Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts

58 2 1
By Angelgirl4ever02


I continue to dodge his stabs that kept coming in different directions. "How bout small talk? I'm getting lonely right now." I comment as I duck a swing and attempt a punch. "We don't have anything to talk about." He hissed. "You know, I didn't get your name." I casually ask, ignoring his remark. "Why should I reveal who I am?! Fight me Leader of the Reaperz! Why are you just dodging?!" He laughs maniacally. The smoke had finally cleared and he was standing right in front of me.

"Woah, bad breath." I hold my nose and wave the air around me. He stops his laughter short, "Really?" He stops and exhales on his palm, taking a whiff. "No it's no-" Before he could finish his sentence I had tripped him down onto the floor. I grab his shirt and flipped him over, holding his right arm to his back. "Honestly though I wouldn't be surprised if it really was." I comment. He growls as he tries to push me off. I hooked my leg with one of his kicking ones and pulled it towards his trapped arm. "Argh!!" He was shaking slightly. "Let go of me!" He exclaims, "Tell me who you are,"' I smirk. He continues to struggle in my hold, I unhook my belt and tied his trapped limbs together.

I pulled the belt and made sure it was tight, I ponder for a while before tightening it to 2 more holes. "I'm not very patient with people who attack me, tell me who you are." I drag a chair over and sit on it with the back rest forward. He grunts as he pulls against my belt, "Fine, if you must know. I'm Parish, I work for big businesses." I drum my fingers on the wood, "What is your purpose of visit?" His face turned dumbfounded, "I'm at an airport now?" I continue drumming my nails, making the sound echo throughout the room. "And you are about to get a one way ticket to hell immediately if you can't answer my inquiries." He grunts in annoyance.

"Purpose of visit?" I ask again, "I'm working for the owner of this hotel, told me there were gonna be some burglars attempting theft." I did a fake dramatic gasp whilst putting one hand on my heart, "A burglar? Me? I'm offended." I say the last part with monotone. I stand up from the chair and started looking around for the safe. Bookshelves lined either side of the wall with a study desk at the back. The only sound in the room were my heels clicking against the marble floor and the constant grunting and shifting clothing of Parish.

The room was far too small to hold that many men just now. My only guess was a secret room somewhere. I glide my hand along the leather covered books on one of the shelves, I then noticed there was a gem stuck on every book spine at the bottom, all a different colour. "You are obviously looking for something in this room." He comments. "And you are obviously not helping." He continues to struggle against my titanium and leather belt. "Just stop trying, you're going to stop the blood flow in your limbs. It's made from titanium, leather and a hint of diamond." He actually listened.

I continue observing the books on the shelf. I noticed how one of the books stuck out, I pushed it in and the entire shelve moved away. I gasp at the sight before me. It was an iron room and in the center was a safe. I put my ear against the door and started turning the dial. I continued turning it, hearing the clicks it made. When I was sure I got it, I pulled the door but it didn't budge. I walk around the safe, observing its black metal walls.

Suddenly I had a flashback of the past, an encounter I had a few years back which was similar to the current situation. I look closer at the walls, I pulled the back end of the safe and it indeed pull out. So it indeed was a puzzle safe. I pull the sides next, all three walls clicked into place when pulled to the very top. I look at the door, there was one more puzzle. I knock on the wall going downwards,  the very bottom sounded hollow. I dig my nails into the bottom and a part pulled out. I pulled the handle and it opened, but the sight puzzled me.

The jewels weren't there, in its place an empty metal bowl. I notice a note at the bottom and picked it up. "I'll be taking these." I read the note out loud. I then notice the name at the bottom. I immediately crushed the paper, "Traitor." I mumbled under my breath. 


I felt my body against a cold floor. I slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I see is an iron door. I look around to see myself and the others tied up, we were each in a corner. I hiss as I feel pain at the back of my head, I must have been hit by a bat. I stretch my legs that had been still for who knows how's long. I look around and noticed that there wasn't even a camera in the room nor a window at the door.

