Isolated [A Alien Isolation F...

By xenoX323

9K 231 75

{ Currently being rewritten } "This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo. Signing Off." My name is Samant... More

1- Closing the Book
2- Welcome To Sevastopol
3- Axel
4- Encounter
5- Flight Recorder
6- Seegson Communications
7- Samuels Is Alive
9- Kuhlman's Death
News Update

8- Meeting Kuhlman

617 16 8
By xenoX323

You Are Becoming Hysterical -Working Joe


Amanda and I stayed hidden underneath the desk in the other room as we both watched the Motion Tracker. We soon hear the two synthetics in the other room, but we stayed quiet not knowing if they were going to come in here.

I soon hear the familiar voice of theirs as the Motion Tracker showed them walking around the room. Both of them didn't come inside the room we were hiding in and they soon walked away.

I watched the Motion Tracker till it showed they were gone and Amanda and I got out of underneath the desk. I looked around and saw another blueprint and I picked it up seeing it was for a EMP.

"We can use this to stun them, but it won't last forever." I say as I show her the blueprint and Amanda nods. "Can you build one?" She asked me and I checked, but realized we were missing some parts.

"Sadly no, but we can probably find some parts for it soon." I say as I roll it up and put it with the other blueprints. "Let's get out of here." Amanda says and I nod realizing we now have to go all the way back.

We walk out of the room and down the hall till we walk back into the room where the synthetic was laying on the ground behind the counter. Amanda and I walk up the short set of stairs, but she quickly pulls me down when we walk through the door.

I peek over seeing one of them standing at the end of the hallway where we came from. "Where now?" I ask her in a quiet voice and she looks around before pointing towards the open door in front of us that leads into a control room.

"But that's where most of them are." I say, but Amanda pulls me behind her as we stay crouched. We sneak into the control room and hide behind the desks as we watch the few synthetics walk around.

"Come on, they don't see us." Amanda wispers to me and immediately one of the grabs my arm from behind me. I scream and Amanda hits its head making it stumble back. We quickly run out of the control room and back where we came from.

I hear them behind us as we rush into the elevator and Amanda quickly hits the buttons making the door close right before they caught up to us.

I gasp and take deep breaths trying to calm myself down. "Why can't anything on this damn station be kind and not try to kill us?" I asked in between breaths and Amanda sighs as we wait for the elevator to stop.

"Can't say I got an answer for that one." Amanda says as the elevator soon stops and the door opens. We walk out of the elevator and I immediately see the man's body from before, but we ignore him as we walk past him.

We walk through the door at the end and I look over seeing the synthetic behind the counter walking away. We continue to walk through the halls till we come across the staircase we walked up before.

Amanda and I walk down the stairs and we immediately crouch when we see a synthetic in the distance, but somehow it heard us. "Strange." It said, but before we could hide behind something it turned around and saw us.

"What are you doing here?" It asked and we immediately tried to run past it, but it grabbed Amanda and I quickly grab the Maintenance Jack off of Amanda and hit it. It stumbled back and I grabbed Amanda's arm.

"We gotta run!" I yelled as I saw more of them walk towards us and we dashed through the halls and room, not knowing where we were going as long as we got away from the synthetics.

Through all the running and hearing the synthetics behind us, we come across the elevator we were looking for and we quickly get inside of it. I hit the button to go to Lorenz Systech Lobby and the door closes leaving the synthetics behind.

Amanda and I take deep breaths and I hand her back the Maintenance Jack. She nods and takes it, "Thanks." I nod as I was to out of breath to respond. The elevator starts to move and soon stops and opens revealing the room where the woman and men were, their bodies still at the same spots.

Amanda and I walk out of the elevator and I hear the creature in the vents above us. I take out my Motion Tracker and see that it was nearby. The vents continue to make noise as it crawled through them and Amanda walks towards the door at the end.

The Motion Tracker becomes silent and I put it away as we walk through the door. Amanda and I walk through the other door and we go down one of the stairs. Amanda calls the Transit car, but I hear the creature jump out of the vent up the stairs.

Amanda and I freeze, but we quickly look around for a place to hide. I hear the creature coming closer and I see empty lockers we could hide in. Amanda notices them to and we both immediately run into on either side of the lobby and close it.

