Torn. Niall Horan love story.

By 1D_UpAllNight_

14.7K 187 83

Story of a girl whos life is upsidedown. When suddenly her inspiration, Niall Horan, tweets her. The two go t... More

Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 1.
Torn. Niall Horan Love Story. Chapter 2.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 3
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 4
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 5
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 6
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 7.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 8.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 9.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 10.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 11.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 13.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 14.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 15. LAST CHAPTER.
Torn. Niall Horan love story. 10 YEARS LATER.

Torn. Niall Horan love story. Chapter 12.

720 7 2
By 1D_UpAllNight_

"This isn't what it looks like," I said.


"I didn't mean to. I mean."

"YOU KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND! And you Mary! You let him?"

"We were just singing and."

"I'm in love with your girlfriend," Zayn said.

What the..... Oh my god.

"Get your ass over here."

Zayn stood up and walked over to Niall.


Niall punched him in the nose.

"Paybacks a bitch ain't it?"

Zayn quickly stood up and punched him right back.

"Stop it!" I screamed.

It was too late. They were both hitting and kicking.

"Oh my god. PAUL! Someone! Help!" I yelled.

Harry, Liam, and Louis ran in the room.

"Guys stop!" Liam said while pushing them apart.

"What the hell happened?"

"Zayn kisses Mary!"

"You skank!" Louis said jokingly.

"This isn't a joke!"

"Just get your acts together! We have a show tonight and our fans are relying on you!"

I fell back on the couch. Not believing what just happened.

"I thought you loved me," Niall said before leaving.

"I do!" I yelled after him.

I ran out the door and followed him down the hallway. I grabbed his arm.

"Please. Don't leave."

He just pushed me off and kept walking.

I fell to the ground. This can't be happening. No...

The concert was terrible. Both Zayn and Niall forgot the lyrics. None of them were really into it. All because of me....

When Niall came back into the dressing room he didn't say a word to me. Actually he didn't say a word to me until we got back at the hotel.

"You said you loved me."

"Niall I do."

"Obviously not! Kissing Zayn! My BEST FRIEND!"

"He kissed me!"

"But it's not like you stopped him!"

"I wanted to."

"Then why didn't you."

"I don't know."

He sat down on the bed and covered his face.

"I'm sorry Niall," I whispered.

"Just tell me one thing. Did you. Like it?"


"Tell the truth."

"'No Niall! I didn't! Kissing him was like kissing a wall! When I kiss you I feel sparks and magic! And I can see our future! Please believe me!"

"Go talk to him. Then come back here."

I nodded my head and went to Zayn's room. I knocked softly on the door.

"Open up its me."

He opened the door. His eyes were red and he smelled like smoke.

"What have you been smoking?"

"Cigarettes. What do you want?"

"We need to talk."

He nodded and let me in.

"I'm in love with Niall. What happened tonight was not right."

"I've been waiting to do that since the day I met you. And it hurt watching you hang all over him."

"You need to get over me."

"It's not that easy Mary!"

"Zayn. Please."

He stood up. He quickly raised his hand.

"Please don't!" I yelled.

"Dont what?"

I thought he was going to hit me....

"Nothing. Like I said. We won't work. Just friends?"

He nodded.

I left his room and went back to Niall's.

"I told him to get over me."

"Look. Can I just sleep on it? Think it over. And I'll have my decision in the morning."

"I guess."

I started to walk out.


He grabbed my arm and turned me around. I felt his lips on mine.

"Just in case," he whispered.

"Just in case."

He let go of me and I went to my room. I crawled under my covers and thought about everything. How could I do that to him! My Niall! I'm so stupid... I was drifting off when I heard a scream.


I ran into Zayn's room. He was laying on his bed. An empty medicine bottle in his hand. Oh my god..... Zayn....

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