Wild One ||A Teen Wolf Fanfic...

By ReyyyOfSunshine

68.3K 1.4K 805

Sour wolves, werewolf best friends, high school, monsters in the woods, hunters for family, mean girls, and t... More

Story Playlist
Featured Characters
1. Stiles Stilinski, Beacon Hills' Resident Idiot
2. Cody and the Cranky Wolf
3. These Boys are Nothing but Trouble
4. His Pretty Face is Dangerous
5. Supernatural Shenanigans
7. All the Boys Have Lost Their Minds
8. What Could Go Wrong? Everything
9. Rules Made for Breaking
10. As If Werewolves Didn't Cause Enough Trouble
11. And That's How the Fight Started
12. You're a Jeep, He's a Porsche, I'm a Lamborghini
13. This Girl is a Gun
14. Witches Be Crazy

6. Things They Don't Teach you in School: How to Kill a Monster

3.7K 93 24
By ReyyyOfSunshine

I was born in a thunderstorm
I grew up overnight
I played alone I played on my own
I survived ~ Alive ~ Sia

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me
Stop holding your breath ~ The Monster ~ Rhianna

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Those seemed to be the only words coming out of Cody's mouth.

"Lock the door!" Scott said frantically.

"Does it look like I have a key?" Stiles snapped. He paused for a moment, then stood to look out the window. His eyes landed on the bolt cutters he had brought.

"No way," said Cody, grabbing is arm.

He shook her off. "Yes way." And he slipped out the door. He studied the surroundings for a moment, then slowly went for them.

Cody and Scott started beating on the door when they saw the alpha, yelling for Stiles to get back in. He scrambled through the door and the three of them slammed them shut. Stiles put the bolt cutters in the door handles and peeked outside again.

"Yeah, cuz that will hold," said Cody.

Stiles glared at her. "What else do you want me to do?"

There was a howl and they took off running down the hall.

"This is just great," Cody ranted as they ran. "I always knew I would die in school but I never thought it would be because a psycho werewolf attacked."

They ducked into a classroom and moved to push the desk in front of the door.

"The door won't keep it out," said Stiles. "And it's your boss." Scott shook his head in protest. "The alpha, yeah it's your boss."

"No!" Scott protested.

"Yes it is!" Cody said with great effort as she was still trying to push the desk in front of the door. "He disappeared and then that...thing shows up in like five seconds and throws Derek across the freakin' parking lot!"

"It's not him!" Scott said.

"He killed Derek!" snapped Stiles.

"He's not dead," said Scott in a panic. "He can't be dead."

"Blood poured out of his mouth," said Stiles. "He's dead. He's dead and we're next."

"What do we do?" asked Cody, finally abandoning the desk and staring intensely at her friends.

"Get to my jeep," said Stiles. "We gotta get out of here. And you," he pointed at Scott. "Think about quitting your job."

They rushed over to the windows and peered out. Stiles' jeep was only a couple hundred feet away. They could make it if they moved fast.

"Wait," said Cody, a sinking feeling in her stomach. "They don't open. And if we break it it will make a lot of noise."

"Well then...we'll run really fast," said Scott.

Cody gaped at him. "That's your plan? Run really fast?"

Scott stopped, spotting something outside. "Stiles look at the hood of your jeep. It's bent."

Stiles was just about to ask what the hell happened when the window next to their heads shattered. Glass went everywhere, covering the floor and them. A shard hit Cody in the cheek and she winced. They ducked under the window and looked into the classroom at the large black square skidding across the floor.

"Is that your bat-" Cody started.

"Yes, that's my battery," Stiles snapped.

"Oh god. We're dead," rambled Cody. "We're dead, we're dead. We have died and we're dead."

Stiles shushed her. "We need to move."

Scott peaked over the window sill and Cody and Stiles followed.

"Okay," Scott said. "Move now."

