£Bestia PoV

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My so called father was trying to teach my nymph 'daughter' what I dick was.

I once again couldn't believe his actions but with him ,surprises weren't a thing .

On the way to my desk I huff .

"What are you trying to prove ?" I ask him sitting down my desk chair .

"I don't have to explain myself."

Standing in front of my desk ,hands in his pocket with a lazy look ,I catch on .

" We're not sharing her ."

Knowing he wanted to share her just like we did with the others .

" You can have her first.I won't teach her anything ,since clearly she's really uneducated in any subject." He chuckles.

"I don't know .Let me get use to her and if I start to like her in some type of way ....we'll share her ." Lying to him ,not wanting him to have her first.

"Don't let me wait to long Bestia,her innocence is killing me more than her own body." What he was trying to say was to ruin her ,so he can get off to her body .

"Will see ."

"You know I'm not a patient man ,so I suggest you don't take your sweet time ." He looks at his watch and back at me with a crestfallen look in his eyes.

I guess he had somewhere to be ,not that I cared honestly .

Yes ,we shared woman ,we've fucked woman at the same time ,we've punish woman at the same time .

We love their reactions ,them knowing a father and his son are using them at the same time .We didn't do incest that's crossing the line ,I never stare at his dick and he never stares at mine .

Its just a kink.

It all started when when I was seven .Not the fucking ,but my fucked up life .

Everything was good before then .Mom was alive and healthy ,dad was a real dad .

But at five years old there was war .Mom got depressed he was gone and neglected me badly .

Dad finally comes home from war ,even though he won the battle,it traumatized him .

Causing him to abuse my mother and I .He was a frost giant and frost giants can be the cruelest fuckers when traumatized or angry.

By fourteen years old, my mom caught a dying disease and with the abuse of Odion on top she died .

Even though she was a vampire and immortal,she couldn't take it all especially when she didn't have a good blood supply.

They where different creatures that mated and made a hybrid.


Her death caused Odion to realize he fucked up .

He started to take care of me and would ask for my forgiveness everyday.I have never forgave him and I would never be able too .

At fifteen ,I stoped calling him a father .He introduced me in to bdsm,(bondage ,discipline,domination,submission,sadism & masochism .)

He would bring high class woman older than me and show me the ways .They would like it ,I liked it ,he liked it .

And it would go on for centuries .Until Liv .She disgusted Odion by her presence so he wouldn't join us in bed .

Odion thought me not to love or get attached .Not only by showing me that woman were below man but by showing me that true love didn't exist.

How can I love when I was never loved .

My cousins are some sneaky little shits .First they have love for their wives ,at least they had some type of emotions I couldn't have .

Second I specifically told them not to bring me a new female ,since they new I was getting tired of Liv .

But knowing them ,they never listen .And what do they bring me? A deformis deformitatis .I didn't find her ugly,just quite the opposite.

And that's why I was staying away from her,I actually found her exotic,taboo.

Making my dick swell every time I would glance at her.I wanted to ravish her and ruin her but I couldn't .

I've never been with a female like her ,innocent and oblivious to things .I couldn't take the risk of maybe falling for her ,she was like the pillow to my head.

Now I'm just sounding like a bitch .And to top it all off ,they had this bright idea to put in her, already oblivious head that I was her new father ,or what she liked to call me ,daddy.

It pissed me off to no end ,the fact that she thinks she's my daughter and the fact that she's so oblivious to things.

She didn't even know what a dick was ,even worse that she thought man had a pussy .

I shake my head at the memory.

Odion wanted her I could see it .But I was selfish ,I couldn't let him have her first.

So I needed to think fast before he loses his patience.Yeah ,I was rude to her but for a reason .

I'm going to ignore her for a while ,distract Odion and see if he forgets about her .

Even though it was going to be hard ,because she was tempting .I crave her smell ,I crave her blood and body.So exotic.

I can actually spank her without just feeling flesh and bone .She's something else but I have to stay away.

Make her think I don't want her and make her go back from wherever she came from .She wouldn't last a day out in the world ,she'll be burnt or executed.

Only the elite could have a deformis deformitatis but only as sex slaves .

But that was a hidden rule .

Me and the other kings of Mysticis were planing to make it a law .I knew it was going to be hard.

So I hope when she leaves, if she does,she goes back where she came from .Where she was safe and well .

I couldn't get attached .And I knew I wouldn't just want her for a sex slave .

I wanted Liv out of my life but it was all about business.She was the key for me to take over her kingdom .

She was a vampire have of what I am . Getting married to her would get me two kingdoms .

I didn't really want to be king of two kingdoms .But when I needed them the most, when my mother needed them the most for fresh pure blood ,they declined us .

Odion and I wanted revenge .

I treated Liv badly but I didn't care she liked it and if she tries to ruin my chance of being King of Dracacna I'll just expose her .I'm good partners with The king of Draconie ,he had an affair with Liv causing her to get pregnant and abort it .

And abortion was a penalty to death.So it was a good thing I had ties with him.

And I know having Rihanni here would only cause trouble.I couldn't just kick her out though ,my cousins ,even though I didn't follow orders from anobody .I didn't break promises from my blood .

I couldn't break my promise of keeping her here and ravishing her .
I might not be the best writer but I don't care .

This book is going to be kinky as fu$k as you can already tell if you read this chapter .

If you want more keep on reading if not ,I don't care .

I understand this book is either boring or not your kinky preference.

But if you do like my wonderful book I call daddy? ,please vote and shacomment !

Thank you all for reading ,it brings me joy to know that I'm not the only one with a fucked up kink .🙃

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