girl danger • henry danger

By yaniraavilaa

181K 1.8K 766

" where ever you are is my home " More

i really like you
love muffin
stuck in three holes
green fingers
Not an update
(8) Meatball Dance (Part 2)
(9) Arranged Date
(11) Space Invaders, Part 1 *PREVIEW*
New Henry Danger book!!!

(10) JAM class

6.2K 60 5
By yaniraavilaa

Ivy's POV

Me, Henry, and Jasper were heading to Henrys house. We were laughing about the TV show we all watched yesterday. When we got inside his house we saw that Mr. and Mrs. were packing all the sharp kitchen utensils inside a big plastic box. "Mom??" Henry questioned. She ignored him and continued to pack. "Mom?!?" He repeated. "What Henry what?!?" She asked. "What are you guys doing??" He said. "Well, You know how Piper was supposed to go to that skiing trip today" She told us. "Yeah, That's why me and Henry were going to have our boys weekend" Jasper said.

"Can you not call us boys" Henry said. "But that's what we are; Boys" Jasper said. "Anyway, What about her skiing trip??" I asked the two parents. "Well you know her friend Narley??" Mr. Hart asked. "Ugh, Yeah" Henry replied. "Well today Narley's mom called me and said that all the other kids left without Piper" Mrs. Hart said. "What, Why??" I asked. "They didn't want her to go" Mr. Hart replied. "What did Piper say??" Henry questioned. The two parents looked at each other nervously. "We haven't told her yet" Mr. Hart replied. "Were hiding everything sharp and dangerous first" Mrs. Hart continued. I know that Piper has a bad Temper but besides that she is an absolute sweetheart.

"When did we stop being boys??" Jasper questioned. Henry looked at him weirdly. "Honey, Lets make Ivy and Henry tell her" Mr. Hart told his wife. "No no no no no, There is no what were telling Piper" Henry said as I nodded I agreement. "Tell me what" Piper said popping in all dressed up for her skiing trip. "Ahh" We all screamed. "Dear god she has Skii polls" Mr. Hart whispered yelled. "Okay, Why do you all look freaked out??" She asked. "Freaked out, what??" I said as everyone else argued with me.

"Tell her" Mrs. Hart screamed/Whispered to me and Henry. "No" We whispered back. "Honey, I think its your place to tell her" Mrs. Hart told her husband. "Ill get it" Mr. Hart said walking over to the front door. "Did the doorbell ring??" Jasper asked. "I didn't hear the doorbell" I said. "The doorbell did not ring" Henry said. "Oh hey, yeah I would love to go to the ball game with you" He said leaving. "Coward!!" Me and Mrs. Hart yelled in union. "Mom, What's up??" She asked. "Ugh well, Your brother and Ivy have something to tell you" She replied. "Wait hold on, I just go a video message from Narley" Piper said.

"You should watch it" Henry said. "Yeah, Im gonna" She said. She pulled up the video and I heard what her friend Narley was telling her, I felt so bad for her. Once her video message was over she looked down and started crying. "Piper, Are you okay pumpkin??" I asked her. "I just didn't know that my friends don't like me" She replied still crying. "Piper" Henry said walking over to her. "Careful, It could be a trap" Jasper said. Me, Henry, and Piper went to the kitchen table, I crouched down next to her and Henry sat on the chair that was right next to me. "I need to blow my nose" She said snuffling. "Okay" Henry said softly before signalling jasper to the table.

She blowed her nose on Jaspers shirt and Jasper screamed in disgust while running over to the sink. "Listen your friends, they like you" Henry said. "They just don't like it when you loose your temper" I continued. "Well I can't control my temper when Im angry"  She said still slightly crying. "Yes you can" Henry said. "Look one of my teacher made this kid named Mitch go to Jam class" He continued. "I love making Jam" Mrs. Hart said excited. "Mom please" Henry said as she sat down. "See, Jam stands for 'Junior Anger MManagement' it can help you control your anger" Henry explained. "Really??" Piper asked. "Yeah" He replied. "Hey, Where's the switch for the light??" Jasper asked. "Not now okay" Henry said.

"Sweetie you think you would want to go, To Jam class" Mrs. Hart told her daughter. "I think I need to go" She said sniffling. "Ah, My shirts caught in the garbage disposal" Jasper yelled. "Flip the switch, just flip the switch" Henry said. And well he flipped it and it turned off but it took his shirt with it. He screamed and looked at us, Henry covered my eyes and his because Jasper was left shirtless.

