Don't Forget Me

By Lunar__Dragon

1.1K 58 7

"Who are you?" "You don't remember who I am?" "No I don't sorry. Should I know who you are?" "Yeah I'm your b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
SORRY! (Must Read)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven(Last Chapter)

Chapter Three

102 6 0
By Lunar__Dragon

"Y-you don't know who I am?" Jaebum said as he stuttered a bit and stared at Youngjae.

"No I don't sorry. Should I know who you are?" Youngjae asked as he smiled sadly at Jaebum.

"Yeah I'm your boyfriend." Jaebum said as he just looked at Youngjae.

"I'm sorry I don't remember having a boyfriend. I don't remember much but my friends, where I live, and a few phone numbers." Youngjae said as he looked at Jaebum's face.

Jaebum didn't know what to say so he stayed silent. He then thought of a question to ask Youngjae.

"What are your friends names?" Jaebum asked as he stared hopefully at Youngjae.

"Mark, Jackson, Jinyoung, BamBam, Yugyeom, and Jaebum. We often call Jaebum JB." Youngjae said as he smiled.

"What grade are you in? What grades are your friend in?" Jaebum asked.

"I'm a second year in high school along with BamBam and Yugyeom. Mark, Jackson, Jinyoung, and Jaebum are third years." Youngjae said as he stared at Jaebum weird. 

"What else can you tell me about your friends?" Jaebum asked as he looked down at his hands.

"We all hang out at this ca-" Youngjae was saying before he was interrupted by Jaebum.

"At this cafe around the corner from the school. We hang out and often help each other with homework. We also meet there before school so we can all get some caffeine in our body's before we go to school. Right now we are on summer break so we hang out there almost everyday." Jaebum said as he looked up from his hands to Youngjae's surprised face.

"How do you know that? Are you stalking me? Is that why I'm in here?" Youngjae asked.

"I know all of that because I'm Jaebum. I'm your friend and I hang out with all of you at that cafe. It's where I asked you to be my boyfriend. We were on a vacation in the US and were on the flight home when it crashed. You have been unconscious for a couple of days. I visited you yesterday but you were still passed out. I was hoping you would wake up soon so I could know you were okay. Now I know that you're mostly okay. You must have hit your head pretty hard when we crashed." Jaebum said as he smiled sadly at Youngjae and felt a tear slide down his cheek. 

"If you're the Jaebum I know tell me one thing only he would know." Youngjae said as he started at Jaebum suspiciously. 

"We all call you the sunshine of the group because whenever we're having a bad day your smile can brighten our day. You never seem to fail at making us happy when we've had a bad day." Jaebum said as he had a small smile on his face.

"What BamBam's real name?" Youngjae asked. 

"His real name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul." Jaebum said.

"You really are Jaebum." Youngjae said as he stared wide eyed at Jaebum.

"Yes I am. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. If I knew what was going to happen I never would have had us get on that plane." Jaebum said as he felt more tears fall.

"It's not your fault the plane crashed. You couldn't have done anything to stop it. I don't blame you." Youngjae said as he looked sadly at Jaebum.

Youngjae wished he could hug Jaebum right now but with one leg and both arms in a cast that's kinda hard to do. He only wished he could remember that he and Jaebum were together. He remember's having a crush on Jaebum basically since they met.

"So if me and you were dating how long have we been together?" Youngjae asked as he blushed a little bit.

"Eight months. A week ago marked our eighth month together. I decided to take you on a trip to celebrate. I guess the trip was a bad idea." Jaebum said as he looked down sadly. 

"It's not your fault. I'm sure the trip was lovely. I just can't seem to remember anything from the past eight months. The last thing I remember is all of us hanging out at the cafe before school. Me and the two youngest were all super tired due to having to study for a test we had that day. We fell asleep waiting for our drinks. You had to wake me up so I could drink it while it was still hot. You all ended up laughing at me because as I was trying to get away from you while you were waking me up I fell out of my chair. I knocked the younger two out of their chairs as well and woke them up. They looked so mad at me but we just laughed it off." Youngjae said with a smile on his face.

Jaebum could only stare as he told the story. Youngjae was so beautiful in his eyes. He wished he remembered the past eight months. To Jaebum they were the best eight months of his life. He smiled when Youngjae smiled at the end of the story. He had such a beautiful smile and Jaebum often wondered if Youngjae knew how beautiful his smile was. 

"I'll help you get your memories from the past eight months back. All except the crash. I don't even want to remember that." Jaebum said as he looked Youngjae in the eyes. 

"Thank you. I would love to know what I'm missing. I bet it was a wonderful eight months with you. I hope you will wait for me while I get my memories back." Youngjae said with a hopeful smile on his face.

"I will always wait for you. I will let our friends know of the situation and they can help. I just need to get either my phone or a phone in general." Jaebum said as he smiled back. 

"Well getting your phone's back isn't possible. They were crushed in the crash. I can get you a phone to use so you can call your families and friends. They can hopefully get you new phones." The nurse said startling Jaebum and Youngjae as they forgot she was in the room. 

"Thank you." Jaebum and Youngjae said as they watched her leave in search of a phone and to hopefully get Jaebum switched to share the room with Youngjae since there was an empty bed in room. 


Here's chapter three! I love Youngjae's smile! It makes me so happy and it brightens my day! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one. The next chapter is going to have a couple of the other members in it. Thank you for reading!~Luna

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