The Girl and the Superhero{Pe...

By youraveragehollander

160K 3.2K 3K

"The real heroes in life, Peter, are the people who love each other." A PETER PARKER FANFICTION. Peter Pa... More

Preface & Cast List
Part One(Kenzie's POV)
Part Two(Peter's POV)
Part Three(Kenzie's POV)
Part Four(Kenzie's POV)
Part Five(Peter's POV)
Part Six(Kenzie's POV)
Part Seven(Kenzie's POV)
Part Nine(Kenzie's POV)
Part Ten(Peter's POV)
Part Eleven(Kenzie's POV)
Part Twelve(Kenzie's POV)
Part 13(Peter's POV)
Part 14(Kenzie's POV)
Part 15(Peter's POV)
Part 16(Kenzie's POV)
Part 17(Peter's POV)
Part 18(Peter's POV)
Part 19(Kenzie's POV)
Part 20(Peter's POV)
Part 21(Kenzie's POV)
Part 22(Peter's POV)
Part 23(Kenzie's POV)
Part 24(Peter's POV)
Part 25(Kenzie's POV)
Part 26(Peter's POV)
Part 27(Kenzie's POV)
Part 28(Peter's POV)
Part 29(Kenzie's POV)
Part 30(Peter's POV)
Part 31(Kenzie's POV)
Part 32(Peter's POV)
Part 33(Kenzie's POV)
Part 34(Kenzie's POV)
Part 35(Peter's POV)
Part 36(Peter's POV)
Part 37(Kenzie's POV)
Part 38(Peter's POV)
Part 39 (Kenzie's POV)
Part 40(Peter's POV)
Part 41 (Peter's POV)
Part 42 (Kenzie's POV)
Part 43 (Kenzie's POV)
Part 44(Kenzie's POV)
Part 45 (Peter's POV)
Part 46 (Kenzie's POV)

Part Eight(Peter's POV)

4.7K 87 68
By youraveragehollander

          My head felt like it was going to explode. Something in my stomach was definitely ruptured. My lip was busted, and I think I had glass sticking out of my hand.

          But none of it mattered. I was with Kenzie.

          Kenzie stopped Ned's car outside of my apartment complex. She opened the door on the drivers side, and opened the door to the back, shaking Ned's foot until he woke up. She then walked around until she was right outside of my door, looking me over with intense anxiety.

          I began to open the door, but the slight movement caused excruciating pain in my abdomen. Kenzie must have been able to tell, because she opened the door for me, lightly wrapping her arms around me and lifting me out of my seat. That made a different feeling erupt inside of my stomach.

          I looked at her, trying to display my gratitude through a look so I wouldn't have to say anything else. She took my arm, placing it around her shoulders, and together we hobbled into my apartment building.

          I had almost forgotten that Ned was there. I heard him yawn loudly behind me and then grab my other arm, giving me support from both sides. I looked back and forth between the two of them, amazed at how I got so lucky to have them in my life. Even after all the things Ned had said about me.

          Ned and Kenzie pulled me along into the elevator, Ned pushing the button to my floor number, Kenzie rubbing my back gently. I felt tingles race up my spine, and I nearly forgot how to breathe.

          Soon enough we were at the door of my apartment, and Ned knocked on the door rapidly, evidently before remembering that I had a key. He asked me for it, not looking me in the eyes, and then used it to open the door.

          I looked around the small apartment, but there was no sign of Aunt May. She must have been working the late shift tonight.

          Kenzie briefly glanced around, and said to Ned, "Will you go and get some warm water and a washcloth? I'm going to try and clean out some of Peter's cuts."

          He nodded and started to shuffle towards the kitchen when Kenzie stopped him. "Oh, and Ned, will you also grab a cool rag and a bag of ice for Peter's head? He seems to have a major concussion." She declared, worry lined in every word she spoke. She looked between my eyes, which must have been hugely dilated. I felt as if I was going to pass out, but I wasn't sure if that was from Kenzie paying me so much fervent attention or from banging my head through a windshield.

          Kenzie continued to support most of my weight, carefully leading me over to the couch in my small living room and carefully setting me down. She adjusted a pillow to fit more comfortably under my throbbing head, making sure I was as comfortable as possible on the little sofa.

