superficial love | jaerosé

Od ibiasjinah

270K 14K 12.8K

jung jaehyun and park chaeyoung are two internationally famous idols that find themselves caught in a dating... Více

prologue ↻
nine point five.


10K 602 406
Od ibiasjinah

superficial love

chapter eight - the 'real' performance begins.

Upon being inside, Chaeyoung and Jaehyun now had their hands interlocked, and the place was swarming with different celebrities.

There were a lot of older celebrities such as actors or emcees standing around and chatting, and there were some idol groups who would only briefly greet people before rushing off to their changing rooms.

As Jaehyun and Chaeyoung were to stay together up until the second half of performances, they merely stood around the large hall and chatted among themselves in a more distant area.

"Your members were walking down the red carpet and getting interviewed after us, right?" Jaehyun asked, though he was pretty sure he was correct.

"Yeah, they should be coming in soon..." Chaeyoung said, "you want me to introduce you, right?"

Jaehyun nodded. "Even though I already know Jisoo," he laughed. "It'd be nice to meet the other two."

Chaeyoung was glad to hear that he'd like to meet her other members, but for some reason, felt nervous.

They had officially gotten to that 'meeting each other's friends/family' stage, and Chaeyoung could hear the voice in the back of her mind telling her that was the first mistake, as she'd only get attached.

"You ready to meet my members though? There's quite a lot of them." Jaehyun says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Chaeyoung had almost forgotten that she'd have to be introduced to all of them today as well.

"I know a few of them, I think." Chaeyoung says, recalling the members that she's seen a lot and the members the other BLACKPINK members have collaborated with.

Jaehyun nods before a playful grin breaks out on his face. "Hm, can you name some of them for me?"

Chaeyoung laughs, playfully swatting his arm.

She then ponders for a second.

"Well... you host the radio talkshow with Johnny... and your leader is Taeyong..." She went on, in which Jaehyun nods, listening. "Then there's Mark, who I hear a lot about... um- oh! Of course, there's Doyoung..." Chaeyoung bit her lip, doing her best. "Then... Ten! The one who danced with Lisa. Um, and I think I read an article about Yuta awhile ago that said he was the only debuted Japanese person in SM. That's pretty cool." She says, and Jaehyun laughs.

"Yeah... know any more?" He inquires with a raise of his eyebrows.

The prevailing look on her face is one of someone desperately trying to remember more names.

Jaehyun gives her a moment more.

"Taeil!" She finally exclaims, and then snaps her fingers. "Ah! I almost forgot! Haechan, too."

Unfortunately, that was all the names Chaeyoung could recall.

"And i'm finished." Chaeyoung says, heaving a sigh.

Jaehyun shakes his head in a facade of disappointment.

"You have a lot of studying to do, missy." Jaehyun fake-scolds, followed by a smile. "But don't worry, you'll be meeting them all soon."

Chaeyoung only hopes she doesn't make an awkward mess out of herself in front of Jaehyun's many members.

She nods, placing a hand to her forehead in a fake salute. "Yes, sir."

"Are those not your members coming our way?" Jaehyun says, suddenly looking serious as he nods his head behind Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung immediately turns around to see her three members looking beautiful as they were all glammed-up and already wearing their expensive-looking, stylish performance outfits.

They had all rushed over with a squeal.

"Chaeyoung, look at you!" Jennie exclaims as they all gush over her dress, hair, and makeup.

"SO pretty, seriously." Lisa says, feeling the silky fabric of Chaeyoung's elegant dress.

Jisoo clapped her hands together, looking at the dazzling 'couple' in front of her.

"You guys looked so good together on the red carpet. I loved it. Every second of it." She sighs, content with their well-suited visuals and sweet-but-not-to-the-point-you-wanted-to-throw-up  gestures.

Jaehyun and Chaeyoung thanked the girls for the compliments until Chaeyoung had realized she needed to do the introducing.

"Jaehyun, this is Jennie." Chaeyoung points to the girl with long, black hair. "And, this is Lisa." She says, pointing to the girl with the blonde hair and bangs.

Of course, Jaehyun knew their names, but they've never met one-on-one.

"Nice to meet you both." He bows politely with a smile.

Jennie and Lisa both greeted back with the same politeness and smiles, and Chaeyoung was happy to see everyone was very casual with one another.

"Was it difficult for you guys?" Jennie asked, wanting to know all the details of how walking on the red carpet was like as a couple.

"Was what difficult?" Chaeyoung asks.

"You know... walking on the carpet... looking cute.. answering questions." Jisoo continued.

"Yeah, tell us all of it!" Lisa added, thrilled.

Jaehyun and Chaeyoung exchanged looks.

"It all seemed very natural for me." Jaehyun laughs, "Chaeyoung's a professional at it. I sort of just went with the flow." He admits.

Chaeyoung's eyes widen at him in disbelief. "You're the natural here!" Chaeyoung jabs at his arm with a finger. "I literally only felt 'natural' because of Jaehyun. I was nervous, yeah, but it was a lot less scary than I thought it'd be." She says, "Maybe because Jaehyun was there? I don't know." Chaeyoung shrugs, not thinking it meant much.

The other three girls exchanged looks, clearly thinking it meant a lot.

"Hmm..." Jisoo hums out loud, "I don't know about you guys... but it seems our Chaeyoung is in love?" She 'whispers' to the other girls, resulting in Chaeyoung's jaw dropping open and the others- including Jaehyun, to laugh.

"Quit it, Jisoo!" Chaeyoung whisper-yells to her, embarrassed.

"Hey, now, Jisoo," Jennie 'scolds', "let's not embarrass our baby in front of her date for the night."

Their collective laughs only made Chaeyoung roll her eyes with a smile.

It was like they all had forgotten for a moment that Jaehyun was still in love with someone else.

And for a moment, Jaehyun and Chaeyoung could play-pretend that they truly were in love.

For some reason, Chaeyoung wanted to enjoy this moment.

"Do you guys know where your seats are, yet?" Lisa had asked, since the couple clearly wouldn't be with their own groups for the first half of performances.

Chaeyoung shook her head. "We're not even sure where we're supposed to go. No one's managing us."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "Why would you need two need a manager? You guys are a couple. You just sit at the area where the actors and emcees sit, and there should be a reserved table with your names on it."

They both "ohh", nodding slowly.

"Then, when first performances are done, you obviously head to the dressing rooms with us." Lisa adds, and Chaeyoung only wonders why Minji or Ahn-min hadn't given Jaehyun and her a full-set of instructions of what they were supposed to do and where to go.

"Well, we can't be out here long, gotta head to the dressing rooms." Jennie says upon realizing the other groups were heading straight to their designated dressing rooms.

"You guys know where the room is?" Chaeyoung asks, confused as they've only performed here two times and the dressing rooms change everytime.

"Wonshik is right over there waiting for us." Lisa points to the other side of the hall, where their manager was indeed standing and chatting with someone. "Looks like he has a friend...? Oh, never mind. That's just manager Sungmin."

"Well then," Jisoo turns to the two, "we better get going."

Chaeyoung pouts, reaching her hands out to her members for a big group hug.

Jaehyun smiles warmly as he watches their sister-like bond.

"Good luck, we love you!" Jennie had whispered into Chaeyoung's ear.

They all pulled away before turning to Jaehyun.

"You!" Lisa points, "take care of her!" She laughs, and Jaehyun nods with a smile.

"I will!"

The girls then waved 'bye' to the couple before heading over to their manager.

Just as Chaeyoung was about to say something, someone had interrupted her.

"Chaeyoung, Jaehyun!" Minji's familiar voice called out.

The two whipped around to see a bright Minji heading their way, followed by a charismatic looking man holding a microphone and a camera-man following them.

Chaeyoung and Jaehyun greet Minji before bowing to the man and the camera-man, as well.

They were surprised as Minji had just randomly shown up, and curious why she hadn't shown up before as the two were practically lost.

"You both looked amazing on the red carpet!" She beams. "This is Han Seoksun. He's a reporter from 'everythinghallyu' and wants an interview from you guys."

"Oh, it's an honor." Jaehyun says, bowing again as Chaeyoung follows.

'everythinghallyu' aside from 'Dispatch!' was the top Korean celebrity entertainment/news site, and regarding reports on the newly announced couple, Jaehyun and Chaeyoung had gotten such positive and encouraging comments which they both were thankful for. 

Chaeyoung suddenly whispers something into Minji's ear, and Minji quickly turns back to the guys.

"Chaeyoung and I need to run to the bathroom. Jaehyun, do you think you can do the interview alone?" Minji says apologetically, and Jaehyun almost bursts out laughing at Chaeyoung's embarrassed face.

