was drunk.

He probably didn't even register what was happening.

All Kaden could hope at this stage was that Farren didn't completely hate him. That he wouldn't beat the shit out of him when they finally came face to face again. Not that he could blame him for doing so.

Why did he have to get himself into such a mess? Why couldn't he just keep his feelings to himself?

There was no going back from this. It would always be there, lingering over them like a dark cloud threatening to pour down at any moment.

Months from now, how were they going to be able to pass each other in the street. Or play against each other in football matches.

Things could never go back to how they were. Things would never be the same.

All because he had gone and fallen for the enemy.


Another Chapter :)), hope you enjoyed!

VCF xxx

Qotc; Fave lgbt+ movie?

Aotc; Fair haven (❤️️)

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