
By pegasus_lover101

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This is my story about King Arthur. Don't worry though its not really FACT. Instead my story is based around... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 8

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By pegasus_lover101

Mirabelle glanced at Gavin while she was working on the tent. She was still seething but seeing him so miserable, so frustrated with himself, lessened her anger. The more she looked at his sad face, the more sympathetic Mirabelle felt. Finally all the anger had faded, her eyes went back to normal, and she walked over to Gavin and gave him a hug whispering 'I forgive you,' into his ear as she did so.

Gavin pulled away to look Mirabelle in the face. Her eyes were back to normal and she had a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry for being such an idiot," Gavin apologized again.

"At least you acknowledge it," Mirabelle retorted quietly.

"What? That I'm an idiot? Well I am so why hide it if it already shows through the way I act." Gavin made fun of himself. Mirabelle smiled and shook her head at him mockingly.

"I'm sorry for getting so mad but I am very touchy about the fact that boys think they are superior. That they think girls can't do anything except cook and clean. It drives me insane. Most likely because girls can do anything boys can do plus more." Mirabelle ranted and apologized at the same time.

"I can't blame you for getting mad since it is true that boys think that way but I also can't feel as strongly about as you do since I'm a boy."

"I know, I know. Can we just forget most of this conversation except for the fact that boys aren't superior to girls?" Mirabelle asked slightly embarrassed for no reason that Gavin knew of.

"What were we talking about again?" Gavin asked sarcastically, winking as he did so. Mirabelle smiled big enough so that she showed all her teeth. Gavin smirked. Mirabelle rolled her eyes and grabbed the wooden spoon from his hand and finished cooking the meat.

Dinner was delicious but served with a big helping of awkward. Neither Gavin nor Mirabelle was willing to break the silence but neither of them could stand it. Finally Mirabelle shoveled down her last bite of meat then went to her pack and took out some papyrus and a quill. She started to write with an intensity Gavin had never seen. Her eyes darted back and forth across the papyrus. Her fingers were a blur of skin and quill. Words appeared in beautiful cursive handwriting but Gavin couldn't read what it said. Gavin was quite smart for his age and he knew how to read and write but this writing wasn't English it seemed.

"What language are you writing in?" Gavin asked wondering where she had learned to write in a different language.

"What? I'm writing in English. Do you read a different language or something?" Mirabelle replied confused. I had never learned a different language. Or maybe I had but had forgotten when my memories had been erased but because I had known the language so well I hadn't realized I was writing in a different language. Mirabelle thought to herself. Ugh that is one confusing thought.

"Listen. You may not think I'm all that smart but I know quite a few things. I can read and write pretty well but what you just wrote makes no sense to me. I read and write English by the way."

"So you're saying that I'm writing in a different language based on your knowledge and skills?"

"Well yes in a way but look harder. Here let write..." Gavin started to scribble some words down on an extra sheet of papyrus. "See this is in English. Now match it up against yours." Gavin said. Mirabelle compared both sheets of papyrus and as she did so the words started to look different. Mirabelle could read both sentences but she could also see that the words were written differently. Gavin tried to read her expression but it kept changing from surprise to amazement to confusion and to others.

"No. I just can't remember anything. I don't want to drive myself insane thinking about this anymore." Mirabelle looked like she was in pain, as if she was overloaded with thoughts and ideas. Tired mentally and physically, Mirabelle crawled into her tent and fell asleep within moments. Gavin stood outside awkwardly for a few moments before walking into his own tent. Unlike Mirabelle Gavin was not quick to fall asleep. Lost in thought, it took him almost an hour to finally slip into the world of dreams.

That night Gavin's dreams were more vivid than ever. First he saw himself and Mirabelle completing the quest, finding her father and her memories, her friends apologized and the evil witch was defeated. The sorceress turned out to be alive and captured Mirabelle. The sorceress tortured Mirabelle over and over again fisrt burning her then healing her then poisoning her then healing again. On and on it went. The dream changed and Gavin was left standing alone in soundless pit of white. Swirling white mist poured over everything yet nothing had shape. Any solid figure melted into the lightest gray shadow. Any movement that would have made sound, didn't. If Gavin tried to speak the mist would move but nothing could be heard. He jumped and screamed, trying to be heard, until his throat ached and he gasped for breath. Annoyed and confused Gavin started walking in a direction. The only thing that reassured Gavin that he was actually moving was the fact that the mist swayed and shimmered around his feet, as if he was walking in a powdery, light as a feather, dry water. Then the mist started to retreat. When Gavin could see the blank landscape ahead of him clearly, a sound started reach him. The farther back the mist moved the more clearly the voice became until finally Gavin could make out what the words were.

"Wa-e u-... W-ke –p... Wake up!" Mirabelle yelled, her voice finally getting through to the sleeping Gavin. "It's mid-morning! We should have already been on our way by now." Mirabelle shook her head at Gavin. She was slightly annoyed but she was mostly just mocking him for being such a sleeping beauty. A few minutes later Gavin scrambled out of his tent and saw that breakfast had already been cooked and Mirabelle's tent and other things were already packed up. While eating his breakfast of oatmeal and toast and bacon Gavin rushed around packing up his belongings and struggling to take down his tent. It wasn't until sunhigh that Gavin and Mirabelle actually set out again. Gavin checked the compass every once in a while and every time he did so Mirabelle set a faster pace.

