Adeline's Reign

By DianiaSilver

669 1 0

Adeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get... More

We meet again
The ups and downs of knowing everthing
I can't love
The Original Jack Harkness
Panic and Troubles
Meeting Martha
Everyone hates Torchwood
the escape attempt
Adeline's return
Reality resets itself
John Hart
Family Reunion
Secrets are never good
Authors Note Sorry!
Normal at least for me
Death itself
A long over due history lesson
a first wedding
Circuses are really creepy
I get to know my niece
A worse torture
Remedy Smith
late rescue
Amy Williams, Rory Williams, and Jack Harkness
Pieces in a puzzle

Panic's Master

14 0 0
By DianiaSilver

Panic had never been more confused in her life. At least she thought she hadn't been this confused. Every memory of hers from her time on the Valiant and a couple days before that had been messed with. Every day had more than one memory one with her being friends with Jack and the other giving her a very good reason to hate them. She had no idea which one was true and which one wasn't. The only clue she had was that Angelina was dead according to her bond so she knew Jack must of killed her and so she wasn't talking to either one of her prison mates no matter how much Jack pleaded with her to tell him what was wrong. Then The Master came in and she immeditley glared at him.
" What is the point in messing with my memory Master." She asked narrowing her eyes. " Well I had been hoping it would change your opinion on me, but it seems as if I need to actually be with you to  ." He said and waved his guards forward to unchain her. " Stay away from me." She glared immeditley making her body have sparks fly from it. " I would recommend not fighting Panic it would be unfortunate if I hurt your precious Doctor." He sneared and she glared not wanting to go with him without a fight. She had been so busy focusing on The Master that she hadn't even realized they had already unchained her and grabbed her arms forcing them behind her. She struggled in their arms, but without her powers she was powerless. Then for some reason Jack lashed out kicking the guy that had restrained her arms and he keeled over allowing her to move into a defensive stance.
" You stupid Freak!" The Master yelled shooting Jack dead. " No!" Ianto yelled struggling against the chains that chained him to a wall. " You shouldn't of done that Master." She growled. She may not like Jack, but she hated killing even if he didn't stay dead. Besides he did save her life. Knowing she would most likely regret it she used her magic to attack multiple people slamming the guards into the walls hopefully knocking them out.
" You don't have enough strength to defeat me Panic and you know it." The Master said walking towards her and she shot magic at him giving him a warning shot. " You might have drained Faith's powers, but if I remember correctly you had no idea how to deal with that much power." Panic said hoping that he still had no clue. " That was so long ago Panic and you should know that was a child's prayer. I now have control over plants, electricity, fire, and air. I trained during The Doctor's eight and ninth regeneration." He grinned as a sudden wind picked up and sparks sprouted from his fingers. Sighing she prepared herself, but he had barely moved from the entry way when Ianto too had lashed out at The Master as he passed him. Weather it was because of her or Jack's death she didn't know. The Master turned punching the Welshman in the stomach making him bend over. Taking his distraction as a chance to attack she stepped forward unleashing a streak of electricity to shock The Master. Unfortunately he caught it absorbing the electricity into his body. " You have forgotten that I have Faith's strength of her powers and her awareness. She was much more of a warrior then you Panic." He laughed as plants shot out of the ground wrapping themselves around her. She lite herself on fire burning the plants easily considering Faith's powers were mostly given to her by other regenerations much like her own electricity was his most powerful as fire was to her. Though it gave The Master enough time to fire a lightning bolt at her making her give a shriek of pain before collapsing to the ground electricity making her body shake. He grabbed her forcing her to stand. She tried to fight her way out of his grip, but only resulted in her getting shocked again. She was dragged out and she heard a gasp right as she was lead out of the room. He took her to his bedroom where Adeline was already there her hands bound behind her back and reinforced with a metal band.
" Panic?" She said and she guessed she was surprised to see her alive since her bond to her other selves had been cut. " Addie." She grinned with a nod. The Master pushed her to the side before turning to the guards. He told them to take Adeline to Jack's area and they grabbed her forcing her off the bed. As she passed she felt her arm tingle as Adeline's finger tips brushed her arm and she gave her a slight smile seeing what she was doing. She was lead out of the room and The Master pushed her to the floor before placing his hands to her temples. The pain was immediate and she gave a yelp trying to yank her head away from him, but he held his grip. It lasted hours if throbbing pain and her screaming her head off as her whole body shook in pain. The worst part was she was forced to stay conscious during the whole process of The Master remaking her whole entire memory system. Needless to say it was incredibly tiring, frustrating, and painful. As soon as he pulled his hands away she passed out unable to stay conscious. When she woke up she had no idea who she was, where she was at, or anything about her specifically. It was as if you erased a books story and the only thing in it now was blank pages. " Oh good your up." A guy's voice said and she turned to see a blonde guy grinning at her. " Who are you and where am I?" She asked placing a hand on her throbbing head. " I'm The Master and you are on my ship The Valiant." He answered. " This probably sounds stupid, but who am I?" She asked. " Your Ember Isengor my beautiful wife." He smirked.

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