The Hero and the Thief

By AceRyder77

4.7K 123 10

While taking a night run in Station Square. Sonic meets Rouge the Bat while she robs a museum. Join Sonic as... More

(Club Rouge)
(Finding out the Truth)
(Getting To Know Each Other)
(Hearts on the Dance Floor)
(I Thought I Could Trust You)
(The Deal)
(Caught but Forgiven)

(Chase Me)

1.1K 21 2
By AceRyder77

Sonic the Hedgehog was sitting on the ledge on top of a large building in Station Square. His eyes were closed as he listened to the noise of the city around him. His ears perked up to a new sound. They were sounds of footsteps behind him.

"Thought you'd never get here." The hero said, opening his eyes while turning his head slightly. Rouge the Bat stood behind him, a smile on her face.

"Sorry Big Blue, had some paper work to finish up at G.U.N HQ." she walked over and sat down next to him. "How are things at G.U.N by the way?" asked the blue hedgehog.

"Ok I guess." replied Rouge. "Things have been a bit slow and boring lately." Sonic could understand that, he could never do what Rouge did. It all just seemed to...well slow and boring for him. "Well if you want, we could go on an adventure." She looked at him and saw Sonic smiling at her. "Just the two of us?"

"Just the two of us." he replied.

The white bat smiled and leaned up against him. The two had been dating for a few months now; they had decided to keep it a secret from their friends.

"Do you think anyone has figured us out yet?" asked Rouge, as she traced her hand along his. Sonic chuckled, "Well I think Tails might know, can't hide anything from my best friend for long without him figuring it out for himself."

"That kid sure is a smart one." Rouge said. "I guess I could say the same about Shadow, I don't think he really cares about it that much though." She shrugged her shoulders.

"You think he would care since his rival is dating his partner of G.U.N" Sonic said with a smirk on his face. Rouge rolled her eyes playfully and rested her head on his shoulder.

They both sat there looking out over the city, both enjoying the view of lights shining throughout the night sky.

"Looks familiar doesn't t it?"

Rouge looked at him with a bit of confusion. "What do you mean Hun?"

"Just saying that this night looks and feels like the night we first met." said Sonic.

Rouge smiled and nodded, she looked back at the city below. "I guess it does, now that you mention it."

"You sure caused a lot of trouble when you were still a thief."

"Well if it wasn't for you, I would be in some high tech prison right now" She felt Sonic place his hand on top of hers. "You know I wasn't going to let that happen to you."

She smiled warmly and snuggled up against him more.

"Remember the crazy adventure we had back then?" she asked.

Sonic nodded and looked out into the distance "I remember like it was yesterday."


One year ago

It was 9:00pm, the stars shined out through the night sky along with the city lights of Station Square. Even at night the city was loud and busy as it was during the day time. High above the streets people were putting their kids to sleep or relaxing for the night in their homes.

A blue blur was jumping and running roof top to rooftop. The figure stopped at the edge of a building and looked down at the streets below. He took a deep breath as the cool summer night air blew through his spines. Sonic loved taking night runs through the city, he decided to choose some roof jumping tonight since the streets were crowded with people. Sonic jumped off the roof and started freefalling down towards the roof just below him. He did a quick flip and landed perfectly on his feet. He then started running across more roof tops laid out before him.

As he did this, the hedgehog looked around. He noticed he was near the museum. Sonic never really liked museums it all so boring. The waiting in line, people talking with really big words that gave him headaches, the mysteries figure running up alone the roof of the museum. Sonic suddenly stopped real fast and turned towards the museum.

From what he could see, there was a figure on the roof crouched by the glass ceiling.

"Looks like someone is up to no good" said Sonic.

The blue hedgehog headed towards museum across the street. When he was getting close to the edge of the roof he was running on, he jumped in the air and soared over the street and landed on top of the museum. Sonic looked around for the mysteries figure but didn't see anything. He then noticed that there was a hole in the glass ceiling. Sonic walked over and looked down through the hole. It was big enough for someone to get through. But what confused him was there was no rope tied to the top, so how did the intruder get all the way down there.

