Bella and the bulldogs #newph...

By stuufinstuff

13.4K 219 24

By now it's a routine, newt obsesses over Sophie , and she turns him down. But what happens when newt has had... More

Chapter 1- pilot
Chapter 2- no hope
Chapter 3 - moving on
Chapter 4- a realization
Chapter 5 - the fight for fate
Chapther 6 - trouble in paradise
Chapter 7 - valentines day dance part 1
Chapter 9 - valentines dace part 3
Chapter 10 - romeo and juliet
Chapter 11 - ro-bo-show
Chapter 12 - a goodbye
Chapter 13 - what comes next

Chapter 8 - valentines day dance part 2

714 13 0
By stuufinstuff

Newts pov
I walked into the starcade after school to see Bella sitting alone at a table. I hopped in beside her. "Hey Bella, you ok?"  "Y-yeah I guess" she said. "What happened?" I asked. "Troy asked me to the dance" she said staring blankly at a wall. "Bella that's great what did you say?" I asked. "I said no" she said. "What why?!" I asked.  " I don't... I don't know, he was acting weird... and I- I just freaked, I mean... it's Troy" he's my friend. "That's weird, Sophie was acting differently too, she was polite and dressed all girly" I said. "Maybe she was just trying something new" Bella suggested. "No, trust me, I know Sophie and she was definitely acting strange" I said. "Well do you like her like that?" I had to think for a second. "I'll love Sophie no matter what, but original Sophie is the best Sophie." Bella nodded. "Do you like new Troy, do you even like normal Troy in that way ?" I asked. "I... I think I do like   Troy in that way, but the guy that just asked me out didn't even feel like Troy" said Bella. "Ok then let's get them back to normal, we'll just ask them what's up and tell them we like there personalities the way they are, you and Troy go to the dance and me and Sophie will have our date." I said determined.

             -time jump-
It was the next day, I went to school ready to talk to Sophie in science. I walked through the halls when from behind me I felt someone harshly pull on the collar of my shirt and pull me backwards. I found myself in the janitor's closet face to face with Justin. The asshole who had kissed Sophie earlier.  "You!" I said pointing at him in anger. "I'm gonna kill you!" I said going in to punch his stomach. "Owwww" I heard a shriek. I was pretty proud of myself till I realized I was the one shrieking in pain. I rubbed my knuckles, "you got a strong stomach!" I said shocked. Justin chuckled. "I can't believe Sophie got stuck with a baby like you. He said smugly. I looked down. My strength and .... masculinity was one of my biggest insecurities. I wanted to be...... man enough for Sophie. "What do you want" I said ashamed. "I want you to break up with Sophie" he said Intensely. "What, no way!" I said looking him in the eye. "Have it your way, but a warning, I'll make your life a living hell until you agree" he whispered while practically lifting me up by my shirt. Then he gave me one more death stare. "Could you please put me down before I puke" I said in a high voice. Then he  tossed me out of the closet, landing right behind Sophie causing me to bump in to her. She turned around in shock, "Jesus newt are you all right?" She asked. "I'm fine" I said dully. I looked her up and down, upset to see that she still didn't look like herself. "Sophie I wanted to ask you something"  "sure what about" she said smiling politely. "Lately you seem..... different, are you ok?" I asked. "I'm great. I'm with you" she said. I almost believed her adorable smile, but I knew something was up. "Sophie seriously talk to me" "I'm fine" she insisted. "Sophie you can talk to me, I won't judge" I said "seriously newt I said I'm fine" "Sophie your not acting like yourself and I want to know why!" "It's not your right to tell me when I'm not being myself!" She said. I sighed. "Yes but I'm your boyfriend, so it is my right to tell you that I'll love you no matter what, you don't have to change, and I miss you, I love your personality, I love that your badass and that you have a spark, Sophie your awesome, and perfect" I said. She stood there in silence looking mad. Maybe that's good? "Come on Sophie bring out the anger!" I said motivating her. She was about to say something mean  but then she stopped herself. "I appreciate the concern but I'm fine" she said in a polite yet constrained manner" then she walked away

