Thavma Ropalo - A WonderBat f...

By thedjgirl

32.7K 756 303

Bruce is adamantly against relationships... He is the night. He can't let anyone get too close. especially no... More

Secrets and lies
Unbelievable Sights
Poisons and Potions
Surprise surprise!
Little ones and wedding bells
Mr. & Mrs. Trouble
Veronica Vixen
A Price to Pay

Trouble or Nothing

1K 30 9
By thedjgirl

"Bruce why can't he open his eyes?" Diana asked a frown. Her gaze settled on baby Aiden.

"I think he has an infection that has basically glued his eyes shut." He said simply.

She kissed his forehead. "I want to take him to my mother. See if she can help him."

"Alright... when?"

"Can we go tomorrow?" She asked with bright eyes.

"Tomorrow?!" Bruce spit his drink. "Diana I need like a week's notice... at least three days!"

"I could go without you? The magic in our healing methods is beyond compare. I want Aiden to see them as soon as possible. Since he's not getting better."

He groaned. "Fine. Go without me. It's probably better that way anyways. Your mother still hates me. I have a peni..." he stopped when he realized Luna was looking at him.

"You have what daddy?" She babbled her big eyes trained on him

"Nothing... I have nothing." He said quickly. "It's better you go without me."

She chuckled and nodded. "Okay. I'm sure mother would love to see Luna anyways."

He nodded and picked up Luna, returning his gaze to the crime reports in front of him, bouncing his baby girl on his knee easily.

Diana smiled. She loved that sight. Not even five years ago he was a completely different man. Cold, brooding, unable to let anyone get close to him... and now? He was a father of two and the best husband she could ask for. "I'll go prep the jet. Alfred? Would you mind watching Aiden for a while?"

"Not at all Ma'am. It'd be my genuine pleasure to watch the little boy." He smiled taking the baby from her arms.

The next day Diana loaded up the jet and flew out to Themiscura. She did miss her home... but she loved her life with the Justice League and Bruce.... her children... but she was happy to visit home. It would be her first time back since she was pregnant with Luna... she smiled thinking about how far she'd come since then.

She landed the jet in an open field. Somehow, Artemis always knew when she would be arriving...

She came down the ramp and hugged her friend. "Oh Artemis! It's so good to see you!"

"You as well Diana! Have you brought your child?"

"I brought my children." She grinned.

Her eyes got wide. "More than one?!"

"Two. My daughter Luna and my few month old son Aiden." She grinned.

"A prince? Another prince?! Themiscura has truly been blessed!" She took her hand. "Get your babies and lets go see your mother!"

She grinned and followed her out. "Aiden will need to see a healer. The doctors of Man's World cannot help him..." she showed her the little bundle. "His eyes don't open."

"Oh no... what a poor little prince. I'll alert Dona."

"Thank you my friend."

Artemis just smiled as they walked towards the city.

They came into the healer's wings and heard Dona yelling for her twins to stop running. "Tobias I swear! You're going to get your brother hurt!"

"Dona?" Diana asked with a smile.

The girl turned and gasped before running over to hug her. "Diana!!!"

She smiled and brought Aiden forward. "I need help. My son's eyes won't open."

"Oh no!" She frowned. "Temy, would you go let mother know Diana is here?"

"Of course princess." The other woman nodded bowing out.

Dona began to examine the little boy. "His eyes most certainly got infected... oh poor thing. I see sores in his mouth as well. And he's so malnourished! Diana what happened to my nephew!?!" She cried.

Diana took a breath before Hypolita barged in. "I hear I have another grandchild?"

"Hello mother," Diana smiled. "This is Aiden."

Hypolita took one brief look at the child before she frowned. "That is NOT my grandson."

Diana could hear her heart beating in her ear. "Yes mother... it is."

"You are not the mother of this child!" The queen argued.

Diana was getting upset now. "Yes I am!"

"You did NOT birth this child and nothing you can say will change that!"

Diana clenched her jaw. "No I did not birth him. But he is still my child."

Dona frowned from where she was examining the child. "What happened to him Diana?"

She crossed her arms. "Bruce was blackmailed by an evil woman for sex... she got pregnant from it and Aiden was the result. She is now behind bars and I am now Aiden's mother. End of story."

"He committed adultery?! That man whore slept with another?!" Hypolita cried.

"Mother! He did it to try and save our family! Besides, we all love Aiden. I brought him here because the doctors of Man's world cannot help him and he is very sick." She argued. "So if you want to pitch a holy fit then by all means! But as soon as Aiden is well, I am leaving with MY son!"

Dona frowned. "Mother please... it's in the past. Let it stay there."

The queen thought on it for a moment before she huffed. "Fine."

Diana couldn't believe it... more trouble than she thought ever possible from a baby.

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