By midafternoon Gavin was panting and soaked in sweat from the afternoon heat. "Can't we take a break," He breathed.

"You woke up late. We have to walk faster to make up for lost time. It's your fault." Mirabelle said in a non-negotiable tone.

"No. It's not my fault. One; you didn't wake me up and two; we don't have a deadline so we could walk slower." Gavin contradicted.

"Of course! YOU wouldn't understand!" Mirabelle screamed at him. Eyes blazing, she sped up even more. Gavin opened his eyes wide in surprise. This was the second time she had snapped at him like that. Although he felt as if he and Mirabelle had a shaky friendship, they were tight. Gavin decided to give Mirabelle some time to cool off before going to talk to her about what just happened.

Mirabelle was someone who could hold a grudge. She was kind and caring, sweet and helpful, brave and courageous, smart and stubborn. She could forgive but never forget. When someone angered her enough, man could she hold a grudge. This was something Gavin found out about Mirabelle during her little rampage and 'blame Gavin' campaign. Tired after walking from hours on end and not in the greatest mood, Gavin refused to apologize for something that he didn't know about. He didn't want to pick a fight but he wasn't going to restore peace.

In a few days Mirabelle had forgotten why she was so angry with Gavin. She remembered their fight and him asking to slow down but she couldn't recall why she had gotten so mad. Lately Mirabelle felt as if she and Gavin were having an on again off again friendship. As if something was making her feel this way. Wait... first 2 friends betray and try to destroy me then an evil crew of weirdo's say they are following masters orders to kill me. So why wouldn't this same person try to turn me against my last friend, Mirabelle thought.

"Gavin!" Mirabelle exclaimed as realization washed over her.

"What?" Gavin asked as he sped up to be next to Mirabelle. His expression showed he was still a little annoyed with the way Mirabelle had been treating him. Still if Mirabelle sounded that surprised and almost desperate then Gavin would listen.

"You know how we keep arguing then apologizing?" Mirabelle questioned trying to lead Gavin to her own conclusion.

"Yes...?" Gavin replied wondering where this was going.

"Well I don't think it's because we like to argue. It think that this witch girl sorceress person is causing us to flip out about the littlest things. You're the calmer one so it affects you less and you apologize first. I'm fiery and quick to anger so I am the one usually freaking out and don't apologize much." Mirabelle explained.

"I guess that would make sense. If this lady wants you killed then the best way would be to turn you out alone in the woods and have nature take its toll on you." Gavin was coming to the same summary as Mirabelle was.

"Exactly! You get it!" Mirabelle was so happy she nearly screamed those words. Gavin smiled finding this display of emotions very entertaining. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you even though you did nothing. In my defense though someone was channeling bad vibes into my emotions."

Gavin rolled his eyes and said "Its fine. Sorry in advance if I freak out on you." Mirabelle smiled and answered with an 'apology accepted'. Tired of arguing and walking Mirabelle was happy to have gotten past that obstacle. Luckily for her mental state of exhaustion, stars were beginning to appear in the dimming night sky. The sky turned from light blue to dark blue to red and pink and orange and purple as then sun fell behind the clouds and beneath the swaying sea of leaves.

After many restless nights of fighting with his own guilt, Gavin was very happy to have a peaceful night's sleep. For the first time ever Gavin had fallen asleep almost instantly and he didn't dream. When he finally opened his eyes the sun was already 2/3 of the way to the noon point. The smell of bacon greeted Gavin as he crawled out of his tent.

"Mirabelle? Why didn't you wake me? I know how much you want to complete this quest." Gavin asked her. "And you made me bacon?"

"We have been working hard-by working hard I mean walking really fast. Also I'm sorry for getting so mad at you over nothing." Mirabelle choked out that last part. She wasn't very good at apologies-definitely not as good as Gavin. "I not very good with words but I hope the bacon patches things up along with my lousy apology."

"It does. Your words were good enough but bacon! I accept any apologies for a year!"

"You really love bacon." Mirabelle stated.

"No... really?" Gavin asked sarcastically. Gavin couldn't wait any longer. They had exchanged words and had a conversation but there was bacon ready. So why wasn't it being eaten? By him? Gavin walked up to Mirabelle, grabbed a handful of bacon and shoved it into his mouth. Mirabelle sighed. The look she gave him asked 'really?'

It was mid-afternoon before Mirabelle and Gavin started out again. That night was the full moon so they decided that since they had started so late they could ride through the night since it was so bright. By morning Mirabelle's butt was very sore from riding for so long. Still she and Gavin rode until late the next evening. That night Gavin and Mirabelle ate until they were stuffed. After an entire 24 hours on a horse with no break they were hungry. Afterwards the adolescents barely managed to pitch their tents before collapsing into a dreamless sleep.

The sun was just beginning to set when Mirabelle opened her eyes. How long have I been asleep? She wondered. Groggy from sleep Mirabelle stumbled out of her tent into the darkening night. Gavin's tent was still closed so she expected that he was still sleeping. Not sure what to do since the sun was setting but she was already well rested, Mirabelle took out her lantern and quill and papyrus. In the middle of the night in the middle of the woods Mirabelle sat their writing about anything that came to mind. Her quest, her friends, and any memories she recalled. Made up stories and songs and poems all wrote themselves across the papyrus.

Gavin woke up as the sun shattered the dark sky. As he clambered of his tent Gavin found Mirabelle asleep by the fire pit. A burnt out lantern and ink bottle lay next to her. Clamped in her hands was a sheet of papyrus. Her pale blonde hair spilled around her face. A piece of hair that hung over her mouth fluttered as Mirabelle breathed. Gavin watched for a moment before walking over and gently shaking her awake.

"Wha-..." Mirabelle breathed the words as she woke.

"It's morning. Didn't you get any sleep last night? We were exhausted but here you are-asleep with papyrus and ink in your hand." Gavin scolded her.

"No. No Gavin you've slept for 2 nights. I woke up as the sun set last night but didn't know what to do so I wrote for a while. I must have fallen asleep." Mirabelle explained as she remembered the events from last night.

"Really? That's a long time to be asleep. Are you sure?" Gavin asked. How could I have slept for so long?

"I know that we have slept for at least 2 nights. I don't know if we slept longer." Mirabelle was still tired from just waking up.

A couple hours later Mirabelle and Gavin were wandering through the woods searching for who knows what.

"What are we searching for again?" Gavin asked after a couple hours.

"I'm not quite sure. A couple months before I met you the girl who had me start this quest told me that I could find my father beyond the forests surrounding the castle of the King. King Uther Pendragons son. I can never remember the son's name." Mirabelle told Gavin. That was all she knew. Mirabelle hoped she would get a clue. Gavin's face contorted in confusion. Really? He asked himself, this is what I agreed to help her with. Searching the forbidden forest on the king's land? Wandering around with no idea of what we are looking for? I thought she had more of an idea of what we were trying to find. "I'm sorry," Mirabelle said, scattering Gavin's thoughts, "I'm sure you wish that we-that I knew what we were searching for."

"A little bit yes." Came Gavin's reply. Mirabelle rolled her eyes at the fact that he didn't even try to sugar coat it. "But it's okay." He finished. Suddenly Mirabelle's hand flew to her forehead. She groaned.

"Are you okay?" Gavin asked the first question that came to mind.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. My head just hurt momentarily. It was just a memory." Mirabelle reassured him.

"A memory?" Gavin questioned. Would it help them find what they were looking for? Would it guide them to a secret place? Would it reveal some deep secret that could be the key to everything? All these questions and more raced through Gavin's head.

"Yes. I was of this huge red barn. I could see the castle from there. The sun was rising from behind the castle. A man-my father is sitting next to me on the roof with a lady in a black dress on his right and next to the lady, a young boy. You!" Mirabelle jumped as she said the last word.

"Me? As in I'm the young boy?" Gavin's eyes were so wide. Mirabelle nodded her head. "And the lady. Is she my mother?" Mirabelle shrugged not knowing. "Does she have emerald green eyes with dark brown hair and blood red lips with the palest complexion?" Gavin went on describing the woman he had disowned as his mother. Mirabelle closed her eyes, concentrating on the memory. When she opened her eyes she had sort of a frightened look on her face.

"Yes." The word came out in barely a whisper.

"That was my mother. She is not anymore." Gavin's voice became hard and cold. His blue-green eyes flashed menacingly. Mirabelle was surprised by the hidden anger but she wasn't afraid for the anger wasn't directed at her.

"She's the lady from my dreams-" Mirabelle started.

"-Nightmares more like-" Gavin snarled, interrupting Mirabelle.

"-who is always chasing me, throwing fire that matches her eyes color and shrieking about family traitors and spoiled bloodline and how vengeance will fall upon me..." Mirabelle's voice quavered then faded away. Seeing Mirabelle so afraid, Gavin's anger grew towards his mother. Disbelief that this lady who was Gavin's mother-Gavin who had been there for her- had been trying to kill her for a long time, clouded Mirabelle's face. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

When Gavin saw the first teardrop fall, he freaked out. His eyes changed to the deepest blue, flashing with green flame. His mother had hurt the girl he cared about most. Gavin's heart and mind couldn't take it anymore. Forgetting about the fact that he was in the middle of the woods, forgetting that he didn't know where his mother was, forgetting that he would be leaving Mirabelle alone, Gavin kicked his horse and flew off into the woods faster than Mirabelle would have thought possible.

"Gavin!" Mirabelle screamed so loud the word nearly tore apart her vocal chords. Gavin heard her but didn't look back. Anger had gotten the best of him and flames were still burning bright, ready to spread and destroy. "Gavin." Mirabelle choked out his name as she started to sob while the last trace of horse and rider disappeared into the trees.

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