Keeping Secrets (A Demi Lovat...

By lovatic_bieberr

110K 3.6K 284

I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani. I won a contest to spend a day with my idol, Demi Lovato. You see, I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Update 8/11/2020

Chapter 5

5.6K 178 11
By lovatic_bieberr

Demi's POV

I was in the hotel across the street from the pavilion. Max was waiting to leave ten minutes before the interview. It's thirty minutes away now. I kept peaking out the window. My fans were all lined up, there were so many of them. "Max! I wanna go out now!" I whined.

"Wait 20 more minutes."

"But they wanna see me!"

"Just stay inside."

"Pleeeaaase!" I begged. Max sighed.

"Fine." He said.


"You're such a child." He mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for me to here it. We walked out to the hall and got into the elevator. "Stay close to me." Max said.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go!" The elevator opened and I ran to the front door, I pushed it open, with Max right on my heels. "Hey guys!" I yelled. Everyone turned around and started screaming. I crossed the street with Max and went into the crowd. I signed a bunch of autographs and took silly selfies with people. It was so loud but I loved it. I saw another crowd off people running towards the group of people already around me. As they got closer, I saw a small girl near the back, people were bumping into her and pushing her around. One tall guy went by and pushed her onto the ground. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. "Max! Come on!" I yelled over the screams. I felt Max right behind me. He had his right arm around me, gently pushing people out of my way. I went back to the girl and Max cleared out a spot around her. Oh my god, it's Dani! I kneeled down to her, "Dani, are you okay?" I asked in a worried tone. She shook her head 'no'. Not wasting anytime, I picked her up, bridal style, and started carrying her back towards the hotel. "How much longer until the interview?" I asked Max as he continued to make a path for me.

"About ten minutes."

"That's all I need." I was at the edge of the crowd so no one was in front of me. I wanted to stay for my fans but I knew I had to get Dani inside. I ran across the empty street and into the hotel. I got up to my room and went in. I sat Dani on my bed as Max came in. "Do you need anything?" He asked.

"There's a first-aid kit under the bathroom sink, can you grab it for me?" Max nodded and jogged out of the room. I took the short time to look at the scrapes on Dani's face and hands. Max came in and handed me the first aid kit. I took out some cloth and wiped all the blood off from around each scrape. Then I put antibiotic cream on them and bandaged them up. 

Dani's POV

I was speechless. Everything happened so fast. One minute I saw Demi, the next I was shoved to the ground. Not by a random fan if that's what you're thinking. It was a dickhead kid from my school who saw me there. I thought since it was summer, I'd be able to get a break from the bullies but I guess I was wrong. Demi picked me up and brought me to her hotel room, yes, Demi fricken Lovato picked me up. I still can't believe my dream of meeting her has come true! But I have to stay calm, I don't want her to see me as some crazed fan or something. My hands and face were burning from the scrapes I got. They burned more as Demi cleaned them but I tried not to show it. "Better?" Demi asked with a sincere smile after she finished cleaning them.

"Yeah." I replied quietly. 

"I have to go back over to the pavilion for the interview, wanna come?"

"No thanks." I lied. I would love to go but I kinda want to be alone. 

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I should go home."

"No!" Demi replied immediatley. "I-you can stay here. I won't be long."


"Demi! We have to go, now!" Max shouted from the other room. 

"See you in a little while!" Demi said before skipping out of the room. I heard the hotel door close and lock. I brought my knees up to my chest and began crying. I can't believe my fucking bullies are still after me during summer. I wish I was dead.


It's been so long since I've updated! I am so sorry! I've been so busy!! I've finally updated but this is such a shitty chapter! I promise next chapter will be better. I have such crazy plot twists for this story and I can't wait to get to them! Ok so you know the drill, please comment and thanks for reading and voting!! Bye loves 

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