(Finding out the Truth)

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Tails and Amy dodged some laser blasts from three egg pawns, Tails went into a spin dash and smashed into a robot. Amy then leaped forward and took out the other two with a swing of her piko piko hammer.

Eggman was hovering in his Egg O Matic looking at the battle below. He had brought a squad of robots to get rid of people on the beach so he could build a robot factory, But as luck would have it Amy was relaxing at Emerald Coast today and called Tails to help her get rid of the robots.

"Why must they make things so complicated." he mumbled.

Ten larger robots then circled Tails and Amy, who got in a fighting stance.

"Tails we need a plan" said Amy.

Tails only nodded, the robots pointed their laser arm guns at the two heroes

Suddenly a blue blur came dashing up along the beach. It smashed through all the robots destroying them.

The blur stopped in front of Amy and Tails.

"Hey guys, need some help?"

"Sonic!" Tails sighed, feeling a bit relived. "Are we glad to see you."

"Yeah, now we can end this fight quickly. So I can get back to my sun bathing." smiled Amy.

Sonic noticed that Amy was in a one piece red bathing suit.

"Well then let's get started." smiled Sonic.

Eggman watched as the three heroes made short work of his robot troops. "Ok time to call in the big guns."

Sonic and his friends looked around the beach, as robot parts laid around broken and shattered.

"Well that was fun." said Sonic.

The three of them then felt a rumble in the earth and then a giant robot crab shot out of the ground. It rose up to its full height causing its shadow to fall over its foes. Eggman came around and hovered next to his robot crab.

"Ok, you've had your fun rodent. Now you will perish at the claws of Big Crab!"

Sonic had a dull expression on his face. "Big Crab, that's what you're calling it?"

"What's wrong with Big Crab?" asked Eggman leaning over the side of his ship, glaring at Sonic.

"It's just so...so plain and not that menacing." The blue hedgehog crossed his arms.

Eggman twitched a bit. "Big Crab...ATTACK!"

The robotic crab raised one of its claws and sent it down on top of Sonic, Amy and Tails. Sonic grabbed hold of his friends and quickly pulled them out of the way as the claw crashed into the ground.

Sonic looked at Tails. "Ok buddy, got an idea on how to stop this thing?" Tails looked at the crab for a moment thinking. He smiled and pointed to its small metal legs.

"If we take out the legs then it will be easier to take out."

"Got it" Sonic dashed towards the crab. The robot swung its claw, but Sonic got down and slid on his knees under the claw. He got back on his feet and then went into a spin dash, smashing through one of its legs.

Tails flew Amy above one of the other legs and then dropped her. As Amy fell down she smashed her hammer against the iron leg causing a massive dent.

"Ok time to fight dirty" Eggman smiled and pressed a button in his Egg O Matic. A massive gun folded out of the crabs back and started shooting massive energy bolts.

Sonic, using his quick reflexes jumped rolled and dodged the blast the crab dished out. Tails and Amy worked on destroying the other legs, while Sonic distracted the hunk of junk. As Tails was destroying another leg the robot turned and sent Tails flying backward.

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