I see the creature walk into the lobby and look around, it's long tail being dragged on the floor. It hisses as it walks around, each time walking by either me or Amanda. It soon disappears and I hear it jump into a vent.

When I was sure it was gone, I open the locker and sigh out in relief as Amanda gets out of a locker as well. I look up seeing the Transit car arrived and we quickly get inside and the door closes.

We both sigh in relief as we feel the Transit car move forward. "I'm going to be so glad when that thing is dead." Amanda says and I nod knowing she was talking about the creature. "Well I hope there's at least one synthetic that won't try to kill us." I say thinking that we have been attacked more by synthetics than the creature.

"I doubt it." Amanda says and the Transit car soon stops. The door opens revealing Samuels standing there. "Ripley. Samantha. Taylor's over here." He says and we walk towards Taylor who was laying on the ground propped up against the wall.

"Ripley? Samantha? Is that them...?" Taylor asks as we crouch beside her. Her hand was keeping pressure on a spot on her jumpsuit that was stained with blood. "Try and rest, Taylor." Samuels says as she crouches beside her as well.

"How is she?" I asked and Samuels looked up at us. "She needs treatment. Medical's nearby, but I didn't want to leave her." Samuels says as he lays his hand on the wound on her waist and keeps pressure on it as well.

"We'll go an investigate. See what we can find. You stay with her." Amanda says and Samuels nods. "I'll try to repair the radio booster. What if this... "creature" shows up?" He asked us and I look at Amanda before answering, "Hide."

"Unauthorized security breach detected, all transit shut down by order of APOLLO." The speakers say in the lobby as I hear the transits shut off. Amanda and I get up and check on Taylor for a brief second before we left the lobby and walked up the short set of stairs.

We walk through a open door and the metal blinds covering the small windows on the wall opens, revealing the planet beside the station and letting light inside the room.

"You. Hey, you. Need some help?" A male voice says over the speakers and Amanda and I look around. "We need a doctor. Hello? We need-" Amanda says till the man stops her. "I can't hear you. Hang on." I look around and see cameras facing us and I guess that's how he's seeing us.

The elevator besides one of the cameras opens and the man says, "Come up. I've opened the elevator for the two of you." Amanda and I walk inside and push the button and the door closes. The elevator soon stops and the door opens.

Amanda and I walk out of the elevator and we were about to walk towards the door that was near us till the man said, "Forget the door. The Marshals locked everything down. Use the vent."

Amanda and I walk around till we see a vent in the wall. I was a bit hesitant knowing the creature is in the vents, but Amanda crawls in and I sigh and follow. We started to climb up the ladder and the man says, "Relax. I'm closing the vent behind you. Just to be safe."

Amanda turns on her flashlight and we crawl through till we drop down and land in a hallway. Amanda and I look around as she turns off her flashlight. "You're not catching us at our best." The man says as we walk into a room. "Right." I say as we walk up the very small set of stairs.

We walk inside of what looked like a waiting room and I see a man sitting behind the glass wall at a desk. "I'm Kuhlman." He said as we walked towards him.

"Ripley. This is Samantha. We need to find a doctor." Amanda says as Kuhlman turns around to face us in his chair. "I'm a doctor." He says and I nod, "Our friend needs help. Medical supplies."

"Me too." Kuhlman says and I sigh. "There are no supplies on this level. But there are plenty downstairs, in the hospitals dispensary." He adds and Amanda asks, "How do we get there?"

"We? If you're thinking of me joining you two I can't. Do I look like I'm any fit state?" Kuhlman says he looks around the room he is in. "I need your help, and you need mine. You find the passcode for the service elevator, and then I'll come down to the hospital with you, okay?" He says and I look at him confused.

"Passcode?" I asked not knowing we needed a passcode. "Yeah. I can direct you from here." Kuhlman says as he continues. "Morley or Lingard would have had the new passcode. Morley's office is your best bet."

Amanda and I nod as we walk towards the other door, but it was locked. Amanda hits the emergency override button beside it and the door opens. "Come on. Let's work together, huh? Mutual benefit." Kuhlman says as we walk through the hallway.

Now it's time to find Morley's office.

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