Nothings impossible - a ross...

By Mckenzie_lynch

6.2K 227 55

**COMPLETED** The only reason Kaitlin lives with her mom is because they couldn't find her dad. The one that... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30~last chapter :(

Chapter 1

1.3K 14 5
By Mckenzie_lynch

Before this story takes off let me tell you a little about myself.

Hi! Im Kaitlin margolis. I am 13 years old and I have long brown hair and blue eyes. Im an only child and my dad abandoned me at the age of Three. Currently I live in Los angeles California with my mom and two pets.

Now to the story.

Kaitlin's pov.

"Kaitlin!!!" I hear someone yell from what seems like all the way down stairs. "Whatt?" I yell back. as I'm thinking to my self who it was I get snapped out of my thoughts by someone I recognize. it was my mom. "Theres someone downstairs that wants to talk to you." who could that be i think to myself as I pass my mom with a curious look on my face and walk down the stairs.

When I get down stairs I see a person I haven't seen in 10 years now. My father. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I bring great news!!" My dad says. There's an awkward silence for about five seconds before he goes on. "I've decided to take you in as I was supposed to 10 years ago." "What does that mean? You expect me to forgive you for what you did and just drop my whole life here and move in with you?" I start crying and run back up to my room.

Dads pov.

"What was that all about?" I said to my ex wife trying to make small talk so it's not an awkward between us. "Really?!?!? You can't just barge in here and think she will say yes to your offer just like that Sean!!!" She says. " well um I just thought that..." "Well you thought wrong!" Christie said. " Ok well just tell her that I love her. Goodbye Christie.''

"Yea cause she'd so want to hear that right now!!" I hear her say sarcastically as I walk out the front door.

Moms pov.

I cant believe he did that i say to my self as i turn around to walk up stairs. Once i get up the stairs I go to Kaitlin's room to see if shes ok. "Knock knock" i say also while physically knocking. "Come in." i hear Kaitlin say. i follow her instructions and enter her room. Once I'm in i shut the door and sit on her bed. "You ok?" i ask her even though i know shes not cause she's sitting there crying. "Yea" she says "i just can't believe he would do that to me." "i know honey he's a jerk, don't listen to him." I say as I here someone knocking at the front door. "that better not be dad again." Kaitlin says while getting up to get the door.

Kaitlin's pov.

"That better not be my dad again" I say when I hear a knock on the front door. I get up to get it and almost fall going down the stairs. once I get all the way down the steps I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. I go to open the door and standing there in the door way was someone i'd never expect to meet in my entire life, someone that i've loved since i've laid eyes on. ROSS LYNCH!! apparently I spaced out for awhile cause next thing you know i hear ross say "hello? Are you ok?" "huh, what, o um yea I'm fine. "Good cause a cutie like you should be ok." ross said with a soft smile on his face. is he flirting with me? i thought to myself. i feel myself blush and say "aww thanks." "so the reason i'm hear is because my family wants someone just like you to come live with us!!" "why?'' i say not trying to sound rude."because since me, my brothers, and sister are in R5 we are barely home and my parents want another daughter thats young enough not to have a career." "Ok?" I say still kinda shocked by who was at the door. "Let me go ask my mom, I'll be right back. Um you can come in if you would like." I say while I run upstairs screaming MOM!!!!!!!

Moms pov.

I hear my daughter run up the stairs yelling mom and I wonder to myself who was at the door who made Kaitlin freak out the way she did. Before I could say anything she was already up the stairs and talking to me. "What honey sorry can you start over I wasn't paying attention." "Ok so ross lynch was at the door and..." "Woah woah woah hold on a sec, ross lynch as in Austin and ally ross lynch?" "Yes!!!" "Oh my gosh are you serious?!?!" I say running down the stairs as fast as I possibly could. Once I got down there I saw a six foot tall boy around the age of 18 with blonde hair standing by the front door.

Ross's pov.

I stand in what i heard is this girl Kaitlin's house and all the sudden I hear OH MY GOSH and footsteps coming down the steps. Next thing you know I see a lady in her late 30's standing in the same room as me with Kaitlin. "So why did you call me down here again?" the lady says looking at Kaitlin. "Ross wanted to ask you something." i look at her with a nervous look then say "uh yea my parents wanted to umm.." "out with it!!" her mom said. "my parents wanted to take Kaitlin from you and take her in as their own." i say fake smiling. Oh my gosh now that I said that out loud it sounds stupid i thought. "SURE!!!" Her mom said. "MOM!!" Kaitlin said. "Why are you mad Kaitlin you get to come live with me." I say. "yea I know but she just gave me up like that i mean i thought she loved me!!" "I do love you it's just that i know you have always wanted to be with ross and i want you happy." Her mom says. "well thanks mom. so I can go live with the Lynches?" "yes you may." her mom says. and next thing you know me and Kaitlin are hugging. when we pull apart were both blushing.

Kaitlin's pov.

