Waving Through Separate Windo...

By lemonpolish

1.3K 60 40

TreeBros fanfiction. Evan goes with Jared to an end of school party and his life is changed forever. This tak... More

1 - First Day Back
2 - Day Two of Torture
3 - Meetings
4 - Party Time
5 - Sleepover
6 - Aftermath
7 - Bathroom Part 1
8 - Bathroom Part 2
9 - Recovery
11 - Summer
13- Update lol

10 - True Friends

79 5 3
By lemonpolish

Since Jared had begun to befriend Connor, he decided it would be a good idea to create a group for Evan. The group consisted of Evan, Connor, Alana, and himself at first, but Alana insisted for Jared to let Zoe in. He soon caved, and their friend group had grown one more member.

Evan offered to let them all have a sleepover at his house, the group figuring out a date and it was set. His mom had taken work off that day to help Evan set everything up. There were bowls with chips on the kitchen counter and countless blankets and pillows in Evan's room. They had his laptop set up with Netflix so they could watch movies. Everything was perfect.

Evan was bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement.

"I'm so glad you've made friends, Evan. I'll let you all hang out when I go to class tonight, so don't burn the house down." She winked before kissing his forehead and waving goodbye. She left with her bag, a knock on the door coming right after she left. Evan ran towards the door, opening it to see Jared.

Jared grinned, his bag in his right hand. He walked in.

"Sup dude. You excited?" He had his cheesy grin on, Evan nodding. Evan was smiling back as he helped Jared put his bag upstairs. Eventually, the doorbell rang, and Evan bolted downstairs. He opened it to see Alana who hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you again! Two days is a lot without seeing someone, you know." Evan laughed at her, guiding her to his room. Jared was in there, waving when Alana walked in. The two talked as Evan walked to the door to wait for the other two guests to arrive.

Finally the doorbell rang and Evan opened it, smiling. He opened his eyes to see only Zoe, who was looking down.

"Oh. Hey. Connor will umm. Be here in a little? Something's kind of going on at home." Zoe walked in.

"W-what's happening..?" Evan looked at Zoe with wide eyes.

"Don't worry. Let's just forget anything is happening and have fun here?" She looked at him, putting on a fake smile. Evan nodded, guiding her to his room. The group sat in Evan's room, preparing games while eating chips.

Evan heard a knock on the door, rushing out to it. The rest of the group snuck out and watched the front door from the stairs. Evan opened the door to see Connor with slightly messier hair and a scratch on his cheek.

Connor put on a fake smile when his boyfriend opened the door, Evan leaping up a little to hug the taller boy.

"Evan what are you-" Connor was shocked, patting Evan's back.

"W-what happened? Are you o-okay..?" He looked at Connor, his hands on his shoulders.

"I'm fine. Let's just have fun?" Connor hugged Evan before walking out of the doorway. The rest of the group quickly raced back to Evan's room so it didn't seem like they saw that.

Everyone gathered in a circle on the floor, sitting in silence.

"What do we do?" Alana asked awkwardly. Jared stood up.

"Board games. I have some in my bag because I know Evan doesn't have good ones." Jared turned and grabbed stuff out of his bag. He returned with a truth or dare card game and Never Have I Ever.

"Alrighty teens, let's do Truth or Dare first because that's a required party game. Zoe! Get snacks and bring them up here. Alana! Get blankets! Evan! Pillows. Connor! Umm. I have no more jobs."

"Wow. Thanks." Everyone rushed off to grab their specific thing, coming back around the same time. Jared had set up the game and had dealt out cards. The snacks were in the middle of the group and each had a blanket and a pillow.

"Okay, so basically you have 3 truths and 3 dares in your hand. When you pick someone in the circle, you ask them truth or dare. Then you blindly hand them one of the cards you have from that category and they have to do it. If they don't, there are punishment cards which I have read and are worse than you can imagine. Got it? Good."

Jared looked at his cards and grinned. Zoe started since she was the youngest of the group.

"Alana. Truth or dare?" She looked up at Alana.

"Truth." Zoe slipped her a random card and drew another one from the deck.

"What's the stupidest thing I've ever done in public? Umm. Probably drop a ton of papers in the hallway?"

Jared and Evan laughed, Connor grinning.

"How is that embarrassing?" Zoe and Jared said at the same time. This only made them laugh more.

"Alright alright." Jared said after he stopped laughing.

"Zoe. Truth or dare." Connor suddenly said.

"Dare...?" Zoe said doubtfully. Connor slipped her a card secretly.

"Whisper something dirty to the person of the opposite gender to your left." Zoe looked to her left to see Alana then Jared. She stretched to reach Jared and whispered one word into Jared's ear.

Jared started laughing uncontrollably.