I stretch my left arm till it reaches my right thigh belt. I open the pocket and took out the Karambit knife Iris had traded with me for Shiro for this mission. I started slicing through the ropes, a few minutes of effort later I finally got it. I reached towards my ear for my earpiece which was disguised as a earring. It was gone, they must've thought the diamonds on it were real. I took out my phone which I had hidden in my dress. I open up the application that was specifically designed for this. Iris was near, very near in fact. I got up and walked towards one of the walls until 2 of the lights on the screen were next to each other. Iris was just right behind this wall! I started knocking on it, hoping it catches her attention.

I take Kuroo out and shot the wall. It leaves a hole in the wall and I quickly peep through it.

"Phantom?" I call out.

"She's not here." Someone laughs.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Looking for this?" Through the hole I see a hand holding up a jewel brooch, it was Iris'.

"I've been," I watch as a man appeared in my line of sight, he was holding a white box over his mouth and as he removed it, "looking for you." The voice was much deeper now, I look in their hand to see a voice changer. I recognized it, I immediately turned aggressive.

"Why are you here? You shouldn't even deserve to live."

He laughs with his deep vocals, "Don't be like that now, aren't we family?"

I snapped, "You were never my family! You never cared! You just wanted my inheritance! You are just a greedy and selfish man!"

He clicks his tongue in a scolding manner, "I just wanted what was best for you."

I punch the wall and it leaves a dent, "Best for me?! You left me for the dogs!"

His patience ran out and he shouts back, "You were a disgrace to the family! I had to change you!"

A disgrace? The true disgrace was him. He took everything from me. He took everything and left me nothing. He took mother away. I blink away the tears that came from either my anger or sadness. He was only calling me a disgrace because I couldn't earn money to support us, for god's sake I was only 8!

Mother gave me her everything when she died, she already had suspicions of Fa-, him, cheating on her when her cancer got worse. She wrote a will, saying 100% of her wealth goes to me. He was of course furious. I shake my head, refusing to remember the wimp I was back then. "C'mon now Gen, let by gones be by gones. Let's start over, I'll let you and your friends go." I didn't trust him, not one bit.

"You still haven't told me why you're here."

My voice was stone cold, since long ago I had lost all feelings towards him. He doesn't deserve any.

"Watch your tone Missy, I am still your father." His voice turns stern. I laughed, I may have appeared crazy, but I laughed.

"My father? Since when?" I felt my feelings fade away, I let my lust for blood take over.

"Maybe I'll acknowledge you when you truly care for me. When you truly understand what I want. But its too late now, it's been 7 years." I glare at him with eyes of hatred. He was dumbfounded when I laughed but it was clear that he was angry right now.

"Genevieve! Don't you dare use that tone on me!"

I scoff. "I am no longer what you claim me to be. It's Jennifer now." Ed changed my name and I was grateful for that.

"You're not appreciating the name we gave you! Your mother was very insistent." I knew that much but she was gone now, so should the past.

"Well so be it then. I've changed since you left. I am no longer the little girl you thought I was."

"You will come with me! You must! Even if I have to do so by force."

"What do you even need me for?"

"Turns out your mother only gave us ha-"

"Us?" I scoff.

"Don't interrupt your father!"

"Father? Where?" He shoots me a glare.

"Your mother only passed us half of her wealth. She has more in a safe in Germany! But again it is directed to you. I need you to retrieve it."

"Why? So you can spend it all again on your worthless life? You don't even deserve to breath."

"Don't you dare pin point me! You gambled too!"

"Unwillingly. You forced me to learn otherwise you would've hit me with that stupid cane. Forcing a child to a game of poker with a bunch of men you called your friends. You took advantage of the fact that I was a fast learner."

"Hit you? I never did that! You broke the cane every time. And just so you know, I was helping you be a better person! A person with a talent!"

I snapped, "Bullshit! It's because you try to hit me that I took it and broke it apart." I punched the wall, it made a dent but unfortunately it wasn't enough to go through the wall. To be fair it was made of iron. I look down at my bleeding knuckles, I watch as the blood flows down my fingers, coating the rings I was wearing. I flip my hand over and I stare at the scars on my inner palm, scars of the past.

