Fear | K.th [Editing]

By -lovelyseok

970K 40.8K 44.8K

❞Smile, Princess.❞ Kim Taehyung, a mad man who runs an underground institution that can cure fears. In order... More

Protocol [2°]
The Institution of Fears [3°]
The Numbers Assigned at Birth [4°]
Born Again [5°]
The Hungry Man [6°]
Pain [7°]
Episodes [8°]
Another Open Wound [9°]
The Sins of my Gluttony [10°]
Reap what is Sown [11°]
She Can't Rest Now, There's Too Much at Stake [12°]
The Cracks Inbetween [13°]
A Shift in Perspective [14°]
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Silence [M] [24°]
Leaving [25°]
Strip Club [M] [26°]
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Competition [28°]
Weak [29°]
Gun Play [30°]
Mafia [31°]
Weaponry [32°]
Backstory [33°]
Different Names [34°]
The Deal [35°]
2:00 AM [36°]
Old Forgotten Friends [37°]
Untold Truth [38°]
Insanity Makes Humanity [39°]
Iris [40°]
Changes [41°]
Revenge [42°]
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Broken Hearts [45°]
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Good riddance [47°]
Ren-e-gade [R] [48°]
A Crack in the Glass [49°]
Black Ink and Undiscovered Bruises [50°]
Choose Your Poison [51°]
Aimer sans Parler [52°]
Everyone's Here...Great [53°]
Secret Little Rendezvous [54°]
Kiss for Kiss, Heart for Heart [55°]
Gap in the Clouds [56°]
Love me Now, Touch me Later [57°]
An Eye For An Eye [R] [58°]
He Lives While She Suffers [59°]
Sincerely, Yours [60°]
Through The Gray Blinds [61°]
Falling To A God's Hand [62°]
The Worst Part of Recovery [63°]
Consequences Of Sinning [64°]
Evergreen [65°]
Two Eyes, but Still Blind [66°]
An Overdose of Existence [67°]
One Last Stroke of Redamancy [68°]
Those That Came Before [69°]
Neverending Prisoner [70°]
Feathers In Veins [71°]
Pious and Raw [72°]
Red Rag [73°]
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie [74°]
Two Birds, One Stone [75°]
Forgiving Those Who've Sinned [76°]
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Questions about Fear

The Night Full of Terrors [1°]

74.3K 1.5K 1.8K
By -lovelyseok


⚠️Warnings ⚠️
Fear Play
Knife Play
Drug Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Eating Disorder
Crude Language


i want to make it clear that i in NO WAY am trying to romanticize these controversial issues, rather, to bring awareness. if there's something you don't understand, please educate yourself and/or ask questions if you have the desire to help someone going through similar issues IF it is SAFE for both parties.


"I promise you'll have a great time, girl!" Her best friend tries to assure her as they push their way toward the bar. Evangeline glances over at the other, annoyed that she allows herself to be dragged out to some mundane club on a Friday night just for her companions enjoyment rather than her own.

"Last time you said that we ended up trashed behind a Chuck E. Cheese dumpster." Evangeline says.

The taller woman with shaggy black rock and roll hair that she shakes back and forth, dark blue skin-tight dress to match the blue tips, scoffs at her roommates sour attitude, wrapping her sculpted arms around Evangeline's shoulders tightly. "Hey, after hours, Mr. Munch can get down."

Evangeline unwillingly lets out a smile, sighing as she shakes her head and lowers her gaze down at her attire. "Sometimes I really do hate you." She says sardonically, tugging on the orange dress she had borrowed when she was 16.

Her friend grins and kisses her cheek, smooching an outline of red lipstick before leaning over the counter to yell through the music at the short and round bartender for some drinks.

In the midst of Jasmine being occupied, Evangeline has a moment to take in the ambiance of the venue as she wipes away the residue left on the side of her face. Nostrils filling with the smell of alcohol, weed, and the stench of young adults with half the mind of others judgment as they spin and strut around on the dance floor.

