In the Spotlight

By probably-a-lesbian

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This is a spin-off of my Dear Evan Hansen fanfics, Falling For You and Waiting For You! Liliana Heere adores... More

Chapter One: Crystal
Chapter Two: First Day
Chapter Three: Bi-Fi
Chapter Four: No Hetero
Author's Note
Chapter Six: Frozen Yogurt
Chapter Seven: First Rehearsal
Chapter Eight: Heere
Chapter Nine: Would You Rather
Chapter Ten: Suspicious
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven: Help
Chapter Twelve: Gone
Chapter Thirteen: One Kiss
Chapter Fourteen: Gay Stuff
Chapter Fifteen: Questioning
Chapter Sixteen: The Park
Author's Note: Sorry

Chapter Five: Rainbow Family

261 24 56
By probably-a-lesbian

A/N: Thanks realawsomeliz for the idea!

"Wait, so how many brothers do you have?"

Lily and Crystal were sitting against the trunk of a tree at lunch.

"Four," Lily responded.

"Wow," Crystal said. "Do you have any sisters?"

"I guess I have two. Technically."

Crystal gave her a confused look. Lily giggled.

"Okay, most of them are in-laws," Lily explained. "Evan and Jeremy are my biological brothers. They're stepbrothers, though. Jeremy married Michael, and they have a son named Ainsley. Evan married Connor, who was messaging you last night. They have two daughters named Abby and Charlie," Lily looked at Crystal. "As for the technical sisters, Connor has a sister named Zoe, and she married Alana."

"You have a very Rainbow Family," Crystal commented.

"A what?"

"Rainbow Family," she explained. "Very gay. It's amazing."

"I think I'm the only straight person in my family," Lily laughed.

"Wait. You're straight?"

"I mean, I think so."

Crystal shook her head. "That's so disappointing."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" She asked.

"'Cause it's true."

"I said I think I'm straight," Lily said.

"I give it two weeks before you realise how gay you are," Crystal said seriously.


"What?" She laughed. "Questioning is the first sign! Trust me, I've been there."

Lily looked at Crystal. "Wait, what?"

"I'm very gay," she said. "And I haven't exactly been trying to hide it."

Lily nodded. "You really don't believe I'm straight?"

"No. You're not fooling anyone."

Lily thought about it. Was she straight? Was she gay? What was her sexuality?

She had been attracted to people before, but it never turned into a crush.

However, around Crystal, she felt... different, and she didn't quite know why.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Parker walking up to them. "Hey!" She exclaimed, sitting next to Lily.

"Hey, Parker," Lily smiled. "This is Crystal. Crystal, this is my friend Parker."

The two girls exchanged smiles and nods.

"How gay do you think Lily is?" Crystal asked Parker.

"Very," Parker replied.

Lily put her head in her hands. "Shut up," she whined.

Crystal laughed. "Embrace the gay, gorgeous."

"Crystal!" They heard someone yell from across the courtyard. Lily looked up to see Layla sitting at a table, waving Crystal over.

Crystal's face fell. "I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Parker."

With that, she was gone.

Lily watched as the angel sat with the devil, allowing herself to be brainwashed by that monster.


It was almost the end of the school day. Lily sat in History, scribbling down notes about World War 2.

She loved History. She found it very interesting and was quite good at it.

Lily felt a tap on her elbow and looked to her right.

Sitting there was a boy with jet black hair and green eyes. He had a spray of freckles across his nose. Cute Boy held out a note to Lily.

She took it, a confused look on her face.

She slowly opened the note and read it.

You're really pretty.

He had really neat, horizontal handwriting. She wrote directly underneath it.


She folded the note and handed it back. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him opening it and writing.

Lily felt another tap on her elbow and she took the note, opening it.

Is your name as beautiful as your face?

Lily blushed, taking a moment to write a reply.

My name is Liliana. You can call me Lily.

She handed it back and soon received another reply.

That's a lovely name! I'm Ethan. What are you doing tomorrow after school?

Lily replied:

Nothing. Why?

Ethan wrote:

Want to get frozen yogurt with me? I know a good place.

Lily smiled. She'd never been asked out before.

Was he asking her out? Or was it just platonic?

She replied:

Sure. Sounds good :-)

Ethan wrote back:

You have got to be the only person who draws smiley faces with noses. But it's cute.

He had scribbled his number underneath.

Well how are they supposed to breathe?

Ethan smiled as he read her response, but the bell rang before he could write anything. He put the note on Lily's desk, smiled and walked out of the classroom.

What just happened?


When Lily got home, Evan and Connor were still there.

She made the mistake of telling them about Ethan.

"But what about Crystal?" Connor asked sadly.

"I'm straight," Lily said for what seemed like the billionth time that day.

Maybe if she said enough times, she'd fully believe it.

Evan and Connor didn't seemed very convinced by that statement. They weren't the only ones.

"Just be careful, okay?" Evan said. "I'll just need his number and address-"

"Evan!" Lily laughed.

"I don't want him hurting you!"

"Remember, if things don't work out between you and Ethan, there's always Crystal," Connor reminded her.

"Oh, thanks." Lily rolled her eyes.

"But seriously, I hope things go well between you guys," Connor said.

"Also, tell me if he hurts you, because I won't hesitate to ki-"

"Woah, woah, calm down, Tree Boy!" Connor laughed.

"I'm serious."

Lily and Connor laughed.

A/N: Shout out to my old therapist for "Rainbow Family".

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