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Sean and Jane were still sitting in the park. Dusk was coming.

"You know what we need?" Sean suddenly said.


"Ice cream."

"Seriously? You? Ice cream?"

"Why is that so surprising?"

"I never saw you eat ice cream before. You always order something else."

"Well, there was no reason for me to eat ice cream that time. Now I do. So, come on. My treat!"

When Jane and Sean arrived at the ice cream shop Sam was there. They immediately noticed the cut lip and the bruise below his left eye.

"May I ask what happened to you?" Jane asked Sam as they joined and took their seats.

"Does this have something to do with all that has happened?" Sean asked.

"Long and short. Kyle."

"So you finally told him the truth. I take it his reception was not so favorable?"

"You are so perceptive, thanks."

Sean gave a chuckle.

"So Jane. What flavor do you like? Misery? Turmoil? Emotional and mental torture?"

"I think I will take two scoops of misery with a hint of strawberry please."

"Then I'll have the same but mine would be with a hint of dark chocolate cause that's how my soul is right now. Be right back. Sam? Anything?"

"Nah. I'm good. I am just about to finish my last scoop of stupidity laced with chocolate and vanilla."

Just as Sean was about to get their orders, Sam's phone vibrated. It was Claire.

"Hello Sam. Let's talk. You know where to find me." the text message said.

"You going? Yes you are," Jane said to him with a big grin.

Sam was half running when he went to see Claire. She was at her favorite place. Her thinking place. The same place where she broke down crying in Sean's arms.

Somehow Claire felt his presence and turned to see him walking toward her.

"You have been a very naughty boy of late."

"I know. Bubbles?"

Claire smiled at him then frowned a little as she gently stroke the bruise under his left eye, then softly touched the cut on his lower lip.

"They'll be gone in no time," he said taking her hand and holding it to his chest. "It's my pride that hurts more at this point."

"I am so sorry Kyle did this. But like I said, you've been very naughty lately."

"I honestly don't know what to do, C."

"May I make a suggestion?"


"A gentleman's agreement. Between you and Kyle."

Somehow Sam knew what she meant.

"You will agree to it then?"

Sam nodded.

"Thanks, Sam."

Then Sam kissed her. Claire was caught off guard. She couldn't move, and it was a long lingering kiss.


"Then who will she finally end up with?"

"The suspense is killing me!"

"Patience," said the Big Guy. "What was that again you always say?"

"Ooh! Bubbles!" answered the other being that came with the Big Guy.

Back at the ice cream shop, Sean and Jane were already at their third helping of ice cream.

"I am so glad I am not lactose intolerant! But, there goes all the calories that I have been counting."

"Seriously? You're counting calories? You're trying to tell me that you're watching what you eat?"

"I could slap you right now and your teeth will bleed. But, I shall refrain because all these, your treat."

"Haha! Sorry, sorry. I did not mean that way. I just meant why? I mean why count at all? It's not like you need to? You and Claire are two of the sexiest girls I have had the pleasure to be friends with."

"Who you talking about? Have you had too much ice cream already and it's giving you brain freeze?"

"Could you cut me some slack? I know I messed up but I am being honest here. I know, I know. I should have been more honest with Claire. So now I'm really being honest. No hidden agenda whatsoever. Just plain honesty."

"Fine. Thanks. You're not so bad. But I was never really attracted to you. Not that you're not attractive, but I guess you were never really my type. I've always had a crush on Sam, but we all thought he was gay, so that pretty much shot any romantic possibilities down. Then we found out that all this time he was in love with Claire!"

"Amazing, crazy turn of events."

"Claire was the one huh?"

Sean looked at her and just sighed.

"You're not the one who does the breaking up huh? You wait for them to break up with you. Your own twisted way of sparing them the hurt."

"Noble, but truly stupid."

"This one took quite a while before breaking up with you huh? So you got stuck in between."

"And Claire suffered for it. Told you I was stupid."

"Oh well, you could still throw your hat in the ring, as they say. It's not too late?"

"I think that ship has sailed. Besides, she already has two hats in the ring. I don't want to add anymore to the confusion all that would bring."

"You sure? You're really giving up your chance with her? I mean, before Sam and Kyle came in to the picture, you were the one."

Sean was silent for a moment then once more heaved a deep sigh.

"She deserves better, Jane."

Jane felt genuinely sad for Sean. She wanted to say something to try and make him feel better but the only thing she could think of saying was....


Sam walked Claire home. Kyle was waiting for her. There was an awkward silence that finally broke when Sam said his good byes.

"You two talked?"


"Just talked?"

"You jealous and suspicious?"

"No. I'm not supposed to right?"

"The enthusiasm in your voice is truly underwhelming. But, at least you're still being honest even if you did say yes to our agreement."

"I don't really have a choice. You threatened to ignore me forever if I didn't say yes."

"True. But I did it for your own good."

Kyle gave an exasperated sigh.

"So Sam agreed as well?"

"Yes he has."

"So.... may the best man win?"

Claire smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"May the best man win," then she went up to her apartment.

"Bubbles," was all Kyle could say.

"There's No Angry Way to Say..... Bubbles"Where stories live. Discover now