Galing kay purpleangel87

57.7K 4.9K 10K

What if there was so much more to Les Twins then meets the eye? I welcome you to the world of "What if?" Wher... Higit pa

Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
Question #4
Question #6
Question #7
Question #8
Question #9
Question #10
Question #11
Question #12
Caught off guard
Question #13
The Island Girl
Question #14
Rumor has it
Question #15
Question #18
Question #19
Bonus question
Question: #20
The results are in!
Question: #21
Bonus question
Question: #23
Heaven can wait
Question: #24
Question: #25
The Cure
Question: #26
Fatal brotherly love
Google hangout w/ the ANTR cast
Question: #28
Question: #29
Question: #30
Question: #31
A Place to Call Home
The "F" Word
The Target
Question 32:
Question #33
Deleted Scene: A Place to Call Home
Deleted Scene: The "F" Word
Deleted Scene: Fatal Brotherly Love
The Number 6
Love Never Dies
Love Never Dies- Alternate Ending
Double Up
The Bad Boys Club- ATL
The Bad Boys Club-ATL : Boys in the Woods
The Bad Boys Club-ATL: Revelations
Daddy's Little Girl
Daddy's Little Girl Part 2
The Results Are In Part 2
The Cure Part 2
Back and Forth
Back And Forth Part 2
Deleted Scene 1: Back and Forth pt2
Deleted scene 2: Back and Forth pt 2
Alternate Ending: Back and Forth Pt2
Teach Me
Teach Me Pt2
Last Ride
Authors note
The Housekeeper
The Housekeeper Part 2
Three Faces to a Story
Question #34
Back Against the Wall
Back Against The Wall 2
Question: #35
Alternate Ending: Back Against the Wall pt 2
Question #36
Question: #37
LT Imagine Transformation Contest
Stalkers Part 2
Question #38
Niecy's Kids
Question #39
Question #40
Question #41
Question #41
Question #42
Question #43
Question #44
Question #45
Question #46
Criminalz' Hearts
Question #47
Question #48
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Question #53
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Criminalz' Hearts 2
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Question #70
Deleted scene 1: Criminalz Hearts
Question #71
Question #72
Question #73
Question #74
Question #75
Question #76
Question #77
❤️For The Love of Les Twins❤️
Question #78
❤️For the Love of Les Twins 2❤️
Question #79
Question #80
Question #81
Question #82
Question #83
Question #84
❤️For the love of Les Twins part 3❤️
Question #85
❤️For the Love of Les Twins Part 4❤️
Question #86
Question #87
❤️For the love of Les Twins part 5❤️
Question #88
Question #89
Question #90
Question #91
Question #92
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Question #98
Question #99
🎉🎉Question #💯🎊🎊

Mama's Baby, Daddy's Maybe

207 22 78
Galing kay purpleangel87

Find out what happens when Les Twins get the surprise of there lives.

Author's POV:
One day Eleni went to Les Twins' house. When Larry and Laurent opened the door, Eleni stood before them; wearing a bright blue, feathered top with rainbow stripes. Les Twins strangely stared at Eleni. Larry patted Laurent on the shoulder and said,

"Lau, get a bat! Let's bust this piñata!"

Laurent and Larry busted out laughing. Eleni rolled her eyes.

"Girl, what do you have on? You look like the fruit loops bird!" Laurent said; laughing even harder.
"Shut up! I had to wear it! My little sister bought it for my birthday. And besides I promised her I would wear it." Eleni explained.

Les Twins welcomed Eleni inside. For an hour, they discussed upcoming events. Les Twins was excited. As Les Twins walked Eleni to the door, a girl stood on the porch.

"Hi." The girl said and waved.
"Hi. Bye." Eleni replied and waved back to the girl.

As Eleni walked to her car, she glanced back at Les Twins with a awkward look on her face. Larry looked at the girl and asked,

"May I help you?"
"Yes, are you Laurent Bourgeois from Les Twins?" The girl asked.
"No, he is Laurent." Larry replied.
"Oh, you must be a fan. Would you like to take a picture with us?" Laurent happily offered.
"Uh...not really. I'm not sure how to say this. But...you're my father." The girl said.

Larry's mouth dropped. Laurent glanced at Larry and fainted backwards. Moments later, Laurent woke up to Larry shaking him on the couch.

"GET OFF ME!" Laurent shouted and pushed Larry away.

Laurent stood up from the couch to be faced with a young girl.

"You don't!" Laurent yelled.
"Yes, he does." The young girl said.
"Who are you?" Larry asked.
"My name is Paula Aidi."
"Jessica is your mama?" Laurent questioned.

Paula happily nodded her head.

Larry covered his mouth in shock.

"That can't be. I haven't seen your mama in 14 years." Laurent said.
"Actually it's been 15 years. I'm 15 years old." Paula corrected.
"Ah, damn." Laurent said and flopped on the couch.
"Paula, how did you get here?" Larry curiously asked.
"Mama told me I could find you here. So, I took a cab." Paula answered.
"Where is Jessica?" Laurent asked.
"She's in the hospital. She was in a car accident." Paula explained.
"Oh my god. Is she gonna make it?" Larry asked.
"The doctor said she would. I don't mean to upset you with this. I just want to know who my dad is." Paula mentioned.

Laurent continued to look at Paula's face.

"You have her eyes. Your skin is the same as mine." Laurent said and smiled.
"She does kinda look like you, Laurent." Larry acknowledged.

Since Laurent and Larry had so many questions for Paula. So they decided to take Paula out for lunch. Paula ordered a chicken club sandwich.

"Have you always known I was your father?" Laurent asked.
"Mama told me who you was when I was 10. I've been looking for you ever since. She told me all about your relationship with mama. You two seemed so happy. Don't quite know why you guys broke up though." Paula explained.
"You should ask your mama. She's the only one who knows for sure." Larry mentioned.
"Do you know why, dad?" Paula asked.
"Well, we broke up because she cheated on me with another man. That's why I'm doubting if your my daughter. Don't get me wrong. I would love to have a kid. It's just...not like this." Laurent explained.
"I have always wanted a niece to spoil. But we need to know for sure." Larry added.
"What do you mean?" Paula asked.
"Would you be willing to take a DNA test?" Laurent asked.
"I'm not doing it. I am your daughter." Paula said.
"Please try to understand where I'm coming from." Laurent pleaded.
"You just don't want to be a father. Well...it's too late!" Paula yelled and left the restaurant.

Laurent attempted to go after her. But Larry stopped him and said,

"I'll go talk to her."

Laurent sat back down with a worrisome expression. Larry ran after Paula and yelled,

"Wait up!"

Paula stopped and turned around with an attitude.

"Paula, please don't go. We need to resolve this."
"Tell that to my father!" Paula yelled.

Just when Paula said that, Larry had an idea.

"Hey, how about if I take the test? We both have the same DNA. Laurent don't have to know I'm doing this." Larry proposed.
"I...don't know about this." Paula hesitatingly said.
"Don't you want to prove to Laurent that he is your father? This is the only way he can't deny it." Larry replied.
"Okay, let's go." Paula gave in.

Larry drove Paula to a local clinic. They nervously watched each other provide their sample of DNA. After they were done, Larry drove Paula back to their house. Laurent was sitting on the couch with his arms folded.

"Where you two been?" Laurent questioned.
"Oh...we uh...went to shopping." Larry stuttered.
"Yes, that's right." Paula added.
"Oh really? Then where are the shopping bags?" Laurent questioned.
"Oh, uh...went did online shopping. I had so much fun with uncle Larry. Thank you." Paula sweetly answered.

Laurent stood up from the couch and said,

"You two getting along? I thought you was still mad at me, Paula."
"Lau, I've had time to think about what you was saying. And I would like to take some time to get to know you. If that's alright with you. And if you want to have a father - daughter relationship with me, we can work on that." Paula replied.
"I'm with it." Laurent smiled and hugged Paula.

Paula smiled at Larry. Larry nodded his head. For the next few days, Larry and Laurent had so much fun with Paula. They went to the movies, shopping, water park , and a fashion show. Larry and Laurent treated Paula like celebrity. Whatever she wanted, Paula got it.

One afternoon, while Larry and Laurent was playing video games, there was a knock at the door. Laurent paused the game to answer the door. When he opened the door, Jessica smiled and said,

"Hello stranger."
"Ah damn." Laurent nervously replied.

Larry stood up from the couch and walked to Laurent; saying,

"My brother is everything alright?"
"Good to see you, Larry." Jessica kindly replied.
"Ah damn." Larry nervously said.
"May I come in?" Jessica asked.

Laurent and Larry steppes aside to let Jessica in. As Jessica walked in, she looked around and said,

"Nice place. Where's our daughter?"
"She's in school. How are you? Paula told me you was in the hospital." Laurent asked.
"I'm doing better thank you. I just have to let my arm finish healing."
"Glad to hear it." Larry added.
"Me too. We need to talk. Please have a seat." Laurent replied.

As Jessica attempted to sit down with one arm. Larry helped her bent down.

"Thanks Larry. Can I have some water?" Jessica asked.
"Sure." Larry replied and went into the kitchen.

Laurent paused for a moment sat next to Jessica.

"I'm not sure where to start. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all this." Laurent said ; attempted to stay calm.

When Larry returned, he handed Jessica a glass of water and asked,

"Why didn't you tell Laurent he had a kid?"

