"There's No Angry Way to Say...

By salera_mdrn

191 1 0

When you've told yourself that you've had enough and that you're better off. Think again. Just when you thoug... More

The Big Guy
The Roller Coaster Ride Begins
The Understatement of the Century
Age Is Just a Number..... So They Say
There Is No Angry Way To Say.... Bubbles
Bubbles.... Part Deux
A List
Sam and Jane
Sean and Kyle
Tiny Spheres That Enclose Gas or Air
Mind Games
Where Do The Bubbles Go From Here?
The Talk
The Black and Blue and Sometimes Red Just Keep Coming
Kyle, Sam, and Sean
When There Are Bubbles. There Should Be Prayers
Rewards? Yes, Rewards

Roller Coaster Ride? You Betcha!

7 0 0
By salera_mdrn

"Are you kidding me!? Are you kidding me!? Are you kidding me!?"

"You want to stop at three, Jane?"

"Sorry, sorry! I am just... wow!"


"C? This is an exciting development! Oh my gosh! You and Kyle! Kyle and you! Oh my gosh!"

"Janie, please. You're getting excited and you haven't even taken one sip of your coffee."

"Of course I'm excited! Finally, C! Finally!"


"What is wrong with you? Aren't you the least bit excited about all this?"

"Scared is more like it."


"I don't know. I.... I.... this is all new to me."

"Are you still wishing it was Sean who did that to you and not Kyle?"



"I honestly do not know what to think about all this!"

"You have been thinking for three years and you've been confused. Maybe it's time to stop thinking and just let it flow. Let it happen. Focus on the good that's happening. It's time to let go of Sean and let someone else in."

"You think Kyle could be.. the ONE?"

"Oh who knows? For now, what you should focus on is the possibility. He's not your rebound, he's not just some distraction so you could get your mind off Sean. He is a possibility. A good one. Maybe even a great one. Take a chance, sweetie. You won't know until you try."

"He is sweet in his own way. He scares me a little cause he really, and I mean really comes on strong. But he is honest. And that night, when he almost kissed me.... wow!"

"Ooh!!! Goosies!"

Claire smiled at her friend.

"You haven't smiled like that in ages, C. It's been a while. Last time I saw you smile like that, was when you bought Sean coffee the first time."

Claire knew exactly what Jane was saying.

"You're going to do great, sweetie. That I am sure of."

Claire nodded and gave Jane a hug. Scared as she is at the possibility, she was excited as well. But she can't help recall that last thing Kyle told her after kissing her goodbye.

"Oh and FYI. I did not just take your hand because of Sean. I really wanted to hold your hand. It felt really good to do it. Specially when it made Sean even more furious."

Sean? Furious? Furious because Kyle held her hand? Because he found out she and Kyle went out on a date? Sean? Why?

"Bubbles," she said in her head. "BUBBLES!!!!"

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