Love Never Dies

By darkbutjustatheart

389K 8.1K 864

Steena grew up with Ivar, she loved him her whole life. When her life is turned upside down, she can express... More

Part 1.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24.
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter

Part 21

7.7K 148 5
By darkbutjustatheart

Ivar's POV

A/N: Sorry guys, this chapter is long. But I think is worth it, enjoy it. Tell me if you like it. x

I watched Steena walk away with our sons, I still can't believe that she saw me with that whore, Margrethe. Steena has such a good heart that she told me to see the child, I will never see it, I don't even know if it's mine.

"Brother, I am glad that you and Steena are together again." Ubbe said to me, with his voice full of happiness.

"Believe me, no one is happier than me." I smiled looking down, remembering the horrible months that she left Kattegat.


I woke up and went to the Great Hall, getting there I saw that my mother and brothers looked really worried.

"What happened?"

"Steena is gone, there is nothing of her here. I went on the house that she and her mother lived and she was not there, she is not on the forest and not even the beach." Ubbe says to me really worried, pasting around the Great Hall.

Where are you Steena? Are you that disgusted for sleeping with me that you left Kattegat? I thought that you loved me, like you said, but you don't, I meant nothing to you. Even if you mean everything to me, I can't take you out of my head and heart.

"We need to go look for her then." My anger was visible.

"Stay out of this Ivar, this does not concern you." Sigurd says not even looking at me.

"Of course it does, you stay out of it. You were always saying things that made her feel uncomfortable, maybe that is why she left." I say with anger to him.

"I am not the one that stabbed her." He says sarcastically.

"Stop this, both of you. We need to find her, she might be hurt or even worst. We need to find our little sister." Hvitserk says to us.

"I do not need this, I am going away from all of you." Sigurd is clearly annoyed, so he left.

I could see in his eyes that he might know something about Steena, and I will find out what he knows.

"You two go look for her, go to the nearby cities. She could not be far." I say to Ubbe and Hvitserk. They nodded and left to look for Steena.

I followed Sigurd to the beach, I observed him for a while and saw that he was not worried. He definitely knows something about where Steena is.

"You do not look worried brother, do you know something that we do not?" I question him.

He looks at me and says: "If she left, she might have a reason. I love her enough to respect her and her decision of leaving."

"You know where is she. Tell me." I demanded him.

"I do not know where is she, even if I knew I would not tell you." He says looking at the sea.

"You do not care that she might be in danger? That someone could hurt her?" I ask him, my voice had anger and concern.

"Do you?" He says sarcastically.

"Of course I do, why are you saying this?" I ask him confused.

"Look, I told you that I do not know where is she. Just get over the fact that she is gone, and she might be happier than she was here." He says leaving the beach.

What he could mean by that? He definitely knows something but he will never tell me, I could not get over her. The night we spent together was marked in my mind and heart forever, I need her next to me. I need to feel her body under mine, her soft lips kissing me, her eyes with nothing but love when she is looking at me. Is not possible that she is disgusted for sleeping with me, but why she left?

"Ivar, what happened?" Margrethe puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Steena is gone, Ubbe and Hvitserk went out look for her. What are you doing here?" I say harshly to her.

"I saw Ubbe and Hvitserk leave and I did not see Steena or you." She says softly to me.

"This does not concern you, go back to work." I didn't even bother to look at her.

"Ivar why are you like this? Did you not enjoyed last night? I can make you feel better. Steena is gone, I can have you all for myself." She says kissing my neck.

I grab both of her wrists, strong enough to leave bruises. "Do not talk about last night ever again. It was a horrible mistake, the worst of my life. Do not come anywhere near me ever again." I push her hard and she fell on the sand.

"Do not treat her like this, is not her fault that you are so stupid." Sigurd says behind us telling Margrethe to leave.

"She is just a slave, why do you care? And why I am stupid?" I ask him with anger.

"If you really need to ask, you are even more stupid than I thought." He says laughing at me.

