Part 15(Peter's POV)

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          I should have been freezing from the cold slap of the wind, but one reminder of my hour or two with Kenzie, and my entire body filled with warmth. I felt like I could soar— she didn't hate me.

          I stepped into my tent, and Ned was already asleep. As I got settled into my sleeping bag, I heard him yell and jerk awake.

          "Holy- Ned, what the heck was that? Nothing seems to be able to wake you up," I teased, my heart slowly returning to its normal pace.

          He groaned, readjusting his position in his sleeping bag. "Bad dream." he muttered. Then he jerked up out of his seat, his breathing becoming increasingly fast, which either meant that he was exhausted or excited. I was willing to bet it was the latter since he had just been sleeping.

          "How did it go with Kenzie? I meant to stay up to hear about it, but I, uh, forgot." Ned apologized.

          I smirked and replied, "I knew you would be asleep when I got back. Anyways, it was good. Yeah, it was so good. She doesn't hate me, Ned. She even seemed to like me," I started, quickly adding, "I mean maybe. I don't know. Probably not, I am such an idiot around her. I am such an idiot in general. But the thing is, she doesn't seem to care." I babbled. There were a thousand things in my mind, questions, what-ifs, maybes.

          "Even before I knew about Kenzie's video, I felt like I needed to protect her. Even before she knew I existed, I felt like I needed to protect her. Now that I know she is in danger, it's all I can think about. It's driving me crazy, the realization that she is going to be home by herself, unprotected, for most hours of the day. I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. I would go insane trying to save her. I don't want to think about what would happen if I was," I swallowed, "if I was too late."

          Ned nodded, yawning. "Man, love is tough. I remember I liked this senior girl when I was a freshman and—"

          "Ned, I get it. What should I do?" I interrupted. As much as I loved this story about him following her around all year just to get mash-potatoed in the face on the last day of school, I felt like Kenzie was more important.

          Ned sighed, and then stated, "I think the answer is obvious. Go out with her."

          I sat up in my sleeping bag, my heart pounding. "Ned, what the heck are you talking about?" I asked.

          "Well, if you go out with her, you get to see her more often, right? If you are with her more during the day, you have more of a chance of protecting her, because you literally are there to. Plus, I know how happy that would make you." He said simply.

          My mouth hung open slightly, words trying in vain to form. Everything he said was true, and it made sense. It was the easiest way to protect her without coming out and saying that I knew she was in danger, and then trying to come up with some lame excuse about how I knew.

          "Ned that's brilliant. Except there's one problem," I began, "I don't know if Kenzie would say yes. Even if she would say yes, I don't even know how to do it. I've never asked a girl out before, not really. And besides, I'm such an idiot around her," I protested. Kenzie was way out of my league. There was no way a girl like her could like a guy like me.

"Peter, you're an idiot all the time, yet this girl doesn't hate you. I see the way she looks at you. She loves you, bro. All you have to do is ask her, and she will say yes. Plus you're Spider-Man, so that always helps," Ned insisted.

I couldn't decide if I was elated or if I wanted to die. The part of me that believed my best friend was over the moon excited- the other part told me I should be swinging away from this idea. So the resulting mix was basically pure nausea.

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