They crept down the hallway, flashlights shining. Stiles suggested a room with no windows and they made their way to the locker room. Cody was conscious of every step she took, every sound her breathing made.

"What now?" asked Stiles.

"Derek's car," said Cody. "It's still out there."

"That could work. We take the keys off his body." Stiles made a disgusted sound.

"And him," said Cody. The boys looked at her, disbelieving expressions on their faces. "He could still be alive."

So back to the hallway they went until they were at the front doors again.

"Do you hear that?" Scott asked.

Stiles and Cody stopped to listen but heard nothing. They shook their heads. Scott closed the door to the locker room just in time for a body to crash into it, leaving a trail of blood as it sunk down to the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Stiles asked, his voice a higher pitch than normal.

"Donny, the security guard," said Scott. "Come on."

They ran towards the side doors and pushed to open them but fell back at a restraint. Something was blocking the door from the other side. Scott opened the door just enough to see the dumpster barricading them in.

"I'm not dying here," said Stiles stubbornly as they looked for another way out. "I'm not dying at school."

"We're not going to die!" said Scott. Cody scoffed, unconvinced.

"What does it want?" asked Cody in a panic.

"Me," said Scott. "Derek says he's stronger with a pack."

"Great," said Stiles. "A murdering wolf-man that likes teamwork. Beautiful."

Scott stopped, catching sight of something outside. The alpha ran towards them, bursting through the window and across the hall. They turned and ran, again, the beast chasing after them. It snarled, its claws scraping against the tile of the hallway. They made it back into the locker room and pressed their backs against the lockers, breathing heavy. They could hear the alpha's growls as it stalked them.

"We have to do something," said Stiles. "Kill it. Hurt it. Something." Stiles paused. "I have an idea."

He pulled his keys out of his pocket and threw them in a corner, loud enough to attract the alpha's attention. It pounced and Stiles ran, moving the lockers to cage it in and ran through the door, the other two following.

"The desk! Move the desk!" They pushed it in front of the door to keep it in. Stiles got on the desk to look at it through the small window in the door. "Yeah," he said with a triumphant chuckle. "I'm not afraid of you!" The paw/hand that slammed against the window made Stiles jump, proving that he was indeed scared. He fell back and rolled to his feet. "Still not scared of you. We're out here, and you're in there. You're trapped. You can't ge-"

There was a crash and then several tiles from the ceiling crashed to the floor. There was a loud bang from above and they looked at the ceiling nervously. The roof creaked with its weight. And then they were running again.

Scott stopped. "Do you hear that?" Stiles and Cody shook their heads. "It's a phone ringing." Scott's voice was panicked. "That's Allison's phone."

Scott used Stiles phone to call her, asking why she was there. He hurriedly told her to go to the lobby and hung up.

"Why did you come?" said Scott frantically when he saw Allison. "Why are you here?"

"You asked me to," said Allison, looking confused. She pulled up a text from Scott that said meet me at school.

The door behind Allison swung open and Jackson and Lydia came in, looking calm and arrogant as ever.

"Seriously?" snapped Cody. "Who invited the asshole brigade?"

Stiles chuckled under his breath. "Good one."

"Can we go now?" Lydia asked. The creaking in the ceiling gave her an answer. At Scott's command they all took off down the hall again.

How they managed to outrun it, Cody had no idea. They all piled into the cafeteria, bolting the door shut and moving chairs and desks in front of it. The door was completely barricaded when they finally realized Stiles was yelling at them.

"Hello. Stiles. Talking!" They all turned towards him. "What do we do about all the freakin' window?" he demanded, gesturing wildly to the twenty feet of glass in front of him.

Allison was gripping on to Scott. "Can you please tell me what is going on? I'm freaking out!" Allison turned to Cody, raising her eyebrows expectantly. "Cody, why do I get the feeling you know something I don't?"