Her eyes stumble upon a man in the eye of the bustle; shaggy dark hair that falls into his face, and dressed in equally darker clothes to appear unnoticed. She feigns him odd at the way he's just...there. Stiff and unmoving as the other bodies knock into him like he doesn't exist, mixing in with the shadows. As if he materialized from thin air. Yet, salient in his bearing.

She flinches when they make eye contact, turning his head into her direction. There was no way he could have possibly seen her from that large of a distance from the dance floor to the bar, especially with how low the lights are dimmed. The hairs on the back of her neck rises, heart beat bumping faster.

Her focus gets put back onto Jasmine when her arm comes into view.

She lets out a breath she had unknowingly been holding, blinking as she looks at the drink being ushered to her by her rambunctious counterpart who holds another shot in her right hand eager to be ravened.

Evangeline glances back over into the bevy of liquored saints, getting a sense of the man's heavy ubiquity quilling her ever being. Only to find no one appearing to be aware of the two women who've came for a night to finally enjoy themselves after an intense breakup that left Evangeline ripped away from who she once was.

She notices the brooding man that was previously amongst the party-goers was no longer there. Her gaze scans the club for any sign of him. Jasmine calls out her name to get Evangeline to stop being distracted. The younger woman apologizes as she sheepishly smiles, tossing her worries into the back of her mind. She dismisses the man as anything but; telling herself that he went to the restroom or the smoke area, or whatever he's into as she forgets the weird occurrence.

Jasmine holds up her glass, Evangeline a delayed second after. "Okay, cheers...to finally being free from a man who kept you captive!" Her companion smiles toward Evangeline, placing the back of her hand over her mouth as she holds back her tears. "To-to a bad bitch who deserves nothing more than to strive!" The younger woman stifles her laughter at the way Jasmine always seems to cry like a switch being turned on, instead focusing on the heartfelt dialogue Evangeline knows she prepared for the night...and cried when writing it.

After she's done declaring how amazing of a person Evangeline is, she finally chants 'on three!'

The younger girl takes a deep breath, shot glass near her mouth as she awaits for the green light. Anticipation bubbling against her taste buds. Then Jasmine says it, Evangeline frantically jutting her head up along with the Blue Kamikaze. She winces as the liquor surges down her throat with a lack of finesse, body tensing as she slowly lowers the shot glass away from her lips. Jasmine already calling for another one.

Whilst waiting for the drinks to arrive she leans over to Evangeline informing her that she was going to run to the ladies room and to look out for another shot, promising the brunette of her return. Evangeline nods, smacking her ass once she turns to leave. She watches her companion fight through the herd once more on her voyage toward the grotesque restrooms filled with people making out or woeful individuals who've in countered too much alcohol with tonights moon.

Evangeline takes out her phone from her clutch bag to busy her eyes and hands, hating the feeling of being alone in a place filled to the brim.

Pulling out her phone, she pretends to actively be doing something to past the time. Thumbs fidgeting left and right on the homescreen. She looks up. Eyes shifting toward the right of her when she feels a presence next to her. The woman casts her gaze upward, landing on a lightly tanned individual wearing a black leather jacket. Hair bleached blond, cut short and pixie. He was edgy, yet graceful in his approach. It was new for the protagonist, almost alarming how his alluring energy veils over her.

She had seen him waiting in line behind them as Jasmine and her were escorted inside. They made eye contact; like a spoken agreement.

He says nothing yet. Doesn't allow her the satisfaction to hear his voice. It was a game. They're looking toward one another before she breaks the tie. Gaze set forward at all the liquor stored on the glass shelf's. The blond haired man chuckles once he catches her drift, long legs extending as he straightens his posture to call the bartender over.

He lowers his gaze, eyes falling onto her arms to her slim legs. Swiftly turning away when she looks back. The brunette watches as his lips move when he finally fulfills her wish. His tone sultry and rough, light home town dialect in his pronunciation. The graininess of his voice comes to an end all too soon.

