Suicide Bridge (request)

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requested by @MichaelaSeabrooke, hope you enjoy!

All Y/N's life she had it tough. Her parents never had a good day—fighting and bickering from dawn to dusk. Her 15 year old brother brother would constantly bully her, saying she's out of shape, how she wouldn't ever be good enough for their family let alone the world... the list goes on. Her 'friends' rarely ever talked to her and never wanted to hang out. She was 19 years old now, and could start a new life. But she soon realized she couldn't.

Y / N ' S P O V
"Hey um, I'll be back later." I softly spoke to my roommate of just 6 months.

"It's 12:30... where could you possibly be going this late?" She questioned, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Going to a friends." I answered, knowing she would suspect even more because I don't really hang out with friends.

Before she could respond I quickly shut the door, walking down the dimly lit hallway of the apartment building in Los Angeles.

I wasn't actually going to a friends house. In fact, nowhere even close. I was actually headed down the 5 freeway to the infamous Colorado Street Bridge, or as others call it, Suicide Bridge.

I had parked in an abandoned parking lot just a mile or so away from the bridge, figuring that people would come looking. I parked it where not a lot of people would suspect I'd be.

The cold, harsh air nipped at my sensitive cheeks, sending instant chills up my arms. I breathed out as shivers washed over me, sending a cloud of fog in front of my face.

It seemed as if the bridge was miles and miles away. The walk seemed longer this time, and that confused me.

After a few moments, a glimmer of light appeared around the corner, putting the bridge in place. A sigh of relief left my body as my shoulders relaxed.

I continued to shuffle my way towards the bridge, the adrenaline pumping through my veins more and more the closer I got.

The bridge stood above me, darkness layering in the grassy, forest-like area. I made my way through the tall grass, my eyes wide as I tried to see in the nearly pitch black plain.

My head hung low as I grew close to the bridge. I didn't dare look forward, I didn't want to see where i'd be lying motionless.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I felt something hard crash against my frail body. I tripped on what seemed to be a tree root, landing harshly in the grass.

"Fuck," I groaned, rolling over in pain. I sighed deeply as I glanced above me.

"I'm so sorry!" A male voice spoke, causing my heart to drop. I wasn't alone now, and I needed to be.

"It's okay," He stood up, grabbing his camera off the ground. He extended his arm towards me, waiting for my hand to latch onto his. I acceptingly grabbed ahold of his cold hand, pulling myself off the ground as he remained tense.

"Thank you." I said, wiping the dirt off my pants. I took a second to review his features while the glow of the flashlight lit up our surroundings.

We stood in silence as I stared into his icy blue eyes, him looking over my features multiple times before we were interrupted.

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