Don't Forget Me

By Lunar__Dragon

1.1K 58 7

"Who are you?" "You don't remember who I am?" "No I don't sorry. Should I know who you are?" "Yeah I'm your b... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
SORRY! (Must Read)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven(Last Chapter)

Chapter One

100 7 1
By Lunar__Dragon

Jaebum laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. He was still waiting for someone to walk in and talk to him. He knows they're busy with the other patients from the crash but he wishes someone would just tell him where Youngjae is already. He needs to know if he survived the crash. He looked away from the ceiling when he heard the door open. He watched as a doctor walked through the door and smiled at him.

"I see you're awake." He said. 

"Yeah, I woke up a couple of minutes ago." Jaebum said as he watched him get closer.

"How do you feel?" He asked as he looked at the bandage around his head.

"My leg and arm itch but other than that I feel fine." Jaebum said as he stayed still.

"We can get you something so you can itch with the cast on." The doctor said as he backed away. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me where someone is." Jaebum said as he watched the doctor write something down on his clipboard.

"Who are you looking for?" The doctor asked never looking up from the clipboard.

"His name is Choi Youngjae. He's my boyfriend and was on the plane with me. He was sitting right next to me and I need to know if he's alive and okay." Jaebum said as he looked down at his hands. 

"He survived but I can't tell you what condition he is in." The doctor said as he looked up from the clipboard.

"Can I go and see him?" Jaebum asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"You need to rest a bit longer but I'm sure a small trip won't hurt. I'll have a nurse come and take you to his room." The doctor said as he smiled and walked out of the room. 

Jaebum sat with a smile on his face as he waited for the nurse to show up. He started thinking of the condition he might be in and started to panic. What would he do if he didn't remember him? As he thought up more questions he heard the door open again. He looked up to see a nurse walk in with a wheelchair. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She brought the wheelchair as close to the bed as she could.

"Ready for your little trip?" She asked smiling brightly. 

"I sure am." Jaebum said as he smiled back.

She walked to the side of his bed and helped him get out and into the wheelchair. Once he was sitting comfortably she started to push him out of the room. He watched as they passed by room after room of people who were in worse condition than him. He started to get nervous of how bad Youngjae's condition is in when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see it was the nurse.

"No matter how bad his condition is I know he will be fine." She said as she looked him in the eyes.

"You're right. I'm stressing over nothing." He said as he smiled up at her. 

After passing a couple of more rooms they stopped in front of a door. Jaebum looked at the door and started to get nervous again. 

"Are you ready to go in?" The nurse asked. 

"I'm ready." Jaebum said.

The nurse opened the door and pushed him into the room. He looked to the bed and gasped. Youngjae looked to be in worse condition than himself. He had a bandage around his head. Both of his arms were in a cast as well as one of his legs. He had some major cuts on the other leg and his chest. He also had cuts all over his face. He seemed to be sleeping at the moment and Jaebum didn't want to wake him. He asked the nurse if he could stay with him until he woke up. She just nodded and pushed him to the side of the bed and walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. Jaebum looked at Youngjae and studied his face. He blames himself for all of this happening. If they never got on that plane they would have been fine and not stuck in a hospital. Jaebum sat staring at Youngjae waiting for him to wake up so he can apologize for ever getting on the plane and letting all of this happen. He rested his head on the bed and was soon falling asleep. He started to dream about their trip to America and all of the fun things that happened.

~Jaebum's Dream~

"Come on Bummie!" Youngjae yelled as he ran ahead.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back as I tried to catch up. 

For some reason I couldn't catch up and watched as he got further and further away. Time square starts to fade away and is replaced with the plane. I looked around and saw everyone screaming. I looked over at Youngjae to see terror in his eyes. I reach for him but can't grab hold of his hand. I hear metal scrapping against metal and I hear crunching. I close my eyes until it's over. I open my eyes to see the plane in pieces and on fire. I can hear people crying out in pain all around me. I look next to me to see Youngjae with blood coming out of his mouth. I take a closer look to see a tree branch is going through his leg. I quickly undo my seat belt and walk in front of him. I try to get the tree branch out and undo his seat belt but nothing will budge. Suddenly Youngjae snaps his eyes open and he stares at me. 

"You did this! You're the reason I'm like this! You killed me!" He shouts at me as I back away. 

"No! I didn't do this! The plane just crashed I didn't cause that!" I shout back.

"You did this! It's all your fault! I'll never recover from this! I'll never trust you again! I don't love you anymore!" Youngjae shouts at me.

I can't say anything back as I have tears pouring out of my eyes and sobs coming from my mouth. I close my eyes and grab my head as I sink to the ground. This is all my fault. I'm the reason Youngjae is like this. He'll never trust me or love me again. I've failed him.

~End of Dream~


The first chapter is done! I felt so bad writing this! I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please let me know what you think of the story. Thank you for reading!~Luna

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