Oh you have no idea, Cody wanted to reply. Instead she just shrugged, turning away so she was closer to Stiles than anyone else. He put his hand on her shoulder in what would have been a comforting manner had it not been shaking.

"Somebody killed the janitor," said Stiles.

"What?" Allison asked. "Is this supposed to be a joke?"

"Who killed him?" Jackson asked.

"No, no," stammered Lydia. "This is supposed to be over...the mountain lion..."

"Don't you get it?" said Jackson, a hint of excitement in his voice, a tone that worried Cody. "There was no mountain lion."

"Who was it?" Allison was practically screaming now. "What does he want? What's happening? Scott!"

"I don't know," Scott said forcefully. "But if we go out there he'll kill us."

"Us?" screeched Lydia.

"Who is it?" Allison asked.

Cody and Stiles were silent.

Scott took a deep breath. "It's Derek. It's Derek Hale."

Cody turned to gape at him, to say something in protest, but Stiles' firm grip on her shoulder silenced her. How could he do that? Cody thought. How could he just throw Derek under the bus like that?

The questions started flying. "Derek killed the janitor?" "Are you sure?" "Why?" "What does he want?"

"I saw him!" snapped Scott. "He killed them. All of them. Starting with his sister. It's been him the whole time. He's in here too. If we don't get out he's going to kill us."

Stiles and Cody had the same surprised expression, though Cody was much angrier than Stiles. He reached down slowly and gripped Cody's hand.

"Call the cops," said Jackson.

Stiles shook his head. "No."

"What do you mean 'no?'"

"I mean no," snapped Stiles. "Want to hear it in Spanish? Noh! We don't know what he's armed with."

"Your dad has the whole sheriff's department."

Lydia pulled out her phone, dialing quickly. She began to explain the situation, then cut off abruptly.

"She hung up," she said. "She said they got a tip warning them that there was going to be a prank call about a break in at the high school."

"Why is Derek doing this?" asked Allison. "Is he the one that sent me that text?" Scott didn't answer. "Is he the one that called the police?"

"I don't know!" yelled Scott. Allison turned away.

"Okay, let's ease back, alright?" said Stiles. He pulled Cody and Scott away from the others.

"Seriously?" Cody hissed in a whisper before Stiles could say anything. "Why the hell would you screw Derek over like that?"

"I don't know!" Scott gave her a hard look. "Derek is a bad guy anyway-"

"No he's not!"

"I know you can't see it cuz you've got a thing for him-"

"I do not have a thing for him!" Cody's voice was getting louder.

Stiles put his hand on her shoulder again. "Okay, okay. Scott..." he turned to his best friend for an explanation.

"Well if he's dead it doesn't matter," said Scott.

"We need to focus," said Stiles. "How do we get out alive?"

"I don't know why he hasn't killed us yet. It's like he's cornering us."

"Oh, so he wants to eat us all at the same time? That should be fun."

"That's not helping, Cody," said Scott. "It wants revenge. Maybe against your family."

"Oh that's great," said Cody. "I get to be eaten cuz my dad likes to hunt werewolves. Perfect."

Stiles was about to say something when Jackson cut in.

"Okay dumbasses!" He grabbed their attention. "New plan. Stiles calls his dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Sound good?"

Stiles turned away. "I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive."

"Give me the phone!" Jackson demanded. He lunged at Stiles who turned around and punched him in the face. Allison ran to Jackson's side while Cody took to Stiles'. He angrily pulled out his phone, only to get his dad's voicemail.

There was a crash against the door and Stiles led them through the kitchen to the stairs. Allison pulled open the first door she saw and they all ran in, shutting it and barricading it. This seemed to be becoming a routine.

Scott dragged Stiles and Cody over to the other door in the room, saying they should go out this, to the roof, and climb down the fire escape. Too bad the door was locked with a deadbolt they would never get through.

"The janitor has the key," said Scott. "Well...his body does. I can track his scent and get it."

"That is a seriously horrible idea," said Cody. "Any other suggestions?"

