Life, Lilies and Surf

By VikramGSingh

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This is the life story of a South-Indian woman with humble background, making her life emerge from archaic tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

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By VikramGSingh

"I will follow thee 

To the last gasp with truth and loyalty"         Shakespeare -As You Like It

"Life is as tedious as twice told  tale"            Shakespeare -  King John

"Tis strange - but true, for truth is always strange; stranger than fiction."

                                                                                  Byron, Don Juan Canto xiv, st 101

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

                                                                          Tennyson   - In Memorium ix. 

But things always come to be known however secretly camouflaged.  One of the friends of Latha witnessed these morning teaching lessons to Geetha in car driving by Bhaskar  and reported it to Latha.  So, one day, when he came back from the so called morning walk, Latha confronted him. 

"How is the morning walk going on ?  Is it giving you greater energy to do things ?"

" Yes, it is quite good.  It refreshes me very much", Bhaskar said.  At least he was true about the pep he got.  

"With whom do you go for walks to enjoy the cool morning air ?"

"With nobody in particular.  There are lots of people in the Lodhi gardens, who wish each other, even though they may not know them personally.  It is mere pleasantry."  He was becoming a little suspicious at the turn of conversation.  Had Latha come to know the real purpose of his morning outings, he wondered.  He had to be quite careful in future.  Latha's mother, Mangalam had come by this time into the room to offer Bhaskar his morning coffee.  She had partially heard the conversation.  

"How is the car lesson going on ?", Latha suddenly asked.  Before Bhaskar could answer, his mother in law became inquisitive and joined the conversation. 

"What car lesson ? Who is learning car driving ? Both of you already know car driving."

Latha did not want to continue the conversation in front of her mother.  She was quite considerate about these things and wanted to keep her privacy with her spouse.  

"Oh ! Nothing mother.  Bhaskar was trying to teach car driving to poor people, who want to make a livelihood by becoming drivers.  He selects only good looking affectionate boys who consider him  as their master."

"Do they pay him ?", her mother asked without realising the real situation. 

"Oh ! They pay keen attention to Bhaskar and he says training these poor souls who feell life empty is itself is a reward for him."

"Better not teach them to drive recklessly and fast, as you do, son-in-law.   Accidents occur in such cases, one time or other.", said  Mangalam. 

Much to the relief of Bhaskar, Mangalam did not fathom the real situation that was the undercurrent of the dialogue between her daughter and son-in-law.  She left the room telling that she had lots of work to attend to and would have to prepare food in time.  That was like the usual exit dialogue of a person in a drama when the scene ends.  The scene also ended without Latha making a scene and resorting to further interrogation.  Bhaskar thought he escaped easily and went to take  bath.  He had to dress up nicely and then go to office.  He had to be quite presentable to Geetha, when he would be discussing what happened at home after the driving lessons. Latha also left for office without taking her breakfast, as she was in no mood for it after the morning conversation with her husband.  She had her own car.  As Bhaskar was not prepared to drop  her in the office, she had appointed a driver for her car.  It was tiresome and difficult to drive as the pregnancy advanced.  

One evening Bhakar came home along with Geetha and formally introduced her to his mother-in-law, and said to Latha, "Geetha has been wanting to see you at your home for a long time. She always says we are a happy family and I have a good looking considerate wife and helpful mother-in-law. "

"Oh ! I had  brushing acquaintance with her in the office and now she wants to be closer to me", Latha said.  "She is welcome as a sister and I hope she soon finds a hero for her life, if she has not found one already.  Geetha, are you having anyone in mind ?"

"I have no one in particular.   Mostly, I treat all as friends.  I have not thought of marrying. Marriage robs independence and without independence,  you become slave to a person, his family and their way of life.  That is why I have been wary of marrying", said Geetha.

" That is all part of life. You have to take the things as they come in life.  A certain amount of give and take is necessary in all interaction with people, especially in marriage.  Even if you have a pet dog or a cat,  your dealings with the pet requires a certain amount of adjusting to the ways of the pet for the attention, love and protection you get in return",  Latha said to make a point of her own. The conversation with its undertones continued between them.

"You make it all sound like a business deal."

"In a way yes.  In a business deal, your goal is to get money as a reward.  But in relationships, affection, loyalty, support and physical help and social status are the rewards."

"I do not like philosophy.  All this appears like barter", said Geetha, though she knew well she was looking for only those things that Latha mentioned.  

"Geetha,  whether it is conjugal, paternal, maternal or friendly relationship, genuineness in feelings and action and enlightened selflessness are necessary. "

