Colby Brock Imagines

By latenightvibe

11.9K 173 78

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He Pranks You
Suicide Forest
Suicide Bridge (request)
Confessions pt. 1 (request)
TEMPORARY HIATUS (please read)
ahhh guys !!

You're My Home

1.8K 31 6
By latenightvibe

I ran up the stairs, my feet landing harshly on each step. Colby followed close behind, his voice becoming louder and louder as he called out to me.


At first, I didn't think too much of it. Comments here and there saying that Colby could find much better if we were dating. This was before he posted the video. The video that changed everything.

That day after the video had been posted, the comments rolled in. Some were nice, and supportive. Others... not so much. My initial thoughts were 'they're just jealous. it's no worry.' But as I read more and more, I began to believe more.

Months passed by, and the rude remarks from the fans died down each video. There would still be a few rude things, even in the videos I wasn't in.

After awhile, I just stopped reading the comments on the videos, Instagram, and Twitter altogether. They were irrelevant and unnecessary. Yes, people are entitled to their own opinions, but that doesn't mean it's okay to purposely hurt someone emotionally.

present day

Colby and I filmed a video where we explored an abandoned insane asylum up in the hills at 1AM. The night grew cold at one point and I didn't bring a jacket because it was usually hot even at night nowadays. This lead to Colby offering me his Nocturnal Universe hoodie which resulted in some rather hateful comments.

We got home later that night and Colby began editing the second he got into our bedroom. Of course he should've gone to bed, but there's no stopping the man especially when it comes to editing. There's no use to even try.

A few days after the video had been posted, I scrolled through the comments out of boredom. The top few comments were normal things such as 'I love you Colby' and 'This video is amazing omg i'm glad you're safe'

As I ventured deeper down, I came across some hurtful things. People were saying the usual such as
'She's ugly oh my gosh Colby you can do so much better'
'Ew, she doesn't deserve Colby'
'She's a needy hoe Colby should date me instead'

I didn't think much of it until one comment stood out to me. It was a whole paragraph of hatred that caused a certain kind of pain in my chest. An unexplainable pain.

'She doesn't deserve him, he deserves much better than her. She's an attention seeking whore who deserves as much as a drug addict living on the streets with nothing. She doesn't deserve all the fame she gets from Colby and the guys, and just because she lives with them doesn't make her a part of them. She's useless in this world and Colby could've done much better if he tried. She uses them for fame, and only fame. Everyone's life would be much better without knowing her.'

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I shut my laptop with force. My head fell into the numb palms of my hands as my sobs remained silent. It was like screaming in a room full of quiet people, yet no one could hear a single thing.

I stood up after a few minutes, removing my hands from my face and wiping them off on my jeans. I ran my fingers under my eyes as I looked upward, taking in a deep breath. I looked out at the backyard, Elton doing flips off the platform he built while Corey, Sam, Colby, and Aaron watched him. I walked out into the middle of the hallway and stood there, hands tangling in my hair as the tears began to cascade down my cheeks again. I didn't realize I was making a scene because when I looked up, Sam, Corey, Aaron, and Colby were making their way towards me asking what was wrong.

I looked into those ocean blue eyes that I loved and in that moment everything came washing down on me and realization took over my mind. I didn't belong here. I didn't belong in this very house with these very people at this very moment. My breathing came to a halt as I blankly stared into his eyes.

Without a second thought, I ran up the stairs, my feet landing harshly on each step. Colby followed close behind, his voice becoming louder and louder as he called out to me.

No, I wasn't angry at him. I was heartbroken with this relationship. The fans saying rude and inconsiderate things about our relationship, especially about me.

I couldn't take it anymore. They seemed as if they would never stop. As long as I was with Colby, at least.

The wood beneath my feet would creak with each step as I ran up the stairs to our bedroom. To his bedroom. Devyn must've heard all the commotion because she was standing outside of her and Corey's room with a look a pure concern plastered across her features. I ignored her call out to me as I ran down the hallway to the bedroom I slept in for 5 months.

My hand gripped the handle on the white door and pushed inward, tripping into the bedroom grabbing a duffle-bag from the closet.

A cold hand grabbed my wrist, and without thinking, I yanked my hand away and continued to shove my clothes into the bag. My name was being called out by 6 people, yet I chose to ignore all pleads. I needed time to think. I needed time by myself. Most importantly, I needed time away from Colby for a little bit just so I could really think about our relationship, about us.

I zipped up the duffle-bag and threw it over my shoulder, pushing past everyone. Arms tried to grab ahold of me, yet I pushed through them like a hand waving through smoke.

The house fell quiet as I walked out into the hallway, the only sound coming from Colby, his heavy breathing. I walked at a normal pace, speaking words that I didn't think i'd say anytime soon.

"This is your home Colby, you belong here. I don't."

I had reached the end of the hallway when I heard the words that shattered my heart into pieces. The words that made me feel something so unexplainable.

"But you're my home."

I stopped dead in my tracks, a tear rolling down my cheek as I comprehended what he had just said.

The duffle-bag slowly slid off my shoulder as I turned around only to meet the same pair of eyes I had known for so long.

"I'm sorry," my voice cracked, barely audible for anyone to hear if it wasn't silent. He started to move closer to me as I did to him. His arms wrapped around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck, holding him close.

"I'm so terribly sorry." I whispered, wiping the tears under my eyes. "I love you so much," He replied, squeezing me a bit tighter, reassuring me.

"you're my home."

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