Scott shook his head and pushed past the two. "I'm getting the key."

Stiles looked around. "There has to be some kind of weapon in here."

"There is," said Lydia. They all followed her gaze to the cabinet full of chemicals.

"What are we going to do, throw acid on him?" scoffed Cody.

Lydia gave her the mean girl up-and-down she so often did. "No. It's like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a molotov cocktail. It will ignite if you throw it." Everyone gaped at her. "What? I read it somewhere."

Lydia mixed up the bomb way to quickly for someone that had never made one before. She handed it to Scott.

Allison put her hands on his chest. "No way. You cannot do this! He's killed three people." Scott went to move past her but she just pushed him back harder. "No!" said Allison. "You're a horrible liar and you have been lying all night. Please don't go."

Scott turned away. "Lock the door behind me."

The door shut. They all looked at each other for a moment before they sat down to wait. Cody felt the blood drip out of her nose before the images started this time. There was a roar and she saw the claws digging into Derek's back, and then every ounce of pain he had felt ripped through her body. She let out a strangled cry and fell to her knees. Stiles went to grab her, but once his hand caught her arm she could feel his fear shaking her bones. She screamed and the blood dripped into her mouth. She reached up to wipe it away and then fell forward, her bloody hands leaving stains all over the tile floor.

Allison was next to her, yelling her name, but she sounded so far away. The next image in her head was the spiral in the dirt, and then the top half of a body appearing. She realized the other sound she was hearing was Jackson yelling, doubled over in pain like her.

"It hurts!" was all Cody could say as she gripped her head.

"What's happening?" Lydia was screeching.

Everything was chaos, outside and inside her head. The images were coming faster now; fangs, red eyes, a spiral, a purple flower, a fire. And the emotions coursed through her veins. Anger, fear, sorrow, and then bone crushing rage.

Jackson's fit had ended just as fast as it had started. Lydia was asking what was wrong but Cody couldn't focus. Her head was pounding. The images finally stopped and she gained enough control to sit, her back pressed against the wall.

"What the hell just happened?" Stiles asked her, squatting next to her so he was close. She shook her head, wiping at her nose again."Seriously, Cody," Stiles sounded angry and scared. "What the hell was that?"

Lydia shushed them. "Do you hear that?" They were all quiet, and then they heard the sirens.


Cody was sitting in the back of the ambulance when Scott and Stiles came over.

"Seriously, I'm fine," she snapped at the medic who was wiping the blood away from her face. He left.

"We survived," said Stiles. "That's good, right? We outlasted the alpha."

"I don't get it," said Scott. "He walked right past us..." he trailed off.

Cody pushed away the blanket around her shoulders that they had put there to "help with shock."

"It wants you in its pack. So you have to get rid of your old one." They looked at her, confused. "The alpha doesn't want to kill us. He wants Scott to do it," she explained.

Scott shook his head, quiet for a moment. "That's not even the worst part."

"How in the holy hell is that not the worst part?" snapped Cody.

"Because he made me shift," Scott whispered. "And I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you."

"Well, I'm real glad you didn't," said Cody. For once, Stiles was at a loss for words.

Scott looked around the parking lot, absentmindedly. His eyes landed on Deaton sitting on the back of an ambulance and he went over to talk to him.

Stiles looked at Cody, who stared back innocently through her eyelashes.

"Don't give me that look," said Stiles. "Don't think you can flash me those pretty brown eyes and get out of an explanation."

Cody scowled. "It would work if I was Lydia."

Stiles sat down next her. "Yeah, it would." He rested his arm around her. She laid her head on his shoulder. "What happened to you? You scared the hell out of me?" She was quiet. "Cody, please tell me. I'm your best friend."

Cody sighed. "I can't believe you just pulled the best friend card on me." She heard him chuckle lightly. "Well, you better be ready to buy me some fries. Cuz it's a long story."

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