Shep689 Oneshots

By breeoc97

28.5K 846 248

Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are married and are finally ready to start their own family. They already have th... More

welcome to shep689 oneshots!
new beginnings
first family vlog!
benji's sick day
grandparents visit!
instagram captions #1
what we always wanted
hospital trip!
telling benji & the fans!
it's a .....
name reveal!
day in the life vlog!
nursery tour
p.o box haul
welcoming coralei
bringing coralei home
instagram captions #2
meet coralei q&a!
first vlog as a family of 4
grandparents meet coralei
all about benji q&a
dentist time
benji's first day of preschool!
snapchat #1
bringing benji home
one year later
benji vlogs
birthday party planning!
rj's birthday!
dear benji
benji's 4th birthday
more birthday fun!
future grandparents
preschool parent-teacher conference!
postpartum depression
instagram captions #3
snapchat #2
trick or treat!
the shepherd's come to town
telling their parents
the aguiar's come to town
adoption q&a
will's birthday!
is the baby coming?!?!
sick day!
baby shower
date night!
parenting q&a
instagram captions #4
rj & benji's fun day
happy anniversary
will & benji's fun day
benji graduates preschool!
we can't believe it!
first dr. appointment
telling the kids!
telling family & the fans!
baby #3 q&a
family time & buying clothes!
it's a ....
hanging out w/ the shepherds!
hanging out w/ the aguiars!
baby boy name reveal
school supplies shopping
first day of school!
benji gets hurt!
nursery reveal
benji's 1st concert
coralei's 1st birthday
benji's 5th birthday
p.o box haul #2
welcoming theodore
skyping with theodore
the kids meet theodore
instagram captions #5
first family of 5 vlog!
grandparents meet theodore
q&a: the hard questions
snapchat #3
benji's book
benji q&a
benji's nightmare
water park!
instagram captions #6
rainy day!
what benji remembers
kindergarten field trip!
he's our boy
benji's first week home
coralei's 1st haircut!
museum day!
adoption is tough sometimes
snapchat #4
benji's first christmas home!
will comes home!
theodore's 1st plane ride
spring break fun!
meeting benji for the 1st time!
all about theodore q&a
fall fun!
ptsd in benji's words
coralei gets glasses
will volunteers in benji's class!
instagram captions #7
coldplay date night
snapchat #5
benji saves his teacher!
coralei gets a big girl bed!
day in the life with ptsd
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
will faints
christmas shopping!
little heart to heart
meeting with santa
we wish you a merry shepherd-aguiar christmas!
benji's 1st school dance
ew! a skunk!
day in the life vlog!
benji's 1st time in florida!
theodore's first outing
instagram captions #8
coralei's bad night
i miss mommy
valentine's day surprise!
snapchats #6
coralei is two!
benji finds out
easter pregnancy announcement!
coralei's 2nd birthday
benji's first soccer game
benji turns six!
instagram captions #9
theodore's 1st birthday
changed our minds?
baby #4 is a.....
name reveal & nursery!
welcoming harlow
mother's day
the kids meet harlow!
instagram captions #10
the family tree grows
harlow's first outing
taking 4 kids shopping!
family quinceanera
benji's biological family q&a
snapchats #7
water park fun!
family meets harlow
theodore goes to sesame street!
buying school supplies & clothes
first day of school
sickness everywhere!
instagram captions #11
coralei's first school field trip
pumpkin patch fun!
a shep689 halloween
coralei turns three!
benji needs glasses
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
benji turns seven!
decorating for christmas & meeting santa
have a holly jolly christmas!
snapchats #8
happy new year!
instagram captions #12
will's birthday celebration
day in the life with four kids!
coralei is little miss sassy
valentine's day
theodore turns two!
instagram captions #13
benji gets his first phone
theodore's sick day
st. patrick's day
redoing coralei's bedroom
seeing the easter bunny!
easter day fun
benji plays hockey!
palm desert vacay!
instagram captions #14
snapchats #9
hard decisions
meeting benji's dad side
family pool day
day in the life vlog ~ summer edition!
dinosaur world!
dobby's tooth extraction
instagam captions #15
snapchats #10
florida fun with family - part 1
florida fun with family - part 2
dobby's birthday
harlow begins to walk!
first day of school
harlow 1st birthday!

wiggly tooth, allergies & more!

170 4 2
By breeoc97

*Will and RJ have a crazy day with their kids! Send suggestions! I hope you enjoy! Love • Bree 💋

Benji is off at school and Will is sitting on the master bed, getting Theodore ready for his doctor's appointment.

"Good morning! Today is Thursday and we am getting ready to take Theodore for his one month appointment with his pediatrician." Will says as Theodore coos in the background.

Will giggles as Theodore and films him laying on the bed looking around.

*Theodore's outfit*

"Coralei needs to see the pediatrician too. So we have gloves at the house, don't ask why, RJ stole a bunch when Coralei was born to play with Benji. So, Coralei was trying to reach them and RJ blew one up and let her play with it. Don't worry, RJ was right with her. But of course, Coralei put the glove in her mouth and now she has hives all over her mouth, arms and legs, so that is why she needs to be seen. I'm pretty sure it's an allergic reaction, but I am just making sure." Will says as RJ brings Coralei over.

