Stop Hiding

Per Laylania_Horlinson

8.1K 384 83

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 4 best friends, living in one flat. What's the worst that could happen? ~•~•~•~•~... Més

Dreams {1}
BriLiam Thoughts {2}
This Can't Be Real {3}
Mine {4}
Movies and Maybe A Little More {5}
Alone, ish {6}
1 Thing 2 Do, 3 Words 4 You {7}
I'm Home {8}
Doctors Office {9}
I Can't Loose You {10}
Thank You {11}
You and I {12}
Let Them {13}
Let's Talk {14}
Surprise Boys {15}
Fever.... Right? {16}
W-What? H-How? Oh No....
Help Me {18}
Secrets {19}
We Should Tell Him {20}
It All Comes Crashing Down {21}
-1 {22}
It's my fault {22.5}
Come Back To Me {23}
Please Niall {25}
Wonderwall {26}
Hold on {27}
Hello There {28}
Recreation for Lirry {29}
Rehabilitation and Release {30}
Sexy Little Liers {31}
Swimming In Blood {32}
Date Night pt. 1 Lirry {33}
Date Night pt. 2 Nouis {34}
Again {35}
Where Dreams Come True {36}

So.... What are we..? {24}

161 8 13
Per Laylania_Horlinson

^^ That was posted on the official 1D Insta. I just wanted to let you know, encase you didn't. I just think they look amazing, with the light around them the way it is.

((I just want to dedicate this chapter to @TommoxLouaf and @inhalemyrichard for being really active readers so far! There will probably a small note for these two at the end, so stick around for that!! Now, to the chapter!!))

Liam's PoV.

It's been about 1 week since I gave Louis the song book.

Please wake up Niall.

"I'll be right back lads." Harry and I look to the opposite side of Niall's bed to see Louis stand up.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks

"Bathroom. Do you two need anything? A snack? Water? I can get it at the cafeteria since I'm going out." He offers a little numbly, adding a small hurt smile to seem less out of it.

Harry shakes his head no.

"Um if it's no trouble, could I have a tea?" Louis nods, and exits the room.

When the door closes, I look to Niall.

He still has stitches, and his cuts still look brutal. On the bright side, his bruises are healing, kinda....

The spinal fracture is still the same, but doing a little bit better, same thing with the bruised lung.

I sigh as I look to Harry. I still haven't talked to him about the bar. Now would be the time, with Louis gone.

"Harry..." He looks to me a small smile playing his lips.

"Yeah Li-Li?"

"Uh.... Remember when we went to the bar?" He nods "And you said you were with someone?"

"Yeah. It was actually a guy. He was so amazing..." He says, adoration clear in his eyes. "The only problem is, i don't remember who he was..."

"Uh Hazz i know who it was.."

Harry's PoV.

"Uh Hazz i know who it was.."

I look at Liam, "who?!" i start to get a little excited.

He takes a deep breath then looks down at Niall and mutters, "it was me..."

My breath catches in my throat. What?!

"what do you mean.." I ask wearily

"I remember Harry. Everything. That was me. We got drunk and... and-" I cut him off by pulling his face to mine and kissing him.

He kisses back, and it all comes back to me.

The drinks, the kisses, the room....

I pull away and smile at Liam, he had a blush on his cheeks.

I go to lean in again, but Louis walking through the door stops me.

"Here is your tea Liam." Louis hands a tea to Liam, as he sits down and grabs Niall's hand. I watch Louis sip away at his own tea, sorrow and regret dripping off of his face.

-hours later-

I turn on my phone, the brightness basically illuminating Niall's whole hospital room.

The time reads


I can't sleep. I have no idea why, I just can't. Liam is a sleep next to me, leaning on the back of his chair.

Louis is asleep, his head on Niall's bed, his right hand still holding Niall's. It's surprising actually. He usually snores a little, just slightly, and quietly, but right now he isn't snoring at all.

I tap my foot slightly but stop, not wanting to wake the lads as the sound echos slightly in the room.

I slowly stand up and walk over to the window. Some stars visible, but not many. I smile as I catch sight of the moon. It's only a half moon, but it's still a nice view.

