Britney's Back

By badboylover000

347K 7.2K 955

Britney Falls is a werewolf. On her birthday she goes to her highschool and finds her mate. Adrian is a compl... More

Britney's Back
About Me
Birthday Ruined
Hello Alpha
Somebody Find Me!!
Adrian's Parents
Blaine's Perfect
On The Right Track
The Battle
Coming Home [Sad]
Logan's Story
Goodbye For Now
Before.....The date!!! No
The Date!! What am I gonna do?
Seriously What Am I Gonna Do!!!!!!!


15.8K 370 60
By badboylover000



Okay, I'll be a man and admit that I was extremely jealous when Britney rode in on her new motorcycle. When she came over to me and rubbed it in my face, I was really annoyed with dad. Britney is a daddy's girl, so they are together most of the time. I am also man enough to admit that I am a momma's boy. Don't laugh. If anyone found that out my reputation would be ruined. I mean crushed. I mean I get to be best friends with Alpha Adrian.

When Britney ran off into the woods, I knew something was wrong. Britney is never self-conscious. She is always telling people off if they get rude with her. I admire her for that. That's a quility that I don't have. I guess you could say I am a follower, but I don't care. I am really over protective of my sisters.

Then, I noticed that Adrian chased after her. I thought maybe she looked at him wrong and was scared because he was the future alpha.

Then I realized that today was her birthday and the day she would possibly find her mate.

WAIT!!!! Is Adrian her mate?!? I know he doesn't have a mate yet. Nahhh! He's not her mate. He is to much of a player. Then, why did Britney run away and Adrian chase her?

Ohh well. I'll just ask Britney or Adrian later. Just then the bell rang and I hurried to English with Ms. Steveson.

After what seemed like forever, it was finally lunch time. I waited for Britney at her locker like usual, but she never showed up. I went and found Adrian and asked him where Britney was. He said

"Dude, she hasn't been here all day. She left earlier after she ran into the woods."

"Oh, thanks man for supporting my sister. I know you would never dare to hurt her. I'm gonna see if she went home." I said to Adrian.

When I got home, I called out Britney's name and she didn't answer. I checked her room because that is the first place she goes to get an escape.

I looked in her room and the only thing I found were two notes laying in the middle of her bed. They read:

'Dear Mom, Dad, Blaze, and Whitney,

I'm sorry that I left. Don't follow or come looking for me. I just need time. My mate rejected me today and I don't want to be around to be reminded of it. My mate was the future alpha Adrian. I don't really care that he rejected me. I just don't need to be reminded of it everyday. I will still call you almost everyday. Maybe not the first week because I will be on my way to my favorite place and maybe finding a new pack to settle in with. I don't know if I will come back. If I don't I just want y'all to know that I love you, always and forever



'Dear Alpha Jerk aka Adrian,

I ran away because of you. I might come back, but I probably won't. Don't look for me. I don't want to be found. I don't even think you care what I'm sayin, but if you did then, I really don't care. I knew I would find my mate today. I thought I would be happy, even though I didn't want a mate. Instead, I got the Alpha Jerk who rejected me and made me run away from family. If I come back and my family was harmed in some way, I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!

~~~~~ Britney'

I was completely shocked. Britney ran away from her family because of that no good, piece of shit, Adrian. This is soo funny because I just told him how "supportive" he was of my sister. I said to him that "I knew he would never hurt her" and that's exactly what he did. Maybe he didn't know what he did yet, but I was beyond pissed off at him. I mind linked him and yelled

" Britney's gone. Is that what you wanted when you rejected her? For her to leave? Well, you got your wish. She's not coming back and I don't even have a clue to where she is going. She's gone Britney is gone and it's all your fault! You will never be a good Alpha!! No good Alpha would even consider of rejecting their mate, but you did just that!! I hate you and I bet Britney will now hat eyou forever also!!"

After that, I called the dumb fuck and told him to get his ass over to my house NOW!!!!

I called my mom and dad next. Since they worked together, I decided to call my mom because dad would be devastated to find out one of his little girls left.

Mom--- "Hello"

Me-- "Hi Mom. I need you and dad to come home now. I promise I will explain everything when you guys get home."

Mom---- "Okay honey. We are on our way this sounds urgent."

You have no idea just how urgent the situation really is (sigh).

Mom and Dad pulled in not even five minutes later. Dad immediately started asking questions

"What's wrong son? Why aren't you at school?"

I told him, " We are waiting for Alpha Jerk Adrian to show up."

"Now son, that is no way to talk to the future alpha" Dad said.

" You won't be saying that once he gets here and you find everything out. Don't worry dad once you find out, I will gladly help you ring his neck. Even if you decide not to ring his neck, I definetly will" I said.

Mom and dad replied in unison " Now I am definetly worried and anxious".

Then, the Alpha Jerk himself walked in the door and with the look of smuggness on his face, I began yelling at him

" Do you want to explain why the fuck I found letters on my sisters bed explaining that she left because YOU, my sisters MATE, REJECTED her!?!?!?!!!!".

Mom and dad both said " What? Show us the letters now."

So, I did. Then, mom started sobbing hysterically and dad had a look of complete shock and grief on his face.

" Why the fuck did you reject my beautiful daughter as your fucking mate, you selfish bastard?" Dad screamed.

Then, I shoved the letter Britney wrote to him in his hands and said "Hope your happy that you broke up a family. I would like to see how you live your life knowing that you made Britney leave. I am also going to make sure that you don't hurt my sister by messing around with any other girls".

Adrian suprised me by saying "You idiot. I am the alpha and I didn't mark your sister, so she will never feel a thing".

Ohh and that did it. In the blink of an eye, I had him pinned up against the wall while I was slowly choking him. I said,

"Correction, you are the future alpha and my sister has a fucking NAME you asshole. Her name is Britney and she isn't in my life now because of you. Just think of her getting a new life, new mate, getting married an having his kids, then think about all the things you could have had but no longer do because of your stupidity. Knowing my sister, she will come out on top and bring you down looking like a complete and utter fool in the process".

As I said this, I was utterly calm mostly through and extra scarry. When I said, 'Britney would get a new mate and move on with her life', I watched him flinch every single time. I was literally dieing from willing my body not to laugh.

Then, just to prove a point, I kneed him in the balls and literally threw him out the door, and made him bounce back to hit his head face first into a tree while me and my parents laughed our asses off. LMFAO!!! Right then life was good, but one thing was missing. Britney:(



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