"I suppose she drank too much lemonade." Jaehyun teases before shoo'ing them away. "I can do the interview, no worries."

"Alright, perfect. Sorry! We'll be back!" Minji says before leading Chaeyoung to the bathrooms.

As they walk away, Seoksun and Jaehyun chuckle as they hear Minji lightly scolding Chaeyoung.

"Why didn't you use the bathroom beforehand?!"

"Alright, Jaehyun. I'm just going to be asking you a few questions about you and Chaeyoung." Seoksun tells the younger man with a grin.

Jaehyun nods with a dimpled smile.

"And we are on in 3...2...1..-" The cameraman counts down.

Seoksun stands next to Jaehyun, and they both smile as the cameraman begins filming.

"Hello everyone, Han Seoksun here with NCT's Jung Jaehyun for Golden Disc Music Awards 2018 (DAY 1)." The reporter introduces himself and Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun," Seoksun says, turning to face him. "Today, you arrived and walked the red carpet with not NCT, but with  BLACKPINK's Park Chaeyoung, instead. Please, give us details!" Seoksun then holds the mic to Jaehyun's mouth, and Jaehyun gulped, unsure of how to begin.

"Uh, yeah." He begins, deciding to just let it flow. "Chaeng actually just ran to the bathroom, so-" He laughs before continuing.

"The two of us were invited to walk the red carpet as a couple, which was really nerve-wrecking and exciting for the both of us, but it turned out to be really fun. I guess we were just being ourselves on the red carpet, and that really helped us to ease-up in front of everyone. She's pretty shy, actually, but I think she was amazing." Jaehyun answers confidently.

"Yes, you both looked great on the red carpet and we absolutely loved seeing the interactions." Seoksun praises, and Jaehyun thanks him quietly with a dimpled grin.

"And correct me if i'm wrong, but you two have been dating for a little over a year...? We all know how difficult that can be, how did you two manage to last this long as a younger couple, as well?" Seoksun begins to query the more difficult questions now, and Jaehyun can only open his mouth and wish for the best as his mind was currently not processing any thoughts.

"Y-yeah, a little over a year now. If i'm correct, a year and... two months? I want to say. Almost three months." Jaehyun prayed he was doing the math right in his head, as he didn't want to look suspicious for getting their dating timeline wrong. "I really hope I got that right, or Chaeng won't be too happy." Jaehyun jokes, trying his best to seem natural and passive about it.

"I think what kept us strong is the friendship." Jaehyun says cautiously, not wanting to completely make up a lie. "We both are very comfortable with each other, but I think respect for each other is important, so to speak. I wouldn't do anything that would disrespect her, and i'm sure she wouldn't do anything that may disrespect me."

'How ironic.' Jaehyun thought to himself.

Jaehyun honestly felt like he was having an internal battle with himself aloud.

"Obviously, we both are idols and didn't want to upset our lovely fans, but our relationship was just very personal to the both of us. It's truly the only thing we could keep as 'our little secret', but I love being able to hold her hand now. I hope people aren't too angry at the two of us, and I beg others don't be angry at Chaeyoung as she truly does have the kindest heart and is always thinking of her supporters." Jaehyun proclaimed.

Mentally patting himself on the back, he felt he answered that one pretty good. Phew.

Seoksun nods along with every sentence Jaehyun says, smiling as Jaehyun was very eloquent and took the questions well.

"Whose idea was it to go public?" Seoksun then asks.

Jaehyun freezes.

The question had brought him back to the times where him and Yerim would sneak out to sit on top of the SM training building's roof and talk about their future together.

"Wow, look at that star! It's so bright!" Yeri exclaimed, pointing up to the sky as she knocked her white sneakers against Jaehyun's.

It was a Saturday night. After a long night of practice and catching up on schoolwork, the other trainees they hung with would either go have 'free-time', head straight to sleep, or practice some more.

Jaehyun and Yeri, however, would sneak up to the roof to see one another.

Jaehyun smiled as he glanced up to look at the star-filled sky for himself.

"Almost as bright as you." He says smoothly, and Yeri rolls her eyes with a playful smile before leaning her head on his shoulder.

They sit in silence for a moment before Yeri interlaces her fingers with his.

"Jaehyun." She says softly.

"Hm?" Jaehyun hums in reply, heart racing as Yeri ran her tiny thumbs over his.

"When you and I both debut," she begins to say, "do you think we can still be... together?"

Jaehyun sighed as Yeri brought up the topic for the millionth time.

She was soon debuting, but Jaehyun wasn't even near debuting.

Still, he was positive they could make it work. Even if others called it 'puppy-love', he was sure Yeri and him would last.

"Yeri, quit worrying about it. We're going to be just fine." He assures, patting her head gently.

"You always say that." Yeri frowns, pulling her hand from his and pouting as she scoots away from him.

"You never know. You know how idols are when they date. They can't reveal it to the public, and of course, they don't want to. I don't know if I would want to." Yeri says quietly, looking down to stare at her sneakers.

Jaehyun tries not to frown, but what she had just said truly got to him.

"Well, first of all, we aren't dating." Jaehyun said, sticking out his tongue at her.

Yeri's jaw dropped open, until Jaehyun immediately put his hands up in defense. "Yet! Yet! I meant, yet!" He corrects himself, and Yeri rolls her eyes.

"Love is love. You can't deny it. If worse comes to worst, I'll be the one to reveal it. I'd want everyone to know how much I really love my girl. That's a promise." Jaehyun smiled, and Yeri's frown dissipated despite still keeping her distance and avoiding eye-contact.

"And whose your girl?" She finally says, causing Jaehyun to smile.

"Kim Yerim." Jaehyun sing-songs, opening his arms wide as Yeri laughs, walking back into his arms.

"I-it was my idea." Jaehyun stutters, feeling just a hint of heartache. "Like I said, Chaeng can be shy and she didn't want to upset anyone, but I just thought if not now, then it's never going to come out." He responds, recomposing himself.

Seoksun nods. "On that note, 'everythinghallyu' sincerely wishes you two the best and hope we'll be seeing even more from you two. The fact that you two are dating really surprised many people, but fortunately you two are receiving very supportive messages." Seoksun says to Jaehyun before turning to face the camera.

"Well, that wraps up our interview with Jung Jaehyun, everyone!" Seoksun announces. "Please look forward to NCT and BLACKPINKs' individual performances tonight, and Jaehyun- we hope to see you two married in the future." Seoksun teases, causing Jaehyun to slightly blush.

"And it looks like Chaeyoung has returned, please say a quick 'hello'!" Seoksun says, and the camera turns to face the shy Chaeyoung who had resumed to stand by Jaehyun's side.

She bowed to the camera, waving.

"Alright, it was a pleasure to have interviewed NCT's Jung Jaehyun. That's all for this couple, thank you!" Seoksun wraps up as Jaehyun and Chaeyoung wave 'goodbye' to the camera.

"Pleasure was all mine, thank you." Jaehyun says to Seoksun after the camera had stopped recording.

"Oh, no, not at all. Thank you. You guys are a beautiful couple." Seoksun compliments again, "but I must get going. Thank you for your time!" He pats Jaehyun on the back and flashes Minji a smile before him and his cameraman leave.

"I hope everything went okay...?" Minji asks, turning to Jaehyun, unsure.

Jaehyun tilted his head. "Eh, I think I did pretty good."

Minji nodded. "I trust in you." She sighs, "meanwhile, we had to call two stylists to help with Chaeyoung's dress because she needed to pee and the dress is certainly beautiful, but my goodness, that was hell to take off and put back on." Minji says, causing the couple to laugh.

"Hey, I was the one actually wearing it!" Chaeyoung frowns, recalling the hardships they had to put up with just for her to urinate.

Jaehyun laughed, before something  had caught his eye.

His members had just walked into the doors, and were currently being lead by their managers as they bowed to everyone in their sight.

The line of boys in flashy performance outfits seemed never-ending as they walked through the grand hall in an orderly fashion.

Jaehyun was about to call them over to greet Chaeyoung, but Minji seemed to have a better proposal.

"Okay, kids. I'll now be taking you to your seats as you don't have a separate dressing room." Minji says, and before they knew it, they were being lead down the opposite side of where the other idols were headed, and into the large arena.

Fans had yet to be allowed into the arena, but staff and tech-crew were running around on stage left to right to perfect everything, the sound system was being frequently checked for any flaws, and what seemed like a hundred cameras in different angles were being tested before the big show began.

