Something Real | MakoHaru

By sihoohan

6.8K 224 100

"You've changed so much, Makoto." "I'm sorry, but my name is Mako." Five years ago, a happy, sweet and... More

too hung up to you
to panic
somebody that you used to know
somebody else
the death of me
quit playing
your love isn't real
no makeup
what if
i miss you
love is white as snow
don't let me go
i'm sorry but i love you
something real
hold my hand and don't let go

fool again

353 16 5
By sihoohan

i should've seen it coming,
i should've read the signs
but I guess it's over


   Shivers went down in his spine—it's something Haru never thought would happen to him; and it's much worse, even worse. In front of him lies two figures with widened eyes, sharing a trail of saliva between their lips that became the evidence of their crime. As his heart started to tear, he ran with all of strength to get away.

   'Haru!' shouted Rin as he was about to chase him, but stopped as Sousuke blocked him. 'Why would you chase him if you don't have feelings for him?!'

    With tears in his eyes flying with the wind, the pain inside Haru suffocated him, making him wonder he's still able to breathe despite running and having a broken heart at the same time. It kept playing back in his mind: the kiss that's so intense, and passionate, and Haru saw Rin in a way he'd never seen before.

    He felt betrayed.

    His feet suddenly stopped and he sighed, regretting one single thing.

    He regretted losing him. If he's here, he would be the one comforting him.

    Betrayal. Treason. A traitor disguised as a lover. Haru felt disgusted, as he reassured himself that this is what he had dreamt, and he has now reached it. But in the end, it's just nothing but a dream; and everything happening to him right now is the reality.

    He never thought that the person who gave color to his colorless life will be the death of him. It's all a delusion; an imagination his mind creatively created, and he felt like choking in his own spit. He finally regretted everything he did. He's a fool. A dumbass. An asshole. The literal asshole of Rin. An actual shit. If only he didn't existed...

    If only he seen this coming...

    Man, he is still in love with him and it pains him.

    Darkness fell and Makoto is back in his usual habit: clubs. After seeing his face again for so long, Makoto felt refreshed and he wants to complete one thing before leaving Iwatobi again in order to start his life over without his past clinging on him. He knows Haru is the only person in his life he needs to say goodbye to.

   But how will he do it?

   He doesn't even know.

   Everyone eyed him around around; male and female alike, and their stares trailed his back as Makoto walked. In the past, he would be embarassed having all eyes on him, but he's confident—like a model in a fashion magazine. A smirk appeared in his lips as he noticed a group of girls checking him out; he winked, causing them to scream louder than the speakers.

   If only he have the audacity to, Makoto would've a girlfriend right now. She would be slim, a bit tall, calm and quiet, with ocean-blue eyes and straight, shiny black hair. Makoto choked.

After all, Makoto's standards will always be Haru.

   Makoto sighed upon remembering him. He then sat on one of the stools and lighted a cigarette. Upon seeing the bartender, he spoke, 'Johnny Walker.'

   As the smoke from his mouth faded, he saw a figure not far from him. He doubted at first; but seeing the familiar black hair resting on the counter, he could not help but to go near to him.

   The man wore a hoodie, and in front him is a glass with half-filled whiskey. The man looked down, and Makoto could not restrain his curiousity so he tried to hold his head up. To his surprise, he saw a face he'd never expect to show up in a place like this.


   Haruka's face is warm and overflowing with tears, causing Makoto to gasp silently. A thump startled him suddenly, causing him to look back to the counter and see the glass he ordered. 'Are you that guy's friend, sir?'

   Makoto shook his head to the bartender. 'No, just an aquaintance.'

   'I see. But that guy just gobbled up four glasses nonstop and I could see that he isn't good at drinking. But I can't stop him since he was mumbling a name and kept crying.'

   'Really? Well, thank y—'

   'Rin... Why did you do that...' Makoto glanced back and saw Haru looking at him with anger. If Haru is like this...

   Then what did Rin do to make him turn into a crying mess?

   'Oh, it's you, Makoto!' He said in a slurred tone, as he tried to hug, but ended up slipping away, causing Makoto to catch and hold him tight. To his surprise, Haru stood up and grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him. 'Where are we going?'

   'You have a vehicle right?'

   'I do. Why?'

   'Because I want to go to the sea.'

   And by that, Makoto's time stopped. He's unaware of everything. Haru's hand held his wrist; the lights became spinning bokeh, the people dancing became moving distortions, and the music became bass.

   The fresh yet salty feeling of the wind made Haru's eyes flutter. It's late at night, and he chose to go to the club and indulge himself in alcohol until someone picks him yp. He is too sure that there will 0% chance that the cheater Rin Matsouka would be fetching him.

   But now he's stuck with this familiar stranger with green highlights.

  Makoto stood behind him with complete amazement as he wondered how  this guy was able to stand despite his tipsyness. He sat on the sand while Haru stood up and watched the sea in silence before running to the shore by instinct.

   His forest green eyes immediately widened as he soon realised he's trying to kill himself. Running like a complete idiot, he chased him, and dived. Haru floated while his breath trailed into smaller bits. Makoto became frantic as he grabbed him by his hand. But Haru is too stubborn and tried wriggling it, but it's no use.

   Makoto tried all of his strength to come up to the surface and laid him down. Haru coughed water, but his eyesight became blurry. To Makoto's surprise, Haru had stroked him by the face.

   He touched him...gently. It was soft despite the harsh sand and the salty water, calming Makoto. The way their eyes met melted his heart, but it started to harden as soon as Haru asked, 'You've changed so much, Makoto.'

   A bitter smile crept up on his face. 'I'm sorry but I'm Mako.'

   'Oh really?' He giggled as he stood up. Makoto suddenly remembered, Haru won't know that he is talking to him. The past him.

   Eyes fixed to the sea, the two sat in silence until Haru spoke once again in a slurred tone; 'It's my first time drinking this much, Mako-chan.'

   'Really, Haru-san?'

   'Yeah,' He turned to him and chuckled. 'I'm glad that you didn't dislike me calling you with a chan. I had this friend once who would call me with chan all over and over again to the point it annoyed me. Well, it's not really a lie that I was annoyed. I feel happy that he depended on me even if he's more bigger than me.'

   Makoto's eyes widened. ' he the reason why you're crying right now?'

   'No, he isn't,' He sniffed as he tried drying his tears with the back of his hands. 'But my boyfriend... He cheated on me with his bestfriend.'

   His hands clenched into fists as anger went to his body. But he cannot express it, especially that Haru is emotionally breaking down.

   'And also, I regretted one thing in life.' Haru spoke in a way Makoto felt something new. 'I regretted hurting him.'

   Bitter tears streamed down his face, but to his surprise, Makoto pulled him closer to his chest. He can hear his heart beating loudly, making him look at him with widened, curious eyes. Makoto gave a soft smile as their lips met for the first time.

   'Forget everything, Haru, for I am here to turn back the things that you've regretted in your life.'

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