When the lover resorts to emotional exploitation to get things with the knowledge that the loved one does not like it or is put to trouble, then starts  ill feelings.  The repercussion of such a stand and action boomerangs leaving both the lover and loved one hurt.  When the exploiter uses love for personal  ends, the exploited still obliges with a heavy heart and after some time the heart and psyche cannot bear any more.  These manifestations sometimes are known to outsiders, as actions reveal themselves.  Then the exploited becomes the target for ridicule and pity.  If these subtle or loud interactions are private or not evident to others, the misery for the poor exploited one, whether it is man or woman is all the more poignant.  Slowly the water in the  kettle starts boiling and inevitably it blows up after some time, depending upon the person's nature and degree of forbearance.  In  many cases the there are repeated explosions as the person prone to take advantage of the partner in such relationships repeats the selfish maneuvers despite forgiveness and reconciliation by the counterpart in each episode.  Finally, in many a case, the time comes when there is a last exploitation that is followed by permanent parting of the ways. When such conclusive irreconcilable estrangement happens, it leaves the exploited and to some extent the exploiter sore and morose.  Mostly they become sworn enemies and there is no going back.  It becomes one way road and in all such cases, like all roads lead to Rome, all this will lead to separation, divorce and permanent parting of ways and lifelong anger and enmity.  Even after permanent separation, the parties try to harm, hinder and trouble each other and in a few cases, this goes on, skipping generations.  This pitiable and sorrowful march of events and such sad life makes no exception between arranged marriages, as mostly in India  and love marriages. Possibly in love marriages the Sunday manners at the time of wooing get diluted after wedlock and result in disappointments.  In arranged marriages, as in India, the expectations built up before marriage and the reality after marriage may be poles apart.  Unless the reality is accepted with a practical outlook, one experiences  inevitable rude disappointment and sadness, due to day to day hankering after the expectations and all this finally leads to divorce.

Human being is a complex creature.  Many a time, one never knows what one wants.  If one knows and endeavours for it, one may not get it.  When one gets it, the enjoyment may be short lived.  The victorious feeling of having achieved the desired goal may not last long and be permanent.  The feeling of having achieved gives the sense of victory and the fruits of victory are not everlasting .  Like all things in the world, it also come to an end.  The mind being ever in motion goes for some other endeavour  or venture to conquer and score a gain.  This is much more so in the case of persons of greater intellect, ambition and desires.  The mediocrity are blessed because they continue to enjoy the happiness of their victory and achievements in ordinary ways and mundane things of life.  They say it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.  But pigs are possibly  happier than any Socrates.  Philosophy of existentialism, though looked down upon as a base animal instinct has no pangs and or great victories to brag about.  In the final analysis, what great victories and achievements withstand the test of time ? Great empires crumble and glorious kings and emperors and dynasties have vanished and like Shakespeare's great Globe, and leave not a trace behind.  Everybody cannot be a Jesus, Buddha, Prophet Mohammed or Adi Shankara to leave indelible impression on human race with sustained following over aeons.  Are they really now looking at what they have done to the human race ?   We are such stuff as dreams are made of  and our little life is rounded with sleep, as the poet said.  

Whether  rounded with sleep or not,  it is finally how well you live without hurting yourself and others.  In  the short sojourn in the planet, if you can keep yourself happy, as far as possible,not at the expense of others, it is a great thing.   If you can also make others happy and leave the place a little better than how you found it, then it is an achievement.  Many good things can be done for others and yourself without treading on the toes of others.  Victory and greatness achieved over the corpse of many is a sordid one, as emperor Ashoka realised.  

Let us leave these ramifications of never ending philosophical thoughts and come back to our story. Those who are not interested in such meandering analysis going over centuries may please skip the above paragraphs.  

The dialogue mentioned in paragraph before the interlude on life was somewhat of a harangue by Latha, meant more for her husband than Geetha.  Bhaskar was keeping quite and did not respond in any particular fashion to the remarks of Latha on philosophy of living and matrimony, family life and loyalties.  Latha  was propounding  indirectly  a message to Bhaskar and Geetha.  

Geetha was not much affected or at least appeared to be so.  She was more interested in adjusting her salwar and kameez.  She was repeatedly toying with her dupatta as she was wont to, as she thought it was an alluring mannerism.  She was of wheat complexion and so the light blue coloured dress and chiffon dupatta of the same colour suited her well.   She had cut her hair short and did not have a pigtail like most of the ladies at that age.  She was spending good deal of money in the upkeep of her hair style. She had carefully applied kajal to her black eyes.  The eyes were large but a little slanted that gave the resemblance of the eyes  of a fish, as poets would describe.  She had taken much care for her make up.  Eyebrows were shaped; hairdo was carefully set and nails were properly manicured and painted.  She was wearing a gold chain with a dollar plunging down in the front expanse, left alluringly open by the low cut blouse. She was also wearing a pair of gold bangles in her right wrist and sporting an expensive gold watch in her left wrist.  Her features were not petite like Latha but were more pronounced.  Her eyes and especially lips had attractive wild look.  Though not appearing refined and delicate, they gave the impression you get when you see a wild colourful forest flower. Her voice was not sweet but a little guttural and tangy that some men would feel as very sexy.  

She looked at Latha during the sermonising and half the time appeared to be not understanding.  She was clever enough to fathom the burden of the song of Latha but was adroitly putting up an  expression of not understanding what was said.  

By then Laha's mother brought some snacks and tea and the conversation became casual.  After having tea, Geetha thanked Latha and said she would come another day leisurely  and spend the time with them.  

"Any time you can come", Latha said . Bhaskar escorted Geetha to the gate and saw her seated in the driver seat of the car. 

"You think you would drive carefully back, Geetha ?", he asked.  

"Sure.  After all I have been taught by a beloved teacher", she said with a twinkle of her eyes.  Bhaskar was pleased at the comment,  smiled broadly and waved his hand.

Meaning of non English words:

Salwar - Loose Indian dress like trousers, worn by ladies.

Kameez - upper garment like a long shirt.

dupatta - a long narrow usually decorated thin cloth thrown over kameez by ladies

Kajal - eye  liner or kohl used by ladies to for the eyes

End of Chapter 12

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