Troy's  pov
Bella walked up to me hesitantly. I frowned at her. She rejected me! What kind of idiot rejects the Troy!?  But deep inside I knew Bella wasn't an idiot. She was smart and sweet, funny, caring, all of that. But she also changed my view on life. I underestimated her like I did with all girls. I thought Bella would be another girl who just fell for me till I shook em off, but she made me realize there's another type of girl out there. There are girls that are strong, and powerful, Bella was one of those girls, when she wanted something she never gave up, she changed the world by going after what she believed in. And now I had a dream like her dream with football. And my dream was to be with her. The seemingly impossible can be possible. If Bella can join football, or if newt can get Sophie, then I sure as hell can get Bella. But it seemed I didn't have to, "about that dance, I change my mind, I want to go with you" said Bella smiling as she approached me. "Wait really?" I asked confused. "Yes as long as I get to go with awesome Troy, not weird romantic Troy." Bella said smiling. "Got it, I just did that because pepper said it'd make you like me" I said honestly. Bella smiled "I can't believe you asked pepper for advice with me, that's really cute, but I like normal Troy Much better" she said smiling" "uh uh the Troy is not cute" Bella laughed, wrinkling up her nose. "Now that's cute" I said smiling as I watched her laugh. I like you Troy" she said seriously. "Excuse me a moment" I said walking  behind a wall where Bella couldn't see me, then I did the most epic touchdown dance I had ever done.

Newts pov.
I watched  Sophie walked away. Nothing I said worked. I turned around to walk away. I jumped back in horror to see Justin there with crossed arms looking at me with anger. "Huh... hey buddy.... whatcha doin?" I said nervously laughing while playfully punching his shoulder. "Excused me?" He said taking  my hand of him.  "I mean.... who said that....????"  "I warned you to stay away from Sophie... but you just had to see what would happen didn't you?" Justin said talking slowly and walking up to me. "Right, I didn't mean to anger you, but it's hard for me to stay away from Sophie". I said backing up slowly. "Well you'll do it, or my fist might have a hard time staying away from your face!" He said stepping even closer to me. "Well if I just take a step back, then your fist won't reach my face and it won't be an issue" I said trying to back up, but then I realized I couldn't, I was tight up against a wall. And Justin was right I front of me. What's that matter pipsqueak, no place to run?" He said raising his fist. I crunched my face and closed my eyes preparing myself for the pain about to cross my face. Then I heard a bang. But nothing hit me. I opened my eyes to see that Sophie was there. She had pushed Justin off of me and into the wall right beside me.

Sophie's pov
"Hey meat head, lay off my man" I said pressing Justin harshly against a wall. "Cmon babe don't fight it any more, i'm perfect for you" said Justin looking at me. "No your  not,  newts perfect for me, he's the most important person in the world to me, and I'm not going to let you bully him out of my life" I said intensely. "You can't be serious" Justin said doubtfully. "Im more  serious about this then I've ever been about anything in my entire life" I said pushing him more aggressively. "You'd pick this weak munchkin over me?" Justin laughed. I frowned. "Newt is stronger then you could ever dream to be. I said surely. "Then why can't he protect himself?" He said looking over at newt. Newt was about to answer when I cut in. "Newt protected me everyday since I've met him, now it's my turn to protect him, so if you lay a finger on him, I'll break you. You understand?" I Asked. He nodded. "Good" I said about to let go of him. "Oh one more thing, munchkin is my nickname for newt, only I call him that. I said. Justin nodded and ran off. When he was gone. I turned to newt, he smiled at me, I smiled too. "Your back! Tough and Sassy Sophie's back!" Newt exclaimed. "Yes I am, I was thinking about what you said, your right I wasn't being myself, I was scared you'd want someone more lady like then me. But
I realized that one of the reasons I love you is because you love me for the way I am, so I came back and saw Justin and you fighting." I said. "Wait Sophie that's crazy, why would I want you to be more lady like, I have always known who you are and I've always loved you because if it." Newt said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I know, I let this girl get to me, I'm sorry I know I promised no more drama." I said. Newt smiled. "It's okay, a dramatic day with you is still better then a great day with any one else" he smiled. I laughed. "I love you" I said looking him up and down and taking in his little quirks. His smile got wider. "I love you too".

Authors notes- ( there will be a part three about the actual date and dance but I still have to write it😂 I was gonna publish all 3 parts Together but i decided I might as well put out something for people to read.

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