Omg i think to myself i just hugged ross lynch!! "Ok well i'm gonna start getting my stuff together ill see you later ross!! ok?" i say. "ok bye'' ross says. "oh wait before i go can i get your phone number?" He says turning around. "yea. can i see your phone and add me to your contacts?" yea" he says handing me his black iPhone with a pink case on it. I grab the phone, go to the contacts, click the add button, and add myself as Kaitlin<3 then hand him his phone back. he grabs it and says "thanks!!" and walks out the door. I hear a car door open and close and then start up. I hear ross drive away and i sigh in happiness then walk up the stairs to go to bed cause by the time he left it was 10:00 and I was tired so I layed down and almost instantly fell asleep.

The next morning I'm awaken by my phone going off. I look at who was calling me this early in the morning and it was an unknown number. I almost rejected the call but then I remembered I gave ross my number yesterday so it was probably him. I pick up the phone slide the unlock thing to answer and said "hello?" "Hi!" the person on the other end says."who is this?'' i say. then the person on the other end says in an excited voice "its ross!! I called to say that if your ready that my parents said you can move in today!!" "ok umm i think I'm about ready I just need to put a few more things in boxes and then I'm all set." I say still sounding a little tired. "Ok" Ross says. "what time do you want me over there to get you?" "hmmmmm" i say. "what time is it now?" he says "8:00." "Around 12:00 is good for me if thats good for you." "OF COURSE!!" ross says. "i get to see you in four hours!!" "yup cant wait!!" i say a little more excited as ross. "What about all my stuff?" i say. "how am i gonna fit it all in your car?" "lol" ross says."I will get a moving truck for you even though you probably don't have that much stuff." Even though I'm a brunette sometimes i have MAJOR blonde moments. "ok" i say. "ill see you soon!" ross says. "bye." "bye." i say back.

Ross's pov.

Ok so i have about four hours until i have to go get my future girlfriend. I get my stuff together to take a shower. once i get out of the shower and dressed i check my phone and its 9:00. now i know what your thinking, i take long showers. and i do. but anyway I go to the kitchen, get the milk from the fridge and the cereal from the cabinet and pour myself a bowl of cereal. after I eat my breakfast i call Kaitlin back and it's 9:30. Once she answers I tell her I'm ready when ever she is and she says that i could come early so I did. It takes me about 30 mins to get there because my parents live in a different part of California than she did. When i get there shes sitting on her porch waiting for me. when i pull up she has a shocked look on her face. o yea i forgot i have a yellow camaro and people forget I'm kinda rich. anyway i get out of my car and walk over to her smiling. she returns my smile and I hug her. we pull away and this time shes the only one blushing (that i know of). I say "your cute when you blush, you know that right?!?" "yea.'' she says shyly. "so i have another question for you" i tell her. "Whats that?" she says. "I was wandering if you wanted know.." "go out?" she says. "yea how did you know?" i say. "i could tell that you were nervous so i tried to help you out." "o ok thanks. so do you?"

Kaitlin's pov.

Omg!! ross lynch just asked me out omg omg omg!!!!! "yes!!" i say not as excitedly as i did in my thoughts.

"Well we better get going then GIRLFRIEND!!!" ross said. "ok BOYFRIEND!!" i said. we laugh while we walk to the car. he even opens the door for me! he is soo sweet i love him already!

It takes us about 30 mins to get to his house. once we get there we get out of the car and walk hand in hand to his front door. he opens the door and lets me in then he steps in behind me. he yells "IM HOME!!" and its like his family was waiting for him to say that because once he said that i hear like six people come down his stairs. once there all down I see four of my Idols standing there in front of me smiling. Rydel, Rocky, Ratliff, and Riker and his parents are behind them all. "guys" ross says smiling. "this is Kaitlin." He says smiling again."my new girlfriend!" he says this time sounding so excited that he would probably start jumping up and down any minute now. "Hi!" i say waving to all of them shyly. "hey!" they all say at the same time. "so guys besides Kaitlin being your brothers new girlfriend shes also your new sister." Stormie says.(ross's mom) "so I guess your my new sister!" rydel says excitedly. "yup i guess i am!" i say as excitedly. "how about all five of you give Kaitlin a tour of the house and show her, her new bedroom." mark says.(ross's dad)

"OK!!" they all say at once again which is kinda starting to freak me out. I follow all of them into the living room first then into the downstairs bath room and then upstairs where Rocky shows me all of the bed rooms and bathrooms up there. "And finally.."Riker says. "Your bedroom." he says opening a door right across the hall from ross's room revealing bright neon pink walls and a bed with pink polka-dot sheets on it. "This was the guest bedroom."ross says. "but when we heard about you from ross he said you were kinda girly so we spent all day and night making this for you!" Rydel said. "Aww thanks guys!!" i say "you know you didn't have to do that right?" "we know" Ratliff said. "but we wanted you to be welcome. I know i was when i moved in here." (Ratliff Isn't a lynch and he didn't really move in with the lynches but he's been friends with them since childhood).

"Ok well we are going to leave you here to unpack your stuff and get comfortable." Rydel says. "we will be back in about 15 mins to check up on you." "Ok thanks again." i say while they walk out of whats now MY ROOM!!!