Mr. Hart was taking Me, Henry, and Piper to the JAM class. But Mr. Hart took the long way instead of the shortcut and because of that Piper started screaming at him. The lecturing and screaming went on until we go to the Swellview Medical Center. The three of us got out of the car and headed to the JAM room.  It took us about 1 minute to find the door. Henry knocked on the door and opened the door. "Hey ugh, Im here for the JAM class" Henry said. "Class started 10 minutes ago" The teacher said annoyed. "Yeah ugh, Sorry we were just-" Henry was saying. "Hey!!, Why are these turds interrupting our JAM class" A girl shouted. "Aniese sit down" The teacher said.

"Im too mad to sit" She shouted. "Than squeeze your bulb" The teacher said. "But don't want to" She said. "Squeeze your bulb!!" He demanded. She squeezed the bulb and this mist came out of the collar she was wearing. "Sure thing Mr. Hariss" She said calmly sitting down. "Woah, What just came out of her collar??" I asked the teacher. "It was a special mist that helps camp the nerves" He replied. "Special Mist" Henry repeated to Piper. "What's in it??" I asked. "Diet coke, frittle juice, frog spit, and rabbit urine" He replied.

"And its safe?!?" Henry asked. "I don't know, Why is she late??" The teacher questioned. "Ugh because-" Henry said before getting cut off. "Because my stupid dad decided to take the long way here, Even though their was a short cut that Me and Ivy were telling him" She said and continued to ramble. The teacher took out a bottle and started squeezed it, than magicly Piper stopped rambling. "Hi, Im Piper" She said sticking her hand up to shake. He shook her hand and she sat down. "Can I borrow that??" Henry asked.

Henry and I went down to the Man Cave after dropping Piper at JAM class. "Hey guys " We greeted getting out of the elevator. "Hey" They all greeted back. "Okay, Women pulling arms" I said pointing at Ray and the two women pulling his arms. "And dissecting pumpkins" Henry continued. "What going on??" I asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Ray questioned. "No, not really" Henry answered. "I'm on the PEP, Pumpkin eating plan" Ray said.

"I only eat Pumpkins now" He said. "Pumpkin soup, Pumpkin cake, Pumpkin juice" He listed. "Guys Guys!!" Schuaz yelled coming into the room. "What??" We all groaned. "I made a new machine, it can go against any strong winds" He said. "Are you talking about that tornado that's going hit Swellview later today??" Jasper asked. "Yeah" Schuaz replied. "Do you guys want one??" He asked. "No" Everyone but me replied. "I'll take one Schuaz" I said. "And this is why your my favorite" He said handing me one. I chuckled and walked over to Henry.

"So, What's going on with your sister piper??" Ray asked Henry. "She's trying to control her anger so today we took her to JAM class" Henry replied. "Ha" Ray shouted. "What??" I asked. "Ha! JAM class is stupid" He said. "JAM class helps a lot of angry patients" Charlotte explained. "And what makes you think that it will help Piper" Ray said. "Because today I was at her class and it looks like they really know what their doing" Henry replied. "Well its not going to work" Ray said getting off his chair and walking over next to Jasper.

"You wanna bet" Henry said. "Sure, If I can get piper to loose her temper the exact same day you have to eat...Raw pumpkin guts" Ray said. "Okay its on" Henry said. "Than im on team Henry" Charlotte said high fiving Henry. "Im on team Ray" Jasper said putting his arm around Rays shoulders. "Take your hands off" Ray demanded. "What team are you on Ivy??" Henry asked. "Nobody's because this can end both ways" I replied. "Okay, Tonight we'll all see who wins" Ray said shaking Henrys hand.

All of us walked into Henrys house for dinner. "Oh hey, Henry didn't tell me he was bringing extra friends to dinner" Mrs. Hart said. "Yeah well he didn't tell me you were so beautiful" Ray said. She blushed and smiled. "Oh stop it" She said. I grabbed Rays ear and dragged him over to Henry. "So mom, when's Piper getting here??' Henry asked his mom. "In just a few minutes actually" She replied. "What did you make for dinner Mrs. Hart??" Ray asked her. "I made Pipers favorite dish; Lobster balls and Tushi" She replied.