He jumped through the hole and landed silently on the floor. He stood straight up and looked around the room he was in. There were models of pyramids, Egyptian hieroglyphics on stone, hanging on the walls and last was a mummy case.

"Ok I'm in the Egyptian exhibit, but no sign of that figure."

Sonic walked on through the exhibit and looked around seeing if he could catch the intruder off guard. His ears then perked up to the sound of breaking glass. He headed to the source of the noise and peaked around a corner. In the center of the room was a display case surrounded by large stone columns. But the glass was broken and a figure was standing close by their back towards him.

Sonic walked into the room towards the figure. As he got closer he noticed the bat wings on the intruders back.

"Well now I know how they got in without a rope" he thought. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over for the night"

The figure jumped in surprise and quickly turned around. Sonic stopped when he got a good look at the intruder.

She was a girl bat with white fur, tan skin, she wore blue eye shadow and her eyes were a bright teal. She wore a skintight black tube style body suit with a large fuchsia heart-shaped breast plate, long white gloves, and white thigh high boots with pink hearts on the toes.

The bat smiled at him "Why hello there"

"Hi, what brings you here so late, miss...?"

"Rouge the Bat"

"Enchanted, Sonic the Hedgehog."

"I know who you are" she replied. Sonic raised an eyebrow. "You do?" She nodded. "Who doesn't know the famous hedgehog that saved this city from Dr Eggman a hundred times." Sonic smirked at her.

He then noticed she had one hand behind her back. He looked at her then at the broken glass case. He read the label on the case that read Crystal Gem of the Nile.

"You haven't happened to see a missing gem by any chance?" he asked looking back at her.

"Missing gem?!" she said in a sarcastic tone while gesturing to herself. "No, I haven't seen any rare, expensive, priceless gems. Why?"

Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Then you don't mind showing me what your hiding behind your back" he pointed to her. The bat girl looked at him then glanced behind her and sighed. "Fine"

She brought her left arm out from behind her back and in her hand was the crystal.

"Oh looks like you had it the entire time" he smirked at her. The bat rolled her eyes. "And I'm assuming you want me to give it back..."

"Well it's not yours, so yeah that's a good idea." He stated holding out a hand to receive the gem. The bat looked at the gem and then slowly took a few steps towards Sonic. Suddenly she tossed the gem in the air and before Sonic had time to react, she grabbed his arm and with impressive strength threw him into one of the stone columns. The thief did a pose and the gem landed in her hand.

"Sorry about that Hun, but if there's one thing I hate, its others taking gems from me" She then ran out of the room.

Sonic slowly got up and shook his head. He found himself to be more impressed then angry on how she got the drop on him.

"This could be fun" he said smiling, as he ran after the bat. When he got to the next room he saw her fly out of the glass hole that they had come in. Sonic saw two columns that reached up to the ceiling. With his super speed, Sonic jumped from column to column and soon jumped through the hole and onto the ceiling.

The bat had already run across the roof and had glided over to another building. She ran along three other roof tops and then did a sharp turn around a corner of a building, and flew over and landed on the edge of a water tower.

She looked back behind her to see if she had been followed. She put a hand on her hip and smiled in pleasure.

"I have to say you're pretty quick on your feet."

The bat spun around and was shocked to see the blue hedgehog standing on the top of the tower with his arms folded across his chest. "But I'm faster." He said grinning.

The bat smiled slyly, Sonic's eyes widened in surprise when she then jumped backwards off of the tower and started falling down to the streets below. As she fell towards the street full of fast movie vehicles, she flipped in the air and brought herself facing forward. She then grabbed hold of a banner and swung herself forward. She flipped in the air and landed on an open top bus as it drove down the street.

