By laannadelreyy

698 55 46

" C'mon " I whine." Please daddy ?! " In which an oblivious fairy nymph thinks the King of Phytos is her dadd... More

£A Daddy ?
£Liv ?
£My Spanking
£What's A Dick ?
£Bestia PoV
£ Jealous ?

£Dramatic Music

51 5 5
By laannadelreyy

"You have to be on the perfect diet from now on and probably your whole life if you all want to succeed. Do keep in mind that you boys and girls have a whole different type of perfect diet. Now tell me, don't get offend ok it's all about honesty, who in here do you think will be most successful in life, boy and girl?"

Most of the outspoken kids raised their hands.

"Uh uuuuh, I know I know!" Jago the class clown was begging to get picked on.

"Yes?" the school visitor picks him from all the other students.

"Liv! She's the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen, she's just so perfect!" I smile and everybody agrees with him.

"And a boy?"

"Well besides me of course. I thinks it's Arron, not that I like him but all the girls think he's cute, eww" I giggle at his statement but it was true.

"Ms .Morais I know that I'm going to be successful in life and everything! But do you want to know who's not Ms. Morais ?" Liv speaks up.

"Oh no, tell me so we can help him or her!"  We were all concerned and started looking around.

"Rihanni!" she points at me. "I mean just look at her! I don't even think she's going to make it pass ten. She's a deformis deformitatis!"

Everyones attention was now on me. I didn't even look at them and just stared straight ahead. My cheeks were burning but I didn't start tearing up until they started calling me mean names and laughing at me.

        - End of flashback-

"Ooh ah, and you are?" Does she not remember me?


"Like the Rihanni? ....Rihanni?"  She checks me out.

"Yes?" surprised she turns to daddy.

"She's no daughter of yours Bestia! She's like six years younger than me. And do you want to know how I know? It's because we were in the same orphanage and she was the deformis deformitatis of all the kids!" She points at me pissed.

Embarrassed I couldn't even look at daddy. I knew trying to ignore my looks wasn't going to last long. But I stay put not wanting her to be alone with him.

"Liv get out!" I look at daddy shocked.

"What? You're kicking me out of our own room?" He doesn't say anything and sits on his desk chair legs spread wide, head back with his eyes close.

I'm going to make sure she never sleeps on daddy's bed again, it was my spot from now on.

"Wow you rather cheat on me with this....thing!" She fakes laughs.

"I'm not cheating on you Liv she' adoptive...daughter"

"Bullshit! I'm going to tell my dad and you won't like nothing out of it." She stomps right out of the room.

"I thought she was an orphan."

"She was until she got adopted by her, 'not real dad', Rihanni"

"Ooooh" He looks sad so I go up to him getting in between his legs.

"Daddy are you ok?" I sooth his thighs with my hands.

"Fuck. Don't touch me there" he grabs both of my wrists to stop me. Mad that he wasn't giving me a lot of good attention I get on top of him.

His eyes widen open and grips my hips tightly. "Get off me."

"But I want your attention daddy ....You're so big! That I want you to take care of me. No matter the size I am." I hug him not wanting to let go and I sooth his face with my tail liking our closeness, he stiffens.

"To bad I don't. I'm a busy man and have no time to take care of a child."

"Then I'm going to be bothering you and doing naughty things, until you give me the attention I need!"

He tilts his head back whispering to himself, "If you're so set on that then do it, I'm just going to keep ignoring you"

Grabbing me by the elbow he pulls me to my room tripping along the way.

"Don't bother me Rihanni."

"I'm still go..." he interrupts me.

"Kalila make sure she doesn't disturb me. I can't have two on the same day!"

He shuts the door on my face once again, not letting me talk.

"Here sweetheart eat" Kalila gives me a plate with food on it and I start eating it with my fingers. Not having so much of an appetite anymore.

"What are you doing?! Here sweetheart you eat with a fork"

"I don't want too!" I let go of the fork she put in my hand.

She sighs, "Rihanni what's wrong?"

Sitting next to me. "I saw my long lost bully today" I sigh.

"Was it Liv?" I nod.

"Don't mind her she thinks she's something but in reality she's only made of nothing."

"What do you mean?" She grabs my wrist and looked straight at me.

"What I mean is that she grew up with nothing, somebody gave her something but she's still just nothing."



"That's not even what I'm trying to say." I tell her

"I think I know what you're trying to say. She might be dating your.....daddy but...he doesn't even like her! And she's not perfect, she might be on the outside but on the inside she's a deformis deformitatis."