Jessica quickly sipped the water and replied,

"I knew this day would come. I was young when I had Paula. I didn't know I was pregnant with your baby until after you went to the United States. That was one of the most fearful times in my life. We weren't ready to be parents. We was still in high school. I was so happy for you to have a chance to make it big. I can still remember the joy in your eyes. I don't think there was ever another time when I saw you that happy. I was seeing such good things about you on the internet. You was becoming famous. I was proud of you. But my body was getting bigger. I knew I had to tell you eventually." Jessica explained.
"So, why didn't you tell me?" Laurent demanded.
"Because I knew a baby could ruin your career." Jessica replied.
"If that's how you felt, why not get an abortion or adopt?" Larry questioned.
"No! I would never do that!" Jessica yelled.
"You not telling us about Paula is pretty much the same thing." Larry replied.
"You what...FUCK YOU!" Jessica shouted and flipped Larry off.
"LARRY! that's enough. Go." Laurent said.
"But..." Larry whined.
"Go!" Laurent yelled and pointed upstairs.

Larry walked up the stairs and mumbled,

"You still a lying bitch."

Laurent shook his head and asked,

"What about the other man you slept with?"
"What about him?" Jessica question.
"Couldn't he be Paula's father? You slept with us around the same time!" Laurent yelled.
"Paula doesn't look like the other man. SHE LOOKS LIKE YOU!" Jessica shouted.

Paula arrived at Larry and Laurent's house. She saw a mail man pull up in front of the house. Paula ran up to the mail man and asked,

"Got any mail for Mr. Larry Bourgeois?"
"Yes, but I can't give it to you. Clearly, you're not him." The mail man kindly replied.
"It's okay, I'm his niece." Paula said.
"Okay, where you go. Have a great day." The mail man replied and handed Paula the mail.
"Thank you, sir." Paula said as she scanned through the mail.

Paula found the letter from the clinic. As she approached the front door, she could hear arguing. Paula opened the door and saw Laurent and Jessica arguing. She dropped her backpack and ran to Jessica.

"Mama!" Paula happily yelled.
"Baby!" Jessica cheerfully shouted as she hugged Paula with one arm.
"What you doing here? When you get out? Are you okay?" Paula quickly asked.
"Which question would you like me to answer first?" Jessica sarcastically asked.
"I'm sorry mama." Paula shyly replied.

Paula turned to Laurent and hugged him; calling him daddy.

"How was school?" Laurent asked.
"Please don't asked." Paula replied and shook her head.

Larry stood at the top of the stairs.

"Uncle Larry!" Paula said as she ran up the stairs and tightly hugged him.

Larry kissed her cheek and asked,

"I take it school went well."
"Not really. But look what came in the mail." Paula excitingly mentioned and gave Larry the letter.

Larry's eyes were wide. Larry and Paula returned downstairs. Once everyone was seated in the living room, Larry made an announcement.

"I have something very important to tell y'all. I got a DNA test done with Paula."
"WHAT!!" Laurent and Jessica.
"Don't worry. Paula was willing to do it." Larry mentioned.
"Why would you do this behind my back?" Jessica disappointingly questioned.
"I need to know the truth, mama." Paula sadly answered.
"Go ahead and read the results." Laurent said and side eyed Larry.

Larry opened the letter and read it to himself. Larry's eyes grew big as he covered his mouth.

"What does it say?" Paula anxiously asked.

Larry looked at everyone and said,

"Laurent.....you are....not Paula's father."

Jessica grasped for air as her eyes started fill up with tears. Larry turned to Laurent and apologized. Laurent covered his face with his hands while shaking his head.

"Are you sure?" Paula sadly asked.
"Yeah. I'm so sorry." Larry apologized.

Paula started to cry. When Jessica tried to hug Paula, Paula pushed her away and yelled,

"Don't touch me, you liar!"
"Sweetheart, please let me explain." Jessica pleaded.
"Explain what! You don't even know who my father is, do you?" Paula yelled.
"Baby please, listen to me." Jessica begged.
"That would explain why you gave me your last name instead of Laurent's." Paula said and ran out the house; crying.

Jessica went after Paula and closed the door behind her. Larry rubbed Laurent's back and asked,

"What the hell happened?"
"I don't know. I was really bonding with her, you know. If Jessica would have told me about Paula years ago, I would have been there for both of them. The idea of having a child of my own was real to me. And now it's gone." Laurent sadly expressed.
"Me too. I can't believe it." Larry said.
"Believe what?" Laurent asked.
"I can't believe I spent all that money on a niece who isn't related to me." Larry replied; while shaking his head.

Laurent looked at Larry and said,


The End

What do you think? Vote, comment and share. Thank you.

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