"That isn't what I was expecting! Zoe that is too dirty!" Jared grinned, Zoe laughing.

"What did s-she say?" Evan asked.

"Mud." They both answered, grinning.

"That's not what you were supposed to do Zoe." Connor looked at her.

"I don't care. It's a dirty thing." She grinned.

"Evan! Truth or dare." Jared looked at Evan and grinned.

"Dare I guess?" He earned applause from the girls. Jared gave him the card.

"J-Jared you know I can't...."

He set the card down and picked up a punishment card. It read "Do the original dare."

"I-I..." Evan froze and looked at Connor. Zoe grabbed the card and read it.

"Go to the park with the person to your right and make out." All three others began laughing and didn't stop anytime soon.

"I swear to god, Jared." Connor stood up, Evan looking at him.

"FaceTime us when you get there." Zoe grinned and shoved them out the door. Connor tried to go back in but it was locked. Evan grabbed Connor's hand and walked downstairs with him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Connor stopped, Evan looking back at him.

"W-we have to d-don't we?" Evan sighed and kept walking. Connor unlocked his car as Evan locked the front door. The two hopped into the car and drove off, Connor finding a park that was close but far enough that they knew nobody there.

Finally, they arrived. Connor parked and got out, Evan doing the same. Evan got a FaceTime call from Jared and answered it.

"You there yet?" Jared asked, Zoe and Alana in view of the camera.

"Y-Yeah. We're on a bench." Evan sat down next to Connor. The park was partly empty and they were under a tree. Only two moms chatting and three kids were there. The two were slightly hidden from them, though.

"Kiss!" The three chanted at home. Evan kissed Connor suddenly and hung up. Connor was shocked at first but adjusted to be comfortable. He held Evan's hand and they continued.

As that happened, one of the kids saw them. They stared for a moment before sliding off the playground and running to their mother. They said something that Evan and Connor couldn't hear and pointed at the couple.

On the bench, the two continued, hidden under a willow tree. However, not hidden enough, because when they pulled apart, the mother of one child was standing in front of them with a glare.

"Excuse me, but this neighborhood does not need you two doing unholy acts! You are leaving a bad impression on my child." She glared at the two, Evan trying to hide behind Connor.

The other woman walked up from behind and saw the two boys holding hands, doing the little hand thing where you go up down and then to the sides. (I don't know what it's called)

"Umm. Excuse me? It didn't seem like we were disturbing you. It's not like we were having hot gay sex on a bench in public." Connor stood up, noticing how small the woman was. He laughed a little.

The woman tried to punch him but failed miserably. Connor stopped her fist and pushed her back. Evan jumped up, trying to pull Connor away. The woman then tried to charge at Connor but Evan grabbed Connor's arm. He pulled his boyfriend out of the way and the two ran.

They ran at top speed to Connor's car being chased by a homophobic woman. Wow. Connor hopped into the car and so did Evan, locking the doors and driving off. He flipped the woman off as he sped away.

Evan caught his breath as Connor drove back, FaceTiming Jared.

"Sup Homo." Jared answered.

"We got chased by a homophobic woman.

"Holy shit!" Zoe spoke this time.

"Zoe!" Alana scolded.

"Yeah I flipped her off in front of her child. She had a huge cross necklace it was funny." Connor grinned, Evan facing the camera at him so they could see.

"We're on our way back though." Evan spoke to the others.

"I'm grabbing milkshakes what flavors do you guys want." Connor looked at the camera, parking at an ice cream shop.

"Zoe wants cookies and cream, Jared wants rocky road, and I'll take vanilla." Alana said, taking the phone.

"I'll s-see you guys when w-we get back." Evan said before hanging up.

"Could I get chocolate? I can pay if you want or-" Evan hopped out of the car with Connor.

"It's fine. I'll pay." Connor smiled, pushing the door open. He walked up to the counter.

"Could I get one rocky road shake, one vanilla shake, one cookies and cream shake, one chocolate shake, and a cookie dough shake?" Connor managed to not forget anything when he ordered surprisingly.

"Yes sir." The man behind the counter made the shakes, Connor paid, and Evan grabbed a few and helped carry them to the car.

When they arrived home, Truth or Dare continued for a little, Alana dropping one F-bomb that shocked everyone. Other games were played and none of them had a care in the world. They ended up going to sleep at 4:30 AM, Jared in his sleeping bag, Alana on Evan's bed, Zoe on a mini chair in the corner, and Connor and Evan sharing a sleeping bag.

Hope you enjoyed! This was kind of a filler chapter since I'm planning on a sort of sad chapter next? I thought I would throw some happiness before some depression so yeah. Also 300 Reads? Holy shit guys. I wasn't expecting that.
Anyways, thanks for reading!

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