*Coralei's outfit*

"Hey! You look so pretty!" Will says and Coralei smiles.

"I itchy!" Coralei says as she giggles.

"Try not to itch the bumps, baby girl. We are going to see Dr. Dimick and get better. Her outfit is so precious. RJ's brother's girlfriend bought this for her. We need to get going and we will see you at the doctors!" Will says as he waves.

Will and RJ pack the car up and get ready to go to the pediatrician's office! RJ drives while Will sits next to him, holding his hand.

Once at the pediatrician's office, RJ picks up Theodore's car seat and Will holds Coralei.

"I walk!" Coralei says as Will let's her walk.

"Follow Papi, baby girl." Will says as Coralei follows behind RJ.

RJ smiles at Will as he holds the door for Coralei and Will.

Will signs Coralei and Theodore in and sits down next to RJ.

Will films RJ holding Coralei on his lap and Theodore in his car seat half asleep.

"I love you." RJ says as he smiles at Will.

"I love you too, babe." Will says as he kisses RJ.

Coralei begins to itch her arm and RJ stops her.

"Don't do that, Coralei. It's okay. We are going to get it fixed." RJ says as he kisses Coralei's cheek. 

After a few minutes, a nurse calls Coralei and Theodore back!

"Coralei and Theodore Shepherd-Aguiar!" Allie the nurse says.

"Let's go, honey bear!" Will says as Coralei holds his hand while RJ is holding Theodore's car seat.

"I am going to weight and check Coralei first and then we can do Theodore when Dr. Dimick comes in. So, he can finish some of his nap." Allie says with a big grin.

"Sounds good." RJ says as he sits Theodore's car seat down.

"Hi, Coralei! You are so pretty! Can you stand on the scale for me?" Allie asks and Coralei steps on the scale.

"Good girl, Coralei!" Will says as he smiles.

"Twenty five pounds! You are getting so big! Okay, can you stand right here for me? To see how tall you are!" Allie says and Coralei stands near the measuring wall.

"Awesome job, standing nice and straight! How old is she? She is very observant and listens so well!" Allie says with a big smile.

"She's seventeen months." Will says proudly.

"You are thirty one inches tall! Tall girl! Okay let's get you guys into your room to wait for Dr. Dimick." Allie says as Coralei, RJ and Will walk into a waiting room.

"Can she have a sticker?" Allie whispers.

"Yes, she can!" RJ says with a smile.

"Coralei, would you like a sticker?" Allie asks Coralei.

"Uh huh!" Coralei says with a grin.

"What do you say?" Will says to Coralei.

"Yes, pwease!" Coralei says making Allie smile.

"Which one would you like?" Allie asks Coralei. Coralei picks a My Little Pony one.

"Fank you!" Coralei says happily.

"You're welcome, sweety! Dr. Dimick will be coming in a few minutes!" Allie says as she waves at Coralei, Will and RJ before leaving.

"You are such a big girl! I am so proud of this girl." RJ says as Coralei itches her face.

"Don't itch your face, baby girl." Will says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

Dr. Dimick walks in a few minutes later.

"Hi, guys! It's so good to see you guys! Hi, Coralei! You have gotten go big since I saw you last!" Dr. Dimick says to Coralei.

"Hi!" Coralei says to Dr. Dimick with a huge smile.

"I see you have some polka dots on your face! What happened?" Dr. Dimick asks Coralei as she looks at Coralei, checking her blood pressure, heart and lungs.

"I pwayed with a gwove that Papi got me!" Coralei says.

"She is a little wheezy but nothing major. And you played with a glove? You made a glove friend?" Dr. Dimick says and Coralei nods.

"Yeah, we had some glove at home and I blew it up and put a smiley face on it. She put one of the fingers in her mouth while I wasn't watching and then these hives came out. They were sticking out more earlier." RJ says to Dr. Dimick.

"She definitely is allergic to latex." Dr. Dimick says as she fixes Coralei's hair.

"Will the reaction get bad that she will need to go to the hospital?" Will asks Dr. Dimick.

"Well, to determine that she will need to go to an allergist to do the testing. But, you don't have to do that. I would just stay away from latex products and she will be just fine. I am actually gonna give her some Benadryl to help her breathe better and get rid of these hives. Do you mind?" Dr. Dimick asks Will and RJ.

"Absolutely! She can have whatever you give her." Will says to Dr. Dimick.

Dr. Dimick pours Coralei a dose of Benadryl and Coralei takes it.

"Yucky!" Coralei says as she sticks her tongue out.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, you will feel better soon!" Dr. Dimick says as Coralei crawls into RJ's lap. RJ rubs Coralei's back and kisses her cheek.

"She talks so well for her young age! And she is a very healthy girl! Just a latex allergy, not a big deal!" Dr. Dimick says as Coralei smiles.

"She listens to her brother talking a lot and copies him. Right?" Will says and Coralei nods.

"Yeah! I wuv bubba!" Coralei says and Dr. Dimick awes at her cute comment.