The first-act idols had already been mic and sound tested an hour ago, so Jaehyun and Chaeyoung were happy they were both second-act idols as they got to arrive later on.

The arena was tremendous in size, and it was so interesting to see it this empty and with the lights on.

Minji had lead the couple down the large, velvet floored stairs to the seating area where the emcees, celebrity couples, and other solo artists were sat.

Chaeyoung and Jaehyun had both bowed deeply as they greeted the emcees for the night, Ahn Hani and Kim Heechul.

Heechul immediately greeted Jaehyun with a hug as an older-brother, and Hani was more casual to Jaehyun as well as they had met before.

Chaeyoung, however, has only met Heechul on another variety show and was still shy.

Hani, known for being a kind and lovely older sister-like idol gives Chaeyoung a hug, anyway.

"Nice to see the newest young celebrity couple." Heechul says, nudging Jaehyun.

"You guys are adorable!" Hani squeals.

"I'm a big fan of BLACKPINK." She tells Chaeyoung, who immediately gasps.

Chaeyoung is touched by the confession.

"Thank you! We, too love EXID and I really look up to you." Chaeyoung says, and Hani hides behind her little emcee card as she's shy.

After their little greetings, Hani and Heechul were rushed off to get ready while Chaeyoung and Jaehyun went to their seats.

They had the smallest of the circular tables, only seating two chairs as they sat directly in the middle.

As Minji had run off to do whatever after making sure they were seated in the right spot, Jaehyun and Chaeyoung were left alone.

Jaehyun scooted his chair closer to Chaeyoung as they sat their quietly, observing their surroundings.

They were the only idols currently in the section, as the idol groups didn't come in until the fans did.

Chaeyoung yawned, resulting in Jaehyun yawning.

"Hey, don't do that. You're making me yawn. It's like a domino effect." He says, yawning again.

Chaeyoung let out a laugh, they both were very tired.

"You just flew in from Japan last night. How aren't you asleep yet?" Jaehyun asks, resting his head in his hand as he peered at her.

"Says the one who just came back from America." Chaeyoung says, jabbing at his arm. "How are you not asleep?"

Jaehyun lazily smiles. "How can I when I have you in front of me?"

Chaeyoung scrunches her face, physically cringing with her body. "SO cheesy!" She groaned with a laugh.

Jaehyun chuckles before tapping his fingers on the table and looking around the arena once more.

"This place will soon be filled with BLINKs." He murmurs, and Chaeyoung smiles.

"It'll be filled with NCTzens, too." She reminds, and Jaehyun only hums.

"Should I become a BLINK?" He asks, turning to face her again.

Chaeyoung frowns.

"You're not one already? I thought I was officially a NCTzen."

"Ah, okay, okay. Whose your bias then?" Jaehyun questions, teasing her.

"Taeyong." Chaeyoung deadpans, and Jaehyun immediately sits up straight.

"W-wow, really?" He pouts, jutting his bottom lip out.

Chaeyoung laughs, gently pushing his face away. "I'm kidding, I don't even know him. Of course, it's you."

"Mhm. Sure it is." Jaehyun says with a raise of his eyebrow before absentmindedly grabbing onto one of Chaeyoung's hands and laying his head down on it.

"So warm." He comments, and Chaeyoung can feel her heart hammer in her chest for a second before she pulls herself back to reality.

"Go ahead, sleep." She jokingly prompts, and Jaehyun pretends to snore.

The two burst into fits of laughter, and it wasn't until another celebrity came that they regained composure and sat as professionally as possible, for the show was just about to begin.

As the show had officially begun and fans began to fill the arena, so did the other celebrities.

Fans were screaming and cameras were flashing as the introductions had just begun.

Jaehyun and Chaeyoung had spotted their individual groups that sat just a table away from each other-
NCT taking up two large tables and BLACKPINK sitting, ironically, next to RED VELVET.

At one point before the show began, fans sitting on the side where Chaeyoung and Jaehyun sat had begun to chant 'Jaerosé!', which resulted in the couple turning around and waving at them before Jaehyun brought his index fingers to his lips, signaling for them to quiet down.

Chaeyoung and Jaehyun were almost worn out from how many of their seniors they had to stand up and bow to as they sat in their section.

Soon, the performances began, and Chaeyoung grew excited as her friends, TWICE were performing.

She sang along to all their songs, and Jaehyun could only laugh as she was genuinely entranced at the nine girls on stage.