I couldn't control my anger around him, he always was like this. I just wanted to know why Steena left so suddenly, but he is never going to tell me.

"Why did she left? You know the truth, tell me." I say almost screaming at him.

"I told you before, I do not know." He says leaning closer to me.

I grab my axe and I throw in his direction but he dodged the blade.

"LIAR." I scream at him.

"Maybe she did not wanted to become a fatality of your rage, like the other night at the Great Hall. Did you knew that the blade that you threw on her arm, could easily left her without the arm?" He says with disappointment at me.

"No, that is not true. She told me that is was nothing." I say to him shocked with his revelation.

"She told you that just for you not feel bad, I spoke with the healer. It is true." He says to me.

I did not say anything and then he left, it was not possible that I could leave her without an arm. My anger could have her hurt, or worst.

She is the most precious thing in my life, I could not believe that I could do that to her.


Months pasted and Ubbe and Hvitserk didn't find Steena yet, where are you Steena? Come back to me.

I followed Sigurd everywhere he went, I know that he helped her, or that he knows where she is.

I want you here Steena, I need you. You are so good to me, I should have said "I love you" when you said, but I was afraid that it was all a dream. If I find you, I will make you happy, I will make you my wife. I am sure of that.

One night we were having dinner at the Great Hall, when Ubbe and Hvitserk arrived.

"Did you find her?" My mother, is so worried, she barely sleeps.

"No." Ubbe says looking down, the disappointment in his voice is clear.

"I know where she might be, I can not believe that I have not thought about this before." Mother is smiling, for the first time in weeks.

"Where?" Sigurd says, looking worried. He definitely knows something.

"Hederby, Kaya loved Lagertha, Steena knows it and she went there. Ubbe and Hvitserk, go there tonight. You will arrive there in the morning, go see if our girl is there." Mother gets up, kissing Ubbe and Hvitserk, they left right after.

Sigurd looked worried, I will follow him. He will led me to Steena, he knows where she is.

He left right after Ubbe and Hvitserk, when I was going to follow him, my mother stopped me.

"Mother?" I question her.

"You and Steena are going to have many sons together, I see it. You will even have twins." Her eyes are watering, she is almost crying.

"When?" I couldn't believe, we will be together, I will do everything to make her happy.

"Very soon." She smiles at me and kissed my cheek.

I will have sons with the woman I love, we will be happy. I will make her a queen that she is.

I kissed my mother back, and I went to follow Sigurd. He will guide me to my Steena.

The next day, late at night, Ubbe and Hvitserk arrived and told that she was not there. In the middle of the night, Sigurd gets up and starts to prepare a horse, he will go see her.

Floki made me a chariot, I will use it to follow him. I arrived a few hours after him in Hederby. I knew it, he knows where she is. I entered the Great Hall, and I waited for her.

When she exits the room, Sigurd has his arms around her. He is sleeping with her? I can't believe this, she is really disgusted for sleeping with me that she went to my own brother.

I was filled with rage, she is behaving like a whore, but I still love her. Why did she choose Sigurd over me? It's because I'm a crippled? She said that she loved me, all of me, she lied to me.


I get in on the chariot, not even looking at Sigurd. But he puts his horse in front of mine, making me stop.

"What?" I scream.

"You are stupid, I never sleep with her. She loves you, but are too stubborn and stupid to see that. You don't deserve her."

All of my anger leaves my body, she loves me, and I hurt her feelings. I will go back to Hederby, I will beg for her to forgive me.

But the gods had other plans, my father, appeared and asked me for me to go to England, I will go and after that, I will apologize to Steena. I will declare my love to her.


I find out that my mother is dead, Lagertha killed her. And my father was killed too, me and my brothers are orphans now. I will kill Lagertha, she will die for killing my mother in cold blood.


"I love you." I finally say to Steena, I apologized and we can be happy. I will make her happy, I don't deserve this woman, but I will love her until the Valkyries take me to Vahalla.

"I love you too, Ivar." Her soft voice and tearing eyes, she loves me. I realized that, that whore lied to me. I will kill her.