I hear my stomach growl quietly.

Hmmmm I guess I'll get food then.

I slip out the door, being careful to not make a noise when it closed.

I walk through the halls, amusing myself by trying to only step on the white floor tiles that are every 3-4 feet.

Finally I make it to the main entrance. Letting my feet decide my destination, I find myself in front of a 24/7 café.

I order a hot chocolate (extra whip cream, with chocolate sprinkles and cinnamon), and a slice of cake.

Once my order is ready I sit in a corner booth staring out the window as I devour my cake.

I'm the only one in the small quiet café, so it gives me times to think.

The stranger at the bar, was no stranger. It was Liam...

Now that I think about it... it all makes sense.

It was all about Louis....

Then it wasn't. It was Liam, but i was so caught up on trying to get Louis to like me, that i never noticed my growing feelings for Liam.

I didn't notice how I thought of chocolate brown eyes, instead of blue/Grey ones.

I need to talk to Liam. Maybe he likes me back? He did kiss me earlier.

For god sake, why couldn't I have realized this sooner? If i have, Niall wouldn't have gotten hit by the car. He and Louis would still be expecting twins.

Lou, Li, and I would have to take care of Niall throughout the pregnancy. We would calm him down during his mood swings, and get him whatever he is craving.

Just thinking about this breaks my heart. I can't imagine how Louis feels. Losing his unborn twins, and possibly losing the love of his life.

If i didn't kiss Louis, we wouldn't be in this mess.

They would be happy.

But no, I was stupid. I still am...

I need to talk to Liam.

With that in mind, I finish my cake and get rid of my empty cup.

I make my short walk back to the hospital. Barely any cars pass by on the streets.

The air is cool, but still a bit warmer than before. The sky isn't as dark either. However it's still dark enough for the street lamps to be on. A faded shadow follow me around, mirroring my actions.

It's not like it could do anything else though.

I walk through the hospital entrance and smile at the front lady before stepping in elevator, and pressing the correct floor key.

I walk back into Niall's room. Everything is the way I left it.

I sit back down next to Liam and check the time.


Wow. Nearly 2 and a half hours?

Ok then...

I turn to the sleeping Liam. Before I know what I'm doing, Liam slowly opens his eyes and looks at me groggily.

"What is it Harry?" Liam whispers after he yawns and rubs his eyes.

"Ummm I just wanted to talk about earlier...." I say quietly. "Can we go into the hall?" Liam nods.

I leave the door half open behind me, and I turn to Liam who is leaning against the wall.

"I-" Liam cuts me off.

"Let me talk first." I nod.

"Harry. I like you. I really do. I like you more than a friend, and that scares the shit out of me. I have no idea how Louis and Niall are sane. Well to be fair, they aren't. But that's beside the point." He chuckles before pushing himself off the wall.

Liam walks over to me, until we are face to face, our chest touching.

"I know you don't like me, but I really want to kiss you again." I close the gap between us and kiss Liam hungrily.

It takes him by surprise, but soon, Liam kisses back with as much (if not more) force as me.

We pull away staring into eachother's eyes.

I take a breath before I speak.

"So.... What are we..?"

He looks at me and smirks. "What do you want us to be?"

"More than what we are now..." I mumble to myself, hoping he doesn't hear, but he does.

"In that case..." Liam acts as if he is thinking. "Harold Styles, will you be my boyfriend?"

A blush dusts my cheeks. "Yes I will." I giggle slightly.

I yawn, so Liam pulls me into Niall's room. Louis leaning on Niall's bed still asleep, still quite. I lean my head on Liam's shoulder.

Soon darkness consumes me, and sleep takes over.

Dreams of a perfect, drama free life with Liam, Louis and Niall flood my brain.


Word Count:


Did you guys like the chapter?

I would just like to once again, shout out to @TommoxLouaf and @inhalemyrichard for being active readers; voting, and sometimes commenting. You guys make my day!! It means so much to me. It lets me know you like the storie!!

Now, that doesn't mean I love you ghost readers any less!!

Have a fantastical day!!

- Laylania xxx

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