The people on the bus turned to her standing in the aisle. Some guys got out their cameras and started taking pictures of her. She smiled and did a pose for them. Suddenly Sonic landed just a few feet in front her. When the people saw Sonic, they all pulled out their cameras and started taking pictures of him.

Sonic frowned in annoyance and ignored the flashes of light around him. The bat girl slowly backed up and then turned to jump off the bus. Sonic lunged forward hoping to catch her, but she already jumped onto a taxi in the opposite lane. Sonic wasted no time and jumped on a car and followed her.

They were then on a highway, the thief began jumping to different vehicles trying to gain some space from her pursuer. Sonic began to do the same trying to catch up.

A truck carrying a tank of water drove up next to the car the bat was on and she jumped up onto it and when she got to the top began running along it to the front.

Sonic jumped across two cars and landed on top of the truck and chased after her. When the bat got onto the roof of the driver's seat she looked back, smiling to see the hedgehog running at her. Rouge grabbed some tiny black pellets from inside her glove and threw it down at the first row of wheels of the truck.

The pellets exploded and the tank of water unhooked from the truck and started to spin on the road. Sonic tried to keep his balance and when he saw the tank heading for the side of a bridge he jumped off and ran on the road. The tank slammed into the bridge and broke causing all the water to flow off to the side and into a river.

The truck was still driving down the road, but was swerving. The bat lowered herself down to the door and saw the driver trying to get it under control.

"Pardon me" she said as she grabbed hold of the wheel and caused the truck to steer close to the edge of the road.

Once it was close enough, she jumped off and landed on a speeding train down below the highway bridge. She sighed and looked behind her. But then saw Sonic standing right behind her.

"So about that gem?" he asked.

She got into a battle stance and started doing quick kicks at him. Sonic dodged left and right. He then blocked a kick with his arms. He noticed that her high heels were made of metal. The bat girl brought her foot down on the train and caused a small dent.

"Ok avoid the boots" he said to himself.

She then tried to punch him but he caught her arm and smiled. Suddenly he tackled her to the ground just before they went into a dark tunnel.

"Whew, that was close"

He could feel the bat underneath him, Sonic really hoped she wasn't going to push him off and make him hit the tunnel ceiling while moving at this speed. When they came out of the tunnel Sonic was shocked to see her gone. He quickly looked around wondering where she could have gone. He then spotted her running into a forest, Sonic jumped off the train and caught onto a tree branch and swung onto the ground.

In the woods the bat stopped running and hid behind a big tree. She peeked around the side only to see nothing. She sighed in relief and started to walk away when she bumped straight into the hedgehog.

"Ok enough of this chase me game, hand over the gem" said Sonic narrowing his eyes at her.

Rouge sighed in defeat and handed him the gem. "Thank you" said Sonic, taking the gem from her.

So, are you going to take me to jail?"

"Nope" Rouge looked at him, a bit surprised by his answer.

He noticed her look. "I'm no cop, and besides as long as the gem is returned, then no big issue will come out of this"

Rouge crossed her arms and huffed a bit, then smiled at the hedgehog as an idea came to her.

"I have to say handsome, you were pretty good back there."

Sonic looked confused but smiled a bit. "You weren't so bad yourself"

Rouge smiled and walked closer to him. Sonic stood his ground as the white bat leaned her face closer to his. "Hmmm, well next time I won't be so easy to pursue" she then traced one of her fingers down his chest.

Sonic looked into her eyes, wondering what her game was.

"Anyway thanks for the game of chase" with lidded eyes, as she whispered

Before Sonic could say anything, she spread her wings out and shot up into the air. As she flew away up past the trees, she blew a kiss to him. Sonic watched her fly away feeling confused as to why he wasn't going after her.

He looked down to the gem in his hand but to only be shocked to see it replaced with a card. On the card was a silhouette of a bat and text reading "Thank you".

"Rouge the Bat huh..."

Sonic looked back up into the sky to see Rouge now a speck in the horizon of the bright night sky.

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