Suddenly his phone rings and he walks away but not before giving me a glance. I click my tongue in annoyance before walking away. As I start wrapping my injured hand, I noticed that the others were starting to wake.


I stare at my hands. There were new cuts across my palms and they were starting to bleed. I hiss in pain as I run them through with cold water. I quickly bandaged them up and put on my finger-less gloves. The ones the other kids always called "goth" gloves. Just because they're black and doesn't cover my fingers, it doesn't mean they're goth. They're meant to hide and protect the scars and injuries.

I quickly swing my bag onto my shoulders and opened the window of my bedroom, though I can't really call it that anymore. Furniture tossed and turned, glass shattered and marks on the walls of incidents that I didn't want to recall. With tears in my eyes that I refuse to shed, I jump out the window and onto the birch tree. I swiftly climbed down and started making my way to school. I've learnt many times that trying to leave through the front door is like a death wish.

He's there either drinking, snoring, gambling or watching sports. Doesn't matter which one because he would stop me for many unreasonable demands. Even the clerk at the convenience store pities my situation. Forced to buy beer at the age of 8 years old. I make my way to school, just like the rest of kids. I may talk to others but I really don't like to socialize. Through blurry sight I noticed a girl walking towards me, I quickly let my hair cover my eyes.

"Hey Genevieve, did you do yesterday's class assignment?" Not feeling the mood to chat I just nod my head. "Could you lend it to me later?" Everyone took advantage of the fact I was a fast learner. It hurts but at the same time it gave me a sense of being wanted. I nod my head and she walks away to her other friends. I was being used but in a better way than at home.

Time flew since I wasn't paying much attention to the classes and it was soon lunch time. As requested I had passed my homework to the girl. There's a place in school that everybody avoids, the corner of the school field. Its supposedly the dirtiest and there was a weird rumour about someone actually having done their business there. As far as I'm concerned, I don't see any of those. Green fields as far as the eye could see.

I stare at the clouds and enjoyed the peaceful breeze, like I do every lunch break. I don't actually have the money to buy school food and neither can I make something at home. Not with a father without a mind. Suddenly, a loud gunshot echoes throughout the field. I quickly straightened up to see smoke coming out of the school's building and several men in black with guns.


"OO9?" I jumped back to reality as fast as I had left. I turn to see that Takahiro has woken up, "You okay?" He asks. I hide my face behind my hair, "Yeah." I couldn't believe I let my mind wandered to the past in the middle of a mission. I can't believe I'm hiding behind a curtain from a friend who is practically family. Its his fault. He threw me off my game. I have to concentrate on what matters most now. I quickly turn to Takahiro with a light smile, "Let's quickly get out of here and go home."


I tear the note apart and burned the little pieces. When I get my hands on him he will no longer breath. I untie Parish and he looks dumbfounded as I did so. He tries to get up but of course his limbs were numb. He falls to the floor as he tries to get up. He stares up at me as I look down on him. I take a syringe out and he immediately starts crawling away from me. "What's that?" He uses his left hand to push himself towards the shelves as I took steps towards him.

He flinches as his back reaches the shelf. He flinches again when I crouch in front of him. "You scared?" He starts to stammer, "N-nobody l-likes needles." I sit down in front of him, "Don't worry, the pain won't last very long." I start moving the needle towards him, he turned pale very quickly and won't stop moving . "Just relax." and with that I had the needle in his leg. He lets out a silent scream and closed his eyes shut. "Is it over?" he asks in a squeak. "Long over." He looks down to see a pink plaster on his leg. "Really?" I shrug.

"It's an antidote, for numb limbs." He starts moving his right arm and it worked just fine. He stands up whilst wincing a little. "I know what you said about the guy paying me but," He adjusts his fedora, "I'll go with you if you pay me more than what he's offering." I sigh, "Give me a moment." I flipped out my phone calculator and started crunching the numbers. "Fine but deal is off if you leave my side." He smiles innocently, "Pleasure doing business with you." He tips his hat.


Chapter 15 finally out lols. Hope you like this one, now wait for another eternity for chapter 16. :P I didn't do a complete check on the grammar so please excuse that until I can get back to it. Bye~

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