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Sunny POV

as I gazed on my beautiful 3 three year old baby girl. she was sleeping so peacefully . her shinny long black hair scatter on the bed . her small form made my wolf and vampire stare in aww at there creation  . she was a half bread just like me but she seem even stronger than I am .

"MOM! MOM! MOM!" my son ran in screaming he looked afraid of something .

" Dad said to hid where being attacked mommy,"  my son ran into my arms .

I took up my sleeping daughter and placed her in a secrete place along with my eight year old son and I waited for the danger so I can protect my children .

I heard crashing outside the door I stood in a fighting position ready for me attacker  .

the door swung off right out the window . a pitch black wolf ran into the room pure evil covered his face . his eyes was the color of red a sight I have never saw in any creature . he showed his sharp k9 to me but I never backed down . In one swift move I turned into my white wolf . my wolf looked so pure compare to his evil looking black wolf .

in one swift movement he was on me trying to reach my neck . with my hind leg I scratched him under the tender skin of his under belly he showed no pain even when I knew I cut deep in his flesh . I focus my fire on my hind legs and he jumped back because of the burn.

"give me her "

a voice sounded in my head .

I looked him stunned

"are you shocked that I could speak to you ? " the voice sounded again It was deep it was just pure evil .
only pack member's can mind link with each other how could he.

"what are you?" I asked back in my head .

he laughed . his voice eco so evil in my head .

"you will find out ," he said in my head .

" just give me her," his voice sounded in my head.

"who?" I asked .

"your daughter," he growled .

" over my dead body ," I cried .

" that could be arranged ," he barked out .

we circle each other like two predators .

he charged at me I jumped out the way but he attacked again very fast and caught  my front paw . I try biting his ear but he wouldn't let go I try biting every part I could get my mouth at but nothing work .   I caused a whole flame to cover my body . the wolf jumped away . his side of his face burn . he roared at me . my wolf whimpered. that was the first time in my life I have ever seen my wolf afraid of something . the other wolf saw it and still attack me in my flaming form . his eyes turn from red to blue . his eyes didn't look like the color of normal blue eye person his eye was like the deepest part of the ocean with no depth. it still looked scary . when he jumped on my I expected him to get burn but my fire turned just as blue as his eye then my fire around my disappear every time I try to bring it back it will not come up.

"where is she," his voice eco in my head again.

the same time drake nocked the wolf off me I stud in a fighting position ready to help my mate.

"I'll be back and I will get her ," he roared and jumped out the window . 

" he wants my daughter ," I cried to my mate.

" she will be okay ," drake cooed me.

" no he will not that wolf put out my fire by the color of his eyes . he almost killed me and I am the strongest person in the pack ," I barked out .

drake was offended but he knew I was true . 

"what should I do ," he asked me.

"we need to fake our daughter death ," I told him.

he looked at me thoughtfully .

"okay lets do it ," he said .


if you haven't read book 1 it's okay you will still understand . this book.

Kelly (book 2 of Rejected By my own kind but accepted by the enemy)Where stories live. Discover now