Ross's pov.

"Isn't she just great?" i say to my brothers,sister, and parents. "yep!" Riker says. "shes definitely a keeper!!" rocky says. "its just weird that shes basically my sister and we go out." "you'll get used to it." mom says. "After we finish that little conversation the doorbell rang. "ill get it!" i say getting up off the couch to get the door. I open a door and see a tall man with a yellow shirt on. "hi can i help you?" i say. "yes I'm looking for Kaitlin. is she here?" "uh yea." i say. "ill go get her." I run up the steps and go to my girlfriends room. i knock on her door and she says "come in!!" i enter her hot pink room and say "someone is at the door for you." she says "ok" and we walk hand in hand down the stairs. once she sees who is at the door she runs up the stairs and slams the door. i run up the stairs after her and don't even bother knocking this time. "whats wrong?" i say sitting on her bed. "who was that at the door?" "my dad" Kaitlin says crying. "what happened with him?" "well when i was little when my parents divorced i was supposed to go with my dad but he didn't want me so he left town. then the other day he came to my house trying to win me back and i said no and apparently he didn't get the message." "I CANT BELIVE THAT HE WOULD DO THAT TO YOU!!!! IM GONNA GO STRAIGHTEN THIS OUT WITH THAT GUY!!!" I say. "no its ok" she says. "ill go talk to him."

She says getting up and walking out of the door and down stairs. i quickly get up and follow her down stairs.

When i get down there shes already talking to her dad and i walk up behind her. "Who's this?" her dad says. "dad, this is my boyfriend ross. ross this is my dad." Kaitlin says. "Hi." i say. "hello." he says. after that Kaitlin and her dad talk about something I'm not even paying attention to anymore because i daze off thinking about where me and Kaitlin are gonna go on our first date. Next thing you know i hear someone say "hello?" "are you paying attention?" it was Kaitlin. "what?!?" i say. "I'm trying to close the door. can you move?" she says. "uh yea sorry." i say. "Did you doze off?'' she said. "yes" i say truthfully and blushing. "Ok well im going back to my room to keep unpacking." Kaitlin says heading towards the stairs. "Ok" i say. "LOVE YOU!!" i yell after her. she stops dead in her track and turns around half smiling and half blushing. "love you too" she says and keeps walking. i cant help but smile.

Kaitlin's pov.

OMG!! i think to myself the guy that i have loved for four years now just said he loved me. i cant believe how lucky i am now. i mean i have a great boyfriend, i live with r5 and their parents, AND i got away from my mom and my old school!! i love my life!! once im done freaking out over how good my life is i start unpacking my boxes and putting my stuff where i wanted it in my new room. By the time I'm done unpacking its already 6:30. Im hungry i think to myself. its like on cue ross comes into my room and says "time for dinner." "yayy!!" i say trying to run out of the room but ross decides it would be funny to pick me up and carry me down stairs. which was sweet. and the only reason he could pick me up was because he is 19 and I'm 13. And i know what your thinking, theres too much age difference. yea well me and ross don't care. If we love each other we love each other age shouldn't matter. once me and ross get down stairs i ask him if he could finally put me down and he said "nope your gonna sit on my lap the whole dinner!!" and i thought he was kidding so i tried to get down and he said "what are you doing?" and i said "trying to get down so i can go sit down for dinner." then he said "why i told you that you were gonna stay with me the whole time." "oh you were serious?" i say. "Yes" he said. "i have no reason to lie about that." "ok" i said and thats what happened. The whole dinner everyone was staring at us wandering first of all why and second of all how. but we ignored them and just ate our spaghetti.

After dinner i check what time it is and its 7:33 i ask everyone if they wanted to watch a movie and they all nod in agreement. Rocky goes to a cabinet and picks out a movie. when he puts the movie in i ask what movie we were watching and he said that i would have to guess. right when the commercials at the beginning of the movie come on i automatically jump up off of ross's lap and scream out "NEMO!" and he looked at me and said "How'd you know?" i tell him that I love this movie and that i watch it all the time. he nods his head basically saying "ok" and i sit back down on my BOYFRIENDS lap. In the middle of the movie i hear Ratliff's phone go off. he checks it and says "hey guys that was my mom i have to go home." "ok" we all say not taking our eyes off the movie.

Once the movie was over i get off of ross's lap that i was snuggled into and yawn. "tired babe?" he said. oh my gosh he called me babe!! "yea" i say not as enthusiastically as i was feeling. "ok" he said and picks me up and carries me up the stairs to my room. i get down from his arms and lay on my bed. when i get all comfortable in my bed ross comes over and kisses my cheek. I feel my face blushing and my dull face turn into a smile. "night baby" he said. "i love you." "I love you too." i say as ross turns off my light. I lay there going over my day until i fall asleep.


Thank you guys so much for the reads and the votes!!! i hope you enjoy my book so far. I'm new to this. anyway follow me and message me if you have any ideas for the book. thanks again.

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