(Club Rouge)

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"I don't get it Tails, how could I let my guard down so easily?"

Sonic was pacing around back and forth in Tail's workshop, while his friend was tinkering with a small device at a nearby table.

"Are you that bothered that she stole the gem from under your nose?" asked Tails not looking up from his work. Sonic stopped pacing and folded his arms. It was true that losing the gem didn't help things. It had been a week since the night he met the jewel thief and for reasons he couldn't explain, he wanted to see her again.

"I guess, Rouge is just a really good thief."

Tail's ears perked up at the name, he looked up at Sonic. "Umm are you talking about Rouge the Bat?" The hedgehog glanced at him a bit surprised "Yeah, why?"

Tails got up and walked over to his computer and started typing something in, Sonic walked over and poked his head to the side to see what Tails was doing. On the screen it showed a picture of Rouge. "Is this the girl you saw that night?" asked Tails. Sonic slowly nodded his head.

"I'm not so sure?" replied Tails clicking on the bat's picture. A profile appeared, Tails scrolled down while reading out loud to Sonic.

"It says here she is the owner of Club Rouge and according to this file, runs a clean business and has no criminal record."

"Where is this club?" asked Sonic.

Tails typed in a few keys and the address appeared on the screen. "It's located just north in Central City, Night Babylon district." Tails scratched his head. "But why do you...?" Tails didn't finish as he felt a gust of wind and heard the door close shut. "Never mind"


Night Babylon, the neon lit district of Central City, home to many bars and casinos. Sonic calmly walked through the lit streets looking around. He had always stayed away from this place due to the sinful things that went down here. As he kept walking some nasty looking folks gave him a few looks. Sonic was hoping they were smart enough to not mess with him, seems he was right as they looked away and carried about their own business.

He walked around a corner and saw what had made him come here in the first place. Across the street was a large building with a large bat logo on the front with the words Club Rouge flashing. The hedgehog made his way across the street and up to the front door. Before he could walk in a bull dog wearing a tux and sunglasses put his arm out in front of Sonic.

"This place is off limits to non-club members."

"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know." said Sonic putting his hands slightly up in defense. "If I see one, I'll inform you immediately." He walked past the guard but was once again stopped.

Sonic looked up at the dog. "I'm sorry, but do you not know who I am?"


Sonic rubbed his forehead in frustration "Well then I'll have to tell Mr. Yacka Doodle, that you refused to let me in because you don't know who I am."

"Mr....who" asked the guard looking a bit confused.

Sonic did a face palm. "Wow....just wow." He turned to walk away. "When Yacka Doodle hears this, he is going to be so angry! I don't even want to know what he is going to do to you."

"Wait!" said the dog, a bit of fear in his voice. "I'm sorry it's just been a long day that's all, you can go on in."

Sonic turned around and walked inside as the dog stepped out of his way.

When Sonic entered, the room was dark but with neon lights glowing all around the place he could still see. There were a bunch of people playing slot machines, there was a dance floor and a large stage were a grey echidna and yellow cat with pink and red hair were singing on stage.

The Hero and the Thiefजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें