Age Is Just a Number..... So They Say

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"I am too old for this!"

"Why does this Claire human keep saying that?"

"Sweetie," Sam told Claire. "Your mom is almost 70 and she's getting it on."

"Ew! Gross!"

"Yeah! Yuck Sam!", Jane said.

"Haha! All I'm saying is you may be 10, twenty, fifty, or a hundred years old, and you'll still be having this problem. You're not too old for this. You're just a late bloomer, which is not uncommon. Besides, what's to fuss about?"

"What do you mean?"

"He means, that you have nothing to drive yourself nuts about when Kyle is clearly and OBVIOUSLY in to you!"

"My goodness, please do not remind me."


"I don't know. I'm still confused."

"About what?" Sam asked.

"This is so uncharted territory for you isn't it?", Jane said.

"Now that's an understatement."

"We don't talk anymore..... we don't talk anymore.... like we used to do....."

"I am seriously going destroy where ever that song is coming from."

"Seriously?", asked Jane. "Is it because it reminds you of how you and Sean do not talk or hang out like you used to before? Really C? Let go already!"

"Yes! I agree! Let go and move on already! With Kyle preferably."

"Come on guys. Plus he's too young for me. If I'm going out on a date with anybody it should be within my age group!"

"And Sean is what? Isn't he younger than you too?" Jane told her

"Exactly! Look at the mess I got myself into! Now you want me to actually go out with a guy five years younger than I am! he's even younger than Sean!"

"So?", the two said in unison.

"People my age group already have issues. Why would I want to go into a younger age group's issues?"

"Exactly!" Jane said. "Any age group has issue! So why over think? Why should age be an....... ISSUE?"

"Are you seriously going to use that against me now? Seriously?"

"We're serious! Dead serious! If we hear you talk about this drama about Sean, I will cancel your bacon privileges!"

"Bacon privileges?", Sam asked confused.

"My mom knows where to get the best bacon that she loooooooves so much."

"Oh come on, Janie. Not the bacon? Geez! It is not as easy as you would want it to be. It's not like I can just press the delete button every time I'm reminded of...."

"Ah..... tut.... tut.... tut!", Jane said interrupting her. "Stop it! Stop it right now! It ends now!"

Claire was shocked into silence while Sam was laughing that he almost choked on the beagle he was eating.

"Listen to me," Jane told Claire while she held her on her shoulders and made Claire face her directly. " Sean is yesterday. Regardless of how he may or may not feel about you, it is futile! You know why. Now here is a guy who albeit really and I mean REALLY forward in expressing how he is VERY much interested in you, who seems genuine, sincere and clear on what his intentions are toward you. So please, and I say this with a lot of love. Look forward to your date with him this Saturday!"

"There's No Angry Way to Say..... Bubbles"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora