Coffee shop part 1

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I noticed Sami had clenches the ends of her sleeves in her clenched fists as we entered the coffee shop. She looked up at me worriedly when I pulled her into my side.
"You're doing great so far," I whispered.
She nodded gratefully in response.

We followed Kevin as he frantically from left to right for our bandmates.

After a moment of clueless staring, he turned to us and shrugged,
"I can't see them anywhere. They're always the last ones to arrive!"

Both Sami and I turned abruptly as a familiar squeak sounded from begin us. Mitch pushed through the windowed coffee shop door and approached us with confidence. Followed by the 6ft Scott.

Moth lightly bounced as we greeted one another,
"Sorry we're late, me and Scott... we had to-"
"Mitch couldn't decide which shoes to wear..."
Sami giggled as Mitch nudged his friend.

Kevin placed a hand on my shoulder, "Come on y'all. You guys are the very definition of late!"
"Let's just sit down already!", I spoke after clearing my throat.
Sami simply nodded eagerly and pointed to the corner by a window.

We followed her gaze to a fairly large table and settled pretty quickly.
Sami reluctantly chose the seat closest to the wall, and I smiled, appreciating that she hasn't fully warmed up to everyone yet. I let her have her way and I sat next to her.

Mitch was the first to start eyeing up the menu. Scott distracted himself with Twitter.
I subconsciously realised Sami twitched her leg up and down while fidgeting her hands underneath the table.
Placing a palm on her thigh, I sent a smile in her direction.

"I like your beanie by the way," Mitch started, "Where'd you get it?"
Scott simply snorted, followed by Kevin. We all knew the answer.
"Beard man right here," Sami poked my shoulder then flipped onto my side.
I forced a chuckle, followed my a collective laughter.

"What's all this ruckus about?",Entered a stern voice.
Both Mitch and Scott leapt to their feet in unison.
"Mama bear!", Mitch squeaked.
"Kirstie-chu!", Scott chirped.

Kevin and I simply sat, admiring their three way hug. Sami's giggles quietness down as the trio immediately burst into converse.

"Hey munchkin!", Kevin interrupted their energetic squabbling, "Where's Jeremy?"
Kirstie sat herself beside Scott, opposite K.O.,
"He's a little under the weather. That meant I could also leave Olaf with him. I didn't wanna bring too much hassle with me"

I guided my hand under the table to grip Sami's. As the others chatted constantly, I took the chance to turn to her and smile,
"Thank you for coming out with us today," our finger linked under her sleeves, "I'm proud of you"

Avi + SamiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz