My Bully

By JrayIaaN

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"I don't get why you always do this to her" Aaron said. I look down at my feet and mumble, "I don't either" ... More

My Bully
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 3

729 19 10
By JrayIaaN

Chapter 3: Tony

It's the first day of scholl and I'm just staring at my closet. I'm looking for something cute, but still my style and something Tyler would let me leave the house out of. Finally after a while I chose a tight but comfortable black shirt tucked in to dark blue ripped denim shorts with a navy green coat.

I don't put on too much make up cause I don't feel like I need it, especially at my age. Make up is used to look prettier and younger, so I believe its best to wear it when your older, like at the age where you like hearing that you look younger than your age rather than older. The make up I like to wear is lip gloss, lip balm, and lipstick. I have a huge collection of lip balms, I really love them for some reason.

I also wear eyeliner, but I only like to do simple styles, the only style I do is putting the liner on my bottom and top water line, sometimes a wear mascara, I don't really need it since I already have long eye lashes. I dont wear foundation or all those other things like I said before I don't believe I need it, I see a whole bunch of older girls, girls my age, beauty garoos wearing a bunch of foundation that they don't need, your bare face is beautiful, all that make up is going to make my skin look ugly, it is just not something that suits me. Heavy make up look good on other people I see on social media but everytime I try it and see it in reality it just isn't it for me.

I do have bb cream, but I only use that on special occasions, my girl best friend Maya does my make up then, cause I don't know how do all those other stuff. For school I go with a lip product, eyeliner, and mascara. Today I wore a rose blush color lip balm, one of my favorites. I take out my black socks and put them on before I go down stairs. I decide to keep my long jet black hair down that stops below my waist and keep a black hair tie on my wrist, you might never know when you need one.

I don't think my brother would have a problem with my outfit except for my shorts. I don't even own short shorts or booty shorts, I don't like wearing those kinds of shorts, I'm not into showing off my boobs or butt, it's just not something I feel good or comfortable in. I've been raised by my brother and best friend and they have always been against me turning into "one of those high school girls who show too much of themselves off" and in a way I'm glad my brother protected me from doing that, but seriously sometimes he is too overboard. The only skin I'm showing right now are my legs so he beter not give me some lame annoying lecture.

"That shirt is looking a little too tight" Tyler gives me a disappointed look.


"Naw I'm kidding Tony, don't give me that look" Tyler ruffles my hair, "you look good"

I flip my hair jokingly, "I know"

"Hurry up and eat breakfast, I need to pick up Liam" Tyler hands me a cereal bowl.

I pour my milk and cereal, "did you already eat?"

"Yeah, pancakes" Tyler says putting on his shoes.

I drop my spoon back into my cereal, "how come you only made pancakes for yourself and leave me with these flavorless flakes called cereal"

Tyler grabs the TV remote and takes a seat on the couch, "I did make you some But Alec ate them, I told him to leave one for you"

"Wait, Alec's here?" I ask.

"Hey Tony!" Alec yells coming out of nowhere putting his arms around my neck.

I jumped and almost dropped my cereal, "I told you not to sneak up behind me!"

Alec pulls up a chair next to me and takes a seat, "and I told you no promises"

I continue eating my cereal quickly so Tyler can pick up Liam and get to school on time. I picked up my dishes and left them in the sink, even when it's Tyler's turn to wash the dishes I always end up doing them.

I grab a water bottle and my book and head to my brothers car with Alec. We sat in the back instead of racing for shot gun cause its always Liam's spot. "So how you feelig Tyler, its the first day of senior year!" I say.

Tyler shrugs, "its no big deal"

"Thats hard to believe coming from The Tyler Heart" I say and I can see him smirk through the mirror. That's right, Tyler Heart and Liam Park they are famus names in the school, there what you would call them the most popular guys in school. This is what I hear about my brother, they say hes perfect, he's rich, hot, athletic, smart, and an actual caring, chill, nice dude that people like to be around. He's not like a rude rich jerk like the stereotypes.

Just because I'm his sister doesn't make me as popular as him. I am nowhere near as popular as Tyler. I used to not tell people that he was my brother cause I was scared of all that attention and I didn't want to make fake friends. I'm not a nobody at the school though, I'm like my brother, smart, athletic, caring, chill, and nice, I hate to act snobby around people. I just don't want to be mostly known as Tyler Heart's baby sister, and thankfully I'm not, at least in my grade.

We pick up Liam and arrive at school minutes later on time, we're actually a bit early. That's good it gives us more time to find out where we're going. We all get out of the car, Tyler kisses my head and rufles my hair before parting ways with me and Alec along with Liam. I wave bye to them and take Alec's arm rushing to the school, "come on let's go find Maya!"

"Let's get our schedules first, Maya would probably be there" Alec says as we enter the school building.

"Good idea, let's go" I say still holding on to his arm.

We got our schedules and started checking which classes we had together, as we were doing that I hear a familiar voice calling my name. I excitedly turn around tackle Maya into a hug.

"Damn you just keep getting hotter and hotter!" Maya says.

"You too!" I say and hug again. Maya and her family were visiting there family in Italy the whole summer so I didn't see her at all! Maya smiles at me with her long bright blonde curls bouncing as she slightly bounces in excitement seeing each other again. Her light gray eyes turn there attention to Alec, "Alec, oh shit I didn't see you there!" She puches his arm.

"Why do both of you always fucking do that!" Alec rubs is arm where he got punched.

"Your a strong guy. Suck it up" Maya says.

I punch his other arm, "and you should be used to it by now"

"You do that again I'll kiss you" Alec threatens.

"Sory! Sorry!" I say backing up.

"We didn't finish checking what classes we had together" Alec points out and we take out our schedules.

We have eight total classes including lunch, I have only two classes with Maya and three with Alec and the worst part is Maya and Alec ended up having the same lunch and I didn't! I was so hoping to have the same lunch period as Alec again. Maya had the same lunch as us last year too, but she has other friends in so many different groups, cause she's diverse like that, she gets asked a lot to have lunch with them.

I pout and look at Alec, "it's fine, you have other friends to sit with in lunch"

"But I only have three classes with you" I say in a sad childs voice.

"Thats your fault for being in a whole bunch of smart people classes!" Alec complains.

"You should take more smart people classes then" I say.

"Three is as high as I'm gonna go" Alec says and puts his arm around my shoulders, "come on we have the same first period, bye Maya!"

"Bye Maya!" I wave at her and she says bye and waves back.

"Aren't we supposed to go to homeroom?" I ask.

"Yeah, we have the same homeroom too" Alec says.

We go on with the rest of the school day learning our new classes and stuff. I notice Nick in a lot of my classes, it's like he has the same class as me every other period. That's my luck. I'm finally heading to lunch, it's not like I'm worried I have no one to sit with, I just want to sit with Alec, I just have to suck it up for th rest of the year.

I hold my tray and look around for someone I woud like to sit with and I spotted Aaron Chase, he's been on the track team with me, we have gotten to be good friends, despite that he's bestfriends with Nick. I'll sit with him, if Nick isn't going to be there, I look around and don't find Nick here so it's safe. I begin to walk over to Aarons table but get stopped by Liam.

"Tony!" Liam says and ruffles my hair.

"Liam!" I say, "is Tyler here too?"

"Yeah he's over at our table" Liam bobs his head at where there table is. It's filled with Jason, Adam, and Harry, those five guys including Tyler and Liam, always end up having the same lunch every year. Lucky.

"Aww does Tony have no friends to sit with" Tyler says patting my head behind me, "you wanna sit with us"

"Wait really?!" I ask surprised, anyone would love to sit at there table.

Tyler laughs, "of course not"

I pout, "okay, I'll just sit on the floor near the garbage can"

"Have fun" Tyler says.

"Tyler!" I gasp not believing he would let his sister sit on the floor

"I'm kidding" Tyler says, "if you have nowhere to sit, you can sit with us"

"I was gonna sit with Aaron" I say.

"That's fine" Tyler says.

"Aaron Chase, from track?" Liam asks, I forgot they were neighbors and good friends.

"Yeah" I answer.

"Your neighbor Aaron?" Tyler asks.

Liam nods.

"Your not sitting with him" Tyler says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" Liam asks.

"He's a guy, you can't trust them" Tyler says.

"Dude your being too much" Liam says.

"Fine whatever" Tyler says "but I'm watching you"

I laugh and say bye walking over to Aarons table no one is at the table but Aaron, he's standing up leaning on the table, he's obviously waiting for his friends.

"Hey Aaron" I say putting my tray down.

