the teenage life [UNDER MAJOR...

By ereannie

282K 5.9K 2.5K

>>[previously total teenage drama]<< When you are in high school, obviously you expect drama. You... More

Total Teenage Drama
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven

Chapter Twenty Six

4K 91 35
By ereannie

-Elsa's POV-

"How could you?" Mavis screamed at my face as I backed away, totally shocked. I gripped the side of my face and stumbled, grabbing a locker so I didn't fall onto the hard, marble floor. I gasped, Hiccup gasped, the entire crowd surrounding us gasped.

"Mavis!" Hiccup gripped me as I suddenly tried to lunge at her. He shook his head and squeezed my wrists to stop myself from attacking her. Why in the world did she slap me like that?

"You are an idiot!" Mavis folded her arms and began pulling her hair.

"Yes, thank you!" I said, and I felt my cheek becoming red hot. I had a feeling there was a great red handprint on my cheek and I touched it tentitivley, absoloutely shocked she would do such a thing.

"Mavis, what happened?" Hiccup cried. I glanced sideways and noticed Merida, Rapunzel and Johnny were just as shocked as I was. If so, maybe more. Merida was very red and Johnny was gulping slightly, little beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Ask Elsa!" Mavis said, as I leant against the locker to gain some strength. When I get my energy, Mavis is going to get a lot of questions asked at her. Why would she do such a thing? I still don't know! "Go on, ask her!"

Hiccup frowned and scratched his head. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself yelling at the top of my lungs, as Hiccup shook his head.

"What do you mean?" he asked Mavis, stepping a little closer to her. She looked up at him, then at me, then at him, then at me, then she began laughing madly, like an insane clown.

"Oh my- she didn't tell you? She didn't tell you any of this? What kind of friend is she? Huh?"

"Wait...what are you talking about?" I asked, trying to act dumb. Yes, if I act dumb, she'll probably think I don't know and leave.


As the words escaped Mavis's lips, everybody moved backwards, covering their faces with their hands and their eyes wide with shock. Some began whispering, hiding their lips with their hands and the others were rubbing their legs together and chattering loudly.

I face palmed myself, and shook my head in disgust. Hiccup turned to me, his cheeks puffed out and his eyes staring deeply at me.

"Elsa?" he asked me. "What is she talking about?"

"I have no idea!" I snapped back angrily at him. Alright, he was trying to defend me which was very sweet but honestly, I wasn't in a good mood.

"Oh, of course you don't," Mavis rolled her eyes. "Because the great Elsa is the best, right?"

You may think she was overreacting but she wasn't. She despises them with every fibre of her soul. She hates them so much she is willing to literally rip their guts out. And to find out her best friend is keeping something from her like this (even though it isn't true in the least) well...

"Mavis, what the- how could you say this?" I asked her, jabbing her in the chest with my pointy, long finger.

She didn't try to attack me again, which was kind of alright, but after she accused me I couldn't have the heart to forgive her. What the heck, how could me and Jack be having an affair?

"Oh please," Mavis looked at me. "Don't try to act innocent. I saw the entire thing on my phone. Somebody sent it to me. Everybody got the video!"

Once I heard that, I completley lost it. I began screaming at the top of my lungs, so much that my eyes were watering slightly and little drops of tears were pouring out of my cheeks- not out of sadness, out of anger, I'll point out.

"What-what thing?" I asked her, literally pulling hairs out of my head.

"You and Jack," Mavis said. "In the closet. Hugging. You kissed his cheek. You kissed him Elsa."

I gripped my chest and looked at Hiccup, who had gone deathly pale. I turned over and chanced another glance at Johnny, Rapunzel and Merida, who were both choking on air.

So Crystal had been spying on us, that little two faced wretch!

"That's- that's not true!" I said, trying to cover up. Mavis rolled her eyes yet another time, fingering the fabric she was wearing.

"Yeh right. Cameras don't lie," she stated, waggling her fingers threateningly at me.

So this wasn't Mavis's fault. All the anger towards her bubbled right out of me, and then suddenly began shooting towards Crystal's direction. She was now on her phone, pressing some buttons, and then she turned her phone and the video came on.

"Jack," I muttered quietly, and I grabbed his arm and turned him around, staring at his eyes. They were watering, and thick, fat tears were oozing out of them, creating glittering tear tracks on his cheek.

"Shh, it's okay," I wiped his tears with my thumb, as if I was consoling a two year old toddler. I suprised myself so much when I suddenly went on my tip toes and then pressed my lips against his cold cheek.

He was very shocked at first, and his arms flew forwards to push me. But I think he had a sudden change of heart, and he wrapped his arms around me and burrowed his head in my shoulder and I patted his back.

"It's alright," I whispered in his ear. "I promise you, everything will be alright. I won't tell anybody about it."

I rubbed my chin against his soft hair and I heard him as he sniffed. He wiped his watery red eyes and I noticed his eyelashes were stuck together.

"Really?" he said. "You won't tell...anybody?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," I muttered.

We still didn't let go. Jack began tracing circles on my back as he thought, and he still kept his arms around my waist as he moved his head and stared at me.

"Thank you Elsa," he said, cupping my face with his soft hands. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, no problem," I said, staring up at him.

"You're not as half bad as I thought," he mumbled, looking slightly foolish.

"Your 00're not either," I said, growing red.

"And thats a lot coming from you, right?" Jack said.

I chuckled and then we hugged again, this time tighter.

Oh no. She was right. The entire- well, half of the thing- was recorded. I wanted to murder her. I hope to god that Rapunzel didn't hear what me and Jack were discussing though. Not just me- but he would be literally crushed and pounded to smithereens. I didn't want that- he didn't deserve it.

Everybody was laughing in my embarrasment now. I felt so bad. I wanted to die, right there on the spot. I felt my eyes water and now, instead of tiny tears of anger and frustration, thick, fat tears were falling down. I kept my lips pursed togethor so I wouldn't make a noise, but I let myself cry and didn't stop the flow. I couldn't help it. It just kept coming.

I covered my face with my hands and turned around, trying to hide myself. But then suddenly, the chitter-chatter stopped. The laughing died down almost immediatley. Loud, familar footsteps echoed in the silence, towards me. And I knew who it was.

I whirled around and saw Jack, who had a very confused look on his face. When he saw my tears he jumped slightly in suprise, and his mouth gaped open.

"Elsa...what? Why are you crying? What the hell has happened?" Jack turned around and the first person he saw was Mavis, who had her hands clenched into balls. She glared at him and he raised his eyebrow.

"What's gone wrong?" he asked, puzzled.

"Shut up Frost boy. You had an affair with Elsa," a girl with frizzy brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes, with tanned skin and a disappointed look told him, shaking her head. "I can't believe it. I've fancied you for so long. How could you do this? My two favourite role models, having an affair."

That kinda made me feel sort of happy because I wasn't the only one being insulted. But I continued crying. I knew that was horrible. I shouldn't feel like that. But I just did. Does that make me a horrible person?

"What?" Jack bellowed, making a spider shape with his fingers. "Who the hell- what makes you think that?"

The girl pointed at Crystal, who had replayed the video again.

"Jack," I muttered quietly, and I grabbed his arm and turned him around, staring at his eyes. They were watering, and thick, fat tears were oozing out of them, creating glittering tear tracks on his cheek...

I stayed hiding behind Hiccup, too ashamed to show my face. My entire reputation was ruined. All of it, ruined. Now I was a weirdo, and Jack was a cheater.

The entire school knows of our rivalry. So something like this was big.

Jack bit his lip and began chewing it slowly, looking at me for help to try and escape that. He looked as ashamed as me.

"Hah, speechless huh? Ashamed? That the entire school knows about your affair?" Mavis spat out.

I ran my fingers through my hair and kicked my locker.

"What the hell Mavis?" I yelled at her suddenly, despite my tears. "What kind of friend are you? I mean, even though its not true, a true friend would stick by me and support me, not slap me and freaking yell her head off!"

"Don't insult me!" Mavis yelled. "I'm the one who insults people. And frankly, I'm putting you in the right place. Thats the only rule in our group. It's a simple rule Elsa, and you freaking broke it!"

"Yes," Crystal suddenly said, and fake tears came to her eyes. That idiotic liar.

"W-what?" Jack turned to her, and for the first time in forever, I could see true loathing in his eyes.

"Why did you cheat on me with her, Jack?" Rapunzel said as she came closer. Unlike Crystal she was truly upset.. "I- I love you! How could you do this to me? You- you told me that you weren't lieing! I- I believed you!"

"I wasn't lieing!," Jack said. Then he turned to Crystal. "You little jerk! You spied on me!"

"Well, you're the one whos cheating!" Crystal said to him. "If you wanted to cheat, sure I'd be unhappy, but with Elsa? How low can you fucking get?"

"Don't insult Elsa!" Jack said. Oh my god. He was defending me. "She's not as bad as you think! And Frankly, we weren't even dating in the first place! She was just helping me through some tough stuff!"

"You could have asked me!" Rapunzel thumped his chest. "I'm your girlfriend Jack! You can ask me, Merida or Johnny anything. Why didn't you ask us? I thought we were your friends? You can share anything with us!"

"Because she knew of it already!" Jack yelled.

"And?" Rapunzel yelled back. "A relationship is based on trust! You broke my trust!"

"I swear I didn't make out with her, and I am not having and affair with her!" He turned back to Crystal. "You spied on me!"

"So what?" Crystal said. "Good thing I found out! Heck, if I was Rapunzel, I'd break up with you right now!"

There was a long, deafening pause. Only the sounds of my sobs could be heard. All eyes were on Jack and Rapunzel. Rapunzel was crying and her hair was flying everywhere. Jack look so frustrated, I swear he was going to burst. He looked so guilty too. Guilty about making Rapunzel said.

"I'm... I'm sorry," Jack said, touching her shoulder. She moved it away. "I... I swear we aren't dating.." he murmured.

"We are over," she whispered. The whole school went numb at these words. "I don't think I can trust you anymore."

"Excuse me?" Jack said. "No, no Rapunzel, please don't do this, you're only making harsh decisions because your angry at me, I swear you-"

"I don't love you anymore," Rapunzel said.

There was another pause.

"E...Excuse me?" Jack stammered, looking suddenly like he was going to die. I didn't even know what he was going to do next. I never expected it. He seemed to take everything in properly and then he gulped, obviously trying hard not to cry. "You want us to break up? Fine, Elsa, come with me-" Jack gripped my wrist tightly so his fingers dug right in. Without looking at me and his eyes still on Rapunzel, he spoke to Crystal angrily who was looking suddenly afraid.

"Crystal, you're an idiot. And Rapunzel, I'd think you'd like to know she was continiously flirting with me through out our project and she never told you. Just thought I'd let it out."

"Lies," Crystal said immediatley. "All lies! Do you believe him Rapunzel? I am your cousin, I wouldn't do such a thing."

Rapunzel stared at Jack. She didn't reply. She just turned away and walked off, not bothering to look back. Johnny and Merida followed her immediatley, looking worried.

With that, Jack walked away, pulling me along with him.

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