I kissed her, the kiss was incredible, she is incredible. After we ran out of air, I put my forehead against hers.

"There are two people that I want you to meet." Her smile is most beautiful thing in the world.

"Who are they?"

"Come with me and I will show you." She giggles, she is so beautiful.

"Ivar?" That whore called me.

"What do you want?"

"I thought that you wanted to know that your child is kicking." After months not seeing her, she says she has a child, my child.

Steena slapped me, I didn't move. I know that I hurt her.

"You say that you love me, but you only say this to take advantage of me. You have no kindness in your heart and you take advantage of my feelings for you, but I will promise you Ivar the Boneless, you will never touch me again. You can be with this slave, never speak to me again. I hate you." She leaves, crying. I can't stand see her crying. She doesn't deserve it, and to know that is my fault, breaks me. But I will get her back.


Steena cried when I touched her, I can't believe this. She is afraid of me?

I was at the forest at night, thinking about our sons, and how they look like me, I love them with all my heart.

"Ivar, I want to share you some news." Endre said to me, how I hate this man.

"I am not interested."

"But you are, it is about me and Steena. We will be married tomorrow, and she will be mine. And me and her sons will be a family, something that you will never have with her. Do you see the irony? I will have a family with your sons and their mother." He leaves, laughing. Why he hates me so much? I don't even know him.

Anger was taking over my body, he can't have her, she is mine.


After talking to Steena, my heart was full of happiness. He never touched her, she is mine. She can't be with other men, she is mine.

I went to see Endre, he is with another woman, again.

"Do not stop because of me, I know that you never been with your wife. So you need this, so please continue." I smirked at him and left.

Steena is mine, she will always be. The same way that I am hers.

End of the flashback

"Ivar." Endre calls me, with a smug smirk on his face.

Two men are dragging a woman's body, did he killed Steena? He will pay for this, I will torture him.

Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd stood next to me.

"Relax, I did not kill her. This is your dear Dagmar, Sigurd." The men trows Dagmar's body on Sigurd' s feet.

Sigurd took her body and started to cry, I felt sad for him, but at the same time, I was relieved that it wasn't Steena.

"Why?" Sigurd's eyes were full of rage, thirsty for revenge.

"Well, I want all of you to suffer. I killed Dagmar, I have Steena and her bastards, and even that slave, what is her name? Margrethe, and that bastard. Well, my bastard." He says sarcastically.

My body was shaking with anger, if he hurts my family, I don't even know what I'm going to do with him.

"What? Your son?" Ubbe came closer to him, surprised, I guess that he loves that slave.

"Yes, I planned my revenge against you all, for a long time, and let me tell you, raping that slave over and over again, was the part I enjoyed the most." He smiles wickedly, I will kill him.

"Ivar, their life is in your hands. Well at least your bastards, the last time I saw your whore, she was bleeding pretty bad." He fakes a concern look, I will torture him.

"If she dies, you are going to wish that you are in Hel." I say breathing heavily.

"Ivar, do not threaten me, I am the one with everything that is precious to you." He laughs again.

"What do you want?" Hvitserk ask him.

"Well, for now? For all of you to suffer for now. If anything happens to me, all of them are dead." He walks away.

"What are we going to do?" Ubbe says to us.

"I do not know." I say, thinking about Steena and our sons.

Gods, please do not let anything happens to them. I can't live without them.

"I know, we are going to kill him. He killed Dagmar, he threatened our family, he is going to pay." Sigurd's tone scared even me, I never saw him like this.

"I agree, but we need a plan. We need to know who helped him, he could not do all of this alone." Hvitserk says, and we all agree.

So I did the last thing I thought that I would do, I ask Lagertha for help. But I know that she loves Steena, so I know that she will help. We went to my hut, to think about what are we going to do, we need a plan.

Hvitserk asked a slave to talk to Lagertha, Endre can't know that she is involved.

After some time, Lagertha shows up at my hut.

"So what happened, why did I need to come here in secret?" Lagertha asks us, entering my hut.

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