She feels a tension between them, thinks she's being delusional or desperate, doesn't have time to differentiate which it could be when she realizes that he was speaking again. This time directed towards her.

"It's good to finally meet you." The man quips, referring to their little moment earlier. One hand in his jacket pocket and the other holding onto the drink he ordered. He shifts his stance, the left side of his body leaning against the ledge of the bar as he enlightens Evangeline.

The woman nods, smiling toward him. She takes into account his height and slim built, finding the 5'11 male bold for making a move. She remains quiet as she allows him to continue the conversation.

His rough fingers tap against the marbled counter, aware of how enticed she was by him. Their eyes remain on one another, music acting as background noise around their small world.

"This isn't really my kind of Friday night out either."

Evangeline finds something strange about him. How nonchalant his body language is, as if he was talking to someone he's been in contact with prior before. She stops herself from over analyzing the man, a bad habit she's been trying to lay off. She docks his mannerisms to him being charming and confident in himself, wanting to give her a good first impression. Not like it mattered to her. He's still a ten without the personality. Besides, she's not looking for anything serious. A one night stand and then she's gone in the morning.

"How could you tell?" She dines the tempt served on a silver platter, anticipating where the rest of the evening will lead her to.

He shrugs, confidence exuding down his broad shoulders. "It's painted all over your face."

"Ah, didn't think you could see my face with all these flashing lights." He grins, enjoying the way she counters his words with matched energy.

When he lowers his glass again he calls for the bartender. "I came over once I noticed you were sitting idly at the bar and wanted to see what you were about." His boyish grin curls into a smirk when he turns back to her. "I'm Taehyung." Having a name to put to the man of the night, she's satisfied.

Granting a smile of her own, Evangeline nods. "You know my name already." His brows jut upward, unsure of her response. "I'm sure you saw it on the guest list."

He mouths 'you got me' before pressing his lips against his glass and drinking, eyes lingering over. He continues their conversation, asking which city she's from. The woman answers with Incheon, returning the question. Daegu was his short quip.

Evangeline feels herself being magnetically pulled toward Taehyung. A feigning addiction to his presence that she wants more of. They're just talking, casually. A little flirting here and there. More drinks being introduced as the time goes by.

Her heartbeat does somersaults once the man finally sits down in the stool previously taken by her friend Jasmine, her companion disregarded to the back of the brunettes mind as her focus remains solely on the blond perched in what appears as a well fitted and expensive jacket, no pleather detected. Dark jeans over long legs. Pretty dark lashes that flutter up and down.

He appears to take on the dominant role, an assumption with the way he sits with one hand on his thigh, making her look down. If something were to occur outside this club, she would show him otherwise.

"What frightens you the most?"

The sudden question has the woman furrowing her brows as a small snicker leaves her mouth, unsure of what his intention is. "I'm sorry, what?"

A grin lifts onto his lips. He shrugs passively, eyes shifting around the club. "Just trying to keep the conversation going s'all." He meets her gaze again, a playful glint in his eyes.

Evangeline ponders his question in that moment, not sure if her answer will be thorough. In the back of her mind she wonders if she should be telling him anything at all, but as she looks over at him and the way he bites his lip in anticipation of her answer all she can think about is the size hanging between his thighs. She goes along with it for her own merit, laying her head against the palm of her hand as she blinks languidly.

Drowning. She says it's not because of the death part, rather the aspect of being surrounded by water and not being able to reach the surface, is what scares her the most.

He observes her after she speaks, an unreadable expression on his face that Evangeline watches. She's quick to assume that she said something wrong, a blush frosting against her cheeks as she lowers her gaze. She misjudges Taehyung's behavior, reassuring her as he leans closer. "I would say I have a fear of being alone tonight."