As Chaeyoung had been doing the moves to 'Knock-Knock', the camera panning the audience had cut to her, and Chaeyoung's jaw dropped as her reaction was projected on the big screen.

Immediately, she hid behind her hands with a laugh as Jaehyun clapped his hands and threw his head back, dying from laughter.

"Iconic." He comments after her little mishap, in which she only face-palms.

They continue to watch the first-act idols' performances until a manager had come over to escort Jaehyun and Chaeyoung whilst the last group performing had went on stage.

Jaehyun and Chaeyoung still needed to get changed from their red carpet outfits into their performance outfits, as well as do mic-checks, so they were escorted out earlier.

Upon being lead to their dressing rooms, the two realize their rooms are only two doors down from each other.

"See you soon." Jaehyun calls after Chaeyoung as she's ushered into the BLACKPINK dressing room.

She shouts an "Okay!" in reply before the door is shut and stylists are again, rushing to get Chaeyoung out of the red carpet dress and into her performance outfit.

It didn't take too long, and Chaeyoung was now dressed in a red and white checkered off-the-shoulder dress.

The stylist coordinators touched-up on Chaeyoung's hair and makeup before putting new earrings on her.

As the rest of her BLACKPINK members had walked in to the dressing room, Chaeyoung was being rushed out for sound-check.

They had her backstage checking her mic, back-vocals, and warming up her voice.

She was then ready and given permission to go back to the dressing rooms.

Upon walking in, the girls already had their hair and makeup touched-up and were now doing vocal warm-ups in preparation for the stage.

Chaeyoung was handed some warm water to hydrate herself and clear her throat.

Her members greeted her with teasing of Chaeyoung being caught on camera dancing to 'Knock Knock' before they all began warming up together.

After they were finished, they did their routine group-hug.

"Let's hope we won an award tonight," Jisoo says, "fighting!"

"Let's do well!" Jennie adds, and they cheer for themselves as their managers and stylists clap-along.

BLACKPINK was going to be performing right after NCT, who performed right after RED VELVET.

Chaeyoung thought it was hilarious, really.

As the girls had made their way out to the hallway to standby for their performance in the wait room, the RED VELVET members had just happened to be heading backstage, much to Chaeyoung's dismay.

Chaeyoung gulped as she stood behind Jisoo, who greeted the RED VELVET members enthusiastically as she was good friends with them.

"1...2...3... Hello, we are BLACKPINK." Jisoo lead the greeting, and the BLACKPINK members all bowed.

The RED VELVET members did the same, doing their greeting and bowing politely.

The other members had seemed to gotten along with the BLACKPINK members really well, which Chaeyoung wasn't aware of and also felt awkward about given her circumstance.
Jennie and Jisoo easily spoke to Irene, Wendy, and Seulgi.
Meanwhile, Lisa and Joy spoke while Yeri listened intently.

Chaeyoung had been nervous just thinking about this moment, and she was almost sure Yeri hated her.

However, Yeri in no way looked upset at her, even giving her a warm smile, which Chaeyoung unsurely returned.

"Your dress is so pretty!" Joy compliments Chaeyoung suddenly, which she grows shy at.

"Thank you so much!" Chaeyoung says shyly. "I love your outfits as well."

RED VELVET had on cute and simple matching summer-like outfits, which Chaeyoung liked as they were all so aesthetically pleasing.

"I really look forward to seeing your guys' performance." Yeri suddenly tells Chaeyoung, catching her off-guard.

"O-oh," Chaeyoung stammers. "I'm really looking forward to seeing yours too. I love 'Red Flavor'." Chaeyoung admits shyly, and Yeri smiles brightly with a nod.

"I had 'As If It's Your Last' playing so much when it first came out!" Yeri informs, and Chaeyoung gasps, surprised.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel so relieved seeing Yeri smile at her with no remorse.
It was almost as if... she wasn't bothered at all...
Chaeyoung was almost unsure if this was reality.

"Come on, ladies! Let's go!" RED VELVET's manager rushed them.
Chaeyoung had almost forgot that they were the second group performing and were up next.

"Alright, we gotta go! Text us after the show!" Wendy had said loudly to Jisoo and Jennie, and then waved 'bye' to the others.

The BLACKPINK girls had shouted a last "good luck" to the other girls, who had all looked back with grateful smiles.

Now, the performances have officially begun.

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