Aaron turns and smiles at me "hey"

Right when he greets me Nick comes over to the table with his tray, and I'm about to leave.

"Tony where you going?" Aaron asks.

"Somewhere away from him" I bob my head Nick's way.

"Bye" Nick says and takes the seat next to Aaron.

Mark, Jackson, Alex, Lucas and his girlfriend Ashley all came to the table at the same time and took their seats. Ashley sat down on the seat between mine and Lucas, when she saw me she smiled. Me and Ashley were good friends last year, I wouldn't mind siting with her. I take the seat between Aaron and Ashley, don't have anywhere else to sit, I don't want to bother Tyler at his table.

"I thought you were leaving" Nick says.

"What do you have against Tony anyway?" Ashley say "you like her or something?"

"I'd rather cut myself" Nick says.

"So you don't do that already?" Ashley says and I laugh.

Nike just rolls his eyes and averts his attention to Aaron and Mark. Me and Ashley were talking and laughing together, I didn't realize how much I missed talking to her.

"Yo Ashley" Alex says.

"Yeah?" Ashley turns her attention to Alex.

"Lets switch seats for a second" Alex says.

"Sure" Ashley gets out of the seat next to me and sits in Alex's seat and starts talking with Lucas as she holds his hand. There really a cute couple.

Lucas switched seats so he could flirt with me. I don't mind, he's cute. We were both talking, laughing and being flirty with one another. I'm pretty sure he was about to give me his number or ask for mine. Someone took my tray and grabbed my arm, "let's go"

Shit it's Tyler, I couldn't argue with him cause I know I'll lose. I had no choice to leave with Tyler, I give Alex an apologetic look.

"Bye Tony!" Nick says happy that I'm leaving.

I put my bookbag down next to my seat and sit down annoyed at Tyler.

"Why aren't you sitting next to me?" Tyler asks puttung my tray next to his.

I reach over and grab my tray and slide it over to me, "cause I'm annoyed at you"

Tyler sighs, "whatever"

Harry chuckles, "caught her flirting?"

"I wasn't flirting, we were having a regular conversation" I say.

"Sure" Tyler says not believing me.

Harry puts his arm around my shoulder, "come on man she's like 15"

Tyler gives him a look and Harry doesn't back down and keeps fighting for me. After Liam he's my favorite in Tyler's friend group. Of course Tyler is first then Liam. "Don't give me that look man, your obsessively over protective, she was just talking to the dude"

"Are you blind? Did you not see them all over each other?" Tyler says.

"Your delusional man" Harry says. I always joke around to Tyler and say that Harry is the older brother that I've always wanted. Harry always bothers Tyler about that.

"Do you have a baby sister?" Tyler asks.


"Since when?" Tyler tilts his head.

"Since-" Harry turned to me "how long have I known you?"

I shrug.

"Since Tony" Harry says "Tony always says I'm her favorite brother"

"I hate to break it to you but your not actually her brother" Tyler says.

"I refuse to believe that" Harry ruffles my hair.

I comb my hair with my fingers, "why do you guys always do that?!"

Harry does it again and laughs.

"Stop!" I complain and fix my hair again.

"I don't get it you let her hang out with Alec" Jason says.

"Alec is more like a brother, I've known him since he was born" Tyler says "the guys Tony's allowed to talk to are Alec and Nick"

"Nick!" I say annoyed "every time I see him I want to strangle him!"

"Damn" Harry slowly removes his arm off my shoulders.

"And that's why I give you permission to talk to him" Tyler says.

I glare at Tyler.

"Stop glaring at me"

"Wait hold up, what about us? We're not aloud to talk to Tony?" Adam asks.

"You guys are fine" Tyler says.

Harry leans closer to me and speaks in a soft voice so only I can hear him, "next time don't make it so obvious your flirting, I saw you"

"Was it really that abvious?" I ask.


"I was so close to getting his number" I say.

"Next time Tyler catches you, I'll try my best to stall him so you have enough time" Harry says "or you can flirt with the guys Tyler gave you permission to speak with" he winks.

When I was a lot younger I had a small crush on Harry cause he was good looking and very kind to me, but I quickly got over it. Harry knew about it and he liked to tease me about it.

I feel myself blush and laugh, "shut up"

Harry chuckles and goes back to eating his lunch and so do I.

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