          She quickly stood up and began straightening the room, accidentally knocking over a lamp, but quickly catching it before it could make any sound. Kenzie then proceeded to turn off the lights directly overhead of me, causing the pain behind my eyes to subside a little bit. Somehow, she knew just what to do.

          I closed my eyes, dread filling my stomach. What was Aunt May going to say when she saw me like this?

          I felt a tingling sensation on my forehead, a striking contrast between hot and cold. I opened one eye to see that Kenzie had put the cold rag over my forehead, and as it started to slip down into my eyes, she gently but quickly pulled it back up to my hairline.

          Kenzie went to work cleaning up my scratches, gently dabbing them with a wet rag. I winced every time, but eventually the stinging pain became more bearable.

          As she went along, her hand accidentally brushed my face while she was bringing the rag down, and through my pain, I managed to smile at her.

          She looked panicked for a second, but as she saw my smile, she returned it, making me want to smile even bigger.

          "Peter, your shirt is ripped, and it looks like you have some deeper cuts along your stomach and shoulders. I don't really have a good access point from the way your shirt is ripped, and I don't want to hurt you. Would you mind, uh..." she started trailing off, as if she was unsure how to finish her sentence.

          I nodded, trying to sit up, but an overwhelming pain enveloped my stomach, and I had to lay back down. "Would you help me sit up really fast? That sounds really lame but my stomach is killing me and I really don't want to throw up on you," I explained. She laughed a little bit and helped me sit myself up on the couch.

          I turned to face her, grunting as pain exploded in my head. I leaned back against the couch, allowing her to maneuver my shirt in whatever way she needed to help clean me up. Whenever Kenzie touched my stomach, a flurry of tingles raced up my spine, but I tried hard to focus on not moving at all for my sake as well as hers.

          Kenzie made sure that every injured spot was wiped and gauzed. She had just started on my shoulders when I heard the lock click and Aunt May walked through the door.

          May was on the phone when she walked in, carrying a small bag of groceries and what looked like a bag from a clothing store. But as soon as she saw me, her face widened in terror and she dropped everything (literally), and ran to my side. My heart filled with guilt. I hated seeing my aunt so worried and panicked.

          "Peter, what happened? Are you okay? Why are you all scratched up?" she choked, obviously holding back tears.

          I looked her in the eyes and told her the story. She started to cry, and then started to rant about why drag racing should be watched on more carefully by the law.

          "I'm alright, May. Just need a little rest. I really am okay, all thanks to Kenzie," I assured her, nodding in Kenzie's direction.

          Kenzie had started to clean up the rags and the gauze, but at the mention of her name, she looked over at Aunt May with a sheepish smile.

          May's mouth hung open for a few seconds, and I found myself praying that she wouldn't say anything embarrassing.

          "It's nice to finally meet you, Kenzie." May finally said, gratitude filling every note in her voice. "Thank you for helping save my boy. I can't thank you enough. No wonder Peter speaks so highly of you." May doted, a motherly smile lighting up her face as she looked at Kenzie. I thought I was going to die of humiliation, but when Kenzie's face turned bright red at May's last statement, more curiosity took over. Why would Kenzie be embarrassed at that?

          Kenzie quickly responded, "Really, Ms. Parker, I did what anyone else would do. I couldn't just leave him. He needed m- he needed help," she amended.

          May gave Kenzie a once-over, smiling at her like a daughter. Happiness bubbled up inside of me when I saw how much May seemed to like her. "None of this Ms. Parker stuff, please, call me May."

          My aunt looked at the clock, and back at Kenzie. "Honey, we have to get you home! Peter seems alright enough, I will drive you. Ned, will you stay with Peter at least until I get back?"

          Ned stepped out of the kitchen where he had been hiding, looking everywhere in the room except for at me. It took him a second, but he gave May two tentative nods.

          Kenzie gathered up her things and followed Aunt May out of the door with one last worried smile. I waved at her as she left, and when Kenzie closed the door, I felt a trickle of disappointment seep into my system.

          I then turned to look at my best friend, who had yet to look at me. I sighed, letting go of the pain in my stomach and the pain in my heart. "Ned, how long is it going to take for you to look at me again?" I asked.

          "Peter- you could have died! You could have died and the last thing I would've said to you was, was..." Ned shrank into himself, unable to finish what he was trying to say.

