Kelly (book 2 of Rejected By...

By livecam123

13.2K 720 63

Sunny gave birth to a beautiful little girl and she named her Kelly. Sunny knew her daughter was special but... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44

Chapter 38

255 12 0
By livecam123

Kelly's POV

My dress was delivered by an omega girl.

It's a long red dress with a heart neck line and a split on the right.

Why do I need to dress up like this? I took a long shower. I walked out in a rob to meet three women in my room.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked the three women

"We are here to get you ready." one of them answered.


"Why is it necessary for such a fancy dress?"

"It is your first time meeting the pack and is necessary for you to look your best." was there simple reply.

They did my hair, makeup and helped me into the dress.

They showed me myself and I stunned at how beautiful I looked.

"We have to get ready ourselves so we are going to go."


I continue look at myself until a knock on the door stopped me I opened the door to see Julia and Samuel. Both where dress fancy Julia was dressed in a long green dress with heart around the waist and Samuel was dressed in a blue tux.

"Hey guys."

"We are here to escort you to the pack meeting."

I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

I was lead behind the garden to the right where they were a huge clearing fill with people. They were all dressed in elegant gowns and tux.

They all stared at me as I walked pass them. Everyone looked at me in amusement even the little children.

I held my head high and walked with pride as my parents raised me.

I was guided thru the crowd to closer to a stage. When I looked at the left side I saw Akeem. He was dressed in a normal black tux but yet he still made that look extremely sexy. What am I saying he is being a complete ass and yet all I could think about is jumping his bones? He was speaking with an old couple. I had to get myself together.

Samuel and Julia lead me to him.

"Hello Mr and Misses Johnson," Samuel said as the couple turned around.

"Is so nice to see you Samuel you have truly grown to be a fine man." the woman said.

"Thank you," he said.

"I have to go get things ready so I can't stay with you." he told all of us.

Akeem didn't look at me once since I came over there and I stood my distance from him.

"Who is this beautiful young lady?" the man asked.

That was when his eyes finally met mine. My heart beat increased at the intensity of his eyes. It was filling with love, lust and desire .his eyes even darken as his eyes left from my eyes to my whole body.

The old couple cleared there throat to break his stares at me.

"You don't even have to bother answer. She is your mate." the woman said.

I blush a little.

"Yes she is." Akeem confirm.

"I know that look anywhere. The way mates look at each cannot be mistaken you can see the see the strings pulling you together." the woman said.

"I can still remember when we first mate I had to fight myself to move away from her even now it's still hard ."The man said looking intensely at his mate. You could feel the strength of their bond.

"Your father and mother would be proud if they were still here."

"Thank you."

"One thing I'm shock with is that you could keep your hands off each other since we can all see you're newly mated."

"How do you know?" I asked wondering.

"Your scent is a little higher than normal when you're just recently mated and other supernatural creatures can smell it."

"oh." is all I could say.

A hand touched me in the small of my back that me jump I turned around to see Jason dressed in a brown tux. He looked good but not like Akeem.

Akeem growled lowly warning him. He stretched for me and pulled me to him .his warmth covers me and I felt just right in his arms.

"Alpha Gordon." the old couple said but I didn't miss the looks they gave us.

Akeem ran small kisses on my neck that caused my harmonies to come alive.

"That's the behaviour of two new mates." the old couple said.

"Where going to leave you to but don't forget children are around." they said laughing and walking away.

Jason did the same but I didn't miss the eyes he gave Akeem before he left. When Jason was far enough. He let me go out of his arms.

When I turned around to talk to him he was gone.

At that time I felt used the only did that because he wanted to show possession in front of Jason.

Tears stood at the brim of my eyes. I didn't do anything why is he acting like this.

"Kelly." I looked around to see that Julia was still there.

"Don't cry I can feel your pain. I know Akeem is an ass at time but give him a chance don't cry, don't take it personal he is beating himself up because he hurt you. He thinks he's not good enough for you. Give him time. This love this is hard on him due to his childhood."

I gave her a hug and tried to listen to her. Give him time.

"Every one! Every one!" a voice sounded on the stage but no one paid attention.

Aloud rower sound off the the stage. You could feel the power swelling through it. I brought everyone to their knees expect for me. I didn't bow but I could feel the power. My vampire was too proud to bow to anyone even her mate.

Everyone looked at me with awe since I was the only one still standing while everyone else was one the ground.

"You can get up now I would like to start the meeting."

"I would like to make this meeting short since everyone knows by now I'm leaving tomorrow to help out one of our coulee. everyone knows by now that I have found my mate and we all know about or issues with the demon counsel so Alpha Gordon would be here to protect my mate when I'm gone since we all know the value of her and what happened the last time ." he said looking at me with pain in his eyes.

"But before I leave I would like to introduce you to my mate and your Luna." he said signalling me to come up.

I walked with as I always did even thou I was nervous as hell.

When I was on the top of the stage the crowd made noise cheering for me. I looked over at Akeem and I could see the pride in his eyes.

"Continue enjoying yourselves but in the next two hours will be the first run with the Luna all adult and teens that are not a part of the babysitting team should be presence and all children should be left with the babysitters.

Two hours filed by like nothing and I were brought at the other side of the garden everyone stripped naked. Being naked was normal for a werewolf but yet Akeem blocked me from the view of other as I changed into my huge black wolf. Everyone looked at me with awe since my wolf was the same size of their alpha and it was not normal for a Luna to be that huge. Those who where werewolves and half breed changed into their wolves and vampires and demon stayed the same. Akeem started the run when everyone was done .I followed him since I was the Luna then cam Samuel and Julia. We ran for hours utile everyone was tired we then all returned to their homes. I walked up to or room exhausted. I took a shower and prepared for bed. Akeem came in shortly after and took a shower he then walked over to our bed in his boxers that just made me want to pounce on him even though I was tired.

He climbs into the bed he lay down right next to me and the heat of his body raise my harmonies.

"Kelly pleases," he growled out.

"With what?" I asked playing around.

"Don't ask me what I can smell you I have leaved early tomorrow he said with his back to me."

My heart sank which mate really turns down sex with their mate.

I turned my back to him and went to bed.

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