I giggle at what she said realizing she was right. Liv might be Pulchritudo but she's not inside and I knew daddy wouldn't like someone like that.

Smiling Kalila stands up "Let me get you some clothes you must be cold."

"I can handle the cold just not at night."

"Yeah, me too. It's actually pretty nice. But we do live in a castle full of vampires and frost giants."

"Doesn't that mean their gonna suck me up dry?"

" no! Not since you live here sweetheart."  She chokes on her saliva.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I am "she clears her throat.

Not wanting to eat anymore I put on the pink nightgown she gave me.

"It's not even dark outside"

"But it's about to be now hush."

I lay down on my bed and realize two things. One my room was really long and two my tochie bear wasn't with me.

I throw the covers off and run to the bathroom. My tochie bear was laying down on the carpet. 'Oh no tochie bear I'm so sorry I left you here all by yourself!' kissing it I stand up and go back to my bed to see that Kalila was still here.

"What's with the bear?"

"I made him" Her eyes widen.

"Really?" I nod my head proudly.

"That's nice Rihanni. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"What's a movie?"

"It's were people or somewhat are being filmed and its shown on a tv"

And that's how I learned everything about a big square screen. She also wanted to know about me, so I told her all about my adventures I had alone in the woods.

Kalila left a while ago. But I was actually glad she left, not that she was annoying but I wanted to explore the castle since I've never been inside a place as luxuries as this one.

Not forgetting tochie bear I jump out of bed not bothering to check daddy's room. When I came in front of the moving thing I couldn't open the double doors so I try to find something else like a staircase.

Walking around finally I found it and walk downstairs taking the time to soak in how amazing everything was.

It seem to me that since this was such a cold place they decided to put a lot of carpets around to give it a homey feeling . But I couldn't deny that everything was very beautiful.

Walking down the halls I hear the soft humming of music playing and follow it. Stopping I look inside a room but nobody seems to notice me.

Eda was inside with a woman on top of him caressing her big belly. Jamal had his arm around a woman and they were laughing about something, there where strangers sitting around having conversations, a woman and man was playing the harp and piano.

They all seemed to be enjoying themselves: but I wasn't at all, not one bit because Liv was sitting on daddy's lap, on a gold silky chaise. Stomping into the room with my fist clenched I hear the music stop and everybody stare at me.

"What are you doing?!"

Liv doesn't say anything to me but turns to daddy.

"Why is this thing talking to me?"

She's starting to spike my anger ,huffing I cross my arms.

"The thing is right there Liv, can you not talk back?" Daddy tells her.

Angrily she stands up from his lap making me satisfied that it was clear. Running to daddy's lap I sit right in the middle."Wooah..." He grunts griping my hips.

"You can't even defend me!'s like you don't even love me. And you're even letting her take my spot!"

It seems like daddy wasn't caring in the slightest about what she was saying because he wasn't even looking at her. Jamal stands up "Liv you do have to understand that're not the only one for him..."

"Burn!!" Eda shouts.

"She's not burning?" I tell daddy.

"Shut up."

"Ok" I obey him making me smile.

"Jamal shut up! Bestia I wasn't going to tell dad but this is too much!"

"Saar play the harp!" I hear Eda say. She starts playing dramatic music.

"Tell him anything Liv, he won't do shit about it." A man that looked to be in his forties threatens her.

"You don't know what my dad is capable of doing Mr.Palaina"

"And I don't care Liv. Stop acting like a child."

"Me!? Acting like a child, tell her" she points at me "that bitch is acting like one when she's around eighteen years old!"

"Let her be one" I see the man smile.

"Odion shoo her away from here please." A man who was next to Odion tells him starting a whole new argument.

Changing positions I sit facing daddy. He grips my hips harder making me push him from the pain.

I gasp as he grips my hair and pulls me to him.

"Don't touch me"  he tells me but that was not what I was focused on, not even the people behind us talking about how Liv's dad is cheating on her mom with a deformis deformitatis since she was talking about how she was going to tell her dad that my daddy was keeping a girl like me.

No, I was admiring his face, he was handsome with his facial hair and long light brown hair.

I knew he was talking to me because his lips where moving but I wasn't listening until I hear Odion tell Saar to stop. "...Sitting on it, bad girl"


Realizing everyone heard he pushes me off and I hit the floor. Everybody was looking at us but Liv was gone and Odion and Eda where laughing at us making me turn red so I start to play with tochie bear.

Daddy stands up "well this is what happens when you invite a stranger into my home" he sighs and walks away.

Hurt I quietly stand up with my head down.

"Don't worry Rihanni he'll warm up to you" Jamal's wife I think says to me.

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