          I remembered quite well what he had said. Those words had rang in my ears for hours after they escaped Ned's mouth. I had blown him off last minute for a Star Wars movie marathon that we had been planning for weeks, because I saw an armed robbery taking place. Generally speaking, Ned is okay with me going off and being Spider-Man, so I don't know what was different this time. Maybe it was one time too many.

          When I got back from stopping the robbery, Ned was waiting for me. I remember the anger in his eyes- it terrified me more than any gun that had ever been pointed at me. He said that he felt like I always put being Spider-Man first, without wasting a spare second of thought on him when the situation arose. Ned had expressed that the suit was more important to me than he was. As much as I had tried to protest, tried to say that there is no way that was true, Ned hadn't let me finish. He just kept talking. "You should go. I would say I need some time alone, but you seem to give that to me whether I want it or not." he had snapped. I had glanced at him through tears that I would be back before dinner. I remember feeling the hot, wet tears run down my cheeks before I turned and ran out, sprinting to my car.

          Focusing back on the present, I looked up at my best friend. "Ned," I started, "please listen to me for a second. I understand where you were coming from on the things you said to me. Sometimes I get so caught up in being Spider-Man, that I forget to be Peter Parker. I'm going to try and make more of a balance between the two. Even when I am being Spider-Man, though, you are always there. You're my guy in the chair remember?" I said with a shaky laugh. "I'd be lost without you, man."

          Ned's eyes had welled up in tears, and some had fallen as I had spoken to him. "You mean you don't hate me?" he spluttered.

          "No way. There's nothing in the world that could make me hate you." I responded, my voice soft but firm, trying to make sure I knew how much I meant it.

          "I didn't mean any of it. My dad and I got into a big fight before I came over to your house, so I was really looking forward to having something to lift me up a little you know? So when I came and you weren't here, it just pushed me over the edge. It's not your fault. I don't want you to feel like I really feel that way, because I really don't—" he insisted.

          "Ned." I cut in, "I am so sorry I wasn't here for you when you needed me. Shoot me a text or something next time you've had a crappy day, and I will do everything in my power to be here if you need me. Sound good?" I asked softly.

          My best friend laughed and then confirmed, "Yeah, yeah. That sounds great, Peter."

          "Since we're just sitting here, may as well start the Star Wars movie marathon, eh?" I proposed.

          "Begin, we shall." Ned said, imitating the voice of Yoda. He got the movie started, and then proceeded to sit down on the chair right next to the couch I was laying on.

          Ned and I knew every line by heart, and we died laughing at our imitations of the characters. Before long, Aunt May walked in the door, so we paused the movie for a second. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ned sit up a little straighter.

          "I don't know how you manage to get yourself into these kinds of situations, Peter. You gave me a heart attack when I walked in the door." she scolded. "But what I also know is you by far have the best people ever in your small circle." May nodded at Ned, eyes softening in tenderness. "You have always had the friends you needed. Somehow you manage to find the perfect people for you, if you know what I mean." May finished with a wink. My heart skipped a beat. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

          "I have some ideas on how to help you out a little bit with Kenzie, Peter. But, considering it's well past midnight, I'll save those for tomorrow. Off to bed with you, now. You need to rest, heal up before you do anything else. Ned, you're welcome to stay if you'd like to." May invited.

          "I think I will, May, thank you!" he agreed.

          I grabbed the remote, turning off the television. With May and Ned's help, I managed to slide onto the bottom bunk. May ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead. She turned up her nose, and whispered, "I'll make you take a shower tomorrow. Get some rest, I love you Peter."

          I closed my eyes, but I heard Ned clamber up onto the top bunk. Because of Kenzie and Ned, both the pain in my body and the pain in my heart had subsided. Before long, I was dead asleep.

A/N: 7-11-18
Word count: 2339

I'm actually weirdly proud of this chapter. I love the protective, healing side that Kenz has going on. I love how Peter and Ned, immediately after they made up, were like "sTaR wArS nOw" because sAME. I relate to that. And I love May. Just everything about May Parker is amazing. So, sans the weird writing in some places, this is probably my favorite of the first ten chapters.

There's some very exciting chapters coming up soon, so stay tuned!! The plot is about to do some major thiccening so hehe


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