Her lips purse into a smile as does his. Laughing at his pick-up line. She praises his effort, earning a nod in return as he turns to grab his shot glass that the bartender came by to fill again. He brings up his drink to the one in her hand.

"I've been living here for awhile. There's this great ramen bar a couple blocks from here," He says suggestively, leaning closer to make sure Evangeline hears him over the music that seems to get louder. Or maybe it's the same volume and it's an excuse for the both of them.

Eating something other than bar food did sound delicious to the almost drunk brunette and eating ramen would help with her appending hangover. She takes him up on his offer. "Are we eating it there or at your place?" She moves back from his ear, supporting herself with her hand on his lap as she smiles.

His eyebrows jut upward, glancing down at the placement of her hand. He chuckles, placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket. The blond peers over into the crowd of people on the dance floor, eyes trained on the exit to the club before he shifts his gaze back onto the beautiful woman.

"Would you prefer the latter?"

Their eyes speak for each other. The shot glass that she was fiddling with in between her manicured fingers gets discarded as she pushes off the bar stool, his large hand coming out to assist her. He slaps a hundred dollar bill on the counter before taking the lead, Evangeline accompanying him through the mass of sweaty bodies. Instead of fighting through the crowd he takes the exit leading to the back of the club.

When they arrive near the entrance she halts suddenly. The man stops at the draw back from his arm, turning around to look at her. "Wait, my—um, my friend," She whips her head over to the area that's lit with a neon pink sign that read 'restroom'. She feels a pit of guilt in her stomach for almost forgetting about Jasmine before leaving with Taehyung. "I should go check on her first."

She's grabbed by the arm, making her lower her gaze to the hand around her bicep then up at the culprit who appears much taller standing over her. "She's been gone for a really long time, she probably already left with somebody else."

Evangeline sides with Taehyung, it wouldn't be the first time Jasmine has left her by herself for a dick appointment. Her eyes look toward his hand still around her arm. Noticing where her eyes are he loosens his grip, smiling warily as his hand slides toward hers to tug her forward.

The woman staggers out of the club after the bulky bouncer opens the door for them, being helped by Taehyung who holds her around her waist. She thanks him a moment later as her hand comes up to her head. She didn't think she drank that much, she was probably distracted conversing with Taehyung and not realizing that the glass kept being refilled by the bartender each time he came around.

Her body slumps into the wall of the back alleyway, high heels stomping rather than tip-toeing. Taehyung offers to help again, but she waves him off, not wanting to be considered as a sloppy drunk. Once she's stable they begin walking again.

"God, I'm starving." She utters out after a minute of them walking in silence. A man who appears to be homeless limps away from them in search for something to scavenge.

"I thought you'd be smarter than this."

Evangeline blinks, asking Taehyung what he's talking about. He doesn't say anything though, her glossy eyes staring up at his side profile as they keep walking. She thinks she may have misheard him or thought he had said something, keeping her mouth closed and chalking it to her being under the influence.

When they get a certain distance away from the club her phone begins to buzz inside her purse. She takes it out, her phone lighting up her face with messages from Jasmine sent an hour ago that are just now delivering. There's a message from her brother, then other notifications from apps pop up simultaneously. She scrolls down to tap on her friends name, reading the new messages.

Evangeline stares at her phone in confusion, trying to focus her eyes on the blaring white letters. Jasmine told her to leave the club. To find a police station to reside in until they met up. She doesn't have time to register the text,
attention drawn back onto the man who had gone up ahead, slowing down once he glances over his shoulder at the brunette and sees her behind. "Something wrong?"

The woman shakes her head, telling Taehyung that she got a message from an unknown number and was just blocking it in hopes to not raise any concern. He continues forward.

Evangeline can't tell if her friend is pulling some dumb prank or if she's being serious. She sends her a text, asking her where she went.

The woman looks up from her phone as a man approaches them. When his face appears from the shadows she's taken aback, remembering seeing him inside the club standing off to the side by himself. Taehyung calls out to him, waving him over as he grins. They know each other. Taehyung pats the man on the back before spinning on his heels and facing Evangeline.

"This is Jeongguk, a close friend of mine."  She hesitates to meet his gaze, nodding toward him as she holds her clutch bag close and musters out a small 'hello' to be polite. He doesn't reciprocate the gesture, darkened eyes lingering over her, making Evangeline uncomfortable before they cast onto Taehyung. "So, where's Park?"

Jeongguk scoffs, "Late."

Taehyung clicks his tongue in annoyance. The two of them start making hushed conversation as Evangeline stands a few feet away. While they're distracted, the woman looks back down at her phone to reread Jasmine's frantic messages.

Her phone buzzes again, another incoming message from her friend. She's relieved to hear from Evangeline. A few seconds later she's telling the woman that she was harassed by a man on the dance floor. She had to leave the club and—

"Evangeline," She startles when Taehyung calls her name, snapping her head up into his direction. He smiles, "The same number bothering you?"

She glances down at her phone when it buzzes again. Jasmine mentions two names. Jimin and Jeongguk. She overheard them planning to take Evangeline.

The woman's heart drops. Her hands begin to shake around the device. Her eyes land on Jeongguk and Taehyung, the two staring back. Her chest rises and falls. She can't make it known that she's aware now. Her lips wobble, trying to speak, to say something to get herself away.

Taehyung calls out her name again, taking a step toward her. She steps back, "Uh, yeah—same number. I just—I just blocked them. I'm starting to feel tired...so, I...I think I'm gonna go home."

"That night's just begun."

She apologizes for the inconvenience, glancing over her shoulder. Evangeline needed to make it to the club. It's the only place around one in the morning that still has a bunch of people standing outside gathered around. She could hide in the crowd until she finds Jasmine. Her gaze lowers to her feet. She won't be able to run with these platform heels and they'll get suspicious if she tries taking them off now.

"At least let me take you home. My car is that way." He listlessly points into the direction they were originally heading into, a bare road with just a flickering street light illuminating a narrow portion of the avenue. She declines politely, cautiously moving backward as they continue toward her. "--There's a lot of bad people out tonight, I insist."

She clutches her purse, frantic eyes peering beside him when she notices Jeongguk's arms shifting behind his back. Is it money they want? She can give them money as long as she can go home tonight.

The woman tries to negotiate, but nothing comes out. Her mind yells at her to run. Turn around and run.

Realizing that she's given herself enough distance between the two men, Jeongguk rushes forward. Evangeline darts away, high heels clacking against the rigid pavement.

She screams when the man grabs her, forcing his hand over her gaped mouth. She struggles, kicking her legs in the air. The heel of her foot catches his crotch, making Jeongguk loosen is grip as he groans in pain. Evangeline falls, scraping her knees on the wet ground. She doesn't have time to waste on the pain she feels, adrenaline pumping through her bloodstream.
Shoes slipping as she staggers back up.

"My, my..." She hears Taehyung chime behind her. He drags Jeongguk up by his shirt, shoving him forward. He was a little annoyed with the woman, making this longer than need be. The drug should be taking its effect on her by now, but she seems to be fighting it with all her might. He watches her crawling away, a sadistic haze in his eyes.

She cries out at the tug on her hair that pulls her head back. Taehyung tilts his head as they make eye contact, smiling deviously. He laughs at her scared expression, tears already reddening her face. She feels hot, vision blurring. She pants, limbs becoming harder to maneuver.

He leans closer to her ear. Whatever he says is muffled by her loud heartbeat. She feels his lips land against the crown of her head. Evangeline shifts her head, trying to keep her mind from getting foggy. She has to go! She has to make it!

Her head gets heavier by each passing second. The two men watch on, waiting for the moment her eyes shut for good. She faintly sees their silhouettes turn at a flashing bright light. Then she feels her limp body being picked up and dragged.

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