"That's perfect" He said leaning on the counter looking at her dreamily. I went to sit on the couch until I felt someone pick me up and throw me over there shoulder, I than smelt Strawberry and vanilla ice cream. "Henry, What are you doing??" I asked as he put me down outside on his porch. "I wanted to tell you something" He replied. "You know you could have just told me to come outside with you" I said chuckling. "But it wouldn't have been much fun" he said. I chuckled. "So what did you need to tell me??" I asked him.

"I didn't really need to tell you something" He replied. "Than why'd you bring me outsi-" I said getting cut off by Henry kissing my lips passionately. We continued to kiss until we heard Piper behind us. "Guys??" I heard Piper say. We quickly pulled away and looked at her blushing. "Hey Piper" We both greeted nervously. "What were you two doing??" She asked. "Making ou-" Henry said before I covered his mouth. "We were hugging each other very closely " I replied nervously. "Im not 5 guys, I know what you two were doing" She said. "And im taking Ivy with me inside" She continued. Piper grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house.

"Dinners ready everyone" Mrs. Hart announced. We all walked to the kitchen, the adults sat on the table and the rest of us went to different places of the kitchen. "Wow, Its amazing how you made all this food for us your honestly so amazing" Ray flirted. "Oh stop it" She said blushing. "Yeah Ray, Stop it" Me and Henry said in sync. He groaned and dug into his food. "Henry and Charlotte come here" Jasper said. They both groaned and followed him. "Hey ugh, Me and ivy left something in our car" Ray said getting out of his seat. "I didn't leave anything in the ca-" I said. "Yes you did, Now come on" He said cutting me off. He grabbed my arm and we head outside.

"What are we doing??" I asked him. "A sertain Captain Man and Girl Danger will be paying dear old Piper a visit" He replied passing me my bubble gum. "Your evil" I say popping gum in my my mouth. "No, I'm okay" He said. We both blew our bubbles and transformed into Captain Man and Girl Danger. "It feels weird doing it without Henry" I said. "Than why are you doing it without me??" I heard Henry asked behind me. "He made me" I said pointing at Ray. "What are you guys doing??" He asked us. "Were going to go visit Piper" Ray replied going into the house with me.

"Wait wait, No no" Henry said running after us. "Oh My God, Its Captain Man and Girl Danger" Piper squealed. "Yes hello, Are you Piper Hart the president of of the Man fans??" Ray asked her. "Yeah I am" She replied. "Wait, You have to be 4ft 10 to be the president of the man fans" Ray said. "No she doesn....Oww" I said before Ray kicked my foot. "But she is 4ft 10in" Mr. Hart said. "Yeah" Piper agreed. "Oh shoot, What I meant to say was you have to be bigger than 4ft 10in" Ray said. "What?? I've never heard that" Mrs. Hart said. "Sorry I don't make the rules" Ray said putting his hands up for defense. "Who does??" Henry asked.

"Ugh, Somebody" He replied. "What?!?!?" Piper yelled. "Piper don't get mad just squeeze you ball" Henry said. "No Henry I'm not going to loose my temper, I've learned that if I do people will sta-" Piper was saying until someone fell from the ceiling and landed on her. "Piper!! Are you okay sweetie??" Mrs. Hart asked her daughter. "No mom I'm not, First I get kicked out of the Man Fans than I someone randomly falls from the ceiling and is now eating all of my lobster balls" Piper said halfway up the stairs. "I'm am not okay!!!" She yelled slamming her bedroom door.

"Well it was nice coming over but me and Girl Danger need to take care of some business" Ray said pulling me out the door. "Bye" I said before the front door closed. Once we got outside, we both put on our regular clothes and walked back into the house. "So...What happened??" I asked .

I was on the with Henry while he was on his boy weekend with Jasper. "Yeah, Were about to go paint balling" He said. "What day are you getting back??" I asked him. "Probably Sunday in the afternoon" Henry replied. "Oh okay, I miss you so much already" I said. "I miss you too and don't worry I'll be back in two days" He said. "Ok" I say laying on my bed.

"Henry stop talking to your girlfriend and start helping me find one" I heard Jasper say. "Okay, I gotta go babe i'll talk to you later" Henry said. "Okay, Love you" I said. "Love you too" He said back. We hung up and I stared at the ceiling. "This is going to be the longest 2 days of my life" I think.



Guys I am so sorry for not updating. Its just that I've been busy with starting school and everything else in my life. I promise that I'll start updating more frequently. I love you all❤💗

Keep smiling my book worms🐛😄

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