"Who is that?" Dr. Dimick says, pointing to RJ.

"Papi!" Coralei says happily and RJ smiles.

"And who is that?" Dr. Dimick says, pointing to Will.

"Daddy!" Coralei says with a big smile. Will smiles as he picks up Theodore who is awake.

"Who is that?" Dr. Dimick asks as Will hands her Theodore.

"Baby Teddy!" Coralei says as she hugs RJ.

Dr. Dimick takes off Theodore's outfit and checks his heart and lungs.

Dr. Dimick puts Theodore on the scale and Theodore opens his eyes.

"Ten pounds! He is growing a lot! Good work, Will! Your milk is making this boy chunky!" Dr. Dimick says making Theodore smile brightly.

Will and RJ smile brightly knowing Theodore is growing well. Dr. Dimick then checks how long Theodore is.

"Twenty two and a half! How long was he at birth?" Dr. Dimick asks Will and RJ.

"He was twenty one inches at birth." Will says as Dr. Dimick smiles at Theodore.

"He's growing perfectly! Keep up the good work! He can have bottles and pacifiers if you haven't done it yet." Dr. Dimick says as she begins to do the tests on Theodore.

"He uses bottles with ease and doesn't get confused." RJ says and Theodore yawns.

Dr. Dimick does all the testing they do on a one month old and Theodore passes them all!

Finally, Dr. Dimick gives Theodore a shot and Theodore only cried for a few seconds.

"Hi, guys! Coralei and Theodore had a great appointment! Theodore is doing awesome! Coralei is allergic to latex so we need to get rid of everything latex in our house. We are going to run errands and then head home. The pediatrician gave Coralei some Benadryl and she is feeling a lot better but she is sleepy and grumpy." Will says as he films Coralei fussing a little.

After running a few errands,Will, RJ, Coralei and Theodore head home. Will films RJ, Coralei and Theodore sleeping. Will films himself and Dobby outside together.

"RJ, Cora and Teddy are all sleeping. I have got a lot of work done and I may join them in taking a nap. So, see you guys later!" Will says as he waves.

- A few hours later -
"Hey guys! I haven't vlogged any today and I am so sorry! I have had a cold and I feel like crap still. Will has been taking care of me, I have the best husband ever. Coralei has been super grumpy. The pediatrician said the medicine she gave her could make her hyper  but it's making her sleepy. Theodore is fine after his shot though, so that's why Will isn't with me. So, let me get Benji and I'll be back!" RJ says as he waves.

RJ films himself walking into the school.

"Hi, bubba! Did you have fun today?" RJ asks as Benji hugs him.

"Papi! I lost my tooth! Look!" Benji says as he smiles.

"Woah! That's crazy! Do you have your tooth?" RJ asks Benji.

"Yes! Mrs. Fowler has it for me!" Benji says as he runs over to Mrs. Fowler's desk.

"Benji lost his first tooth! He asked me to hold it for him! The tooth fairy will come tonight!" Mrs. Fowler says with a big smile.

"Thank you for holding it for Benji. Will is going to be so happy. Benji, let's get going." RJ says as Benji grabs his book bag.

"My pleasure! Have a great day Benji! See you tomorrow!" Mrs. Fowler says as she waves at Benji and RJ.

"Bye, Mrs. Fowler!" Benji says as he holds RJ's hand.

"Our big boy lost his tooth! I can't believe it!" RJ says and Benji smiles.

"It didn't even wiggle and it just came out." Benji says.

"That means your big teeth are coming!" RJ says and Benji smiles.

RJ and Benji talk the whole way home. RJ telling Benji about Coralei's allergy and Theodore's appointment.

Once at home, RJ unlocks the door and they are greeted by Dobby.

"Bubba! Papi!" Coralei yells happily.

"Hey, honey bear! Are you happy now?" RJ asks Coralei and Coralei giggles.

Will is feeding a very hungry Theodore. "Hey, bubba! How was school?" Will asks as he hugs Benji.

"Good!" Benji says, smiling and showing off his missing top right tooth.

"Woah! When did this happen?" Will asks Benji.

"At lunch! It just came out when I took a bite of my food!" Benji says and RJ hands him the baggie with the small tooth.

"The tooth fairy is coming then!" Will says and Benji smiles happily.

"When does she come?" Benji asks Will and RJ.

"She comes at night time. You have to put your tooth underneath your pillow and she takes it to her house. And then she gives you money!" RJ says and Benji smiles brightly.

"Woah! That's so cool!" Benji says as he takes his homework out.

Will films a time lapse of Benji doing his homework and Coralei playing.

The rest of the day, Will and RJ spent much needed one on one time with the kids until they went to bed. After that, Will and RJ had a movie night together :)

Will posts a picture of Benji showing that one tooth fell out. He writes the caption as: "Benji lost his first tooth! I'm emotional! Well, the tooth fairy is going to come tonight! 🤓"

RJ posts a picture of Benji showing his missing tooth. He writes the caption as: "Tooth fairy is coming tonight! 💸 Benji is really excited. Will and I are emotional wreck tbh!"

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