Avi + Sami

By thenomtron

1.5K 68 12

Best friends Or is it more More

Her hair was soft
Dr Pepper
Little spoon
If you're willing
Mario kart
The one
Im gonna like this
Getting ready
Coffee shop part 1
Coffee shop part 2
Another sleepover

what should we do today?

11 0 0
By thenomtron

"What should we do today?", I asked a still half asleep Sami,

"Ugh", grunted Sam, "I don't know. Its way too early for deep meaningful questions, Avriel"

I chuckled at her using my full name. And she responded with her iconic smirk.

"Fine, fine!", I reassured, "I'll go get us some breakfast, then we, meaning you, can make a decision"

"Sure", replied Sami, easing herself up onto her right elbow while simultaneously rubbing her head with her left hand. She immediately winced slightly, which got my attention.

"What's wrong?", I asked, suddenly my eyes wide open, studying her all over trying to find the answer.

"My arms, I forgot"

My eyes followed as she sat up and rubbed her forearms over the sleeves but didn't roll them up to check underneath what she already knew was there. I knew what she meant. My mind went back to that day where I found her locked up in the bathroom. Trying not to remember, but I could still hear her quiet sobs echoing from the bathroom walls. Eyers and s

I closed my eyes and tensed my eyebrows, trying to drown out the memories. As I opened my eyes again, I took Sami's hands in mine, kissed the back of both them in turn, then rested my forehead on them.

"That's in the past now. I'll be with you while they heal. And I'll be with you to see you through anything that might make that happen again"

I slowly rose my head to connect eye contact. It looked like her eyes had glazed over, I could tell that he didn't know what to say but she slowly nodded, then after a couple of seconds, she whispered, "I promise too. I'm sorry"

I sighed and shook my head, smiling.

I let go of her hands, and leant forward to hug her.

"Don't be sorry," I paused as she wrapped her arms around my back, sighing from the warmth, "I'll always be here for you"

"Thank you", she whispered in response.

She nuzzled her face further into my shoulder, getting a face full of hair, she then breathed in deeply, then slowly let it back out again, I smiled at her contentment. I wasn't going to let her go until she was ready.

"Can you breathe fine in there?", I murmured.

I felt her nod, "Your hair smells amazing as always"

I grinned at her statement, then patted her back lightly to get her attention once more.

"How do you want your coffee, by the way?"

She then pulled away, looking at me slightly puzzled, "You know I like it milky with 2 sugars"

I chuckled again, "No, no, do you want it with caramel? Whipped cream? Chocolate?"

She soon caught my drift, "One caramel frappucino please!"

Our closest starbucks was just at the end of our road, edging onto town. The baristas who work in there know us and the band personally as we all go in there monthly if not weekly for band meetings and arrangements. It made a lot of aspects better when I found out Sami's apartment was a walk away,

"I'll just put on my shoes-", Sami started before I stopped her,,

"Don't worry about it! This is my treat, why don't you freshen yourself up and get changed, and we can decide what we want to do when I get back."

As I stood up and looked at sam for her response, she just sat there with a big cheesy smile across her face.

"What is it?", I questioned.

She then looked up at me, still grinning, "You're so amazing. Do you know that?"

I laughed, "I try"

She laughed back as she swung her legs rund and stood up from the bed.

"Ok, I'll have a shower while your out. You better at least change your shirt before you go out, mister"

"Fine!", I sarcastically remarked, "But no peeping!"

"If I must", Sam insisted sitting back on the bed as I grabbed a clean shirt from the wardrobe. She sat to face me, and placed her fingers over her eyes, but obviously spread them out so she could see through.

I chuckled singularly and turned around, proceeding to slide the shirt that i was wearing over my head and then throw it to the ground.

"Hmph", I heard from behind me as I swiftly switched it out for another graphic tee without any pause for ogling in between.

I turned around afterwards, acting shocked when I noticed her there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Did I miss something?", I asked innocently"

"Only the opportunity for me to appreciate your manly frame... but it's too late for that now!"

She smirked as she pulled out her hair band and flicked her long black hair in my direction as she got up and strode past me toward the bathroom. I just stared at her, as I always did, in total awe. After smiling to myself, I then turned back to the wardrobe to grab a jacket.

"Oh. Take this", Sami quickly added, as she then threw a black and grey wooly scarf in my direction before closing the bathroom door behind her. I wasn't really a scarf wearing guy, but the autumn winds around these areas can get really chilly and sharp sometimes.

I reluctantly pulled it round my neck before grabbing my jacket from a hanger then turned to stomp through the kitchen towards the front door.

I found my boots by the stairwell of the front door. I had finished lacing them up by the time Sami had turned on the water, so there was no point calling goodbye over the sound of water streaming.

I pulled my beanie onto my head that I had grabbed from the back of the sofa as I walked past earlier, then proceeded to pat each pocket for my phone and wallet, which were still there.

I then let myself out of the front door and closed it silently before heading down the corridor of the 3rd floor, then darting down two flights of stairs as I pulled on my jacket.

As soon as I opened the front door of the apartment complex, the brisk wind immediately felt as though it was grabbing at my nose and cheeks.

I took a sharp breath in turn and pulled the scarf up over my beard then hooked it over my nose so my warm breathing would at least warm my face.

As I stepped out and turned back to shut the door behind me, I looked up to samis window and silently thanked her for the scarf with a short nod.

I then set off down the road to grab her a coffee.

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