Through the Dark

By AshesandAvery

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Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. How Severus Snape hated him. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Why c... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Detention with Snape
Chapter 3: To the infirmary
Chapter 4: Confusion
Chapter 5: Unexpected
Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent
Chapter 7: Anger And Help
Chapter 8: Shock Of A Lifetime
Chapter 9: Pain and frustration
Chapter 10: To Break And Fall
Chapter 11: Assurance
Chapter 12: The Problem with Toads
Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need
Chapter 14: Comfort and Plan
Chapter 15: The Hartfords
Chapter 16: Central City
Chapter 17: Meeting The Wells
Chapter 18: Friendship And Family
Chapter 19: The Dreadful Day
Chapter 20: To Wake
Chapter 21: Dad
Chapter 22: Promises
Chapter 23: Panic ensues
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 26: Resisting temptation
Chapter 27: Phoenix To The Rescue!
Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector
Chapter 29: Regrets
Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens
Chapter 31: Missing Someone
Chapter 32 : Part And Parcel
Chapter 33: Cold Shoulder!
Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 25: Accepting Fate

3.6K 143 51
By AshesandAvery

"He needs to have oxygen on him all the time, or else he'll drown by his own breath," Cazalon says as monotonous as he could. Ezra took a moment to look at Hunter to see how he was taking it. The boy only lay there, his eyes fixed on the window, as if trying to take a good look on the busy street below.

"Hunter?" Cazalon tries to get the boy's attention.

But Hunter didn't move a muscle, but instead said, "And that's good, right? No more normal schooling, or even stairs for that matter. Can we install a lift, Dad?"

"This is no time for your humour, Alexander," Ezra says sharply, although not as sharp as he would like it to be, "Let Doctor Cazalon continue."

Charles gave a nod to Ezra as a sign of thanks. It would be rather awkward if they would continue their line of conversation after Hunter's statement. But it seems that Hunter wasn't finished, "I'd still like the lift, please. And a cool bag to go along with my oxygen tank."

Ezra sighed wearily. The boy had such a dark humour that Ezra found irritating and sad at the same time. He wondered if it was his influence on the child, and how he should feel about it if it was the case. Should he be proud, or guilty about it? But it did not matter now.

"Stop with your context of jokes, Hunter. Please. Keep it to yourself for now."

The boy did not say anything, but made a move to grasp Ezra's hand.

Ezra held it back, sensing that Hunter needed something and someone at that moment.

"I would also recommend for a personal nurse. Alice Montmer, do you remember her?"

Ezra nodded. She was the nurse who had taken care of Hunter when he was admitted last time.

"She's looking for a job, as a personal nurse. She's resigning this week, aand had been looking for a workplace near their home. I thought that you might agree. After all, you seem to need it."

Hunter looked at them and nodded firmly, then turned to his father, "She's nice."

Ezra was doubtful about that though. Not only do they not know her that well, it would mean inviting a stranger at their home. It would also mean that both of them were dependent now. It was a blow to Ezra, who was independent most of his life, and was a sign of weakness. He had swore to Alec that he would be the one to take good care of him, and to Ezra, having this Alice would be a breech to their promise.

Hunter squeezed his hand again. Ezra turned to him, "I need someone with me when you're in school. I would be bored if left alone, and I can't go to school with you. I would only feel out of place and bored to my wits' end there. Alice is good company."

How did Alec know about his thoughts and doubts? But then again, Alec was observant, and he made a point. A strong point.

"Fine. We'll set the arrangements with her."

Cazalon graced them with a smile, "Alright. She'll be very pleased with that. And her kid, too."

Ezra turned to Hunter darkly at the mention of 'kid'. His son was smiling widely, "You know of this, don't you?"

"Oh come on, Stacie's a bright kid. She's bubbly and smart," Hunter defended. Ezra let out a sigh.

"Alright, but she should only be there to keep you company as I work, and to help out at home when necessary. The kid better not be a pain, or I'll hold you responsible for it, Alexander."

Alec shrugged, "Sure."

"So..." By that time, Hunter turned his attention to the window again. Charles continued rambling about his medications and Hunter did not pay attention. He would rather go home and bask in the warm prescence of their house, and be held by his Dad as they lay on the couch and watch those weird but funny cartoons on the telly.



It was Cazalon. "Yeah?" Hunter said as he looked up.

"Ready to go home?"

"Hell yeah!" He answered brightly. Ezra sighed. It was Friday afternoon, and the older man's classes had just finished and Hunter was to be dismissed from the hospital. The boy was dressed in his usual clothing and had a cannula on his nose. Ezra had indeed bought a bag (black, one Hunter's favourite colours, with a green strap that Hunter laughed at) where they put his oxygen tank. It had small wheels that could be used by Hunter to wheel around the house or wherever he goes and to avoid strains on his back.

"Very well. Alice is also here," Charles ushered Alice in. She had dark brown eyes, black curly hair, and a black skin tone that Hunter found fascinating. Her husband works as an engineer, and they had a little girl, Stacie, who was now five years old, and was frighteningly wise for her age.

"Hiya, Hunter!" The girl greeted Hunter, to which Hunter waved back with a smile.

Her curls bobbed as she settled herself near Hunter, who picked her up to have her sit next to him on the bed. Both then started to talk animatedly. Ezra watched the scene with adoration in his eyes.

"Hello, Mister Hartford," Alice says with a warm smile, "Thank you for having me and for allowing Stacie to stay in the house after her kindergarten class. She was really looking forward to keeping Hunter company."

Ezra answered with a grunt, "Yes. I am sure of that. Shall we go?"

"Yes, sir."

Ezra turned to the Hunter who was laughing at whatever Stacie said, "Come now, the both of you."

Hunter nodded and helped Stacie down. The boy then slipped on a hoodie and Alice pushed the wheelchair for Ezra. Stacie and Hunter still talked the whole journey to the house and when they arrived, Alice had Ezra go down.

"Ah, I truly love this place!" Hunter cried as they entered the modest house.

"Wow, Hunter! Your house is cool!" The girl says loudly, her eyes wide. "Bet you could bike around here!"

Hunter laughed, "Yeah, sure. But that's not really allowed. Dad and I can't have you bumping on the furniture."

"I wouldn't do either, Hunter. I'll just colour my books. That's what Mum says, anyway."

Hunter nodded at her, but said nevertheless, "Tell you what, Stace, I'll take you to the biking road up ahead and I'll watch over you, too. I can't bike, but I can watch."

"Sounds like a plan, you kids. But Hunter," Alice says, "come here and I'll help you with your things. Do you room with your Dad?"

Hunter flushed, "Yeah."

"Oh, that would make things easier! Eric- that's my husband- he'll pick us up at eight, by the way, Mister Hartford." Ezra nodded at her. She had already mentioned that.

They settled down for the meantime, and the mother and daughter helped them through it. The girl, Stacie, followed Hunter around like a shadow, and Hunter indulged her. He laughed at her silly antics, and was gentle with her. He was natural with children, it seems.

Ezra caged himself in their room, doing his paperworks and his syllabuses. By night time, Hunter was on the couch, watching and talking with Stacie as she drew. Alice made them dinner and it was only then that Ezra emerged. By eight on the dot, a black car parked and out came a pale, tall man who was Eric Montmer. His golden blonde hair was striking as he stood beside his daughter and wife on the porch. By then, they had finished their dinner.

Ezra and Hunter bade them goodbye.

When they were gone, Ezra looked at his son, "I know that look."

Hunter chuckled, "The what look?"

"The look that says, 'let's watch telly, Dad!'"

Hunter grinned cheekily, "You got me. Let's go watch telly, Dad!"

Ezra shook his head, but heeded and let Hunter help him unto the couch. The boy turned on the television and watched a random movie. They laid on the couch, Hunter's head on his father shoulder. Not before long, Hunter was sound asleep and Ezra turned off the television.

He kissed the boy's forehead and let his thoughts wander.

He looked down at his legs and was suddenly worried. The physiotherapy was taking far too long.

It's going hard from now on with Hunter on the oxygen thing. He can't be helping Ezra all the time. Yes, physiotherapy is a much safer route to take. It takes long time but it's safer. He can't burden Hunter even more than he already has.


Hunter felt at ease. He was finally home with his father. But, the doctor's word played in his head over and over again like a tape on repeat.

'Your cancer has worsen Hunter. You'll need the oxygen tank to help you breathe. It'll be hard from now on but stay strong okay? Your father needs you especially this time.'

He enthused when he heard Alice Montmer will be his personal nurse. She's a kind and gentle lady just like Molly Weasley. Stacie on the other hand was frighteningly smart and cute. It was like having a little sister. He knew it would be hard for Ezra to be dependent for someone like him. But Hunter was willing to do everything in his power to help his Dad adjust to the situation they were in.



It was morning, and Ezra had left for work. Alice arrived after she took Stacie to her class with Eric, who drove away after a few pleasantries.

"Yes, Hunter?"

He fixed his eyes on the screen, feeling rather lonesome with his thoughts and without his father to make him feel safe. The cartoons were lively, but Hunter could only feel himself getting more sad.

"I'm sad," he admitted, knowing she'll understand. He brought his knees up to his chest, and rested his chin on them. Alice sighed and took a seat next to him.

She nudged him with an elbow, "Come on, Hunt. Why would you be sad? You've got a dad, and now you've got us."

"And that's sad." The boy had evident melancholia as he kept on watching the cartoons.

"Why would that be sad?"

"Cause I've got faulty lungs, and
I'm always sick now. It will not be long before they will be too faulty that they will not function at all. And you know what happens when that time comes, Alice?"

Alice felt her heart break, and took a good look at the boy. Hunter was not crying at all. He just looked...sad. He looked like a man who has been resigned to his Fate- a Fate he knew he had no control over, and that made Alice sad, too.

She smiled, trying to hide her empathy towards the boy, "Aww. That will happen after a long, long time, Hunter. Don't you want to graduate college or have kids?"

Hunter chuckled, sounding rather broken, "All I want is to make my Dad happy, Alice. But now that I am worse than before, he can't appreciate life anymore. He'll only think about me, and not even about himself. And you seem to care about me. If I die--"

"Don't say that, Hunter!" She cut him, not wanting to hear such depressing lines from the boy's lips.

But the boy held her arm and caught her eyes. Alice was unable to look away, "Death is inevitable, Alice. If I die, you'll all be sad. Thinking about that makes me sad, because I want all of you to be happy."

"Then don't think about that, Hunter! You're too young to even die!"

"I've long since grown up, Alice. So promise me one thing."

Alice gulped, and her eyes teared up. She wasn't still that close to the Hartfords, but there was something in Hunter that made her motherly instinct kick in.

"Promise me you'll never be sad again, Alice. Ever. If I die, promise me that you'll take good care of Dad. He's got no one. All he's got is me. I don't want any funeral to happen, or any of those fancy things people do to the dead. I just want to be buried. That's all. Live for me. Live the life I could've wanted for myself, Alice. My time is running out. Promise me."

How Hunter said those words with seriousness in his eyes, with bravery, with unfazed eyes, Alice would never know. All she could ever do at that moment was cry and nod and fall herself on the boy's shoulders, and grieve for him.

This was reality, Hunter knew, as he let Alice cry on his shoulders. There was no escaping it.

After a while, she had calmed down and all they could hear was the cartoon character's laugh on the telly, and her occassional sniffs and small hiccups on his shoulder. After that, Hunter tipped Alice's face to look at him and wiped the tears off her cheeks, "Do not cry for what is inescapable, Alice. Now, want to walk to the nearest store with me?"

He smiled at her, and Alice wiped the last of her tears and asked, "Wha-whatever f-for?"

"Ice cream," Hunter said with a shrug, standing up to do just that.


"Mister Hartford?" Ezra looked up to see Jesse Chambers and Andrew Cohen.


"Can we please see Hunter after school?" Andrew requested to the man. Ezra thought about it, and nodded. Hunter could use a time with young people his age.

"Thank you, Sir. We'll come by for dinner," the girl said and both left. Ezra was about to continue his work when he spotted Gerard Green on the faculty room's doorway, looking rather nervous. Ezra called for the lad and Green gulped visibly, but approached nonetheless.

"Gerard Green. What are you doing here?"

The lad bit his lip, "I- uh- heard your son got out of the hospital."

Ezra raised an eyebrow, "And you heard that from who?"

"From Wells' daughter and her sidekick."

"Oh, I see. You've heard right, then," Ezra drawled. But Gerard continued to stand where he was, unsure if his professor would heed his request. After all, he had a mishap the last time they met. Gerard wanted to do something for the man.

"Well?" The Professor asked, brows raised in a questioning manner, "What are you still doing here?"

"Uh..." Green paled, and Ezra tapped the desk with long fingers, "I was... I was hoping to meet him, Sir."

It was obvious from the way Professor Hartford looked at him that he was surprised by the request. But Green thought he might have imagined that, as it flickered away as soon as it came.

"Meet him? And what would your association bring to my son, Mister Green?"

"He can use a friend, Sir." Gerard wondered how he said that without stuttering.

"A friend, Mister Green?" The man smirked, "Considering yourself as pal material, are you?"

"Yes, sir! I mean, no. Sir."

Ezra looked at the boy in front of him. Gerard looked like the boy he was and he thought victoriously, 'No more Mr. Cockypants, are we, Green?'

But Gerard Green looked contrite and subdued, and Hunter could indeed use another friend. Although, Ezra knew that Green was doing it for some sort of penance. He might have thought that he owed something to Ezra. Ezra would have taken advantage of the boy if only he his Alexander wasn't involved in the scenario.

"Very well," he says after a few moments of silence and deliberation. "But one mistake, Green. One mistake," he wagged a finger at the boy to indicate that Ezra was taking this seriously. The boy looked relieved and chanted his thanks and Ezra told him to stop by at dinner.

As he headed home, Ezra wondered to himself whether it was a good idea to introduce Green to his son, but then again, Ezra reasoned, Hunter and him needed support, and as such, they needed all the support they could get.

With a sigh, Ezra packed his things and head back home for dinner and to tell his son about the arrival of his friends and Mr. Green.

'It's going to be a long night' he thought solemnly.With that thought, he left the school to head back home.

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